Journal articles
- titre
- Initiation and development of tectonic stylolite -Vein system in micritic limestone (Les Matelles, France)
- auteur
- Grégory Ballas, Suzanne Raynaud, Michel Lopez, Emilien Oliot, Jean-Pierre Sizun, Jacinthe Caillaud, Fabrice Barou, Benoit Ildefonse
- article
- Journal of Structural Geology, 2024, 183, pp.105130. ⟨10.1016/j.jsg.2024.105130⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Tour d’horizon du bassin stéphano-permien de Graissessac-Lodève
- auteur
- Michel Lopez, Anne-Laure Decombeix, Mathilde Mercuzot, Marc Poujol
- article
- Géochronique, 2023, 168, pp.56-67
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- titre
- Insights on the Permian tuff beds from the Saint-Affrique Basin (Massif Central, France): an integrated geochemical and geochronological study
- auteur
- Marc Poujol, Mathilde Mercuzot, Michel Lopez, Sylvie Bourquin, Olivier Bruguier, Erwan Hallot, Laurent Beccaletto
- article
- Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 2023, 355 (S2), pp.137-161. ⟨10.5802/crgeos.184⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Étude géochimique et géochronologique des séries volcano-sédimentaires fini-Carbonifère – Permien des bassins de Saint-Affrique et de Lodève-Graissessacn
- auteur
- Marc Poujol, Mathilde Mercuzot, Sylvie Bourquin, Michel Lopez, Bastien Lesage, Olivier Bruquier, Erwan Hallot, Laurent Beccaletto
- article
- 28e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST 2023), Société Géologique de france (SGF), Oct 2023, Rennes, France
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Journal articles
- titre
- Sedimentology and depositional environment of the Late Eocene marine siliciclastic to evaporite transition in the Sivas Basin (Turkey)
- auteur
- Alexandre Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, Michel Lopez, Jean-Paul Callot, Jean-Claude Ringenbach
- article
- Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021, 131, ⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105151⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Le paleo-pockmark géant de Beauvoisin (Drôme, France) : initiation, fonctionnement et signification en termes de géodynamique du Bassin du SE de la France
- auteur
- Aurélien Gay, Alexiane Favier, Michel Lopez, Jean-Luc Potdevin, Nicolas Tribovillard, Valérie Vidal, German Varas, Delphine Bosch, Sandra Ventalon, Thibault Cavailhes, Martin Neumaier, Anna Travé, Sidonie Révillon, Olivier Bruguier, Doriane Delmas, Christophe Nevado
- article
- 27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, SGF, CNRS, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon ou l’étude de la Terre, des planètes et de l’environnement, Nov 2021, Lyon, France
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Journal articles
- titre
- 3D seismic analogs construction from a shallow broadband seismic
- auteur
- Mehdi Bouayad, Frédérik Pivot, Michel Lopez
- article
- Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 195, pp.107754. ⟨10.1016/j.petrol.2020.107754⟩
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- titre
- Tectonic and climate control on allochthonous bauxite deposition. Example from the mid-Cretaceous Villeveyrac basin, southern France
- auteur
- Emmanuelle Chanvry, Emilie Marchand, Michel Lopez, Michel Séranne, Gwenn Le Saout, Marc Vinches
- article
- Sedimentary Geology, 2020, 407, pp.105727. ⟨10.1016/j.sedgeo.2020.105727⟩
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- titre
- Poly-phased fluid flow in the giant fossil pockmark of Beauvoisin, SE basin of France
- auteur
- Aurélien Gay, Alexiane Favier, Jean-Luc Potdevin, Michel Lopez, Delphine Bosch, Nicolas Tribovillard, Sandra Ventalon, Thibault Cavailhes, Martin Neumaier, Sidonie Revillon, Anna Travé, Olivier Bruguier, Doriane Delmas, Christophe Nevado
- article
- Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 2020, 191, pp.35. ⟨10.1051/bsgf/2020036⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- In-situ geophysical and hydro-geochemical monitoring to infer landslide dynamics (Pégairolles-de-l'Escalette landslide, France)
- auteur
- Nataliya Denchik, Stéphanie Gautier, Margaux Dupuy, Christelle Batiot-Guilhe, Michel Lopez, Véronique Léonardi, Muriel Geeraert, Gilles Henry, Denis Neyens, Paul Coudray, Philippe Pezard
- article
- Engineering Geology, 2019, 254, pp.102-112. ⟨10.1016/j.enggeo.2019.04.009⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Evidences for progressive autochthonous bauxite cover dismantling and trapping in a karst during mid-Cretaceous. Example of in the Villeveyrac basin (Southern France)
- auteur
- Emilie Marchand, Emmanuelle Chanvry, Gwenn Le Saout, Michel Lopez, Michel Seranne, Marc Vinches
- article
- EGU General Assembly 2019, Apr 2019, Vienne, Austria. pp.EGU2019-15864
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Journal articles
- titre
- 3D morphology and timing of the giant fossil pockmark of Beauvoisin, SE Basin of France
- auteur
- Aurélien Gay, Michel Lopez, Jean-Luc Potdevin, Valérie Vidal, German Varas, Alexiane Favier, Nicolas Tribovillard
- article
- Journal of the Geological Society, 2018, 176 (1), pp.61-77. ⟨10.1144/jgs2018-064⟩
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- titre
- Facies partitioning and stratal pattern in salt-controlled marine to continental mini-basins: Examples from the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene of the Sivas Basin, Turkey
- auteur
- Charlotte Ribes, Michel Lopez, Charlie Kergaravat, Philippe Crumeyrolle, André Poisson, Jean-Paul Callot, Jean-Louis Paquette, Jean-Claude Ringenbach
- article
- Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2018, 93, pp.468 - 496. ⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.03.018⟩
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- titre
- A close relative of the Amazon river dolphin in marine deposits: a new Iniidae from the late Miocene of Angola
- auteur
- Olivier Lambert, Camille Auclair, Cirilo Cauxeiro, Michel Lopez, Sylvain Adnet
- article
- PeerJ, 2018, 6, pp.e5556. ⟨10.7717/peerj.5556⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Sedimentary fluids/fault interaction during syn-rift burial of the Lodève Permian Basin (Hérault, France): An example of seismic-valve mechanism in active extensional faults
- auteur
- Dimitri Laurent, Michel Lopez, Alain Chauvet, Anne Charline Sauvage, Martine Buatier, Jorge E. Spangenberg
- article
- Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017, 88, pp.303 - 328. ⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.08.021⟩
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- titre
- Urucum Neoproterozoic-Cambrian manganese deposits (MS, Brazil): Biogenic participation in the ore genesis, geology, geochemistry, and depositional environment
- auteur
- Joao Carlos Biondi, Michel Lopez
- article
- Ore Geology Reviews, 2017, 91, pp.335-386. ⟨10.1016/j.oregeorev.2017.09.018⟩
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- titre
- The 2.1 Ga-old injectite network of the Franceville Basin, Gabon: Architecture, origin and implications on manganese mineralization
- auteur
- Manon Dubois, Michel Lopez, Beate Orberger, Aurelien Gay, Mathieu Moussavou, Florent Pambo, Sophie Rodrigues
- article
- Precambrian Research, 2017, 302, pp.255-278. ⟨10.1016/j.precamres.2017.09.022⟩
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- titre
- Factors controlling stratal pattern and facies distribution of fluvio-lacustrine sedimentation in the Sivas mini-basins, Oligocene (Turkey)
- auteur
- Charlotte Ribes, Charlie Kergaravat, Philippe Crumeyrolle, Michel Lopez, Cédric Bonnel, André Poisson, Kaan Şevki Kavak, Jean-Paul Callot, Jean-Claude Ringenbach
- article
- Basin Research, 2017, 29 (51), pp.596-621. ⟨10.1111/bre.12171⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Transition from marine deep slope deposits to evaporitic facies of an isolated shallow water hypersaline basin
- auteur
- Alexandre Pichat, Guilhem Hoareau, Etienne Legeay, Michel Lopez, Cédric Bonnel, Jean-Paul Callot, Jean-Claude Ringenbach
- article
- International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF joint meeting, Oct 2017, Toulouse, France
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Journal articles
- titre
- Halokinetic sequences in carbonate systems: An example from the Middle Albian Bakio Breccias Formation (Basque Country, Spain)
- auteur
- Yohann Poprawski, Christophe Basile, Etienne Jaillard, Matthieu Gaudin, Michel Lopez
- article
- Sedimentary Geology, 2016, 334, pp.34-52. ⟨10.1016/j.sedgeo.2016.01.013⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Sand injectites network as a marker of the palaeoestress field, the structural framework and the distance to the sand source: Example in the Vocontian Basin, SE France
- auteur
- Damien Monnier, Aurélien Gay, Patrice Imbert, Thibault Cavailhes, Roger Soliva, Michel Lopez
- article
- Journal of Structural Geology, 2015, 79, pp.1 - 18. ⟨10.1016/j.jsg.2015.07.001⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Cu-Ag Stratabound Ore Deposits Associated to the Andean Tectonic Inversion in the Salta Basin, NW Argentina
- auteur
- Hector Santiago S. Rioja Sanchez, Michel Lopez
- article
- 13th Biennial SGA Meeting, Aug 2015, Nancy, France. pp.1997-2000
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- titre
- The Mn-Carbonate Rich Black Shales of the Bangombe Plateau, Francevillian Basin, Gabon
- auteur
- Manon Dubois, Michel Lopez, Beate Orberger, Celine Rodriguez, Mohammed Boussafir, Geoffrey Dreux, Sophie Rodrigues, Florent Pambo
- article
- 13th Biennial SGA Meeting, Aug 2015, Nancy, France. pp.1905-1908
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Journal articles
- titre
- Stratigraphic architecture and forcing processes of the late Neogene Miradouro da Lua sedimentary prism, Cuanza Basin, Angola
- auteur
- Cirilo Cauxeiro, J. Durand, Michel Lopez
- article
- Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2014, 95, pp.77-92. ⟨10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2014.01.013⟩
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- titre
- (Ra-228/Ra-226) ratios in hydrothermal carbonates and the origin of radium in CO2-rich waters of the Lodeve Basin (South of France)
- auteur
- Michel Condomines, Emily Lloret, Jean-Luc Seidel, Michel Lopez
- article
- Chemical Geology, 2014, 372, pp.46-53. ⟨10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.02.008⟩
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- titre
- Pliocene sand injectites from a submarine lobe fringe during hydrocarbon migration and salt diapirism: a seismic example from the Lower Congo Basin
- auteur
- Damien Monnier, P. Imbert, Aurélien Gay, Régis Mourgues, Michel Lopez
- article
- Geofluids, 2014, 14 (1), pp.1-19. ⟨10.1111/gfl.12057⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- High-resolution architecture of a polygonal fault interval inferred from geomodel applied to 3D seismic data from the Gjallar Ridge, Vøring Basin, Offshore Norway
- auteur
- Dimitri Laurent, Aurélien Gay, Catherine Baudon, C. Berndt, Roger Soliva, Sverre Planke, Régis Mourgues, Sébastien Lacaze, Fabien Pauget, Marion Mangue, Michel Lopez
- article
- Marine Geology, 2012, 332-334, pp.134-161. ⟨10.1016/j.margeo.2012.07.016⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Geophysical and geochemical evidence of large scale fluid flow within shallow sediments in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, offshore Louisiana
- auteur
- Aurélien Gay, Y. Takano, W.P. Gilhooly Iii, C. Berndt, K. Heeschen, N. Suzuki, S. Saegusa, F. Nakagawa, U. Tsunogai, S.Y. Jiang, Michel Lopez
- article
- Geofluids, 2011, 11 (1), pp.34-47. ⟨10.1111/j.1468-8123.2010.00304.x⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Gravitational collapse and Neogene sediment transfer across the western margin of the Gulf of Mexico: Insights from numerical models
- auteur
- H. Alzaga-Ruiz, D. Granjeon, Michel Lopez, Michel Seranne, F. Roure
- article
- Tectonophysics, 2009, 470 (1-2), pp.21-41. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2008.06.017⟩
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- titre
- The long-term evolution of the Congo deep-sea fan: A basin-wide view of the interaction between a giant submarine fan and a mature passive margin (ZaiAngo project)
- auteur
- Z. Anka, Michel Seranne, Michel Lopez, M. Scheck-Wenderoth, B. Savoye
- article
- Tectonophysics, 2009, 470 (1-2), pp.42-56. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2008.04.009⟩
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- titre
- Long lasting interactions between tectonic loading, unroofing, post-rift thermal subsidence and sedimentary transfers along the western margin of the Gulf of Mexico: Some insights from integrated quantitative studies
- auteur
- Francois Roure, Humberto Alzaga-Ruiz, Jean-Paul Callot, Helga Ferket, Didier Granjeon, Graciela Esmeralda Gonzalez-Mercado, Nicole Guilhaumou, Michel Lopez, Pascal Mougin, Salvador Ortuno-Arzate, Michel Seranne
- article
- Tectonophysics, 2009, 475 (1), pp.169-189. ⟨10.1016/j.tecto.2009.04.012⟩
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- titre
- Interactions between the Laramide Foreland and the passive margin of the Gulf of Mexico: Tectonics and sedimentation in the Golden Lane area, Veracruz State, Mexico
- auteur
- H. Alzaga-Ruiz, Michel Lopez, F. Roure, Michel Seranne
- article
- Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2009, 26 (6), pp.951-973. ⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2008.03.009⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Geological controls on focused fluid flow associated with seafloor seeps in the lower congo basin
- auteur
- Aurelien Gay, Michel Lopez, C. Berndt, Michel Seranne
- article
- Marine Geology, 2007, 244 (1-4), pp.68-92. ⟨10.1016/j.margeo.2007.06.003⟩
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