Article dans une revue
- titre
- Importance of Local and Regional Scales in Shaping Mycobacterial Abundance in Freshwater Lakes
- auteur
- Adélaïde Roguet, Claire Therial, Arnaud Catherine, Adèle Bressy, Gilles Varrault, Lila Bouhdamane, Viet Tran Khac, Bruno J. Lemaire, B. Vinçon-Leite, Mohamed Saad, Laurent Moulin, Françoise S. Lucas
- article
- Microbial ecology, 2018, 75 (4), pp.834-846. ⟨10.1007/s00248-017-1088-6⟩
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- titre
- An Automatic Monitoring System for High-Frequency Measuring and Real-Time Management of Cyanobacterial Blooms in Urban Water Bodies
- auteur
- Viet Tran Khac, Yi Hong, Denis Plec, Bruno J. Lemaire, Philippe Dubois, Mohamed Saad, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite
- article
- Processes, 2018, 6 (2), pp.11. ⟨10.3390/pr6020011⟩
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- titre
- Modelagem da Lagoa da Pampulha: uma ferramenta para avaliar o impacto da bacia hidrográfica na dinâmica do fitoplâncton
- auteur
- Talita Fernanda das Graças Silva, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Alessandra Giani, Cleber Cunha Figueredo, Guido Petrucci, Bruno J. Lemaire, Eduardo Von Sperling, Bruno Tassin, Martin Seidl, Viet Tran Khac, Priscila Siqueira Viana, Valquíria Flávia Lima Viana, Rodrigo Argolo Toscano, Brenner Henrique Maia Rodrigues, Nilo de Oliveira Nascimento
- article
- Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 2016, 21 (1), pp.95 - 108. ⟨10.1590/S1413-41520201600100125692⟩
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- titre
- Comparison of cyanobacteria monitoring methods in a tropical reservoir by in vivo and in situ spectrofluorometry
- auteur
- Talita Silva, Alessandra Giani, Cleber Figueredo, Priscila Viana, Bruno J. Lemaire, Bruno Tassin, Nilo Nascimento, Viet Tran Khac, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite
- article
- Ecological Engineering, 2016, 97, pp.79-87. ⟨10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.06.037⟩
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- titre
- Effet de la matière organique produite dans les bassins de rétention des eaux pluviales sur la spéciation les éléments traces métalliques
- auteur
- Bruno J. Lemaire, Mathilde Lauzent, Viet Tran Khac, Gilles Varrault, Martin Seidl, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite
- article
- La Houille Blanche - Revue internationale de l'eau, 2015, 3 (3), pp.37-43. ⟨10.1051/lhb/20150031⟩
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- titre
- Long-term temperature evolution in a deep sub-alpine lake, Lake Bourget, France: how a one-dimensional model improves its trend assessment
- auteur
- Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Bruno J. Lemaire, Viet Tran Khac, Bruno Tassin
- article
- Hydrobiologia, 2014, European Large Lakes III. Large lakes under changing environmental conditions, 731 (1), pp.49-64. ⟨10.1007/s10750-014-1818-4⟩
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Communication dans un congrès
- titre
- Development of a low cost optical sensor and of a drone system for the monitoring of cyanobacteria in freshwater ecosystems
- auteur
- Gabriel Hmimina, Kamel Soudani, Florence D. Hulot, Louise Audebert, Stéphane Buttigieg, Patrice Chatellier, Simon Chollet, Beatriz Decencière, François Derkx, Catherine Freissinet, Yi Hong, Bruno J. Lemaire, Alexis Millot, Aurélien Perrin, Catherine Quiblier, Gonzague Six, Jean-Luc Sorin, Kevin Tambosco, Viet Tran Khac, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Jean-François Humbert
- article
- 18th International Conference on Harmful Algae (ICHA 2018), ISSHA, Oct 2018, Nantes, France
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- titre
- Environmental drivers of trace-metal bioavailability in an urban tropical lake, Lake Pampulha, Brazil
- auteur
- Viet Tran Khac, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Talita Silva, Bruno J. Lemaire, Gilles Varrault, Martin Seidl, Nilo de Oliveira Nascimento
- article
- 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD), Sep 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
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- titre
- Modelling the impact of catchment land-use on cyanobacteria blooms in an urban tropical lake
- auteur
- Talita Silva, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Guido Petrucci, Bruno J. Lemaire, Viet Tran Khac, Lorena Gutierrez, Nilo de Oliveira Nascimento
- article
- XXXIII Congress – International Society of Limnology, SIL, Jul 2016, Torino, Italy
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- titre
- Speciation of trace metals in an urban tropical lake, Lake Pampulha, Brazil
- auteur
- Viet Tran Khac, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Talita Silva, Bruno J. Lemaire, Martin Seidl, Nilo Nascimento
- article
- Novatech 2016, GRAIE, Jun 2016, Lyon, France
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- titre
- Ecological and chemical status of peri-urban lakes in the Ile-de-France region: data collection and indicator definition
- auteur
- Viet Tran Khac, Adèle Bressy, Françoise Lucas, Adélaïde Roguet, Gilles Varrault, Bruno J. Lemaire, Frédéric Soulignac, Arnaud Catherine, Cécile Bernard, Ludwig Jardillier, Gérard Lacroix, Selma Maloufi, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite
- article
- 9th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Jul 2015, Genève, Switzerland
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- titre
- Integrated Modelling of Lake Pampulha: Assessing the Catchment Impact on Cyanobacteria Dynamics in the Lake
- auteur
- Talita Silva, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Bruno J. Lemaire, Alessandra Giani, Cleber Cunha Figueredo, Viet Tran Khac, Eduardo Von Sperling, Guido Petrucci, Brenner Henrique Maia Rodrigues, Priscila Siqueira Viana, Valquíria Flávia Lima Viana, Rodrigo Argolo Toscano, Martin Seidl, Bruno Tassin, Nilo de Oliveira Nascimento
- article
- 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Sep 2014, Kuching, Malaysia
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- titre
- Coupling cyanobacteria dynamics and urban runoff modelling: an integrated approach for a tropical lake in Brazil
- auteur
- Talita Silva, Guido Petrucci, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Bruno J. Lemaire, Robin Garnier, Viet Tran Khac, Martin Seidl, Bruno Tassin, Nilo Nascimento
- article
- 8th International conference Novatech, Jun 2013, Lyon, France
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- titre
- Modelagem da dinâmica de cianobactérias integrada à modelagem hidrológica da bacia hidrográfica da Lagoa da Pampulha
- auteur
- Talita Silva, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Bruno J. Lemaire, Viet Tran Khac, Alessandra Giani, Cleber Figueredo, R. Toscano, V. Viana, Guido Petrucci, Martin Seidl, Bruno Tassin, Nilo Nascimento
- article
- XX Simposio Brasileiro de Recursos Hidricos, Nov 2013, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil. pp.""
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- titre
- Urban lakes: interactions between phytoplankton dynamics and trace metal speciation
- auteur
- V Tran Khac, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, G Varrault, Bruno J. Lemaire, Martin Seidl, Bruno Tassin, N Nascimento
- article
- Alberta : Brazil Initiative on Water and The Environment, Nov 2012, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
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- titre
- Urban lakes: interaction between phytoplankton dynamics and trace metal speciation
- auteur
- Viet Tran Khac, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Gilles Varrault, Bruno J. Lemaire, Bruno Tassin, Nilo Nascimento
- article
- 12th edition of the World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists (WWW-YES-2012) - Urban waters: resource or risks?, May 2012, Arcueil, France
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- titre
- Impact of global warming on the thermal functioning of a deep subalpine lake: analysis of Lake Bourget data set and modelling
- auteur
- Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, V Penot, Bruno J. Lemaire, V Tran Khac, N Belucci, Bruno Tassin
- article
- 3rd European Large Lakes Symposium, Oct 2012, Konstanz, Germany
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Poster de conférence
- titre
- What can we learn from the hydrogeological functioning of peri-urban lakes in the Ile-de-France region on their ecological status?
- auteur
- Viet Tran Khac, Olivier Fouché, Bruno J. Lemaire, Arnaud Catherine, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite
- article
- 43rd Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH 2016), Sep 2016, Montpellier, France
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- titre
- Effet des bassins de rétention sur les micropolluants des eaux pluviales en ville
- auteur
- Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Bruno J. Lemaire, Mathilde Lauzent, Viet Tran Khac, Martin Seidl, Gilles Varrault, Ningxi Chen
- article
- [Rapport de recherche] LEESU. 2017
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- titre
- Modélisation pluriannuelle du fonctionnement thermique et écologique d'un grand lac périalpin
- auteur
- Khac Viet Tran
- article
- 2011
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- titre
- Le rôle des facteurs environnementaux sur la concentration des métaux-tracesdans les lacs urbains -Lac de Pampulha, Lac de Créteil et 49 lacs péri-urbains d’Ile de France
- auteur
- Viet Tran Khac
- article
- Hydrology. Université Paris-Est; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2016. English. ⟨NNT : 2016PESC1160⟩
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