Conference papers
- titre
- Radio receivers based on spin-torque diodes as energy detectors
- auteur
- Imadeddine Bendjeddou, Ahmed Sidi El Valli, Artem Litvinenko, Yannis Le Guennec, Florence Podevin, Romain Lebrun, Sylvain Bourdel, Emmanuel Pistono, Dominique Morche, Alex Jenkins, Ricardo Ferreira, Mafalda Jotta Garcia, V. Cros, P. Bortolotti, U. Ebels
- article
- NEWCAS 2021 - 19th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference, Jun 2021, Toulon, France. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/NEWCAS50681.2021.9462731⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Magnetic random access memories (MRAM) beyond information storage
- auteur
- Ricardo C. Sousa, A. Chavent, V. Iurchuk, L. Vila, U. Ebels, B. Dleny, G. Di Pendina, G. Prenat, J. Langer, J. Wrona, I.L. Prejbeanu
- article
- 2020 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology, Jun 2020, Honolulu, United States. ⟨10.1109/VLSITechnology18217.2020.9265053⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Hybrid PLL system for spin torque oscillators utilizing custom ICs in 0.18 μm BiCMOS
- auteur
- Martin Kreisig, Steffen Wittrock, Florian Protze, Romain Lebrun, Karla Merazzo, Marie-Claire Cyrille, Ricardo Pinto Ferreira, Paolo Bortolotti, Ursula Ebels, Vincent Cros, Frank Ellinger
- article
- 2017 IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Aug 2017, Boston, France. pp.910-913
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- titre
- Spintronic based RF components
- auteur
- U. Ebels, J. Hem, A. Purbawati, A. Calafora, C. Murapaka, L. Vila, K. Jaimes Merazzo, E. Jimenez, M.C. Cyrille, R. Ferreira, M. Kreissig, R. Ma, F. Ellinger, R. Lebrun, S. Wittrock, V. Cros, P. Bortolotti
- article
- 2017 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium ((EFTF/IFC), Jul 2017, BESANÇON, France. pp.66-67
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Conference papers
- titre
- Control of Sub-Nanosecond Precessional Magnetic Switching in STT-MRAM Cells for SRAM Applications
- auteur
- B. Lacoste, M. Marins De Castro, R. C. Sousa, I. L. Prejbeanu, L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, S. Auffret, U. Ebels, B. Rodmaq, B. Dieny
- article
- IEEE 8th International Memory Workshop (IMW), May 2016, Paris, France. ⟨10.1109/IMW.2016.7495262⟩
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