Article dans une revue
- titre
- An improved Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian thermal-fluid model by considering powder deposition effects on melting pool during Direct Energy Deposition processes
- auteur
- Yabo Jia, Loïc Jegou, Eric Feulvarch, Yassine Saadlaoui, Valérie Kaftandjian, Thomas Elguedj, Laurent Dubar, Jean-Michel Bergheau
- article
- Additive Manufacturing, 2024, pp.104570. ⟨10.1016/j.addma.2024.104570⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.addma.2024.104570
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- titre
- Bichromatic melt pool thermal measurement based on a Red, Green, and Blue camera: Application to additive manufacturing processes
- auteur
- Loïc Jegou, Joel Lachambre, Nicolas Tardif, Mady Guillemot, Anthony Dellarre, Abderrahime Zaoui, Thomas Elguedj, Valérie Kaftandjian, Nicolas Béraud
- article
- Optics and Laser Technology, 2023, 167, pp.109799. ⟨10.1016/j.optlastec.2023.109799⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.optlastec.2023.109799
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- titre
- Fast algorithms based on Empirical Interpolation Methods for selecting best projections in Sparse-View X-ray Computed Tomography using a priori information
- auteur
- Victor Bussy, Caroline Vienne, Valérie Kaftandjian
- article
- NDT & E International, 2023, 134, pp.102768. ⟨10.1016/j.ndteint.2022.102768⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.ndteint.2022.102768
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- titre
- On the estimation of the shear modulus of a honeycomb sandwich panel from X-ray mapping of its core
- auteur
- Quentin Leclere, Kerem Ege, Fabien Marchetti, Nicolas Bert Roozen, Philippe Duvauchelle, Mohamed Tahraoui, Valérie Kaftandjian
- article
- Journal of Structural Dynamics, 2023, 2, pp.105-121. ⟨10.25518/2684-6500.161⟩
- DOI : 10.25518/2684-6500.161
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- titre
- Image Fusion Based on Evidence Theory for Multi-Energy X-Ray Computed Tomography
- auteur
- Fatima Zahra Oujebbour, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2022, 41 (3), pp.53. ⟨10.1007/s10921-022-00883-0⟩
- DOI : 10.1007/s10921-022-00883-0
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- titre
- Deep learning-based defect detection in industrial CT volumes of castings
- auteur
- A Dakak, Valérie Kaftandjian, P Duvauchelle, P Bouvet
- article
- Insight - Non-Destructive Testing & Condition Monitoring, 2022, 64 (11), pp.647-658. ⟨10.1784/insi.2022.64.11.647⟩
- DOI : 10.1784/insi.2022.64.11.647
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- titre
- Image Fusion Based on Evidence Theory for Multi-Energy X-Ray Computed Tomography
- auteur
- Fatima Zahra Oujebbour, Valerie kaftandjian
- article
- Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2022, 41 (3), pp.53. ⟨10.1007/s10921-022-00883-0⟩
- DOI : 10.1007/s10921-022-00883-0
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- titre
- Détection automatique de défauts en tomographie par intelligence artificielle
- auteur
- Valérie Kaftandjian, Abdel Rahman Dakak, Philippe Duvauchelle
- article
- Techniques de l’Ingénieur. Techniques d'Analyse, 2022, ⟨10.51257/a-v1-sf1500⟩
- DOI : 10.51257/a-v1-sf1500
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- titre
- ROI-Wise Material Decomposition in Spectral Photon-Counting CT
- auteur
- Bingqing Xie, Pei Niu, Ting Su, Valerie Kaftandjian, Loic Boussel, Philippe Douek, Feng Yang, Philippe Duvauchelle, Yue-Min Zhu
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2020, 67 (6), pp.1066-1075. ⟨10.1109/TNS.2020.2985071⟩
- DOI : 10.1109/TNS.2020.2985071
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- titre
- ROI-Wise Material Decomposition in Spectral Photon-Counting CT
- auteur
- Bingqing Xie, Pei Niu, Ting Su, Valérie Kaftandjian, Loic Boussel, Philippe Douek, Feng Yang, Philippe Duvauchelle, Yuemin Zhu
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2020, 67 (6), pp.1066-1075. ⟨10.1109/TNS.2020.2985071⟩
- DOI : 10.1109/TNS.2020.2985071
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- titre
- Classification-based material decomposition method for photon counting-based spectral radiography: Application to plastic sorting
- auteur
- Ting Su, Valérie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Yuemin Zhu
- article
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2020, 960, pp.163537. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2020.163537⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.nima.2020.163537
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- titre
- Material Decomposition in X-ray Spectral CT Using Multiple Constraints in Image Domain
- auteur
- Bingqing Xie, Ting Su, Valerie Kaftandjian, Pei Niu, Feng Yang, Marc C Robini, Yuemin Zhu, Philippe Duvauchelle
- article
- Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2019, 38 (1), ⟨10.1007/s10921-018-0551-8⟩
- DOI : 10.1007/s10921-018-0551-8
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- titre
- Hybrid Monte Carlo and deterministic simulation approach for modeling a computed radiography imaging chain from X-ray exposure to optical readout
- auteur
- Min Yao, Valerie Kaftandjian, Angéla Peterzol-Parmentier, Andreas Schumm, Philippe Duvauchelle
- article
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2019, 941, pp.162328. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2019.06.069⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.nima.2019.06.069
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- titre
- A spectral X-ray CT simulation study for quantitative determination of iron
- auteur
- Ting Su, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Yuemin Zhu
- article
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2018, 894, pp.39 - 46. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2018.03.043⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.nima.2018.03.043
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- titre
- Characterization of speckle noise in three dimensional ultrasound data of material components
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- AIMS Materials Science, 2017, 4 (4), pp.920 - 938. ⟨10.3934/matersci.2017.4.920⟩
- DOI : 10.3934/matersci.2017.4.920
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- titre
- Pore network microarchitecture influences human cortical bone elasticity during growth and aging
- auteur
- Yohann Bala, Emmanuelle Lefèvre, Jean-Paul Roux, Cécile Baron, Philippe Lasaygues, Martine Pithioux, Valérie Kaftandjian, Hélène Follet
- article
- Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2016, 63, pp.164-173. ⟨10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.05.018⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.05.018
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- titre
- Pore network microarchitecture influences human cortical bone elasticity during growth and aging
- auteur
- Yohann Bala, Emmanuelle Lefevre, Jean-Paul Roux, Cécile Baron, Philippe Lasaygues, Martine Pithioux, Valerie Kaftandjian, Hélène Follet
- article
- Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2016, 63, pp.164-173. ⟨10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.05.018⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.05.018
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- titre
- Validation of a novel microradiography device for characterization of bone mineralization
- auteur
- Valérie Kaftandjian, Hélène Follet, Florian Montagner, Valerie Kaftandjian, Delphine Farlay, Daniel Brau, Georges Boivin, Helene Follet
- article
- Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 2015, 23, pp.201-211. ⟨10.3233/XST-150481⟩
- DOI : 10.3233/XST-150481
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- titre
- Validation of a novel microradiography device for characterization of bone mineralization
- auteur
- Florian Montagner, Valérie Kaftandjian, Delphine Farlay, Daniel Brau, Georges Boivin, Hélène Follet
- article
- Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 2015, 23 (2), pp.201-211. ⟨10.3233/XST-150481⟩
- DOI : 10.3233/XST-150481
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- titre
- Automated segmentation of ultrasonic volumetric data of composite materials
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Ulf Hassler, Valerie Kaftandjian, Joachim Hornegger
- article
- Insight - Non-Destructive Testing & Condition Monitoring, 2015, 57 (3), ⟨10.1784/insi.2014.57.3.153⟩
- DOI : 10.1784/insi.2014.57.3.153
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- titre
- Validation of a digital system of microradiography for the characterization of bone mineralization
- auteur
- Florent Montagner, Valérie Kaftandjian, Delphine Farlay, Daniel Brau, Georges Boivin, Hélène Follet
- article
- Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2014, 29 (S1), pp.MO0033. ⟨10.1002/jbmr.2476⟩
- DOI : 10.1002/jbmr.2476
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- titre
- Concept of effective atomic number and effective mass density in dual-energy X-Ray computed tomography
- auteur
- Anne Bonnin, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valerie Kaftandjian, Pascal Ponard
- article
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2014, 318, pp.223-231. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2013.09.012⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.nimb.2013.09.012
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- titre
- Registration-based geometric calibration of industrial X-ray tomography system
- auteur
- Ismail Ben Tekaya, Valerie Kaftandjian, Fanny Buyens, Sylvie Sevestre-Ghalila, Samuel Legoupil
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2013, 60, pp.1-8. ⟨10.1109/TNS.2013.2279675⟩
- DOI : 10.1109/TNS.2013.2279675
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- titre
- An optimised method for material identification using a photon counting detector
- auteur
- Guillaume Beldjoudi, Veronique Rebuffel, Loick Verger, Valerie Kaftandjian, Jean Rinkel
- article
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2012, 663 (1), pp.26-36. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2011.09.002⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.nima.2011.09.002
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- titre
- Automatic classification of three-dimensional segmented computed tomography data using data fusion and support vector machine
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Valerie Kaftandjian, Ulf Hassler
- article
- Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2012, 21 (2021111), ⟨10.1117/1.JEI.21.2.021111⟩
- DOI : 10.1117/1.JEI.21.2.021111
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- titre
- Improvement of X-ray castings inspection reliability by using Dempster-Shafer data fusion theory
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Valerie Kaftandjian, Ulf Hassler
- article
- Pattern Recognition Letters, 2011, 32, pp.168-180
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- titre
- Multidimensional Data Processing Methods for Material Discrimination Using an Ideal X-ray Spectrometric Photon Counting Detector
- auteur
- Guillaume Beldjoudi, Véronique Rebuffel, Loick Verger, Valerie Kaftandjian, Jean Rinkel
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2011, 58 (6), pp.3190-3203. ⟨10.1109/TNS.2011.2171721⟩
- DOI : 10.1109/TNS.2011.2171721
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- titre
- Modeling-based optimization study for an EDXRD system in a portable configuration,
- auteur
- Angela Peterzol, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valerie Kaftandjian, Pascal Ponard
- article
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 2011, 654 (1), pp.450-463
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- titre
- A multi-resolution image reconstruction method in X-ray computed tomography
- auteur
- Marius Costin, Delphine Lazaro-Ponthus, Samuel Legoupil, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 2011, 19 (2), pp.229-247
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- titre
- Diffraction peaks restoration and extraction in energy dispersive X-ray diffraction
- auteur
- Ferréol Soulez, Charles Crespy, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle
- article
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2011, pp.10.1016/j.nima.2011.06.037. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2011.06.037⟩
- DOI : 10.1016/j.nima.2011.06.037
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- titre
- Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction to identify explosive substances : spectra analysis procedure optimization
- auteur
- Charles Crespy, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valerie Kaftandjian, Ferréol Soulez, Pascal Ponard
- article
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 2010, 623 (3), pp.1050-1060
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- titre
- Quantitative X-ray fluorescence analysis of heavy metals in natural contaminated plants
- auteur
- Dante Camarillo, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Daniel Babot
- article
- X-Ray Spectrometry, 2010, 39, pp.391-398
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- titre
- A robust segmentation approach based on feature analysis for defect detection in aluminium castings X-ray images
- auteur
- Gwenaele Lecomte, Valerie Kaftandjian, Emmanuelle Cendre, Daniel Babot
- article
- Insight - Non-Destructive Testing & Condition Monitoring, 2007, 49 (10), pp.572-577
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- titre
- Complementarity of a Photon-Counting system and Radioscopy for Inspection of Cast Aluminium Components
- auteur
- Emmanuelle Cendre, Valerie Kaftandjian, Gwenaele Lecomte, Kristian Kjaer
- article
- NDT & E International, 2005, 38, pp.239-250
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- titre
- Uncertainty modelling using Dempster-Shafer theory for improving detection of weld defects
- auteur
- Valerie Kaftandjian, Olivier Dupuis, Yue Min Zhu, Daniel Babot
- article
- Pattern Recognition Letters, 2003, 24, pp.547-564
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- titre
- Automatic determination of mass functions in Dempster-Shafer theory using fuzzy-C-means and spatial neighborhood information for image segmentation
- auteur
- Yue Min Zhu, Layachi Bentabet, Olivier Dupuis, Valerie Kaftandjian, Daniel Babot, Michèle Rombaut
- article
- Optical Engineering, 2002, 41 (4), pp.760-770
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- titre
- A computer code to simulate X-ray imaging techniques
- auteur
- Philippe Duvauchelle, Nicolas Freud, Valerie Kaftandjian, Daniel Babot
- article
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2000, 170, pp.245-258
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- titre
- An investigation of segmentation methods and texture analysis applied to tomographic images of human cancellous bone
- auteur
- Emmanuelle Cendre, Valerie Kaftandjian, Gilles Peix, Michel Jourlin, David Mitton, Daniel Babot
- article
- Journal of Microscopy, 2000, 197 (3), pp.305-316. ⟨10.1046/j.1365-2818.2000.00670.x⟩
- DOI : 10.1046/j.1365-2818.2000.00670.x
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Communication dans un congrès
- titre
- Configuration of the surface determination parameters for dimensional measurements with/using helpful metric as visualisation tool
- auteur
- Malik Enniafa, Valerie Kaftandjian, Anne-Françoise Obaton, Sébastien Brzuchacz
- article
- 13th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, Feb 2024, Wels, Austria. ⟨10.58286/29281⟩
- DOI : 10.58286/29281
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- titre
- Conformal Prediction for Explainable AI and Lesion Detection in 3D Cranial Ultrasound
- auteur
- Flora Estermann, Valérie Kaftandjian, Philippe Guy, Philippe Quetin, Philippe Delachartre
- article
- 2024 IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Joint Symposium (UFFC-JS), Sep 2024, Taipei, France. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/UFFC-JS60046.2024.10793934⟩
- DOI : 10.1109/UFFC-JS60046.2024.10793934
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- titre
- Identification du bain fondu en fabrication additive métallique grâce à un réseau de neurones convolutifs.
- auteur
- Loic Jegou, Thomas Elguedj, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- 16ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (CSMA 2024), CNRS; CSMA; ENS Paris-Saclay; CentraleSupélec, May 2024, Hyères, France
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- titre
- Identification du bain fondu en fabrication additive métallique grâce à un réseau de neurones convolutif.
- auteur
- Loic Jegou, Valerie Kaftandjian, Thomas Elguedj
- article
- Manufacturing'21, UGA, Grenoble INP, CNRS, Jun 2024, GRENOBLE, France
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- titre
- Best projections selection algorithm based on constrained QDEIM for sparse-views X-ray Computed Tomography
- auteur
- Victor Bussy, Caroline Vienne, Julie Escoda, Valérie Kaftandjian
- article
- 12th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (iCT 2023), Feb 2023, Fürth, Germany. 27705 (7 p.), ⟨10.58286/27705⟩
- DOI : 10.58286/27705
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- titre
- Mesure de température du bain fondu en fabrication additive avec une caméra RGB
- auteur
- Loic Jegou, Joël Lachambre, Nicolas Tardif, Thomas Elguedj, Valérie Kaftandjian
- article
- S-MART 2023 : 18ème Colloque national S.mart, Arts et Métiers Paristech ENSAM Aix-en-Provence, Université de Toulon [UTLN], Apr 2023, Carry-le-Rouet, France
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- titre
- Vision Transformer and Multiview Classification for Lesion Detection in 3D Cranial Ultrasound
- auteur
- Flora Estermann, Valérie Kaftandjian, Philippe Guy, Philippe Quetin, Philippe Delachartre
- article
- 2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Sep 2023, Montreal, Canada. pp.1-5, ⟨10.1109/IUS51837.2023.10306345⟩
- DOI : 10.1109/IUS51837.2023.10306345
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- titre
- PWML Detection in 3D Cranial Ultrasound Volumes using Over-segmentation and Multimodal Classification with Deep Learning
- auteur
- Flora Estermann, Valérie Kaftandjian, Philippe Guy, Philippe Quetin, Philippe Delachartre
- article
- 2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Apr 2023, Cartagena, Colombia. pp.1-5, ⟨10.1109/ISBI53787.2023.10230607⟩
- DOI : 10.1109/ISBI53787.2023.10230607
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- titre
- Sparse-view X-ray CT reconstruction using CAD model registration
- auteur
- Victor Bussy, Caroline Vienne, Julie Escoda, Valérie Kaftandjian
- article
- QNDE 2022 - 2022 49th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Jul 2022, San Diego, United States. ⟨10.1115/QNDE2022-98042⟩
- DOI : 10.1115/QNDE2022-98042
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- titre
- Analyse d’enveloppe des champs vibratoires pour l’identification des propriétés géométriques et dynamiques des matériaux architecturés
- auteur
- Quentin Leclere, Kerem Ege, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valérie Kaftandjian, Mohamed Tahraoui
- article
- 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France
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- titre
- Observation de la morphologie et cartographie thermique du bain fondu pendant la fabrication additive d'un mur en acier 316L par LMD-p
- auteur
- Loic Jegou, Joel Lachambre, Nicolas Tardif, Abderrahime Zaoui, Valerie Kaftandjian, Thomas Elguedj
- article
- 15ème colloque national en calcul des structures, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France [UPHF], May 2022, 83400 Hyères-les-Palmiers, France
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- titre
- Plastic sorting by X-ray radioscopy with photon counting detector
- auteur
- Ting Su, Valérie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Yuemin Zhu
- article
- 12th European conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden
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- titre
- Simultaneous Reconstruction and Denoising of Spectral CT Images
- auteur
- Pei Niu, Marc Robini, Bingqing Xie, Ting Su, Valérie Kaftandjian, Feng Yang, Yuemin Zhu, Philippe Duvauchelle
- article
- 2018 14th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), 2018, Beijing, China. pp.1149--1153
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- titre
- Plastic sorting by X-ray radioscopy with photon counting detector
- auteur
- Ting Su, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Yuemin Zhu
- article
- 12th European conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Jun 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden
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- titre
- Material decomposition for spectral CT: application to calcium and iodine identification
- auteur
- Ting Su, Valérie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Yue Min Zhu
- article
- 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2017, Atlanta, United States
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- titre
- Quantitative material decomposition method for spectral CT imaging
- auteur
- Ting Su, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Philippe Douek, Yuemin Zhu
- article
- 7th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, Feb 2017, Leuven, Belgium
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- titre
- Material decomposition for spectral CT: application to calcium and iodine identification
- auteur
- Ting Su, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Yue Min Zhu
- article
- 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Oct 2017, atlanta, United States
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- titre
- A Modified Detectability Criterion for Conventional Radiography Simulation
- auteur
- David Tisseur, Caroline Vienne, Pierre Guérin, Angéla Peterzol-Parmentier, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Andreas Schumm
- article
- 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing 2016, Jun 2016, munich, Germany
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- titre
- Iterative CT Reconstruction on Limited Angle Trajectories applied to Robotic Inspection
- auteur
- Hussein Banjak, Marius Costin, Caroline Vienne, Ronan Guillamet, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- 43rd Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE), Jul 2016, Atlanta, United States
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- titre
- auteur
- Yohann Bala, Emmanuelle Lefevre, Jean-Paul Roux, Cécile Baron, Philippe Lasaygues, Martine Pithioux, Valerie Kaftandjian, Helene Follet
- article
- 22nd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Jul 2016, lyon, France
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- titre
- X-ray Computed Tomography Reconstruction on Non- Standard Trajectories for Robotized Inspection
- auteur
- Hussein Banjak, Marius Costin, Caroline Vienne, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing 2016, Jun 2016, munich, Germany
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- titre
- Modeling computed radiography with imaging plates
- auteur
- Min Yao, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Angéla Peterzol-Parmentier, Andreas Schumm
- article
- 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing 2016, Jun 2016, munich, Germany
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- titre
- Comparison of human visibility on film radiography and various detectability parameters computed on simulated radiographs – a statistical study
- auteur
- Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, David Tisseur, Caroline Vienne, Pierre Guérin, Andreas Schumm
- article
- 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing 2016, Jun 2016, munich, Germany
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- titre
- Pore network architecture determines cortical bone elasticity during growth and aging
- auteur
- Yohann Bala, Emmanuelle Lefevre, Jean-Paul Roux, Cécile Baron, Philippe Lasaygues, Martine Pithioux, Valérie Kaftandjian, Hélène Follet
- article
- Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 2015, Seattle, United States. pp.MO032, ⟨10.1002/jbmr.2763⟩
- DOI : 10.1002/jbmr.2763
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Simulating Radiographic Inspections with Imaging Plates
- auteur
- Min Yao, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valerie Kaftandjian, Angéla Peterzol-Parmentier, Andreas Schumm
- article
- Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Jul 2015, Minneapolis, United States
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- titre
- Implementation and Evaluation of Two Helical CT Reconstruction Algorithms in CIVA
- auteur
- Hussein Banjak, Marius Costin, Caroline Vienne, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation:, Jul 2015, Minneapolis, United States
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- titre
- Two Local FBP Algorithms for Helical Cone-beam Computed Tomography
- auteur
- Hussein Banjak, Marius Costin, Caroline Vienne, Valérie Kaftandjian
- article
- Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography, Ghent University, Jun 2015, Ghent, France
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- titre
- Optimisation of the process of X-ray tomography applied to the detection of defects in composites materials
- auteur
- Cyril Uhry, François Guillet, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valérie Kaftandjian
- article
- Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography, Ghent University, Jun 2015, Ghent, Belgium
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- titre
- Computed Radiography System Simulation Focusing on the Optical Readout Process
- auteur
- Min Yao, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Angéla Peterzol-Parmentier, Andreas Schumm, Peter H. Willems
- article
- Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography, Ghent University, Jun 2015, Ghent, Belgium
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- titre
- Dual Energy Radioscopy Applied to Waste Sorting
- auteur
- Florian Montagner, Valérie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Nathalie Pedoussaut, Antoine Bourely
- article
- European Conference on Non Destructive Testing, Oct 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
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- titre
- Simulation of Computed Radiography X-ray Imaging Chain Dedicated to Complex Shape Objects
- auteur
- Min Yao, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valérie Kaftandjian, Angéla Peterzol-Parmentier, Andreas Schumm
- article
- European Conference on Non Destructive Testing, Oct 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
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- titre
- Improving the reliability of NDT inspection through information fusion: applications in X-ray and ultrasound modalities
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Valerie Kaftandjian, Ulf Hassler
- article
- European Conference on Non Destructive Testing, Oct 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
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- titre
- Application of Belief Functions Theory to Non Destructive Testing of Industrial Pieces
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Valerie Kaftandjian, Ulf Hassler
- article
- BELIEF 2014 3rd international conference on Belief Functions, Sep 2014, Oxford, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-11191-9⟩
- DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-11191-9
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- titre
- An automated data processing method dedicated to 3D ultrasonic non destructive testing of composite pieces
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Ulf Hassler, Valerie Kaftandjian, J. Hornegger
- article
- Industrial symposium on Ultrasound in the Control of Industrial Process, 2012, madrid, Spain. pp.00
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- titre
- Multiresolution X-ray CT Imaging of Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials
- auteur
- Marius Costin, Samuel Legoupil, Delphine Lazaro-Ponthus, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- International Symposium on Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography, Jun 2011, Berlin, Germany. pp.Mo 4.2
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- titre
- Interest of data fusion for improvement of classification in X-ray inspection
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Ulf Hassler, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- International Symposium on Digital Industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography, Jun 2011, berlin, Germany. pp.00
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- titre
- Automatic Classification of 3D segmented CT data using data fusion and support vector machine
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Valerie Kaftandjian, Ulf Hassler
- article
- Quality Control and Artificial Vision QCAV'2011, Jun 2011, saint etienne, France. pp.00
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- titre
- Modelling of Radiographic inspections: State of the art, Challenges, Applications
- auteur
- Andreas Schumm, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valerie Kaftandjian, R. Jaenisch, Carsten Bellon, Joachim Tabary, Francoise Mathy, Samuel Legoupil
- article
- International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Materials and Structures, May 2011, istanbul, Turkey. pp.00
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- titre
- Restauration en diffraction de rayon X en dispersion d'énergie
- auteur
- Ferréol Soulez, Charles Crespy, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle
- article
- GRETSI, Sep 2011, Bordeaux, France. pp.CDROM
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- titre
- Steps toward automated 3D evaluation of ultrasound data
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Ulf Hassler, M. Rehak, Randolf Hanke, Valerie Kaftandjian, J. Hornegger
- article
- 2nd International Symposium on NDT in Aerospace 2010, Nov 2010, hamburg, Germany. pp.00
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- titre
- auteur
- Andreas Schumm, Philippe Duvauchelle, Jeremy Giot, Joachim Tabary, Roman Fernandez, Quentin Mistral, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- 10th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Jun 2010, Moscow, Russia. pp.00
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- titre
- auteur
- Angela Peterzol, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valerie Kaftandjian, Pascal Ponard
- article
- 10th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Moscow : Russian Federation, Jun 2010, Moscow, Russia. pp.00
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- titre
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Valerie Kaftandjian, Ulf Hassler
- article
- 10th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Moscow : Russian Federation, Jun 2010, Moscow, Russia. pp.00
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- titre
- Super-Resolution for Line Parallel Imaging in Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction
- auteur
- Ferréol Soulez, Charles Crespy, Valerie Kaftandjian, Philippe Duvauchelle, Angela Peterzol, Pascal Ponard
- article
- 10th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, Jun 2010, Moscow, Russia. pp.0
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- titre
- A multiresolution image reconstruction method in X-ray microCT
- auteur
- Marius Costin, Delphine Lazaro-Ponthus, Samuel Legoupil, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2009), Oct 2009, Orlando, United States. pp.3871-3876, ⟨10.1109/NSSMIC.2009.5401919⟩
- DOI : 10.1109/NSSMIC.2009.5401919
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- titre
- Exploration des dimensions d’une expérience scientifique : le projet de physique en ASINSA.
- auteur
- Valerie Kaftandjian, Evelyne Chataignon, Marianne Chouteau
- article
- Rencontres Pédagogie et Formations d’ingénieurs, Mar 2009, Toulouse, France
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Chapitre d'ouvrage
- titre
- Applied Artificial Intelligence in NDE
- auteur
- Ahmad Osman, Yuxia Duan, Valérie Kaftandjian
- article
- Handbook of Nondestructive Evaluation 4.0, Springer International Publishing, pp.1 - 35, 2021, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-48200-8_49-1⟩
- DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-48200-8_49-1
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- titre
- Modelling of Radiographic Inspections
- auteur
- Andreas Schumm, Philippe Duvauchelle, Valerie Kaftandjian, R. Jaenisch, Carsten Bellon, Joachim Tabary, Francoise Mathy, Samuel Legoupil
- article
- Springer. Nondestructive Testing of Materials and Structures, 6, , 2013, RILEM Bookseries, 978-94-007-0722-1. ⟨10.1007/978-94-007-073-8_99⟩
- DOI : 10.1007/978-94-007-073-8_99
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- titre
- Advanced Ultrasonic Tomograph of Children's Bones
- auteur
- Philippe Lasaygues, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, Valérie Kaftandjian, Jean-Philippe Berteau, Martine Pithioux, Régine Guillermin
- article
- Andrzej Nowicki,Jerzy Litniewski,Tamara Kujawska. Acoustical Imaging, 31, Springer, pp.31-38, 2012, ⟨10.1007/978-94-007-2619-2_4⟩
- DOI : 10.1007/978-94-007-2619-2_4
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- titre
- Advanced Ultrasonic Tomograph of Children’s Bones
- auteur
- Philippe Lasaygues, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, Régine Guillermin, Valerie Kaftandjian, Jean-Philippe Berteau, Martine Pithioux, Philippe Petit
- article
- Springer. Acoustical imaging volume 31, , 2012, 978-94-007-2618-5
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- titre
- NDT data fusion for weld inspection
- auteur
- Yue Min Zhu, Valerie Kaftandjian
- article
- X. E. Gros. Applications of NDT data fusion, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.159-191, 2001
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- titre
- Procede de localisation et de representation de defaut dans un objet par radiographie, programme d'ordinateur et systeme correspondants
- auteur
- Ismail Ben Tekaya, Fanny Buyens, Valerie Kaftandjian, Sylvie Sevestre-Ghalila
- article
- France, N° de brevet: WO 2014096621 A1. 2014
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Poster de conférence
- titre
- Projet de physique
- auteur
- Valerie Kaftandjian, Evelyne Chataignon, Marianne Chouteau
- article
- Rencontres Pédagogie et Formations d’ingénieurs, Mar 2009, Toulouse, France. 2009
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- titre
- Using problem based learning to round off a scientific activity
- auteur
- Catherine Verdu, Valerie Kaftandjian, Sue Hillion, Evelyne Chataignon, Maxime Dussert
- article
- Congrès ALE 2007, Jun 2007, Toulouse, France
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