Journal articles

- titre
- Spray drift in viticulture: A dataset to analyse the influence of spray application techniques, hedges and their combination on the reduction of sedimentary drift, aerial drift and exposure of bystanders
- auteur
- Adrien Vergès, Sébastien Codis, Elodie Trinquier, Benjamin Perriot, David Pasquier, Yoan Hudebine, Florence Verpont, Jean-Paul Douzals, Carole Bedos, Sonia Grimbuhler, Marianne Sellam, Olivier Naud
- article
- Data in Brief, 2024, 57, pp.110819. ⟨10.1016/j.dib.2024.110819⟩
- resume
- In 2021 and 2022, the national and cross-sector project CAPRIV funded by the French Ministry of Agriculture, made it possible to assess the influence of application techniques associated or not with a hedge or an anti-drift net on spray drift and bystander exposure. The acronym CAPRIV stands for "Concilier l'application des PPP et la protection des riverains" (Reconciling the use of PPPs and the protection of residents), within the orchard, viticulture, and field crops sectors. This specific data article focuses on viticulture. In viticulture, over the two years, 10 different spray application techniques were tested. For 3 of them the influence of a hedge on drift mitigation was also evaluated. All the trials were conducted on the “EoleDrift” test bench, with an artificial vegetation and an artificial wind. Spray drift has been measured according to a common protocol harmonised between cropping sectors within the project using three different types of passive drift collectors that were set up downwind of the treated field. Petri dishes collected sedimentary drift, PVC wires collected airborne drift and cotton T-shirts placed on manikins were used to assess potential dermal exposure of bystanders. The plant protection mix was simulated by a dilution of a fluorescent dye in water. The collected mass of dye was measured using a classical technique with dilution and concentration evaluation. Two fluorescent dyes were successively used, Brillant Sulfaflavine and Sulforhodamine B. A total amount of 4770 collectors were analysed individually. The data set provides a drift index for each collector expressed as the quantity of dye recovered per unit area of collector on the quantity of dye applied per unit area on the sprayed field multiplied by 100.
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- titre
- An experimental and modeling approach to describe the deactivation of cellulases at the air–liquid interface
- auteur
- Laura Cachafeiro, Senta Heiss-Blanquet, Damien Hudebine
- article
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2024, 121 (6), pp.1927-1936. ⟨10.1002/bit.28698⟩
- resume
- Understanding the reaction mechanisms involved in the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose is important because it is kinetically the most limiting step of the bioethanol production process. The present work focuses on the enzymatic deactivation at the air–liquid interface, which is one of the aspects contributing to this global deactivation. This phenomenon has already been experimentally proven, but this is the first time that a model has been proposed to describe it. Experiments were performed by incubating Celluclast cocktail solutions on an orbital stirring system at different enzyme concentrations and different surface‐to‐volume ratios. A 5‐day follow‐up was carried out by measuring the global FPase activity of cellulases for each condition tested. The activity loss was proven to depend on both the air–liquid surface area and the enzyme concentration. Both observations suggest that the loss of activity takes place at the air–liquid surface, the total amount of enzymes varying with volume or enzyme concentration. Furthermore, tests performed using five individual enzymes purified from a Trichoderma reesei cocktail showed that the only cellulase that is deactivated at the air–liquid interface is cellobiohydrolase II. From the experimental data collected by varying the initial enzyme concentration and the ratio surface to volume, it was possible to develop, for the first time, a model that describes the loss of activity at the air‐liquid interface for this configuration.
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- titre
- Spray drift in field crops: A dataset to analyse the influence of air induction nozzles, hedges, and their combination on the reduction of sedimentary drift, aerial drift and exposure of bystanders
- auteur
- Benjamin Perriot, David Pasquier, Yoan Hudebine, Florence Verpont, Adrien Vergès, Sébastien Codis, Jean-Paul Douzals, Carole Bedos, Sonia Grimbuhler, Marianne Sellam, Olivier Naud
- article
- Data in Brief, 2024, 54, pp.110366. ⟨10.1016/j.dib.2024.110366⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Dérive : les enjeux pour réduire l’exposition des riverains
- auteur
- Jean Paul Douzals, Marianne Sellam, Benjamin Perriot, David Pasquier, Sébastien Codis, Adrien Verges, Florence Verpont, Yoan Hudebine, Carole Bedos, Benjamin Loubet, Eric Cotteux, Sonia Grimbuhler
- article
- Phytoma , 2023, 762, pp.40-44
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Conference papers
- titre
- Spray drift measurements in 3D crops using several collection methods. Evaluation of different spraying scenarios in the French context
- auteur
- Adrien Verges, Florence Verpont, Jean Paul Douzals, Yoan Hudebine, Sébastien Codis, Elodie Trinquier, Olivier Naud, Sonia Grimbuhler
- article
- The 16th SUPROFRUIT Workshop, INRAE, Sep 2023, Montpellier, France
- resume
- In Europe, the assessment of PPP for their registration takes into account the risks of bystander exposure to spray drift by including safety distances. As a result, a significant proportion of agricultural land can no longer receive PPP treatments, which has a significant economic impact. To determine the width of safety distances, the risk assessments are made according to EFSA guidance (2014) that considers a drift reduction of maximum 50%. In this context, several European projects have studied the performance of various means of reducing drift (OBO Netherlands, PROPULPPP Belgium).The question is whether there are any means to reduce these distances without degrading, or even improving, the protection of bystanders and residents against the risks of exposure to PPP.For this purpose, in the French context, several measurements of drift levels observed in different phytosanitary treatment scenarios, including different spray application techniques and physical barriers for drift mitigation (hedges and nets), have been carried out.The methodology used for drift measurement was based on simultaneous measurement of sedimentary drift, airborne drift and dermal exposure. This methodology was developed in consultation with ANSES (French risk assessment agency) and described in IAPA 2022 (Verpont et al., 2022). Sulfo-Rhodamine B was used as tracer. Sedimentary drift was measured using 5 lines of Petri dishes 14cm in diameter set at 2, 3, 5, 10 and 20m from the last sprayed row. Airborne drift was measured using horizontal wires of 2mm diameter and 7m long. Wires were arranged every 50 cm high up to 6 and 12m high respectively for vineyard and orchard trials. The collection device was set at 5m from the last sprayed row. Dermal exposure was measured using cotton long sleeved tee-shirt worn by manikins as collectors. 1 and3 manikins per distance (3, 5, 10 and 20m) were set respectively for vineyards and orchards.Wind conditions complied with the requirements of the standard ISO 22866 : 2006.Orchard tests were made in field conditions, on an adult apple orchard (4 m high, mid or full stage vegetation, row spacing 4 m). Vineyard tests were made in artificial conditions using the “EoleDrift” test bed, including artificial vegetation and a wind generator. The tests were carried out using vegetation that mimicked an early growth (BBCH 53). The row spacing was 2.5 m.For viticulture tests, some tests scenarios included a 2.5 m high laurel (Laurus nobilis) hedge using potted plants located at 2m from the last sprayed row. For orchard tests, some tests scenarios included a 4 m high net (Alt’dérive net) positioned 4m from the last row and deployed over the entire 60-metre length of the orchard. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONDrift reduction rates from the reference scenario for each scenario of spraying and each drift collection method are represented in Fig. 1 & 2 below respectively dedicated to vineyard and orchard contexts. For sedimentary drift and dermal exposure, average deposition from 3 to 20 m from the last sprayed row was considered. For airborne drift, deposits over the entire height of the collection plan were considered. This work confirms that there are spraying techniques that significantly reduce spray drift compared to the most common practices. Several scenarios make it possible to obtain drift reductions significantly higher than 50% which is the only reduction rate considered by EFSA guidance (2014).Independent from the spraying scenario, a strong correlation between the three drift collection methods has been observed. This opens up the prospect of further work aimed at simplifying measurement protocols. REFERENCES Verpont, F., Hudebine, Y., Perriot, B., Verges, A., Douzals, JP., Bedos, C., Grimbuhler, S., Sellam, M. How to conciliate application of plant protection products and protection of bystanders -CAPRIV: a French collaborative project. International advances in pesticides application, Aspects of applied biology 147, 2022
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- titre
- PerformancePulvé arbo: comparative assessment of orchard sprayer efficiency under standardized indoor conditions
- auteur
- Yoan Hudebine, Florence Verpont, Harmony Carmagnat, Adrien Vergès, Sébastien Codis, Anice Cheraïet, Jean-Paul Douzals, Olivier Naud
- article
- In 16th Suprofruit Conference on spray application and precision technology in fruit growing, 2023, Montpellier, France
- resume
- Spray quality is a key point to optimise the use of plant protection products while maintaining the effectiveness of the crop protection. The French Plan Ecophyto2+ encourages the use of high-performance application techniques. This requires the ability to assess and classify sprayers on objectively measured indicators. The PerformancePulvé® sprayers labelling system, targeted to winegrowers, guarantees the performance of vine sprayers through an objective assessment of their sprayer’s quality and potential in terms of plant protection products reduction through trials (Vergès et al., 2017). The trials are carried out on the EvaSprayViti test bench, which mimics 4 rows of vine at 3 different growth stages. The objective of the Performance Pulvé Arbo project (2021-2023) is to extend this approach to the fruit-growing sector. A new test bench that mimics three rows of orchard has been developed to assess performances of fruit trees sprayers in terms of deposits and drift. The characteristics of the test bench were determined according to a panel of LiDAR characterizations of more than 200 orchards located in France. To overcome climatic conditions and to be able to work all year-round, the tests are carried out indoor a platform located at CTIFL in Bergerac. This article presents the ongoing work on the performance of the deposits of the project PerformancePulvé Arbo led by the CTIFL, in partnership with IFV and INRAe.
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Journal articles

- titre
- Measuring local strategies to address the determinants of population health : development and application of the CLoterreS instrument
- auteur
- Yann Le Bodo, Rose Fonteneau, Dieinaba Diallo, Cyrille Harpet, Hervé Hudebine, Françoise Jabot, William Sherlaw, Candan Kendir, Yann Bourgueil, Eric Breton
- article
- Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2022, 70 (6), pp.286-298. ⟨10.1016/j.respe.2022.09.073⟩
- resume
- Background Local governments are well-positioned to promote healthy behaviours and environments. In France, since 2009, this role can be reinforced by signature of a Local Health Contract with the Regional Health Agency. This multi-year scheme includes an action plan which may cover four areas: health promotion, disease prevention, health care and long-term care. Although approximately 400 Local Health Contracts had been signed by 2018, we found only sparse evidence on the context in which they were formulated and the contents of their action plans. Based on the international literature, the CLoterreS study aimed to develop an instrument characterizing the contracts’ action plans, with a specific focus on prevention and health promotion. This paper presents an assessment and application of the CLoterreS instrument. Methods The instrument was developed and applied in five steps: 1) development of the contextual and thematic variables; 2) pre-testing of a coding chart and its coding guide; 3) consultation with practitioners; 4) assessment of inter-rater agreement; and 5) application of the instrument to a nationally-stratified random sample of 53 contracts. Results While inter-rater agreement by type of variables was satisfactory (κ > 0.7), some variables had to be discarded due to lack of information or insufficient agreement. The analysis indicates that most of the 53 contracts studied were signed in urban areas, on the scale of a single town or a syndicate of municipalities. The action plans are clearly focused on life circumstances, health promotion and protection or primary prevention of diseases, insofar as, on average, 73% of the contracts’ action forms address at least one of these topics. The proportion of action forms dealing with at least one topic in secondary or tertiary prevention, long-term care or the organisation of health care and services is nevertheless substantial (43%). Illustrations of actions are presented. Conclusion Building on internationally recognized evidence-based practice, the CLoterreS instrument has proven useful in characterizing health promotion action plans at the local level. Its use by practitioners could foster a broader vision of the scope of actions that can be implemented through a Local Health Contract and in conjunction with other local prevention and access-to-care schemes.
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Conference papers

- titre
- Are French local health contracts promising in addressing determinants of diet and physical activity?
- auteur
- Yann Le Bodo, Dieinaba Diallo, H Hudebine, Cyrille Harpet, Françoise Jabot, Eric Breton
- article
- 15th European Public Health Conference Strengthening health systems: improving population health and being prepared for the unexpected Berlin, Nov 2022, Berlin, Germany. ⟨10.1093/eurpub/ckac129.590⟩
- resume
- Background: There is a consensus on the need to transform the built, economic and socio-cultural environments to promote healthy eating (HE) and physical activity (PA). Yet, limited capacity and the biomedicalisation of public health are often blamed for steering investments towards individual risk factors. In France, local health contracts (LHCs) agreed between a regional health agency (RHA) and a local government could improve health promotion strategies. We examined how LHCs take into account the environmental determinants of HE and PA. Methods: Using the CLoterreS national census, we analysed a stratified random sample of 53 LHCs with a view to identify if actions target individual (knowledge, skills, etc.) or environmental (interpersonal, organisational, community or political) determinants. To this end, we developed an instrument drawing from different typologies of action and consensus documents to assess the integration of the socioecological approach in programmes. We ran a series of interviews with RHA staff (n = 39) and local actors (n = 23) to put into context our results.Results: Out of 53 LHCs, 42 included at least one action on HE or PA. For these topics, there was a higher proportion of actions targeting individuals (83% and 76% per contract, respectively) than environments (51% and 58%). For the latter, actions on interpersonal determinants (e.g. family) were the most common. However, we also found instances of actions on more distal ones (e.g. to improve nutrition standards in school canteens and walkability). Contextual factors such as local priorities, past experience with health promotion and the involvement of local actors in needs assessment and action planning may influence such orientations.Conclusions: LHCs constitute a promising avenue to address the environmental determinants of health-related behaviours. A key feature of this instrument is its capacity to develop intersectoral strategies. Further research will show if LHCs deliver on their action plan.
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- titre
- How to conciliate application of plant protection products and protection of bystanders - CAPRIV: a French collaborative project
- auteur
- F Verpont, Y Hudebine, B Perriot, A Verges, Jean Paul Douzals, Carole Bedos, Sonia Grimbuhler, Marianne Sellam
- article
- International Advances in Pesticide Application, Chamber of Agriculture of North Rhine-Westphalia, Sep 2022, MUNSTER, Germany
- resume
- People living nearby agricultural crops may be exposed to plant protection products emitted from the sprayed fields. Risk management measures include safety distances that establish a minimal distance between the sprayed zone and the limit of the agricultural plot adjacent to an inhabited place or frequented by bystanders. These references have been considered in the new French regulation of 27 December 2019 on measures to protect people when using plant protection products. In the absence of a specific safety distance set in the label, a minimum untreated distance of 20 m is now required for the most toxic products. For other products, the safety distance has been set at 10 m for orchards and vineyards and 5 m in field crops. The French project CAPRIV aims at better determining the effect of drift reducing technologies (DRT) on the exposure of residents (bystanders). Spray drift occurs at the time of the application and mainly depends on the droplet size distribution (liquid phase), the typology of the spray application techniques and the atmospheric conditions. Post-application volatilization (gaseous phase) depends essentially on the characteristics of the product (volatility) and atmospheric conditions. The first step of the project focused on spray drift and consisted in developing and evaluating a harmonized methodology for assessing simultaneously sedimentation drift, airborne drift and resident's exposure. This methodology is implemented during the 2021 season on field crops, orchards and in controlled conditions on an artificial vineyard.
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Book sections
- titre
- The Contribution of Health Promotion Research to Advancing Local Policies: New Knowledge, Lexicon and Practice–Research Network
- auteur
- Eric Breton, Yann Le Bodo, Dieinaba Diallo, William Sherlaw, Cyrille Harpet, Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research, Vol. 1, Springer International Publishing, pp.399-414, 2022, 978-3-030-97211-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-97212-7_27⟩
- resume
- Health promotion research is deeply rooted in the principles and values of the health promotion movement and in the Alma-Ata Declaration’s drive towards a new concept of local health systems. Policies and strategies to improve population health by mobilizing local resources and actors are the central objects of investigation and are often subsumed into a larger body of studies that conducts population health intervention research. In this chapter, we reflect on an investigation (the CLoterreS project) of a policy instrument defined in the French national legislation to improve coordination and mobilization of the local actors to reduce inequities in health. We first present the key features of health promotion research and those of our object of investigation followed by an account of how the current context of health promotion research shaped our strategy to strengthen our capacity to study this object and inform policies. We then present some of our main results along with their impact on practice and policy. We found that our practitioner–researcher partnership contributed to enhancing interest for health promotion research and provided a new lexicon of actions at the local level and opportunities to intervene in different policy fora. This partnership also sets our project on a course, thus allowing to grab other research opportunities.
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- titre
- L'ESS dans la petite enfance et le grand âge à l'heure néolibérale
- auteur
- Melaine Cervera, Hervé Defalvard, Ingrid Fasshauer, Hervé Hudebine, Laëtitia Lethielleux, Vincent Lhuillier, Yannig Robin
- article
- [Rapport de recherche] Chaire d'économie sociale et solidaire Université Gustave Eiffel. 2022, pp.90
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Journal articles
- titre
- L'effet réseau alimente des actions collectives de prévention en santé très significatives
- auteur
- Cyrille Harpet, Eric Breton, Yann Le Bodo, Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Hospimedia, 2021
- resume
- La prévention et promotion en santé occupe une place non négligeable dans les contrats locaux de santé, d'après le projet de recherche CLOTERRES porté par un consortium pluridisciplinaire, dont l'EHESP. Les collectivités sont alors invitées à s'engager dans cette voie même si la santé n'est pas dans leur champ de compétences. C'est le bon moment.
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Conference papers
- titre
- Local health contracts as instruments of cross-sectoral collaboration: the French CLoterreS study
- auteur
- Eric Breton, Yann Le Bodo, Dieinaba Diallo, Cyrille Harpet, Hervé Hudebine, Françoise Jabot, William Sherlaw
- article
- 16th World Congress on Public Health 2020 Public Health for the future of humanity: analysis, advocacy and action, EPH Conference Foundation, Oct 2020, Virtual Edition, France. pp.ckaa166.431, ⟨10.1093/eurpub/ckaa166.431⟩
- resume
- Background Although recognised as essential, the role of local governments in promoting health remains under investigated. Yet their mandate directly impacts living conditions and promotes SDGs. In France, 'local health contracts' (LHCs) mobilise local decision-makers in 4 areas: health promotion, prevention, health care and social care. The CLoterreS study assesses the extent to which LHCs foster health-promoting actions through cross-sectoral collaboration. Methods We conducted 49 semi-structured interviews with staff from all Regional health agencies (RHAs) and local stakeholders. We analysed the action plans of a stratified random sample of 53 LHCs from the 165 signed between 2015 and March 2018. We used a validated multidimensional coding tool based on WHO's Essential Public Health Operations and other consensus documents. Results LHC's contribution to health promotion through cross-sectoral collaboration depends on a mix of factors. Among barriers, the improvement of access to health care is often a primary driver for local elected officials. However, political will and past experience in establishing 'win-win' relationships with other sectors is an advantage, as well as the fact that RHAs generally make LHCs an instrument to coordinate health promotion efforts instead of ad hoc funding of isolated actions. Overall, 73% of LHCs' actions address living conditions, health promotion or primary prevention. LHCs frequently target behavioural determinants such as physical activity or diet (44 out of 53) with an emphasis on individual or interpersonal targets. A few innovative actions situated at the intersection of urban planning, transportation, recreational or food environments illustrate the potential for further cross-sectoral action on living conditions. Conclusions LHCs are vehicles for health promotion. Reinforcing cross-sectoral action implies leadership, resource mobilisation, training and coordination of sectors whose health is not a core priority. Key messages In France, Local health contracts (LHCs) are significantly used for health promotion. Cross-sectoral collaboration in this area implies further capacity building beyond the health care sector at the regional and local levels.
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Journal articles
- titre
- Analysing local public health action plans: development of a tool for the French CLoterreS Study
- auteur
- Yann Le Bodo, R. Fonteneau, Cyrille Harpet, H Hudebine, Françoise Jabot, William Sherlaw, Eric Breton
- article
- European Journal of Public Health, 2019, 29 (Supplement_4), ⟨10.1093/eurpub/ckz186.468⟩
- resume
- Background The potential contribution of local authorities to prevention and health promotion is well recognized. In France, since 2009, Local Health Contracts (LHCs) are mobilising Regional Health Agencies, local elected officials and stakeholders to intervene in 4 areas: health promotion, prevention, health care and social care. LHCs remain poorly documented policy instruments. MethodsAs part of the CLoterreS study, a multidimensional coding tool was developed and tested by two coders to explore the place of prevention and health promotion in LHCs. Its development was based on the WHO conceptual framework for action on the social determinants of health and the Self-assessment tool for the evaluation of essential public health operations in the WHO European Region. Preliminary results concern a random sample of 17 LHCs from as many French regions selected among the 165 LHCs signed between 2015 and March 2018. Results On average, the LHCs featured 26 action forms (AF) (min: 5; max: 56). In a LHC, the average proportion of AF addressing either the social determinants of health, living circumstances or other determinants targeted by health protection, promotion or primary prevention interventions (SDoH-HPP-P1) was 79% while 44% of the AF address secondary/tertiary prevention, social care or the organization of health care and services. Among the SDoH-HPP-P1 themes (double coding permitted): psychosocial life circumstances were addressed in the 17 LHCs and concerned, on average, 31% of their AF; material living circumstances were addressed to a lesser extent (16 LHCs, 13%); other key themes include environmental health (12, 14%), mental health (16, 12%), alcohol abuse (15, 11%), drug use (14, 11%), smoking (13, 9%), physical activity (13, 12%), healthy eating (12, 12%). Conclusions This work confirms that LHCs are instruments with prevention and health promotion at their core. Explanation of the differing investments in this area across our sample will be further explored. Key messages Local Health Contracts are promising instruments to address locally a broad range of health determinants. The CLoterreS analytical tool has proven effective in capturing multiple themes and shedding light on differences between Local Health Contracts’ action plans.
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- titre
- Workshop régional Innoseta sur la pulvérisation en viticulture
- auteur
- Maude Lewis, Sébastien Codis, Adrien Verges, Anice Cheraïet, Xavier Delpuech, Adrien Liénard, Elodie Trinquier, Olivier Naud, Jean Paul Douzals, Mathilde Carra, Yoan Hudebine, Xavier Ribeyrolles
- article
- Phytoma , 2019, 728, pp.12-16
- resume
- Contexte - Le premier workshop européen Innoseta organisé en juin dernier à Montpellier a permis d’échanger autour des outils susceptibles d’améliorer la qualité de la pulvérisation en viticulture. Si certains sont encore cours de développement, d’autres existent déjà mais restent peu, voire non connus. Comment favoriser leur appropriation par les producteurs ? Lors de la journée technique, différents projets d’évaluation des performances des pulvérisateurs ont également été présentés. Ateliers - Au cours de chacun des quatre ateliers du workshop (qualité de pulvérisation, réduction de la dérive, remplissage et nettoyage du pulvérisateur, nouvelles technologies), les participants ont sélectionné les innovations qui leur paraissaient les plus importantes à promouvoir auprès des agriculteurs. Puis ils ont discuté sur les moyens permettant de favoriser leur appropriation sur le terrain.
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- titre
- Innovations in Healthcare and Wellbeing: A Focus on Actors and Collaborations at the Boundaries
- auteur
- Corinne Grenier, Bertrand Pauget, Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 2019, n°30 (3), pp.1. ⟨10.3917/jie.030.0001⟩
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- titre
- Innovations in Healthcare and Wellbeing: A Focus on Actors and Collaborations at the Boundaries
- auteur
- Corinne Grenier, Bertrand Pauget, Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 2019, n°30 (3), pp.1. ⟨10.3917/jie.030.0001⟩
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Poster communications
- titre
- Analysing local public health action plans: development of a tool for the French CLoterreS Study
- auteur
- Yann Le Bodo, Rose Fonteneau, Cyrille Harpet, H Hudebine, Françoise Jabot, William Sherlaw, Eric Breton
- article
- 12th European Public Health Conference "Building bridges for solidarity and public health", Nov 2019, Marseille, France.
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Conference papers
- titre
- Hiérarchie, management et participation : variations sectorielles et régionales dans l’hybridation des modes de gouvernance des politiques médico-sociales
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- colloque La participation dans les politiques sociales et médico-sociales : quelle(s) autonomie(s) pour les acteurs ?, LABERS – RT6 AFS, UBO, Oct 2018, Brest, France
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- titre
- Innovation et inclusion sociales dans un contexte de reverticalisation du pilotage des politiques d’accompagnement à l’autonomie
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- séminaire EURODIR, IRTES de Bordeaux, Oct 2018, Bordeaux, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- “Managing Central-Local and Intersectoral Tensions in French Social and Long-Term Care Policies: Subsectoral, Regional and Infra-Regional Variations in the Hybridization of Governance Models”
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Annual ESPAnet Conference, Université de Vilnius, Aug 2018, Vilnuis, Lithuania
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- titre
- Gouvernance participative des politiques sanitaires et médico-sociales et reproductions des inégalités régionales et locales
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Colloque « Santé : équité ou égalité ? Définir, mesurer, agir », IFERISS, Université de Toulouse, May 2018, Toulouse, France
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- titre
- Journée d’étude « évaluation sociale et médico-sociale », Master IDS
- auteur
- Alain Penven, Hervé Hudebine
- article
- [Travaux universitaires] LABERS (LABoratoire d'Etudes et de Recherche en Sociologie). 2018
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- titre
- Expertise d’un projet de recherche dans le cadre de l’appel à projets Handicap et perte d'autonomie
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- [Rapport de recherche] IRESP. 2018
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Journal articles
- titre
- JLes acteurs de la loi HPST confrontés à la recentralisation du secteur médicosocial
- auteur
- Jourdain A, Jorge Muñoz, Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Santé Publique, 2017, 29 (3), pp.345-360
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Les acteurs de la loi HPST confrontés à la recentralisation du secteur médicosocial
- auteur
- Alain Jourdain, Jorge Muñoz, Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Santé Publique, 2017, 29 (3), pp.345-360. ⟨10.3917/spub.173.0345⟩
- resume
- Hypothèse : Par la loi HPST du 21 juillet 2009, l’État semble vouloir reprendre en mains le contrôle du secteur médicosocial en utilisant les instruments élaborés pour le secteur hospitalier, budgets contraints, contrats d’objectifs et de moyens, mise en concurrence des établissements et services, etc. Aussi, l’hypothèse d’une recentralisation des politiques médicosociales par les Agences Régionales de Santé en France (ARS) a été posée dans cet article.Méthode et données : L’analyse sémantique de 27 entretiens avec les acteurs internes et externes des ARS a été réalisée à l’aide du logiciel Alceste afin de décrire et analyser le positionnement de l’ARS avec les acteurs-clés du secteur médicosocial dans deux régions en 2011.Résultats : Le style de planification et la forme du transfert des savoir-faire du sanitaire ont mobilisé les institutions, alors que l’intensité du virage ambulatoire et les modalités d’analyse des besoins mobilisaient les professionnels. Les compromis ont été dépendants de la forme de légitimité démocratique, élective ou participative.Conclusion : L’hypothèse de la recentralisation de la politique de santé par les ARS lors de la période 2009-2013 peut être rejetée au profit d’une reconfiguration des activités et des ressources des acteurs régionaux au centre (ARS et Conseils Départementaux) mais aussi à la périphérie (Délégations territoriales, Fédérations d’associations).
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Conference papers
- titre
- “Long-Term Care Policy Governance in France”
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- conference Integrare sanità e sociosanitario: unificare o distinguere?, université Bocconi, Oct 2017, Milan, Italie
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- titre
- “New Public Governance in Social and Long Term Care policies at the sub-central level in France”
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Transforming Care Conference, Politecnico Milano, Jun 2017, Milan, Italie
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- titre
- La nouvelle gouvernance des politiques médicosociales : variations régionales
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine, Grenier C
- article
- Colloque Santé, Marseille, Kedge BS, 17 et 18 mai 2017, Soutenir durablement l’innovation dans l’écosystème de la santé : Innovons pour innover !, May 2017, Marseille, France
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Book sections
- titre
- Politiques britanniques de la drogue (1985-1997) : un succès pour la sociologie ?
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- in Barbier J-L., Plesse M., dir., Protection sociale :le savant et la politique, La Découverte, Collection Recherches/rt6, pp.82-99, 2017
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Poster communications
- titre
- Stratégies locales de prévention primaire et de promotion de la santé : Le projet de recherche CLoterreS sur les Contrats Locaux de Santé
- auteur
- Eric Breton, R. Fonteneau, Cyrille Harpet, H. Hudebine, Françoise Jabot, A. Le Ru, L. Potvin, William Sherlaw
- article
- 10 ans de l'IReSP : Journées de la recherche en santé publique, Nov 2017, Paris, France.
- resume
- Présentation du projet CLoterreS par un poster aux 10 ans de l’IRESP : Journées de la recherche en Santé publique.
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- titre
- Innovation and Hybridization in Regional and Local LTC Governance Models: Case Studies from France",
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- [University works] séminaire du CERGAS, université Bocconi, Milan. 2017
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- titre
- Réponse à l’appel à projets « Open Research Area for the Social Sciences », déposé le 05/07/2017.Titre : Sub-Central Innovation in Long-Term Care Policies (porteur). Réponse à l’appel à projets de l’Independent Research Fund (Danemark), « The elderly care crisis as a travelling discourse », sous la driection de Hanne Marlene Dahl – université de Roskiled (membre de l’équipe pour la France).
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- [University works] LABERS (LABoratoire d'Etudes et de Recherche en Sociologie). 2017
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Journal articles
- titre
- Mechanistic modeling of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose integrating substrate morphology and cocktail composition.
- auteur
- Maïté Huron, Damien Hudebine, Nicolas Lopes Ferreira, Dominique Lachenal
- article
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2016, 113 (5), pp.1011-1023. ⟨10.1002/bit.25873⟩
- resume
- A complete mechanistic model of enzymatic hydrolysis taking into account the morphology of the cellulosic particles and its evolution with time was developed. The individual behavior of the main enzymes involved in the reaction (cellobiohydrolases, endoglucanases and β-glucosidases), as well as synergy effects, were also included. A large panel of experimental tests was done to fit and validate the model. This database included different enzymes mixtures and operating conditions and allowed to determine and compare with accuracy the adsorption and kinetic parameters of the different enzymes. Model predictions on short hydrolysis times were very satisfactory. On longer times, a deactivation constant was added to represent the hydrolysis slowdown. The model also allowed to predict the impact of enzymes ratios and of initial substrate parameters (chain length distribution, polymerization degree) on hydrolysis, and to follow the evolution of these parameters with time. This model revealed general trends on the impact of cellulose morphology on hydrolysis. It is a useful tool to better understand the mechanisms involved in enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and to determine optimal cellulolytic cocktails for process design.
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- titre
- Impact of delignification on the morphology and the reactivity of steam exploded wheat straw.
- auteur
- Maïté Huron, Damien Hudebine, Nicolas Lopes Ferreira, Dominique Lachenal
- article
- Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 79, pp.104-109. ⟨10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.10.040⟩
- resume
- The purpose of this article was to better understand the role of lignin in the recalcitrance of lignocellulosicbiomass during enzymatic hydrolysis. Steam exploded wheat straw was partially delignified with sodiumchlorite to six different grades of delignification. Delignification did not have a significant impact on theenzymatic hydrolysis of the studied wheat straw in the experimental conditions tested. Inhibitive impactof lignin in terms of non-productive adsorption was then explored using soda lignin from wheat straw andkraft lignin from softwood. The addition of both lignins had a strong negative influence on the hydrolysis of highly crystalline cellulose (Avicel), whereas it impacted only slightly the hydrolysis of delignifiedwheat straw. These results are probably linked to the greater accessibility and surface area of steamexploded wheat straw cellulose, which are much higher than those of the crystalline cellulose Avicel.
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- titre
- A Review of Kinetic Modeling Methodologies for Complex Processes
- auteur
- Luís Pereira de Oliveira, Damien P Hudebine, Denis P Guillaume, Jan J Verstraete
- article
- Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles, 2016, 71 (3), pp.45. ⟨10.2516/ogst/2016011⟩
- resume
- In this paper, kinetic modeling techniques for complex chemical processes are reviewed. After a brief historical overview of chemical kinetics, an overview is given of the theoretical background of kinetic modeling of elementary steps and of multistep reactions. Classic lumping techniques are introduced and analyzed. Two examples of lumped kinetic models (atmospheric gasoil hydrotreating and residue hydroprocessing) developed at IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) are presented. The largest part of this review describes advanced kinetic modeling strategies, in which the molecular detail is retained, i.e. the reactions are represented between molecules or even subdivided into elementary steps. To be able to retain this molecular level throughout the kinetic model and the reactor simulations, several hurdles have to be cleared first: (i) the feedstock needs to be described in terms of molecules, (ii) large reaction networks need to be automatically generated, and (iii) a large number of rate equations with their rate parameters need to be derived. For these three obstacles, molecular reconstruction techniques, deterministic or stochastic network generation programs, and single-event micro-kinetics and/or linear free energy relationships have been applied at IFPEN, as illustrated by several examples of kinetic models for industrial refining processes.
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- titre
- Deep hydrodesulfurization of FCC gasoline and gas oil cuts: Comparison of CO effect, a by-product from biomass
- auteur
- Florian Pelardy, Maxime Philippe, Fréderic Richard, Antoine Daudin, Elodie Devers, Damien Hudebine, Sylvette Brunet
- article
- Comptes Rendus. Chimie, 2016, 19 (10), pp.1266-1275. ⟨10.1016/j.crci.2015.12.006⟩
- resume
- Regarding the composition of the various feedstocks which should be hydrotreated in order to obtain fuels with amount of sulfur less than 10 wt ppm, we have shown that the presence of traces of CO, a by-product from lignocellulosic biomass feedstock conversion, inhibited the transformation of model compounds representative of FCC gasolines and gas oils over CoMo-based sulfide catalysts. Thus, this effect is more significant in the presence of 2-methylthiophene and 2,3-dimethylbut-2-ene representative of a FCC gasoline than in the presence of dibenzothiophene and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene representative of a straight run gas oil, even if the operating conditions are not the same. This effect is attributed to phenomena of competitive adsorption between sulfur compounds, alkenes and CO on the catalyst surface.
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Conference papers
- titre
- “Promoting Democracy and Participation in Social and Long Term Care while Reducing the Scope for Social Innovation”
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- 3rd conference Espanet Poland, “Social Investment and Development”, Université de Varsovie, Sep 2016, Varsovie, Poland
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- titre
- Innovation and change in social and long-term care policies at the sub-central level: proposal for a European research network
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- [0] LABERS-UBO, LISE-CNAM, 1-2/12/2016. (Coordonné par H Hudebine – 12 participants). 2016
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Journal articles
- titre
- The United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: Opportunities and tensions within the social inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities
- auteur
- William Sherlaw, Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Alter: European Journal of Disability Research / Revue européenne de recherche sur le handicap, 2015, 9 (1), pp. 9-21. ⟨10.1016/j.alter.2014.08.001⟩
- resume
- The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities opens up opportunities to drive forward inclusive policy for people with disability. It also may serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of policy aimed at improving the lives of people with disabilities. For this to occur, it is vital to fix priorities for evaluation using participatory research methods that place disabled people and especially those who are ‘hard to reach’ at the heart of the participatory process. Within this process, it will be vital to stress the commonality of disability since the goals of different organizations representing disabled people may be in tension. It is also crucial when evaluating policy to be clear of ones definitions and aims. There are also fundamental tensions within the concept of social inclusion. In particular, it is vital to take into account the potential tension between a social justice agenda founded on redistribution or recognition. This may be particularly well-illustrated through the case of cochlear implants and infantile screening for deafness. Nevertheless, it is also equally crucial to preserve a space for both dimensions within the policy agenda. This may partly be achieved through participatory parity where all participants within the deliberative process have the possibility of equal status and voice. Ultimately, both tensions associated with the participatory process and the principles underlying inclusion will be resolved through making choices that are necessary for action. It is preferable such choices are made by disabled people themselves. Such choices may be informed through participatory action research in which disabled people are involved.
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Conference papers
- titre
- Résultats de l’enquête sur les ARS
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Les ARS face aux ESMS : acteurs ou metteurs en scène ?, Université d’Angers, Faculté de droit, Nov 2015, Angers, France
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Book sections
- titre
- Les ARS : une nouvelle institution pour une nouvelle forme de régulation de l’action publique dans le champ médico-social
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine, Alain Jourdain, Jorge Muñoz
- article
- Collectivités, territoires et santé. Regards croisés sur les frontières de la santé, GRALE, Paris, L’Harmattan, L’Harmattan, pp. 155-177, 2015, Collection : Grale, 978-2-343-05275-5
- resume
- Cet ouvrage collectif interroge le rôle et la place des collectivités territoriales au sein du système de santé et du secteur médico-social français qui ont été très sensiblement modifi és par la loi Hôpital, patients, santé et territoires du 21 juillet 2009, la révision générale des politiques publiques (ou la « modernisation de l’action publique » aujourd’hui) et la dernière réforme territoriale (loi du 16 décembre 2010). Au cœur de cet ouvrage collectif, c’est la « territorialisation » des politiques publiques – concept analytique ou mot d’ordre réformateur ? – qui est interrogée. Au-delà, les différentes contributions rassemblées permettent de comprendre comment se rejoue un ensemble de « frontières » traditionnelles dans ce domaine : entre échelons local, national et européen ; entre social, médico-social et santé publique ; entre acteurs publics et acteurs privés ; entre politiques de santé et politiques ayant un impact social et sanitaire. Dans le sillage des publications antérieures du GRALE, le pari de cet ouvrage est de concilier trois objectifs : un objectif interdisciplinaire (droit, science politique, économie, gestion, sociologie, anthropologie, STAPS, géographie), un objectif comparatif (infranational et sectoriel), un objectif de recherche-action (à travers le dialogue et la confrontation des regards entre universitaires, élus et professionnels de la santé). Aussi, cet ouvrage devrait rencontrer l’intérêt des professionnels de santé, des élus locaux et fonctionnaires territoriaux concernés, tout autant que des universitaires et étudiants en Master 2. (Résumé de l'ouvrage)
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- titre
- Une nouvelle forme organisationnelle pour une nouvelle forme de régulation de l’action publique dans le champ médicosocial ?
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine, Jorge Muñoz, A. Jourdain
- article
- in Collectivités, territoires et santé. Regards croisés sur les frontières de la santé, Alam U. et Gurruchaga M. (dir.), L’Harmattan, pp.155-176, 2015, GRALE
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- titre
- La démocratie dans le secteur médico-social en question
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- [0] LABERS, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, UFR Lettres, Sciences Humaines et Sociales, 11-12/09/2015. (Coordonné par H Hudebine -15 participants). 2015
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Journal articles
- titre
- Les premières années des ARS dans le secteur médico-social
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine, Alain Jourdain, Jorge Muñoz
- article
- Journal de gestion et d’économie médicales, 2014, Vol. 32 (1), pp.81-96. ⟨10.3917/jgem.141.0081⟩
- resume
- Les agences régionales de la santé mise en place en 2010 ont pour mission d’assurer la mise en œuvre des objectifs nationaux de réduction des inégalités, d’amélioration de l’efficience et de la démocratie dans le champ de la santé. Ces missions s’étendent au secteur médico-social, historiquement marqué par une construction par en bas de l’offre de services, régulée conjointement par les services déconcentrés et décentralisés. L’objectif de cet article est de comprendre les changements intervenus dans la gouvernance de ce secteur en s’interrogeant notamment sur les marges d’autonomie des acteurs concernés. Une enquête exploratoire reposant sur 32 entretiens semi-directifs et une analyse documentaire a été menée à cette fin dans deux régions. Dans une première phase, les exécutifs des ARS étudiées mobilisent leurs marges pour jouer le jeu de la démocratie sanitaire, tant en ce qui concerne le découpage de leurs territoires d’intervention que l’organisation de processus de consultation en vue de l’élaboration des projets régionaux de santé. Dans une seconde phase, l’impact des régulations nationales, qui reposent sur le déploiement d’instrument de cadrages, fait apparaître les limites des marges des exécutifs des ARS, tant en termes stratégique que d’allocation financière. Il apparaît toutefois que la légitimité et la mise en œuvre effective des politiques médico-sociales implique la prise en compte (en amont ou en aval des processus) de l’interdépendance des ARS avec les conseils généraux, qui conservent des ressources politiques et financières.
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- titre
- Les premières années des ARS dans le secteur médico-social.
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine, A. Jourdain, Jorge Muñoz
- article
- Journal de gestion et d’économie médicales, 2014, n° (1), p., 1 (32), pp.81-96
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- titre
- The United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: Opportunities and tensions within the social inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities
- auteur
- William Sherlaw, Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Alter: European Journal of Disability Research / Revue européenne de recherche sur le handicap, 2014, 9 (1), pp.9-21
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Conference papers
- titre
- Le rôle des sociologues et les usages de la sociologie dans les politiques britanniques de prise en charge des usagers de drogues dans les années 1980 et 1990
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Protection sociale, politiques sociales et solidarités, Les Usages de la Sociologie des Politiques Sociales,, Colloque du réseau de l’Association Française de Sociologie, Oct 2014, Dijon, France
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- titre
- The new regional governance of long term care in France
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Joint Seminar: Comparing Health Systems and Practice – Baden-Württemberg (Germany), Brittany (France), & Wales (UK), Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Families, Women and Senior Citizens, May 2014, Stuttgart, Germany
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- titre
- Les ARS et la recomposition du système politico-administratif territorial
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine, Grenier C, Jourdain A, Rihal Hervé
- article
- Groupe de Recherche sur l’Administration Locale en Europe, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Mar 2014, Paris, France
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Journal articles
- titre
- Transformation of dibenzothiophenes model molecules over CoMoP/Al2O3 catalyst in the presence of oxygenated compounds
- auteur
- M. Philippe, F. Richard, D. Hudebine, S. Brunet
- article
- Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013, 132, pp.493-498. ⟨10.1016/j.apcatb.2012.12.029⟩
- resume
- Decanoic acid is one of the most inhibiting compounds with CO in the transformation of the most refractory sulfur compounds in gas oils. Unlike phenols compounds, decanoic acid and CO its main by-product present a strong inhibiting effect in the conversion of sulfur compounds. The effects are due to phenomena of competitive adsorption between sulfur and oxygen compounds on the catalyst surface. Furthermore, according to oxygenated molecules, the impact on both transformation pathways (HYD and DSD) mainly involved in HDS of gas oils is not the same. Decanoic acid and CO have a greater impact on the DSD way involved in the transformation of DBT than in HYD way involved in the transformation of 46DMDBT. These results confirmed that these two reactions require two different sites located in sulfur and metal edges of the catalyst
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- titre
- Membrane fractionation of biomass fast pyrolysis oil and impact of its presence on a petroleum gas oil hydrotreatment.
- auteur
- Ana Pinheiro, Damien Hudebine, Nathalie Dupassieux, Nadège Charon, Christophe Geantet
- article
- Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles, 2013, 68 (5), pp.815-828
- resume
- In order to limit the greenhouse effect causing climate change and reduce the needs of the transport sector for petroleum oils, transformation of lignocellulosic biomass is a promising alternative route to produce automotive fuels, chemical intermediates and energy. Gasification and liquefaction of biomass resources are the two main routes that are under investigation to convert biomass into biofuels. In the case of the liquefaction, due to the unstability of the liquefied products, one solution can be to perform a specific hydrotreatment of fast pyrolysis bio-oils with petroleum cuts in existing petroleum refinery system. With this objective, previous studies [Pinheiro et al., 2009], [Pinheiro et al., 2011] have been carried out to investigate the impact of oxygenated model compounds on a straight run gas oil (SRGO) hydrotreatment using a CoMo catalyst. The authors have demonstrated that the main inhibiting effects are induced from CO and CO2 produced during hydrodeoxygenation of esters and carboxylic acids. To go further, cotreatment of a fast pyrolysis oil with the same SRGO as used in the previous studies was investigated in this present work. Firstly the bio-oil was separated into four fractions by membrane fractionation using 400 and 220 Da molecular weight cut-off membranes. The bio-oil and its fractions were analyzed by spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques. Then, one fraction (i.e. fraction enriched in compounds with molecular weight from 220 to 400 Da) was mixed with the SRGO and co-treated. Despite some experimental difficulties mainly due to the emulsion instability, the hydrotreatment was successful. An inhibition has been observed on the HDS, HDN and HDCa reactions of the SRGO in presence of the bio-oil fraction. The measurement of the CO/CO2/CH4 molar flowrate at the reactor outlet showed that the inhibition was due to the presence of CO and CO2 coming from HDO rather than to the oxygen compounds themselves.
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Conference papers
- titre
- Kinetic modeling of the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose integrating the evolution of the substrate morphology.
- auteur
- Maïté Huron, Damien Hudebine, Nicolas Lopes-Ferreira, Dominique Lachenal
- article
- EU BC&E European biomass conference and exhibition, Jun 2013, Copenhague, Denmark
- resume
- The biological production of ethanol from lignocellulose has been widely investigated for decades. During the SHF process (Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation), the biomass, which is composed of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin, is converted into bioethanol following four main steps. After an appropriate pretreatment (step 1), the cellulose is hydrolyzed into glucose in the presence of three types of cellulolytic enzymes acting in synergy (step 2): endoglucanases (EG) which attack randomly the cellulose molecules and create new chain ends, cellobiohydrolases (CBH) which hydrolyse chain ends into cellobiose and β-glucosidases (BG) which convert cellobiose into glucose. The glucose is then converted into ethanol during a fermentation step (step 3). The alcohol is recovered by distillation (step 4) and incorporated into fossil fuel. Currently, the enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass is one of the main bottlenecks of the process, as it implies very complex mechanisms: long hydrolysis times (until 1 week) with enzyme deactivation, heterogeneity and modification of the substrate during the reaction, production of inhibitive coproducts, presence of lignin... In order to optimize the process at the industrial scale and reduce the enzyme loading, a model must be developed to predict the behaviour of the lignocellulosic substrate during enzymatic hydrolysis. However, even if a plethora of models has already been published, only few of them take into account the morphology of the cellulosic substrate and its evolution during the saccharification step. The morphological aspect of the cellulosic matrix is yet strongly linked to the global performances of the enzymes. As it is drastically changed during the reaction, it has to be integrated into an heterogeneous predictive model. The model should also distinguish the action of the different types of enzymes, although several authors consider only a global effect of the cocktail on the cellulose hydrolysis. In the model proposed in this article, the substrate is only composed of many chains of cellulose gathered into fibers. The fibers have a cylindrical shape and comprise both external and internal areas. The endoglucanases and the cellobiohydrolases are adsorbed onto the accessible area and produce cellobiose by shrinking the fiber, while the b-glucosidases form a complex with the soluble cellobiose to produce glucose. The individual action of each enzyme, the synergy between the enzymes and the product inhibitions are also taken into account. The evolution of the concentrations of glucose, cellobiose and free enzymes calculated with the model agree well with the experimental data on short times (30 min). It has still to be validated on much longer periods. In this case the deactivation of the enzymes with time will be added. This model can help to understand the mechanisms implied in enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose, and will be next extended to real lignocellulosic substrates containing lignin. Lignin has indeed two main impacts on the hydrolysis: its presence decreases the accessibility of cellulases to cellulose and reduces the quantity of efficient enzymes because a part of them is adsorbed on lignin in a non productive way. These influences will be further studied.
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- titre
- Les Agences Régionales de Santé : entre nouvelles de régulation de l’action publique et redéfinition des marges d’autonomie des acteurs du champ médicosocial ?
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine, A. Jourdain, Jorge Muñoz
- article
- Colloque Santé, May 2013, Marseille, France
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Book sections
- titre
- De la dépendance à la fragilité et à la vulnérabilité dans les politiques de la vieillesse en France ?
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- presses de l’EHESP, p. 229-258. in La fragilité des personnes âgées - Approche pluridisciplinaire, globale et internationale, Michel H. (dir), 2013
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Other publications
- titre
- Des usages des catégories et instruments d’intervention aux ambivalences de la recomposition des référentiels de politiques sociales : l’exemple des politiques de la vieillesse, Réseau thématique 6, Association française de sociologie : Politiques sociales, protection sociale, solidarités, Working Papers, n° 2013-4, http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/91/87/76/PDF/WP2013-4Hudebine.pdf.
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- 2013
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Preprints, Working Papers, ...

- titre
- Des usages des catégories et instruments d'intervention aux ambivalences de la recomposition des référentiels de politiques sociales : l'exemple des politiques de la vieillesse
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- 2013
- resume
- L'ambivalence des référentiels d'action publique explique comment les discours d'action publique peuvent simultanément contribuer à la cohésion de la société tout en autorisant l'accommodement des tensions qui la traverse. Dans le cas de la vieillesse, elle n'est pas synonyme de décalage entre les objectifs affichés de l'action publique (traditionnellement consensuels) et les orientations des protagonistes de sa mise en œuvre, mais concerne ses instruments. L'hypothèse proposée est que cette combinaison entre objectifs consensuels et ambivalence des instruments comporte fonctionnalité en termes de régulation des tensions qui traversent cette action publique, mais implique aussi que la question de la recomposition de la protection sociale en direction des personnes âgées n'est pas tranchée. Cette proposition est illustrée à partir de deux recherches. La première porte sur l'utilisation des notions de vulnérabilité et de fragilité comme outils d'individualisation et de ciblage des interventions et prestations auprès des personnes âgées, mais aussi d'optimisation des ressources de la solidarité collectives. La seconde recherche porte sur l'ambivalence des instruments de programmation et de pilotage de la mise en œuvre des politiques de prévention et d'accompagnement de la perte d'autonomie à travers le cas des agences régionales de santé. Dans les deux cas, l'ambivalence des cadres cognitifs et instruments de l'action publique conduit à soulever la question des modalités de réalisation des arbitrages et de leurs implications, tant en termes d'évolution de la protection sociale, que pour les protagonistes et les populations cibles de cette action publique.
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Conference papers
- titre
- Les Agences Régionales de Santé : une nouvelle forme organisationnelle pour une nouvelle forme de régulation politique dans le champ médicosocial ?
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine, A. Jourdain, H. Michel
- article
- colloque GRALE - CERAPS, Dec 2012, Université Lille 2, France
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- titre
- Parcours de vulnérabilité au grand âge : pratiques sociales et régulations juridiques
- auteur
- Françoise Le Borgne-Uguen, Rebourg M, Simone Pennec, Douguet F, Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Colloque international, UBO-ARS (EA 3149)-CRDP (EA 3882), Chaire Lien Social et Santé-EHESP, Oct 2012, Brest, France
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- titre
- L’impact des politiques sanitaires, sociales et médico-sociales sur l’inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap : une comparaison régionale
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Université d’été, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Jul 2012, Brest, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- The French Health System”, “Old age and long term care policies in France: Focusing on the definition of target populations and eligibility criteria in order to analyze welfare change
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Joint Seminar: Creating Enabling Societies, Public Health Wales, Feb 2012, Cardiff, United Kingdom
- Accès au bibtex
Journal articles

- titre
- Reconstruction of Petroleum Feedstocks by Entropy Maximization. Application to FCC Gasolines
- auteur
- D. Hudebine, J.J. Verstraete
- article
- Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles, 2011, 66 (3), pp.437-460. ⟨10.2516/ogst/2011110⟩
- resume
- In the petroleum industry, the oil fractions are usually complex mixtures containing several hundreds up to several millions of different chemical species. For this reason, even the most powerful analytical tools do not allow to separate and to identify all the species that are present. Hence, petroleum fractions are currently characterized either by using average macroscopic descriptors (density, elemental analyses, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, etc.) or by using separative techniques (distillation, gas or liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, etc.), which quantify only a limited number of families of molecules however. Reconstruction methods for the petroleum cuts are numerical tools, which allow to evolve towards a molecular detail and which are all based on the following principle: defining simplified but consistent mixtures of chemical compounds from partial analytical data and from expert knowledge of the process under study. Thus, the reconstruction method by entropy maximization, which is proposed in this article, is a recent and powerful technique which allows to determine the molar fractions of a predefined set of chemical compounds by maximizing an entropic criterion and by satisfying the analytical constraints given by the modeler. This approach allows to reduce the number of degrees of freedom from several thousands (corresponding to the molar fractions of the compounds) to several tens (corresponding to the Lagrange parameters associated with the analytical constraints) and to greatly decrease the CPU time required to perform the calculations. This approach has been successfully applied to reconstruct FCC gasolines by precisely predicting the molecular composition of this type of feedstocks from a distillation and an overall PIONA analysis (Paraffins, Isoparaffins, Olefins, Naphthenes and Aromatics). The extension to other naphthas (Straight Run naphthas, Coker naphthas, hydrotreated naphthas, etc.) is straightforward.
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- titre
- Statistical Reconstruction of Gas Oil Cuts
- auteur
- D. Hudebine, J. Verstraete, T. Chapus
- article
- Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles, 2011, 66 (3), pp.461-477. ⟨10.2516/ogst/2009047⟩
- resume
- Gas oil cuts are extremely complex mixtures of several thousands of different chemical species. Consequently, conventional petroleum analyses do not allow to obtain the molecular detail that is required for the development of robust and predictive kinetic models. Recently, two-dimensional Gas Chromatographic techniques (GC2D) have greatly improved the knowledge in the field of characterization of gas oils. However, they remain R&D tools and are hardly utilized in the refining industry. Hence, the goal of the statistical reconstruction of gas oils is to provide a surrogate for this GC2D analysis. To this aim, the gas oil cuts are characterized by means of matrices of molar fractions of pseudo-compounds, which are classified by chemical family and by carbon atom number. The input analyses are the Fitzgerald mass spectrometry, the sulfur speciation (one-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to a specific sulfur chemiluminescence detector) and the total nitrogen and basic nitrogen contents, and allow to quantify the proportions of all the chemical families present in the matrix. The simulated distillation is also used in order to introduce information on the volatility of the gas oil cut. The reconstruction method proposed in this paper is mainly based on a reference statistical distribution of the number of carbon atoms for the side chains connected to the naphtheno-aromatic cores. For each chemical family, the knowledge of the number of potential side chains and the estimation of the maximum length of these alkyl chains allow to determine the carbon number distribution by adjusting of the reference distribution. After reconstruction, the properties of the resulting molar fractions matrix are very close to the analyses used for the reconstruction. Moreover, the method allows to predict, with a high precision, complementary analyses such as the hydrogen content, the aromatic carbon content and the density at 15 ˚C. Finally, the matrix can be efficiently used to develop kinetic models like those employed at IFP to predict the performances of gas oil hydrotreating units.
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- titre
- Modélisation cinétique des procédés de raffinage
- auteur
- D. Hudebine, Jean-Francois Joly
- article
- Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles, 2011, 66 (3), pp.339-342. ⟨10.2516/ogst/2011128⟩
- resume
- No abstract available
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- titre
- Impact of the Presence of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide on Gas Oil Hydrotreatment: Investigation on Liquids from Biomass Cotreatment with Petroleum Cuts
- auteur
- A. Pinheiro, N. Dupassieux, D. Hudebine, C. Geantet
- article
- Energy, 2011, 25, pp.804-812. ⟨10.1021/ef1012769⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Inhibiting effect of oxygenated model compounds on the HDS of dibenzothiophenes over CoMoP/Al2O3 catalyst
- auteur
- M. Philippe, F. Richard, D. Hudebine, S. Brunet
- article
- Applied Catalysis A : General, 2010, 383 (1-2), pp.14-23. ⟨10.1016/j.apcata.2010.04.055⟩
- resume
- The effect of oxygen compounds (guaiacol and phenol) on the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene (46DMDBT) and dibenzothiophene (DBT) was studied on a sulfided CoMoP/Al2O3 catalyst in a fixed bed microreactor (340 ◦C, 4.0 MPa). The reaction scheme of the transformation of guiaicol and of phenol (the main intermediate in the transformation of phenol) was established under deep HDS operating conditions. The transformation of phenol involved two main routes: a hydrogenation pathway (HYD) involving first the hydrogenation of the aromatic rings followed by C–O bond rupture (leading to the formation of benzene) and a direct deoxygenation (DDO) pathway involving only a C–O bond rupture (leading to cyclohexane). These two ways were independent, no transformation of benzene into cyclohexane was observed. Both oxygen compounds inhibited the hydrodesulfurization of sulfur compounds due to competitive adsorption between the oxygen and sulfur containing compounds, with the effect of guaiacol being stronger than the effect of phenol. The inhibition was similar in the transformation of 46DMDBT and DBT for the same oxygen molecule, showing that the two main routes (HYD and DDS) involved in the HDS were affected in the same way. This corresponds to a competitive adsorption between the oxygen and sulfur compounds containing on the catalyst surface according to a Langmuir–Hinshelwood model.
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Journal articles
- titre
- Impact of Oxygenated Compounds from Lignocellulosic Biomass Pyrolysis Oils on Gas Oil Hydrotreatment
- auteur
- A. Pinheiro, D. Hudebine, N. Dupassieux, C. Geantet
- article
- Energy, 2009, 23 (1), pp.1007-1014. ⟨10.1021/ef800507z⟩
- resume
- A potential valorization pathway for pyrolysis oils from lignocellulosic biomass is their co-hydrotreatment with petroleum cuts to produce transportation fuels. The study of simultaneous hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) and hydrodesulfurization (HDS) reactions is therefore essential before considering such a co-treatment. The influence of different oxygenated compounds on the hydrotreatment of a straight-run gas oil was studied on a CoMo/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst and under industrial operating conditions. The selected compounds were 2-propanol, cyclopentanone, anisole, guaiacol, propanoic acid, and ethyldecanoate, which are representative of the oxygenated chemical families present in bio-oils. Reaction schemes of HDO reactions were proposed for each studied oxygenated compound, and their impact on the gas oil HDS, hydrodenitrogenation (HDN), and aromatic ring hydrogenation (HDCA) was determined. Under our operating conditions, 2-propanol, cyclopentanone, anisole, and guaiacol were not found to be inhibitors of catalytic performances. On the contrary, propanoic acid and ethyldecanoate had an inhibiting effect on HDS, HDN, and HDCA reactions. This inhibition is attributed to a competition between the HDS reactions and the methanation of CO and CO2 formed during the decomposition of ethers and acids. The impact on HDS conversion of dibenzothiophenic compounds was also studied, showing no differences of the inhibiting effect between these molecules.
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- titre
- L'impact des réformes administratives des conservateurs britanniques sur la subjectivité des agents publics locaux
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Pyramides : Revue du Centre d'études et de recherches en administration publique, 2009, 18, pp.151-173
- resume
- L'analyse des réformes administratives des conservateurs britanniques dans les domaines de la santé publique et de la lutte contre la toxicomanie montre les limites du management comme instrument de rationalisation et d'orientation de l'intervention publique concrète dans les années 80 et 90. Des agents de mise en œuvre animés par leurs propres objectifs parviennent à subvertir les procédures, mais au prix d'une initiation parfois douloureuse aux règles de second ordre gouvernant l'action publique britannique sous les conservateurs. A terme, le maniement d'une langue administrative conforme à la ligne gouvernementale affecte la subjectivité des intervenants de première et de seconde ligne.
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Conference papers
- titre
- Le rôle des institutions de l'État providence, de la communauté scientifique et des associations dans l'acceptation sociopolitique des actions de réduction des risques 1979-1997
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- La légitimité des politiques sociales en question, Jan 2008, Grenoble, France
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Conference papers
- titre
- La prise en compte des inégalités sociales dans les politiques de santé durant l'ère conservatrice en Grande-Bretagne (1979-1997)
- auteur
- Hervé Hudebine
- article
- Politiques publiques et pratiques professionnelles face aux inégalités sociales de santé : les cas particuliers du cancer et de la santé mentale, Jan 2007, Lille, France. pp.121-160
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