Journal articles
- titre
- Relationship between Walking and Driving, and Cognitive Functioning Common to Both Modes of Mobility, in Healthy Older Adults
- auteur
- Chantal Chavoix, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Sylviane Lafont
- article
- Gerontology, 2023, 70 (2), pp.184-192. ⟨10.1159/000535115⟩
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- titre
- Parental occupational exposure to solvents and risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors among sons: a French nationwide case-control study (TESTIS study)
- auteur
- Margot Guth, Marie Lefevre, Corinne Pilorget, Astrid Coste, Shukrullah Ahmadi, Aurélie Danjou, Brigitte Dananché, Delphine Praud, Isabelle Koscinski, Aline Papaxanthos, Oxana Blagosklonov, Patricia Fauque, Olivia Pérol, Joachim Schüz, Louis Bujan, Ann Olsson, Béatrice Fervers, Barbara Charbotel
- article
- Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2023, 49 (6), pp.405-418. ⟨10.5271/sjweh.4102⟩
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- titre
- A prevalence study of driving anxiety in France
- auteur
- Alexandra Fort, Myriam Evennou, Christophe Jallais, Barbara Charbotel, Antonio Hidalgo-Muñoz
- article
- Journal of Transport and Health, 2023, 32, pp.101657. ⟨10.1016/j.jth.2023.101657⟩
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- titre
- Testicular germ cell tumour risk by occupation and industry: a French case-control study - TESTIS
- auteur
- Margot Guth, Astrid Coste, Marie Lefevre, Floriane Deygas, Aurélie Danjou, Shukrullah Ahmadi, Brigitte Dananche, Olivia Perol, Helen Boyle, Joachim Schuz, Louis Bujan, Catherine Metzler-Guillemain, Sandrine Giscard d'Estaing, Marius Teletin, Berengere Ducrocq, Cynthia Frapsauce, Ann Olsson, Barbara Charbotel, Béatrice Fervers Fervers
- article
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2023, 80 (7), 11 p. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2022-108601⟩
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- titre
- Mental health in hospitals: A cross-sectional study of the representations of professionals in a French university hospital
- auteur
- Ludivine Nohales, P. Leblanc, L. Rodriguez-Borlado-Salazar, N. Guibert, M. Ottavy, F. Subtil, P. Michel, J.B. Fassier
- article
- Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2023, 84 (3), pp.101703. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2022.101703⟩
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- titre
- Évaluation des conditions de travail et de l’état de santé des travailleurs en entrepôts et plateformes logistiques
- auteur
- M. Naili, E. Fort, L. Rollin, Ariane Leroyer, A. Gavoille, A. Desbas, B. Charbotel
- article
- Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2023, Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 84 (3), p.101669. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2022.10.001⟩
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- titre
- On the use of cross-validation for the calibration of the adaptive lasso
- auteur
- Nadim Ballout, Lola Etievant, Vivian Viallon
- article
- Biometrical Journal, 2023, 65 (5), pp.e2200047. ⟨10.1002/bimj.202200047⟩
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- titre
- A third vaccine dose equalises the levels of effectiveness and immunogenicity of heterologous or homologous COVID-19 vaccine regimens, Lyon, France, December 2021 to March 2022
- auteur
- Nicolas Guibert, Kylian Trepat, Bruno Pozzetto, Laurence Josset, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Omran Allatif, Kahina Saker, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Thierry Walzer, Philippe Vanhems, Sophie Trouillet-Assant
- article
- Eurosurveillance, 2023, 28 (15), ⟨10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.15.2200746⟩
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- titre
- Editorial pour Perfectionnement en Pédiatrie (français) et Archives de Pédiatrie (anglais) 1 La pédiatrie est en crise, mais les pédiatres le sont aussi !
- auteur
- J. Bacchetta, Emmanuel Fort, N. Peretti, C. Ohlmann, M. Mosca, E. Masson, M.-A. Denis, H. Desombre
- article
- Perfectionnement en Pédiatrie, 2023, 6 (1), pp.1-4. ⟨10.1016/j.perped.2023.01.011⟩
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- titre
- Connected device and therapeutic patient education to promote physical activity among women with localised breast cancer (DISCO trial): protocol for a multicentre 2×2 factorial randomised controlled trial
- auteur
- Marina Touillaud, Baptiste Fournier, Olivia Pérol, Lidia Delrieu, Aurélia Maire, Elodie Belladame, David Pérol, Lionel Perrier, Marie Preau, Tanguy Leroy, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Florie Fillol, Sébastien Pascal, Thierry Durand, Béatrice Fervers
- article
- BMJ Open, 2023, 11, pp.e045448. ⟨10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045448⟩
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- titre
- Occupational Risk Factors by Sectors: An Observational Study of 20,000 Workers
- auteur
- Luther Dogbla, Cédric Gouvenelle, Florence Thorin, François-Xavier Lesage, Marek Zak, Ukadike Chris Ugbolue, Barbara Charbotel, Julien S Baker, Bruno Pereira, Frédéric Dutheil
- article
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20 (4), pp.3632. ⟨10.3390/ijerph20043632⟩
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- titre
- Incidence of Burnout Syndrome among Anesthesiologists and Intensivists in France: The REPAR Study
- auteur
- Barnabé Berger, Pierre-Julien Cungi, Ségolène Arzalier, Thomas Lieutaud, Lionel Velly, Pierre Simeone, Nicolas Bruder
- article
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20 (3), 14 p. ⟨10.3390/ijerph20031771⟩
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- titre
- Pr. Patrick Loisel (1943-2022): A Pioneer, a Visionary Man, and Founding Father of Work Disability Prevention Research Field and Community
- auteur
- Johannes R. Anema, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
- article
- Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2023, 33 (1), pp.1-3. ⟨10.1007/s10926-023-10106-6⟩
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- titre
- Les effets du bruit sur la santé
- auteur
- Olivier Blond, Fanny Mietlicki, Anne-Sophie Evrard
- article
- Revue ADSP, 2023, 121, pp. 10-12
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- titre
- Respiratory function and physical fitness of Hospices Civils de Lyon staff with a long COVID; Effects of an exercise rehabilitation program
- auteur
- Y. Crosson Du Cormier, M. Prudent, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, E. Stauffer
- article
- Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2023, 84 (2), 9 p. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2022.101701⟩
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- titre
- Screening for psychosocial risks among physicians in a pediatric hospital
- auteur
- Marie-Agnès Denis, Jean Iwaz, Fabienne Dumetier, Ghislaine Poyard-Berger, Michel Vezina
- article
- Archives de pediatrie organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie, 2023, pp.S0929-693X(23)00150-1. ⟨10.1016/j.arcped.2023.09.004⟩
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- titre
- The role of noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in the effect of aircraft noise on self-reported health: the results of the DEBATS longitudinal study in France
- auteur
- Minon'Tsikpo Kossi Kodji, Emilie Lanoy, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard
- article
- Noise and Health, 2023, 25 (117), ⟨10.4103/nah.nah_1_23⟩
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- titre
- Occupational asbestos exposure and survival among lung cancer patients
- auteur
- Hugo Noelle, Olivia Perol, Maurice Perol, Virginie Avrillon, Elodie Belladame, Jérôme Fayette, Françoise Fournie, Aurélie Swalduz, Juliette Dessemon, Jean-Yves Blay, Eve-Marie Neidhardt, Pierre Saintigny, Mayeul Tabutin, Maxime Boussageon, Delphine Praud, Barbara Charbotel, Beatrice Fervers
- article
- Lung Cancer, 2023, 179, pp.107182. ⟨10.1016/j.lungcan.2023.107182⟩
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- titre
- Incidence of commuting accidents among non-physician staff in a large French university hospital centre from 2012 to 2016
- auteur
- Alexandre Ponsin, Emmanuel Fort, Martine Hours, Barbara Charbotel, Marie-Agnès Denis
- article
- Work, 2023, 22 p. ⟨10.3233/WOR-210815⟩
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- titre
- The impact of lockdown on mental health in PhD students, a cohort study in a French university]
- auteur
- Jérémy Gaudel, Saloua Ahalli, Emmanuel Fort, Yamina Bridai, Nicole Baborier, Barbara Charbotel
- article
- L'Encéphale, 2023, 10 p. ⟨10.1016/j.encep.2022.11.002⟩
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- titre
- Allergic contact dermatitis to diclofenac gel due to propylene glycol sensitization: usefulness of repeated open application tests to determine safer alternatives
- auteur
- Céline Lamouroux, Léa Bertolotti-Potachin, Barbara Charbotel, Audrey Nosbaum, Jean-François Nicolas
- article
- European Journal of Dermatology, 2023, 33 (1), pp.42-43. ⟨10.1684/ejd.2023.4409⟩
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- titre
- Supporting a laundry in the acquisition of professional exoskeletons
- auteur
- A. Gallet, Emmanuel Fort, M. Ottavy, Jean-Baptiste Fassier
- article
- Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2023, 84 (4), 13 p. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2023.101795⟩
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- titre
- The risk of road traffic crashes for occupational drivers: A responsibility study with comparison to the general population
- auteur
- Nicolas Guibert, Jean-Louis Martin, Blandine Gadegbeku, Emmanuel Lagarde, Barbara Charbotel
- article
- Work, 2023, 12 p. ⟨10.3233/WOR-220578⟩
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- titre
- Precision and Recall of Search Strategies for Identifying Studies on Work-Related Psychosocial Risk Factors in PubMed
- auteur
- Jean-Francois Gehanno, Isabelle Thaon, Carole Pelissier, Laetitia Rollin
- article
- Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2023, 9 p. ⟨10.1007/s10926-023-10110-w⟩
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- titre
- A Multicenter Study to Assess a Systematic Screening of Occupational Exposures in Lung Cancer Patients
- auteur
- Olivia Perol, Nadège Lepage, Hugo Noelle, Pierre Lebailly, Benoit de Labrusse, Bénédicte Clin, Mathilde Boulanger, Delphine Praud, Françoise Fournie, Géraud Galvaing, Frédéric Dutheil, Brigitte Le Meur, Daniel Serin, Eric Dansin, Catherine Nisse, Barbara Charbotel, Beatrice Fervers
- article
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20 (6), pp.5068. ⟨10.3390/ijerph20065068⟩
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- titre
- Design and Production of a Patient Guide to Support Return to Work after Breast Cancer: An Application of Intervention MappingConception et production d’un guide patient pour accompagner la reprise du travail après un cancer du sein : une application de l’Intervention Mapping
- auteur
- Guillaume Broc, Julien Carretier, Sabrina Rouat, Laure Guittard, Julien Peron, Beatrice Fervers, Laurent Letrilliart, Philippe Sarnin, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Marion Lamort-Bouché
- article
- Psycho-Oncologie, 2023, 17 (3), pp.167 - 179. ⟨10.32604/po.2023.044730⟩
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- titre
- A third vaccine dose equalises the levels of effectiveness and immunogenicity of heterologous or homologous COVID-19 vaccine regimens, Lyon, France, December 2021 to March 2022
- auteur
- Nicolas Guibert, Kylian Trepat, Bruno Pozzetto, Laurence Josset, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Omran Allatif, Kahina Saker, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Thierry Walzer, Philippe Vanhems, Sophie Trouillet-Assant
- article
- Eurosurveillance, 2023, 28 (15), ⟨10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.15.2200746⟩
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- titre
- Parental occupations at birth and risk of adult testicular germ cell tumors in offspring: a French nationwide case-control study
- auteur
- Adèle Paul, Aurélie M N Danjou, Floriane Deygas, Margot Guth, Astrid Coste, Marie Lefevre, Brigitte Dananche, Hans Kromhout, Johan Spinosi, Rémi Béranger, Olivia Pérol, Helen Boyle, Christel Hersant, Vanessa Loup‐cabaniols, Ségolène Veau, Louis Bujan, Ann Olsson, Joachim Schüz, Béatrice Fervers, Barbara Charbotel
- article
- Frontiers in Public Health, 2023, Frontiers in Public Health, 11, pp.1303998. ⟨10.3389/fpubh.2023.1303998⟩
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- titre
- Prior SARS-CoV-2 infection enhances and reshapes spike protein-specific memory induced by vaccination
- auteur
- Véronique Barateau, Loïc Peyrot, Carla Saade, Bruno Pozzetto, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Mad-Hélénie Elsensohn, Omran Allatif, Nicolas Guibert, Christelle Compagnon, Natacha Mariano, Julie Chaix, Sophia Djebali, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Bruno Lina, Katia Lefsihane, Maxime Espi, Olivier Thaunat, Jacqueline Marvel, Manuel Rosa-Calatrava, Andres Pizzorno, Delphine Maucort-Boulch, Laetitia Henaff, Mitra Saadatian-Elahi, Philippe Vanhems, Stéphane Paul, Thierry Walzer, Sophie Trouillet-Assant, Thierry Defrance
- article
- Science Translational Medicine, 2023, 15 (687), 17 p. ⟨10.1126/scitranslmed.ade0550⟩
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- titre
- A natural experiment to assess how urban interventions in lower socioeconomic areas influence health behaviors: the UrbASanté study
- auteur
- Hélène Charreire, Benoit Conti, Lucile Bauchard, Ndèye Aïta Cissé, Marlène Perignon, Pascaline Rollet, Coline Perrin, Sophie Blanchard, Céline Roda, Thierry Feuillet, Malika Madelin, Vincent Dupuis, Anne-Sophie Evrard, Anne-Peggy Hellequin, Isabelle Coll, Corinne Larrue, Sophie Baudet-Michel, Gabrielle Vernouillet, Fernande Ntsame-Abegue, Isabelle Fabre, Caroline Méjean, Jean‐michel Oppert, Urbasanté Study Group
- article
- BMC Public Health, 2023, 23 (1), 9 p. ⟨10.1186/s12889-023-15388-2⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- The carbon footprint of scientific visibility
- auteur
- Olivier Berné, Lydiane Agier, Antoine Hardy, Emmanuel Lellouch, Olivier Aumont, Jérôme J. Mariette, Tamara Ben-Ari
- article
- Environmental Research Letters, 2022, 17 (12), pp.124008. ⟨10.1088/1748-9326/ac9b51⟩
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- titre
- Paternal Occupational Exposure to Heavy Metals and Welding Fumes and Testicular Germ Cell Tumours in Sons in France
- auteur
- Shukrullah Ahmadi, Margot Guth, Astrid Coste, Liacine Bouaoun, Aurélie Danjou, Marie Lefevre, Brigitte Dananche, Delphine Praud, Martie van Tongeren, Louis Bujan, Olivia Perol, Joachim Schuz, Barbara Charbotel, Béatrice Fervers, Ann Olsson
- article
- Cancers, 2022, 14 (19), pp.4962. ⟨10.3390/cancers14194962⟩
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- titre
- Source apportionment of PM2.5 and their associated metallic elements by positive matrix factorization at a traffic site in Constantine, Algeria
- auteur
- Lamri Naidja, Hocine Ali-Khodja, Salah Khardi, Fairouz Bencharif-Madani, Ahmed Terrouche, Kanza Lokorai, Mokhtar Bouziane, Aurélie Charron
- article
- Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2022, 15 (12), pp.2137 - 2155. ⟨10.1007/s11869-022-01241-9⟩
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- titre
- Underreporting of occupational blood and body fluid exposure in French university hospitals in 2017
- auteur
- Thibault Battail, Emmanuel Fort, Marie-Agnès Denis, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Vincent Bonneterre, Frédéric Dutheil, Luc Fontana, Adèle Paul, Elsa Botokeky, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry
- article
- WORK, 2022, pp.1-11. ⟨10.3233/WOR-210007⟩
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- titre
- Economic valuation of preventing fatal and serious road injuries. Results of a Willingness-To-Pay study in four European countries
- auteur
- Annelies Schoeters, Maxime Large, Martin Koning, Laurent Carnis, Stjin Daniels, Dominique Mignot, Raschid Urmeew, Wim Wijnen, Frits Bijleveld, Martin van der Horst
- article
- Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2022, 173, 13p. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2022.106705⟩
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- titre
- French translation and adaptation of the \"Return to Work Self-Efficacy’ Scale - 11 items\" in patients diagnosed with a cancer
- auteur
- Bertrand Porro, Audrey Petit, Emmanuelle Bourbouloux, Philippe Colombat, Magalie Le-Blanc Onfroy, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Yves Roquelaure
- article
- Bulletin du Cancer, 2022, 109 (4), pp.465-476. ⟨10.1016/j.bulcan.2021.06.016⟩
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- titre
- Association of allergic diseases and epilepsy with risk of glioma, meningioma and acoustic neuroma: results from the INTERPHONE international case-control study
- auteur
- Brigitte Schlehofer, Maria Blettner, Monika Moissonnier, Isabelle Deltour, Graham G. Giles, Bruce Armstrong, Jack Siemiatycki, Marie-Elise Parent, Daniel Krewski, Christoffer Johansen, Anssi Auvinen, Anna Lahkolal, Martine Hours, Gabriele Berg-Beckhoff, Siegal Sadetzki, Susanna Lagorio, Toru Takebayashi, Naohito Yamaguchi, Alistair Woodward, Angus Cook, Tore Tynes, Lars Klaboe, Maria Feychting, Richard Feltbower, Anthony Swerdlow, Minouk Schoemaker, Elisabeth Cardis, Joachim Schuz
- article
- European Journal of Epidemiology, 2022, 37 (5), pp.503-512. ⟨10.1007/s10654-022-00843-y⟩
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- titre
- Incident hypertension in relation to aircraft noise exposure: results of the DEBATS longitudinal study in France
- auteur
- Aboud Kourieh, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Liacine Bouaoun, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne Sophie Evrard
- article
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2022, 49p. ⟨10.1136/oemed-2021-107921⟩
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- titre
- COVID-19 clusters in a teaching hospital during the second wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in France: a descriptive study and lessons learned for waves to come
- auteur
- Cédric Dananche, Christelle Elias, Nicolas Guibert, Sophie Gardes, Christine Barreto, Marie-Agnès Denis, Pascal Fascia, Solweig Gerbier, Béatrice Grisi, Nagham Khanafer, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Élodie Munier-Marion, Claudine Pasquet, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Philippe Vanhems
- article
- American Journal of Infection Control, 2022, 50 (9), pp.1060-1063. ⟨10.1016/j.ajic.2022.06.018⟩
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- titre
- Mental health and working constraints of first-year PhD students in health and science in a French university: a cross-sectional study in the context of occupational health monitoring
- auteur
- Saloua Ahalli, Emmanuel Fort, Yamina Bridai, Nicole Baborier, Barbara Charbotel
- article
- BMJ Open, 2022, 12 (6), pp.e057679. ⟨10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057679⟩
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- titre
- Expositions professionnelles et santé des conducteurs professionnels, quelles spécificités pour les chauffeurs de bus urbains?
- auteur
- K. Wei, Emmanuel Fort, L.Aetitia Rollin, A. Leroyer, Barbara Charbotel
- article
- Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de L'Environnement, 2022, 83 (5), pp.458-471. ⟨10.1016/j.admp.2022.03.001⟩
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- titre
- Exposition de la population au bruit émis par les éoliennes en France métropolitaine
- auteur
- Anne Sophie Evrard, David Ecotiere, Patrick Demizieux, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Gwenaël Guillaume
- article
- Environnement, Risques & Santé, 2022, 21 (5), pp.355-360. ⟨10.1684/ers.2022.1675⟩
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- titre
- Take-over performance of older drivers in automated driving: A review
- auteur
- Clara Gasne, Laurence Paire-Ficout, Stéphanie Bordel, Sylviane Lafont, Maud Ranchet
- article
- Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2022, 87, pp 347-364. ⟨10.1016/j.trf.2022.04.015⟩
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- titre
- Quantification of sound exposure from wind turbines in France
- auteur
- David Ecotière, Patrick Demizieux, Gwenael Guillaume, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Anne-Sophie Evrard
- article
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19 (1), 14 p. ⟨10.3390/ijerph19010023⟩
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- titre
- Road traffic accident-related thoracic trauma: Epidemiology, injury pattern, outcome, and impact on mortality?A multicenter observational study
- auteur
- Axel Benhamed, Amina Ndiaye, Marcel Emond, Thomas Lieutaud, Valérie Boucher, Amaury Gossiome, Bernard Laumon, Blandine Gadegbeku, Karim Tazarourte
- article
- PLoS ONE, 2022, 17 (5), pp.e0268202. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0268202⟩
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- titre
- General practitioners' management of patients consulting for "mental distress at work
- auteur
- Charlotte Nivon, Luc Fontana, Béatrice Trombert-Paviot, Jean Noel Bally, Carole Pelissier
- article
- Work, 2022, 72 (1), pp.343-350. ⟨10.3233/WOR-213633⟩
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- titre
- Traumatologie routière pendant la première période de confinement pour cause de pandémie de Covid-19 Registre du Rhône
- auteur
- Bernard Laumon, Hélène Tardy, Amina Ndiaye, Blandine Gadegbeku, Sylviane Lafont
- article
- Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire - BEH, 2022
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- titre
- Characteristics and comparison between e-scooters and bicycle-related trauma: a multicentre cross-sectional analysis of data from a road collision registry
- auteur
- Axel Benhamed, Amaury Gossiome, Amina Ndiaye, Karim Tazarourte
- article
- BMC Emergency Medicine, 2022, 22 (1), pp.164. ⟨10.1186/s12873-022-00719-0⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Estimated crash avoidance with the hypothetical introduction of automated vehicles: a simulation based on experts' assessment from French in-depth data
- auteur
- Claire Pilet, Céline Vernet, Jean-Louis Martin
- article
- European Transport Research Review, 2021, 13 (1), pp.65. ⟨10.1186/s12544-021-00521-2⟩
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- titre
- Domestic use of pesticides during early periods of development and risk of testicular germ cell tumors in adulthood: a French nationwide case-control study
- auteur
- Aurélie Danjou, Olivia Pérol, Astrid Coste, Elodie Faure, Rémi Béranger, Helen Boyle, Elodie Belladame, Lény Grassot, Matthieu Dubuis, Johan Spinosi, Liacine Bouaoun, Aude Fléchon, Louis Bujan, Véronique Drouineaud, Florence Eustache, Isabelle Berthaut, Jeanne Perrin, Florence Brugnon, Barbara Charbotel, Joachim Schüz, Béatrice Fervers
- article
- Environmental Health, 2021, 20, pp.111. ⟨10.1186/s12940-021-00795-y⟩
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- titre
- Evaluation of commercial anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody assays and comparison of standardized titers in vaccinated healthcare workers.
- auteur
- Kahina Saker, Vanessa Escuret, Virginie Pitiot, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry, Stéphane Paul, Bouchra Mokdad, Carole Langlois-Jacques, Muriel Rabilloud, David Goncalves, Nicole Fabien, Nicolas Guibert, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Antonin Bal, Sophie Trouillet-Assant, Mary-Anne Trabaud
- article
- Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2021, ⟨10.1128/JCM.01746-21⟩
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- titre
- Early nasal type I IFN immunity against SARS-CoV-2 is compromised in patients with autoantibodies against type I IFNs
- auteur
- Jonathan Lopez, Marine Mommert, William Mouton, Andrés Pizzorno, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Mehdi Mezidi, Marine Villard, Bruno Lina, Jean-Christophe Richard, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Valérie Cheynet, Blandine Padey, Victoria Duliere, Thomas Julien, Stéphane Paul, Paul Bastard, Alexandre Belot, Antonin Bal, Jean-Laurent Casanova, Manuel Rosa-Calatrava, Florence Morfin, Thierry Walzer, Sophie Trouillet-Assant
- article
- Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2021, 218 (10), ⟨10.1084/jem.20211211⟩
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- titre
- Publisher correction: Clinical and laboratory characteristics of symptomatic healthcare workers with suspected COVID-19: a prospective cohort study
- auteur
- Antonin Bal, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Alexandre Gaymard, Grégory Quéromès, Nicolas Guibert, Emilie Frobert, Maude Bouscambert, Mary-Anne Trabaud, Florence Allantaz-Frager, Guy Oriol, Valérie Cheynet, Constance d'Aubarede, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Marlyse Buisson, Julien Lupo, Bruno Pozzetto, Pascal Poignard, Bruno Lina, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Florence Morfin, Sophie Trouillet-Assant, Jerôme Adnot, Dulce Alfaiate, Alain Bergeret, André Boibieux, Florent Bonnet, Florence Brunel-Dalmas, Eurydice Caire, Barbara Charbotel, Pierre Chiarello, Laurent Cotte, Constance d'Aubarede, François Durupt, Vanessa Escuret, Pascal Fascia, Juliette Fontaine, Lucie Gaillot-Durand, Myriam Gillet, Matthieu Godinot, François Gueyffier, Laurence Josset, Matthieu Lahousse, Hélène Lozano, Djamila Makhloufi, Marie-Paule Milon, Frédéric Moll, David Narbey, Julie-Anne Nazare, Fatima Oria, Marielle Perry, Virginie Pitiot, Mélanie Prudent, Muriel Rabilloud, Audrey Samperiz, Isabelle Schlienger, Chantal Simon, Martine Valette
- article
- Scientific Reports, 2021, 11 (1), pp.19317. ⟨10.1038/s41598-021-99051-z⟩
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- titre
- Specific detection of memory T‐cells in COVID‐19 patients using standardized whole‐blood Interferon gammarelease assay
- auteur
- William Mouton, Christelle Compagnon, Kahina Saker, Soizic Daniel, Sophia Djebali, Xavier Lacoux, Bruno Pozzetto, Guy Oriol, Daphné Laubreton, Margaux Prieux, Jean‐baptiste Fassier, Nicolas Guibert, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchéry, Dulce Alfaiate, Franck Berthier, Thierry Walzer, Jacqueline Marvel, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Sophie Trouiller-Assant
- article
- European Journal of Immunology, 2021, 51 (12), pp.3239-3242. ⟨10.1002/eji.202149296⟩
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- Relationship between occupational exposure to airborne nanoparticles, nanoparticle lung burden and lung diseases
- auteur
- Valérie Forest, Jérémie Pourchez, Carole Pélissier, Sabyne Audignon Durand, Jean-Michel Vergnon, Luc Fontana
- article
- Toxics, 2021, 9 (9), pp.204. ⟨10.3390/toxics9090204⟩
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- titre
- Effect of Home Exercise Training in Patients with Nonspecific Low-Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- auteur
- Chloe Quentin, Reza Bagheri, Ukadike C. Ugbolue, Emmanuel Coudeyre, Carole Pelissier, Alexis Descatha, Thibault Menini, Jean-Baptiste Bouillon-Minois, Frederic Dutheil
- article
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (16), pp.8430. ⟨10.3390/ijerph18168430⟩
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- titre
- Clinical and laboratory characteristics of symptomatic healthcare workers with suspected COVID-19: a prospective cohort study
- auteur
- Antonin Bal, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Alexandre Gaymard, Grégory Quéromès, Nicolas Guibert, Emilie Frobert, Maude Bouscambert, Mary-Anne Trabaud, Florence Allantaz-Frager, Guy Oriol, Valérie Cheynet, Constance d'Aubarede, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Marlyse Buisson, Julien Lupo, Bruno Pozzetto, Pascal Poignard, Bruno Lina, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Florence Morfin, Sophie Trouillet-Assant, Jerôme Adnot, Dulce Alfaiate, Alain Bergeret, André Boibieux, Florent Bonnet, Florence Brunel-Dalmas, Eurydice Caire, Barbara Charbotel, Pierre Chiarello, Laurent Cotte, François Durupt, Vanessa Escuret, Pascal Fascia, Juliette Fontaine, Lucie Gaillot-Durand, Myriam Gillet, Matthieu Godinot, François Gueyffier, Laurence Josset, Matthieu Lahousse, Hélène Lozano, Djamila Makhloufi, Marie-Paule Milon, Frédéric Moll, David Narbey, Julie-Anne Nazare, Fatima Oria, Marielle Perry, Virginie Pitiot, Mélanie Prudent, Muriel Rabilloud, Audrey Samperiz, Isabelle Schlienger, Chantal Simon, Martine Valette
- article
- Scientific Reports, 2021, 11 (1), pp.14977. ⟨10.1038/s41598-021-93828-y⟩
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- titre
- An innovative method to estimate lifetime prevalence of carcinogenic occupational circumstances: the example of painters and workers of the rubber manufacturing industry in France
- auteur
- Claire Marant Micallef, Adèle Paul, Hadrien Charvat, Jérôme Vignat, Marie Houot, Corinne Pilorget, Kurt Straif, Mounia El Yamani, Isabelle Soerjomataram
- article
- Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 2021, 31 (4), pp.769-776. ⟨10.1038/s41370-020-00272-7⟩
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- titre
- Six-month antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers assessed by virus neutralization and commercial assays
- auteur
- Antonin Bal, Mary-Anne Trabaud, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Muriel Rabilloud, Kahina Saker, Carole Langlois-Jacques, Nicolas Guibert, Adèle Paul, Dulce Alfaiate, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Virginie Pitiot, Florence Morfin-Sherpa, Bruno Lina, Bruno Pozzetto, Sophie Trouillet-Assant, Adnot Jérôme, Alfaiate Dulce, Bal Antonin, Bergeret Alain, Boibieux André, Bonnet Florent, Bourgeois Gaëlle, Brunel-Dalmas Florence, Caire Eurydice, Charbotel Barbara, Chiarello Pierre, Cotte Laurent, Constance d'Aubarede, Durupt François, Escuret Vanessa, Fascia Pascal, Fassier Jean-Baptiste, Fontaine Juliette, Gaillot-Durand Lucie, Gaymard Alexandre, Gillet Myriam, Godinot Matthieu, Gueyffier François, Guibert Nicolas, Josset Laurence, Lahousse Matthieu, Lina Bruno, Lozano Hélène, Makhloufi Djamila, Massardier-Pilonchéry Amélie, Milon Marie-Paule, Moll Frédéric, Morfin Florence, Narbey David, Nazare Julie-Anne, Oria Fatima, Paul Adèle, Perry Marielle, Pitiot Virginie, Prudent Mélanie, Rabilloud Muriel, Samperiz Audrey, Schlienger Isabelle, Simon Chantal, Trabaud Mary-Anne, Trouillet-Assant Sophie, Valette Martine
- article
- Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 2021, 27 (6), pp.933-935. ⟨10.1016/j.cmi.2021.01.003⟩
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- titre
- Medicine consumptions and occupational road risk
- auteur
- Manon Bourdeau, Nicolas Guibert, Emmanuel Fort, Sebastien Boulogne, Emmanuel Lagarde, Barbara Charbotel
- article
- Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2021, 158, pp.106202. ⟨10.1016/j.aap.2021.106202⟩
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- titre
- Incidence of Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Influenza Among Healthcare Workers: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study
- auteur
- Thomas Bénet, Sélilah Amour, Martine Valette, Mitra Saadatian-Elahi, Ludwig Serge Aho-Glélé, Philippe Berthelot, Marie-Agnès Denis, Jacqueline Grando, Caroline Landelle, Karine Astruc, Adeline Paris, Sylvie Pillet, Bruno Lina, Philippe Vanhems, Marc Bardou, Jean-Baptiste Bour, Luc Fontana, Marie-Reine Mallaret, Julien Lupo, Patrice Morand, Pierre Pothier, Bruno Pozzetto, Olivier Robert, Henri Jacques Smolik
- article
- Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2021, 72 (9), pp.e311-e318. ⟨10.1093/cid/ciaa1109⟩
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- titre
- Self-rated health status in relation to aircraft noise exposure, noise annoyance or noise sensitivity: the results of a cross-sectional study in France
- auteur
- Clemence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Patricia Champelovier, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Anne-Sophie Evrard
- article
- BMC Public Health, 2021, 21 (116), 11p. ⟨10.1186/s12889-020-10138-0⟩
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- titre
- Traumatismes consécutifs aux accidents de trottinettes
- auteur
- G. Bagou, Amina Ndiaye, D. Hugenschmitt, G. Ebroussard, C. Gerbaud, K. Tazarourte
- article
- Annales françaises de médecine d'urgence, 2021, 11 (3), pp.144-149. ⟨10.3166/afmu-2021-0325⟩
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- titre
- The role of aircraft noise annoyance and noise sensitivity in the association between aircraft noise levels and medication use: results of a pooled analysis from seven European countries
- auteur
- Clémence Baudin, Marie Lefevre, Wolfgang Babisch, Ennio Cadum, Patricia Champelovier, Konstantina Dimakopoulou, Danny Houthuijs, Jacques Lambert, Bernard Laumon, Goran Pershagen, Stephen Stansfeld, Venetia Velonaki, Anna L. Hansell, Anne-Sophie Evrard
- article
- BMC Public Health, 2021, 300 (21), 15p. ⟨10.1186/s12889-021-10280-3⟩
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- titre
- Telework and Psychological Health in Hospital Staff during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Epidemic in France
- auteur
- Carole Pelissier, Joelane Paredes, Martine Moulin, Thierry Bitot, Eric Fakra, Luc Fontana
- article
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (19), pp.10433. ⟨10.3390/ijerph181910433⟩
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- titre
- Specific detection of memory T-cells in COVID-19 patients using standardized whole-blood Interferon gammarelease assay. Letter to the editor
- auteur
- William Mouton, Christelle Compagnon, Kahina Saker, Soizic Daniel, Sophia Djelabi, Xavier Lacoux, Bruno Pozzetto, Guy Oriol, Daphné Laubreton, Margaux Prieux, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Nicolas Guibert, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Dulce Alfaiate, Franck Berthier, Thierry Walzer, Jacqueline Marvel, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Sophie Trouiller-Assant
- article
- European Journal of Immunology, 2021, 4p. ⟨10.1002/eji.202149296⟩
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- titre
- Psycho-organizational and medical factors in burnout in French medical and surgery residents
- auteur
- Luc Fontana, A. Rojo Romeo, Carole Pelissier
- article
- Psychology, Health & Medicine, 2021, 11 p. ⟨10.1080/13548506.2021.1916960⟩
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- titre
- Avoidance and personal and occupational quality of life in French people with driving anxiety
- auteur
- Alexandra Fort, Boris Collette, Myriam Evennou, Christophe Jallais, Barbara Charbotel, A.N Stephens, Antonio R. Hidalgo-Munoz
- article
- Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2021, 80, pp 49-60. ⟨10.1016/j.trf.2021.03.019⟩
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- titre
- Development and Validation of a Predictive Model of Hypovitaminosis D in General Adult Population: SCOPYD Study
- auteur
- Marie Viprey, Blandine Merle, Benjamin Riche, Julie Freyssenge, Pascal Rippert, Mohammed-Amine Chakir, Thierry Thomas, Sandrine Malochet-Guinamand, Bernard Cortet, Véronique Breuil, Roland Chapurlat, Marie-Hélène Lafage Proust, Marie-Christine Carlier, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Julie Haesebaert, Pascal Caillet, Muriel Rabilloud, Anne-Marie Schott
- article
- Nutrients, 2021, 13 ((8)), 16 p. ⟨10.3390/nu13082526⟩
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- titre
- Organophosphate pesticide exposure during pregnancy and childhood and onset of juvenile delinquency by age 16 years: The CHAMACOS cohort
- auteur
- Celine Vernet, Megan Johnson, Katherine Kogut, Carly Hyland, Julianna Deardorff, Asa Bradman, Brenda Eskenazi
- article
- Environmental Research, 2021, 197, 22 p. ⟨10.1016/j.envres.2021.111055⟩
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- titre
- Faciliter et soutenir le retour au travail après un cancer du sein : partenariat chercheurs-acteurs dans un processus de modélisation d'une intervention
- auteur
- Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Sabrina Rouat, Laure Guittard, Guillaume Broc, Julien Carretier, Julien Peron, Philippe Sarnin, Béatrice Fervers, Laurent Letrilliart, Léa Lancelot, Selma Baka, Marion Lamort Bouche
- article
- Global Health Promotion, 2021, 28, pp.15-23. ⟨10.1177/1757975921993358⟩
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- titre
- Efficiency of an Optimized Care Organization in Fibromyalgia Patients: The From Intent to Move (FIMOUV) Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial
- auteur
- Claire Colas, Julie Goutte, Christelle Creac'h, Luc Fontana, Marie-Pierre Vericel, Jessica Manzanares, Marie Peuriere, Madjid Akrour, Charly Martin, Emilie Presles, Nathalie Barth, Jessica Guyot, Maël Garros, Béatrice Trombert, Catherine Massoubre, Frédéric Roche, Léonard Feasson, Hubert Marotte, Pascal Cathebras, David Hupin
- article
- Frontiers in Public Health, 2021, 9, pp.554291. ⟨10.3389/fpubh.2021.554291⟩
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- titre
- Estimated number of seriously injured road users admitted to hospital in France between 2010 and 2017, based on medico-administrative data
- auteur
- Anthony Zullo, Maxime Large, Emmanuelle Amoros, Jean-Louis Martin
- article
- BMC Public Health, 2021, 21 ((1)), p469. ⟨10.1186/s12889-021-10437-0⟩
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- titre
- Understanding Experiences of Fibromyalgia Patients Involved in the Fimouv Study During COVID-19 Lockdown
- auteur
- Claire Colas, Audrey Jumel, Marie-Pierre Vericel, Nathalie Barth, Jessica Manzanares, Julie Goutte, Luc Fontana, Léonard Feasson, David Hupin, Jessica Guyot
- article
- Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12, 9p. ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2021.645092⟩
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- titre
- Six-month antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers assessed by virus neutralization and commercial assays
- auteur
- Antonin Bal, Mary-Anne Trabaud, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Muriel Rabilloud, Kahina Saker, Carole Langlois-Jacques, Nicolas Guibert, Adèle Paul, Dulce Alfaiate, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Virginie Pitiot, Florence Morfin-Sherpa, Bruno Lina, Bruno Pozzetto, Sophie Trouillet-Assan
- article
- Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 2021, 3p. ⟨10.1016/j.cmi.2021.01.003⟩
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- titre
- Immunogenicity and efficacy of heterologous ChAdOx1-BNT162b2 vaccination
- auteur
- Bruno Pozzetto, Vincent Legros, Sophia Djebali, Véronique Barateau, Nicolas Guibert, Marine Villard, Loïc Peyrot, Omran Allatif, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Karen Brengel-Pesce, Melyssa Yaugel-Novoa, Solène Denolly, Bertrand Boson, Thomas Bourlet, Antonin Bal, Martine Valette, Thibault Andrieu, Bruno Lina, François-Loïc Cosset, Stéphane Paul, Thierry Defrance, Jacqueline Marvel, Thierry Walzer, Sophie Trouillet-Assant
- article
- Nature, 2021, 600 (7890), pp.701-706. ⟨10.1038/s41586-021-04120-y⟩
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- titre
- Exposure of paediatric healthcare personnel to nitrous oxide in paediatric care units
- auteur
- Marie-Agnès Denis, Charlotte Pete-Bonneton, Benjamin Riche, Robert Cadot, Amélie Massardier-Pilonchery, Jean Iwaz, Barbara Charbotel
- article
- Industrial Health, 2021, 60 (3), pp.276-283. ⟨10.2486/indhealth.2021-0067⟩
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- titre
- Is Isocyanate Exposure and Occupational Asthma Still a Major Occupational Health Concern? Systematic Literature Review
- auteur
- Elie Coureau, Luc Fontana, Céline Lamouroux, Carole Pelissier, Barbara Charbotel
- article
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (24), pp.13181. ⟨10.3390/ijerph182413181⟩
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- titre
- Factors Associated with Psychological Distress in French Medical Students during the COVID-19 Health Crisis: A Cross-Sectional Study
- auteur
- Carole Pelissier, Manon Viale, Philippe Berthelot, Brigitte Poizat, Catherine Massoubre, Theophile Tiffet, Luc Fontana
- article
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (24), pp.12951. ⟨10.3390/ijerph182412951⟩
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- titre
- Factors associated with back complaints among French medical students
- auteur
- Carole Pelissier, Josephine Lemaitre, Hubert Marotte, Vincent Bonneterre, Barbara Charbotel, Frédéric Dutheil, Paul Vercherin, Luc Fontana
- article
- Joint Bone Spine, 2021, 88 (2), pp.105110. ⟨10.1016/j.jbspin.2020.105110⟩
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- titre
- The ED/TEG Indicator for the Identification of Endocrine Disrupting or Toxic Effects on Endocrine Glands of Crop Protection Products Used in Organic and Conventional Agriculture in France
- auteur
- Adèle Paul, Johan Spinosi, Mounia El Yamani, Anne Maitre, Barbara Charbotel
- article
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (7), pp.3477. ⟨10.3390/ijerph18073477⟩
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- titre
- Pooling and comparing noise annoyance scores and High Annoyance (HA) responses on the 5-point and 11-point scales: principles and practical advice.
- auteur
- Marc Brink, Lise Giorgis-Allemand, Dirk Schreckenberg, Anne-Sophie Evrard
- article
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18 (14), pp.7339. ⟨10.3390/ijerph18147339⟩
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