Preprints, Working Papers, ...
- auteur
- Blandine Pichon, Sophie Donnadieu, Eric Benoit, Stéphane Perrin
- titre
- Artificial Intelligence methods to help measure sensory disorders : approaches and perspectives
- article
- 2024
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Alessia Baccarani, Sophie Donnadieu, Sonia Pellissier, Renaud Brochard
- titre
- Relaxing effects of music and odors on physiological recovery after cognitive stress and unexpected absence of multisensory benefit
- article
- Psychophysiology, 2023, 60 (7), pp.e14251. ⟨10.1111/psyp.14251⟩
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Conference papers
- auteur
- Blandine Pichon, Sophie Donnadieu, Eric Benoit, Stéphane Perrin
- titre
- Artificial Intelligence methods to help measure sensory disorders : approaches and perspectives
- article
- Ergo'IA '23: 18ème Conférence en Ergonomie et Informatique Avancée, ESTIA, Oct 2023, Bidart France, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1145/3624323.3624339⟩
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Poster communications
- auteur
- Blandine Pichon, Sophie Donnadieu
- titre
- Méthodes d’Intelligence Artificielle pour mesurer les troubles sensoriels de l’autisme
- article
- Colloque de l’AFNA : Particularités sensorielles dans le TSA, Jun 2022, Toulouse, France
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- auteur
- Blandine Pichon, Sophie Donnadieu, Eric Benoit, Stéphane Perrin
- titre
- Artificial Intelligence methods to help measure autism sensory disorders
- article
- Particularités sensorielles dans le TSA, Jun 2022, Toulouse, France. 2022
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Poster communications
- auteur
- Alessia Baccarani, Sophie Donnadieu, Sonia Pellissier, Renaud Brochard
- titre
- Relaxing effects of music and odors on physiological recovery after highly demanding executive tasks
- article
- The Neurosciences and Music - VII Conference, Jun 2021, Aarhus, Denmark.
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Journal articles
- auteur
- E Benoit, S Perrin, Sophie Donnadieu, C Dascalu, G Mauris, J Favory, C Dautremer
- titre
- Musical instruments for the measurement of autism sensory disorders
- article
- ACTA IMEKO, 2019, 1379, ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/1379/1/012035⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Marie Dekerle, Fanny Meunier, Marie-Ange N'Guyen, Estelle Gillet-Perret, Delphine Lassus-Sangosse, Sophie Donnadieu
- titre
- Central Auditory Processing Development in Primary School Children
- article
- International Journal of Phonetics and Audiology, 2018, 2018 (1), ⟨10.29011/IJPA-102.100002⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Lucie Bouvet, Laurent Mottron, Sylviane Valdois, Sophie Donnadieu
- titre
- Auditory Stream Segregation in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Benefits and Downsides of Superior Perceptual Processes.
- article
- Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2016, 46 (5), pp.1553-1561. ⟨10.1007/s10803-013-2003-8⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Carole Berger, Sylviane Valdois, Marie Lallier, Sophie Donnadieu
- titre
- Age-Related Changes in Temporal Allocation of Visual Attention: Evidence From the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) Paradigm
- article
- Journal of Cognition and Development, 2015, 16 (1), pp.129 - 143. ⟨10.1080/15248372.2013.824882⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Sophie Donnadieu, Carole Berger, Marie Lallier, Christian Marendaz, Annie Laurent
- titre
- Is the impairment in temporal allocation of visual attention in children with ADHD related to a developmental delay or a structural cognitive deficit?
- article
- Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2014, 36, pp.384 - 395. ⟨10.1016/j.ridd.2014.10.014⟩
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- auteur
- Lucie Bouvet, Andrée-Anne Simard-Meilleur, Adeline Paignon, Laurent Mottron, Sophie Donnadieu
- titre
- Auditory local bias and reduced global interference in autism
- article
- Cognition, 2014, 131 (3), pp.367 - 372. ⟨10.1016/j.cognition.2014.02.006⟩
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- auteur
- Lucie Bouvet, Sophie Donnadieu, Sylviane Valdois, Chantal Caron, Michelle Dawson, Laurent Mottron
- titre
- Veridical mapping in savant abilities, absolute pitch, and synesthesia: an autism case study.
- article
- Frontiers in Psychology, 2014, 5, pp.106. ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00106⟩
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- auteur
- Sophie Donnadieu, Estelle Gillet-Perret, Delphine Lassus-Sangosse, Marie-Ange Nguyen Morel
- titre
- Evaluations et implications des Troubles Auditifs Centraux (TAC) dans la dysphasie : Etude de cas
- article
- Revue PAROLE, 2014
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Marie Lallier, Sophie Donnadieu, Sylviane Valdois
- titre
- Investigating the role of visual and auditory search in reading and developmental dyslexia.
- article
- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013, 7, pp.597. ⟨10.3389/fnhum.2013.00597⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Marie Lallier, Sophie Donnadieu, Sylviane Valdois
- titre
- Developmental dyslexia: exploring how much phonological and visual attention span disorders are linked to simultaneous auditory processing deficits.
- article
- Annals of Dyslexia, 2012, epub ahead of print. ⟨10.1007/s11881-012-0074-4⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Lucie Bouvet, Stéphane Rousset, Sylviane Valdois, Sophie Donnadieu
- titre
- Global precedence effect in audition and vision: evidence for similar cognitive styles across modalities.
- article
- Acta Psychologica, 2011, 138 (2), pp.329-35. ⟨10.1016/j.actpsy.2011.08.004⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Marie Lallier, Marie-Josèphe Tainturier, Benjamin Dering, Sophie Donnadieu, Sylviane Valdois, Guillaume Thierry
- titre
- Behavioral and ERP evidence for amodal sluggish attentional shifting in developmental dyslexia.
- article
- Neuropsychologia, 2010, 48 (14), pp.4125-35. ⟨10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2010.09.027⟩
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- auteur
- Marie Lallier, Sophie Donnadieu, Sylviane Valdois
- titre
- Visual attentional blink in dyslexic children: Parameterizing the deficit.
- article
- Vision Research, 2010, 50 (18), pp.1855-61. ⟨10.1016/j.visres.2010.06.006⟩
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- auteur
- Marie Lallier, Sophie Donnadieu, Carole Berger, Sylviane Valdois
- titre
- A case study of developmental phonological dyslexia: Is the attentional deficit in the perception of rapid stimuli sequences amodal?
- article
- Cortex, 2010, 46 (2), pp.231-41. ⟨10.1016/j.cortex.2009.03.014⟩
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- auteur
- Carole Berger, Sophie Donnadieu, David Meary, Sonia Kandel, Karine Mazens
- titre
- Perception d'attributs des visages parlants par le nouveau-né humain.
- article
- Psychologie Française, 2010, 55 (1), pp.49-58. ⟨10.1016/j.psfr.2009.12.003⟩
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Book sections
- auteur
- Sophie Donnadieu
- titre
- Mental representation of the timbre of Complex Sounds.
- article
- Analysis, Synthesis, and Perception of Musical Sounds: The Sound of Music, Springer-Verlag New York, LLC, pp.272-319, 2010
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Marie Lallier, Guillaume Thierry, Marie-Josèphe Tainturier, Sophie Donnadieu, Carole Peyrin, Catherine Billard, Sylviane Valdois
- titre
- Auditory and visual stream segregation in children and adults: an assessment of the amodality assumption of the 'sluggish attentional shifting' theory of dyslexia.
- article
- Brain Research, 2009, 1302, pp.132-47. ⟨10.1016/j.brainres.2009.07.037⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Carole Berger, Sophie Donnadieu
- titre
- Visual/ auditory processing and categorization preferences in 5-year-old children and adults
- article
- Current Psychology Letters/Behaviour, Brain and Cognition, 2008, 24 (Issue 2), pp.40-51. ⟨10.4000/cpl.3673⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Carole Berger, Sophie Donnadieu
- titre
- Categorization by schema relations and perceptual similarity in 5-year-olds and adults: A study in vision and in audition.
- article
- Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2006, 93 (4), pp.304-21. ⟨10.1016/j.jecp.2005.10.001⟩
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Book sections
- auteur
- Sophie Donnadieu, Gentaz Edouard, Marendaz Christan
- titre
- La perception
- article
- Psychologie cognitive et bases neurophysiologiques du fonctionnement cognitif., Presse Universitaire de France, pp.49-84, 2006
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- auteur
- Sophie Donnadieu
- titre
- Représentation mentale du timbre musical et effets de contexte.
- article
- Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Lille, pp.335, 1999
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Conference papers
- auteur
- Sophie Donnadieu, Stephen Mcadams, Suzanne Winsberg
- titre
- Categorization, discrimination, and context effects in the perception of natural and interpolated timbres
- article
- 4th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, 1996, Montréal, France. pp.73-78
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- auteur
- Sophie Donnadieu, Stephen Mcadams
- titre
- Effects of context change on dissimilarity, discrimination, and categorisation tasks on timbre perception
- article
- Fechner Day 96. 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, 1996, Padova, France. pp.239-244
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Sophie Donnadieu, Mcadams Stephen, Winsberg Suzanne
- titre
- Caractérisation du timbre des sons complexes. I: Analyses multidimensionnelles.
- article
- Journal de Physique, 1994, 4(C5), pp.593-596
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- auteur
- Sophie Donnadieu, Steve Mcadams, Suzanne Winsberg
- titre
- Caractérisation du timbre des sons complexes.I. Analyse multidimensionnelle
- article
- Journal de Physique IV Proceedings, 1994, 04 (C5), pp.C5-593-C5-596. ⟨10.1051/jp4:19945126⟩
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Conference papers
- auteur
- Sophie Donnadieu, Stephen Mcadams, Suzanne Winsberg
- titre
- Context Effects in Timbre Space
- article
- Conference of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Jul 1994, Liège, Belgium. pp.311-312
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