Article dans une revue
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- Jean-François Trégouët, Jérémie Kreiss. Input redundancy under input and state constraints. Automatica, 2024, 159, pp.111344. ⟨10.1016/j.automatica.2023.111344⟩. ⟨hal-04296381⟩
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- Jérémie Kreiss, Jean-François Trégouët, Damien Eberard, Romain Delpoux, Jean-Yves Gauthier, et al.. Hamiltonian point of view on parallel interconnection of buck converters. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2021, 29 (1), pp.43-52. ⟨10.1109/TCST.2019.2961073⟩. ⟨hal-03377928⟩
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- Jérémie Kreiss, Jean-François Trégouët. Input redundancy: Definitions, taxonomy, characterizations and application to over-actuated systems. Systems and Control Letters, 2021, 158, pp.105060. ⟨10.1016/j.sysconle.2021.105060⟩. ⟨hal-03416534⟩
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- Jérémie Kreiss, Marc Bodson, Romain Delpoux, Jean-Yves Gauthier, Jean-François Trégouët, et al.. Optimal control allocation for the parallel interconnection of buck converters. Control Engineering Practice, 2021, 109, pp.104727. ⟨10.1016/j.conengprac.2021.104727⟩. ⟨hal-03310341⟩
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Communication dans un congrès
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- Jérémie Kreiss, Jean-François Trégouët, Romain Delpoux, Jean-Yves Gauthier, Xuefang Lin-Shi. A New Framework for Dealing with Input Constraints on Parallel Interconnection of Buck Converters. ECC, Jun 2019, Naples, Italy. ⟨10.23919/ECC.2019.8795805⟩. ⟨hal-02341833⟩
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- Jérémie Kreiss, Jean-François Trégouët, Romain Delpoux, Jean-Yves Gauthier, Xuefang Lin-Shi. A Geometric Point of View on Parallel Interconnection of Buck Converters. ECC, Jun 2018, Limassol, Cyprus. pp.70-75, ⟨10.23919/ECC.2018.8550575⟩. ⟨hal-02053176⟩
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- Jérémie Kreiss, Jean-François Trégouët, Romain Delpoux, Jean-Yves Gauthier, Xuefang Lin-Shi. Flux Weakening of PMSM for Enhancing Torque Tracking. ECC, Jun 2018, Limassol, Cyprus. pp.2665-2670, ⟨10.23919/ECC.2018.8550573⟩. ⟨hal-02053183⟩
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- Jérémie Kreiss, Laurent Bako, Eric Blanco. Optimal control of discrete-time switched linear systems via continuous parameterization. 20th IFAC World Congress, Jul 2017, Toulouse, France. pp.15331 - 15336, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.2453⟩. ⟨hal-01624364⟩
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- Jérémie Kreiss. Allocation de commande pour l'électrotechnique et l'électronique de puissance. Automatique / Robotique. Université de Lyon, 2019. Français. ⟨NNT : 2019LYSEI119⟩. ⟨tel-02935822⟩
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