Journal articles
- titre
- Recycling single use surgical face mask waste for reinforcing cement-treated/untreated dredged marine sediments: Strength, deformation and micro-mechanisms analysis
- auteur
- Hongwei Wang, R. Zentar, Dongxing Wang, Longjun Dong, Daoyuan Sun
- article
- Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 449, pp.138450. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.138450⟩
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- titre
- Flash-calcined sediments versus raw sediments: A comparative life cycle assessment of SCMs
- auteur
- Mohammad Almokdad, Rachid Zentar
- article
- Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 411, pp.134550. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134550⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Investigating the influence of particle size ranges on the physical, mineralogical, and environmental properties of raw marine sediment
- auteur
- Fatima Ouendi, Rachid Zentar
- article
- Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 409, pp.133987. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.133987⟩
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- titre
- Characterization of recycled dredged Sediments: Toward circular economy in road construction
- auteur
- Mohammad Almokdad, Rachid Zentar
- article
- Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 402, pp.132974. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.132974⟩
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- titre
- Effects of sample preparation methods on measured characteristics of marine and fluvial sediment
- auteur
- Rachid Zentar, Fatima Ouendi, Hongwei Wang
- article
- International Journal of Sediment Research, 2023, ⟨10.1016/j.ijsrc.2023.09.002⟩
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- titre
- Predicting the compaction parameters of solidified dredged fine sediments with statistical approach
- auteur
- Hongwei Wang, Rachid Zentar, Dongxing Wang
- article
- Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2023, 41 (2), pp.195-210. ⟨10.1080/1064119X.2021.2023827⟩
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- titre
- Les méthodes issues de l’intelligence artificielle au service de l’ingénieur : Applications aux matériaux de construction
- auteur
- R. Zentar
- article
- Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2023, ⟨10.26168/ajce.41.2.5⟩
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- titre
- Rheological Characterization of Fine-Grained Sediments under Steady and Dynamic Conditions
- auteur
- Hongwei Wang, Rachid Zentar, Dongxing Wang
- article
- International Journal of Geomechanics, In press, ⟨10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0002243⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Prediction of the Compressive Strength of Waste-Based Concretes Using Artificial Neural Network
- auteur
- Mouhamadou Amar, Mahfoud Benzerzour, R. Zentar, Nor-Edine Abriak
- article
- Materials, 2022, 15 (20), pp.7045. ⟨10.3390/ma15207045⟩
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- titre
- New Applications of Ordinary Portland and Calcium Sulfoaluminate Composite Binder for Recycling Dredged Marine Sediments as Road Materials
- auteur
- Hongwei Wang, Rachid Zentar, Dongxing Wang, Fatima Ouendi
- article
- International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, ⟨10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0002373⟩
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- titre
- Co-valorization of Tuff and Sandy Residues in Roads Construction
- auteur
- Hassan Moulay Omar, Rachid Zentar, Mustapha Akacem, Belkacem Mekerta, Mohamed Mouli
- article
- Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2022, 8 (5), pp.1029-1045. ⟨10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-05-013⟩
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- titre
- Predicting the compaction parameters of solidified dredged fine sediments with statistical approach
- auteur
- Hongwei Wang, Rachid Zentar, Dongxing Wang
- article
- Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2022, 41 (2), pp.195-210. ⟨10.1080/1064119X.2021.2023827⟩
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- titre
- Carbon footprint of dredged sediments and virgin aggregates in a road case study
- auteur
- Mohammad Almokdad, R. Zentar
- article
- Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, ⟨10.26168/ajce.40.1.38⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Assessing the toxicity of virgin aggregates leachate versus dredged sediments leachate in backfill application
- auteur
- Mohammad Almokdad, R. Zentar
- article
- NOMAD 2022 - 4e conférence internationale francophone Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité, IMT Mines Alès; LMGC; LIFAM, Nov 2022, Montpellier, France
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Book sections
- titre
- Valorization of Treated Dredged Sediments in Light of Life Cycle Assessment
- auteur
- Rachid Zentar, Mohammad Almokdad
- article
- CIGOS 2021, Emerging Technologies and Applications for Green Infrastructure, 203, Springer Nature Singapore, pp.949-955, 2022, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, ⟨10.1007/978-981-16-7160-9_96⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Comparative study of stabilization/solidification of dredged sediments with ordinary Portland cement and calcium sulfo-aluminate cement in the framework of valorization in road construction material
- auteur
- R. Zentar, Hongwei Wang, Dongxing Wang
- article
- Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 279, pp.122447. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122447⟩
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- titre
- Valorisation of marine sediments with novel eco-friendly OPC-CSA composite binder
- auteur
- Hongwei Wang, R. Zentar
- article
- Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, ⟨10.26168/ajce.39.1.42⟩
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- titre
- Modeling of erosion in the Wadi Guir watershed (South-West Algeria) by the application of Geographic Information System (GIS)
- auteur
- Belaout Fateh, Belkacem Mekerta, R. Zentar, Abdelmadjid Chabani, Abderahmane Abdelkrimi, Slimane Kalloum
- article
- International Journal of Forest, Soil and Erosion, 2021, 11 (1), pp.1-13
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- titre
- Modèles prédictifs de l’affaissement du béton : Cas de granulats concassés et roulés
- auteur
- Mokrane Bala, R. Zentar, Pascal Boustingorry
- article
- Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, ⟨10.26168/ajce.37.1.42⟩
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- titre
- Rheological characterisation of kaolinite clay: experimental study
- auteur
- Hongwei Wang, R. Zentar, Dongxing Wang
- article
- Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, ⟨10.26168/ajce.37.1.40⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Organic dredged sediments treated with Portland Cement: compaction characteristics
- auteur
- Hongwei Wang, R. Zentar, Dongxing Wang
- article
- Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, ⟨10.26168/ajce.38.1.49⟩
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- titre
- Co-valorisation of Local Materials Tuffs and Dune Sands in Construction of Roads
- auteur
- Mustapha Akacem, Rachid Zentar, Belkacem Mekerta, Abdelfeteh Sadok, Hassan Moulay Omar
- article
- Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2020, 38 (1), pp.435-447. ⟨10.1007/s10706-019-01035-4⟩
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- titre
- Influence des matières organiques sur les propriétés physiques des sédiments de dragage
- auteur
- R. Zentar, Fawzi Hamouche
- article
- Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, 34 (1), ⟨10.26168/ajce.34.1.110⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Effects of organic matter on mechanical properties of dredged sediments for beneficial use in road construction
- auteur
- Fawzi Hamouche, Rachid Zentar
- article
- Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), 2020, 41 (3), pp.296-308. ⟨10.1080/09593330.2018.1497711⟩
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- titre
- Effects of Organic Matter on Physical Properties of Dredged Marine Sediments
- auteur
- Fawzi Hamouche, Rachid Zentar
- article
- Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2020, 11 (1), pp.389-401. ⟨10.1007/s12649-018-0387-6⟩
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- titre
- Apparent and complex viscosity versus the water content of clay
- auteur
- Hongwei Wang, R. Zentar, Dongxing Wang
- article
- Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, ⟨10.26168/ajce.38.1.50⟩
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- titre
- Parameter determination of the Compressible Packing Model (CPM) for concrete application
- auteur
- Mokrane Bala, Rachid Zentar, Pascal Boustingorry
- article
- Powder Technology, 2020, 367, pp.56-66. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2019.11.085⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Comparative study of the yield stress determination of cement pastes by different methods
- auteur
- Mokrane Bala, Rachid Zentar, Pascal Boustingorry
- article
- Materials and structures, 2019, ⟨10.1617/s11527-019-1403-4⟩
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- titre
- Durability study of concrete incorporating dredged sediments
- auteur
- R. Achour, R. Zentar, N.-E. Abriak, P. Rivard, P. Gregoire
- article
- Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2019, 11, ⟨10.1016/j.cscm.2019.e00244⟩
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- titre
- Modèles prédictifs de l'affaissement du béton : Cas de granulats concassés et roulés
- auteur
- Mokrane Bala, R. Zentar, Pascal Boustingorry
- article
- Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 37 (1), pp.196-202
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- titre
- Effect of phosphatation and calcination on the environmental behaviour of sediments
- auteur
- Moussa Dia, R. Zentar, Nor Edine Abriak, Ange Nzihou, Guy Depelsenaire, Alain Germeau
- article
- International Journal of Sediment Research, 2019, 34, pp.486-495. ⟨10.1016/j.ijsrc.2018.10.002⟩
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- titre
- Influence of the Granular Mixture Properties on the Rheological Properties of Concrete: Yield Stress Determination Using Modified Chateau et al. Model
- auteur
- R. Zentar, Mokrane Bala, Pascal Boustingorry
- article
- International Journal of …, 2019, ⟨10.5281/ZENODO.3566327⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Durability and Swelling of Solidified/Stabilized Dredged Marine Soils with Class-F Fly Ash, Cement, and Lime
- auteur
- Dongxing Wang, Rachid Zentar, Nor Edine Abriak
- article
- Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, 30 (3), ⟨10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002187⟩
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- titre
- Durability and swelling of solidified/stabilized dredged marine soils with class-f fly ash, cement, and lime
- auteur
- D. Wang, Rachid Zentar, Nor-Edine Abriak
- article
- Journal of Materials in Civil …, 2018, 30 (3), ⟨10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002187⟩
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- titre
- Long-term mechanical performance of marine sediments solidified with cement, lime, and fly ash
- auteur
- D. Wang, Rachid Zentar, Nor-Edine Abriak, S. Di
- article
- Marine Georesources & …, 2018, 36, pp.123-130. ⟨10.1080/1064119X.2017.1320600⟩
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- titre
- auteur
- Fawzi Hamouche, Rachid Zentar
- article
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- titre
- Sludge wastewater treatment plants a raw mater to produce a green-cement
- auteur
- D. Driss, R. Zentar, M. Belkacem
- article
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- titre
- auteur
- Mustapha Akacem, Belkaceme Mekerta, Rachid Zentar, Hassan-Moulay Omar, Mohamed Abbou
- article
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- titre
- Sludge of wwtps, from waste family to sustainable development
- auteur
- Driss Djafari, Belkacem Mekerta, Rachid Zentar, Abdelaziz Semcha
- article
- African Review of Science, Technology and Development, 2018, 3 (1)
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Conference papers
- titre
- Parameter analysis of the compressible packing model for Concrete application
- auteur
- Mokrane Bala, R. Zentar, Pascal Boustingorry
- article
- 12th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Aug 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
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- titre
- Détermination des contraintes seuil des pâtes de ciment en vue d’une optimisation de la rhéologie des bétons
- auteur
- Mokrane Bala, R. Zentar, Pascal Boustingorry
- article
- 19ème Edition des Journées scientifiques du Regroupement Francophone pour la Recherche et la Formation sur le Béton (RF)2B, Jul 2018, Anglet, France
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- titre
- Etude d'impact de la forme des granulats sur les paramètres du modèle d'empilement compressible
- auteur
- Mokrane Bala, R. Zentar, Pascal Boustingorry
- article
- 36èmes Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil de l’AUGC, Jun 2018, Saint-Etienne, France
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Journal articles
- titre
- Stress-dependent behavior of artificially structured and reconstituted marine soils
- auteur
- D. Wang, N.E. Abriak, R. Zentar
- article
- International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17 (4), ⟨10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000804⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Characterization and valorisation of sludge of wastewater treatment plant (WWTPs) into cement industry
- auteur
- D. Djafari, A. Semcha, R. Zentar, B. Mekerta, A. Touzi, H. Hannache, M. Elharti, A. Zarrouk
- article
- Journal of Materials and Environmental Science , 2017, 8 (4), pp.1350-1358
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- titre
- Temperature-accelerated strength development in stabilized marine soils as road construction materials
- auteur
- D. Wang, R. Zentar, N.E. Abriak
- article
- Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2017, 29 (5), ⟨10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001778⟩
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- titre
- Dredged marine sediments used as novel supply of filling materials for road construction
- auteur
- D. Wang, N.E. Abriak, R. Zentar
- article
- Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2017, 35 (4), pp.472-480. ⟨10.1080/1064119X.2016.1198945⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Interpretation of Compression Behavior of Structured and Remolded Marine Soils
- auteur
- Dongxing Wang, Rachid Zentar, Nor Edine Abriak
- article
- Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2016, 28 (6), ⟨10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001503⟩
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- titre
- Genetic programming for granular compactness modelling
- auteur
- Abdelfeteh Sadok, Rachid Zentar, Nor-Eddine Abriak
- article
- European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2016, 20 (10), pp.1249-1261. ⟨10.1080/19648189.2016.1150901⟩
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- titre
- The Effect of Granulation Time of the Pan Granulation on the Characteristics of the Aggregates Containing Dunkirk Sediments
- auteur
- Hassane Azrar, Rachid Zentar, Nor-Edine Abriak
- article
- Procedia Engineering, 2016, 143, pp.10-17. ⟨10.1016/j.proeng.2016.06.002⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Modélisation de la compacité granulaire par une approche d'Apprentissage Automatique
- auteur
- Abdelfeteh Sadok, R. Zentar, Nor Edine Abriak
- article
- Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, May 2015, Bayonne, France
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Journal articles
- titre
- One-dimensional consolidation of lime-treated dredged harbour sediments
- auteur
- Dongxing Wang, Nor Edine Abriak, Rachid Zentar
- article
- European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2014, 19 (2), pp.199-218. ⟨10.1080/19648189.2014.939309⟩
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- titre
- Valorization of unauthorized sea disposal dredged sediments as a road foundation material
- auteur
- Raouf Achour, Nor-Edine Abriak, Rachid Zentar, Patrice Rivard, Pascal Gregoire
- article
- Environmental Technology, 2014, 35 (16), pp.1997-2007. ⟨10.1080/09593330.2014.889758⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Effect of physicochemical and thermal treatment on the environmental behavior of sediments
- auteur
- Moussa Dia, R. Zentar, Ange Nzihou, Nor-Edine Abriak, Guy Depelsenaire, Alain Germeau
- article
- WasteEng 2014 -5th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Aug 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. p.1446-1453
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Journal articles
- titre
- Strength and deformation properties of Dunkirk marine sediments solidified with cement, lime and fly ash
- auteur
- Dongxing Wang, Nor Edine Abriak, Rachid Zentar
- article
- Engineering Geology, 2013, 166, pp.90-99. ⟨10.1016/j.enggeo.2013.09.007⟩
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- titre
- Effect of lime treatment on geotechnical properties of Dunkirk sediments in France
- auteur
- Dongxing Wang, Nor Edine Abriak, Rachid Zentar, Wenzhao Chen
- article
- Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2013, 14 (3), pp.485-503. ⟨10.1080/14680629.2012.755935⟩
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- titre
- Co-valorisation of Dunkirk dredged sediments and siliceous–aluminous fly ash using lime
- auteur
- Dongxing Wang, Nor Edine Abriak, Rachid Zentar
- article
- Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2013, 14 (2), pp.415-431. ⟨10.1080/14680629.2013.779309⟩
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- titre
- Shear Strength Behavior of Cement/Lime-Solidified Dunkirk Sediments by Fall Cone Tests and Vane Shear Tests
- auteur
- Dongxing Wang, Rachid Zentar, Nor Edine Abriak, Weiya Xu
- article
- Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2013, 36 (1), pp.20120030. ⟨10.1520/GTJ20120030⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Effect of chemical and thermal treatment on the geotechnical properties of dredged sediment
- auteur
- Moussa Dia, J. Ramaroson, Ange Nzihou, R. Zentar, N. E. Abriak, G. Depelsenaire, A. Germeau
- article
- SYMPHOS 2013 - 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE PHOSPHATE INDUSTRY, May 2013, Agadir, Morocco. p. 159-169, ⟨10.1016/j.proeng.2014.09.034⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Utilization of siliceous–aluminous fly ash and cement for solidification of marine sediments
- auteur
- Rachid Zentar, Dongxing Wang, Nor Edine Abriak, Mahfoud Benzerzour, Wenzhao Chen
- article
- Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 35, pp.856-863. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.04.024⟩
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- titre
- Experimental investigation on consistency limits of cement and lime-stabilized marine sediments
- auteur
- Dongxing Wang, Rachid Zentar, Nor Edine Abriak, Weiya Xu
- article
- Environmental Technology, 2012, 33 (10), pp.1197-1205. ⟨10.1080/09593330.2011.633565⟩
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- titre
- Road material basis in dredged sediment and basic oxygen furnace steel slag
- auteur
- Mohamed Miraoui, Rachid Zentar, Nor-Edine Abriak
- article
- Construction and Building Materials, 2012, 30, pp.309-319. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.11.032⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Solidification/stabilization of dredged marine sediments for road construction
- auteur
- Dong Xing Wang, Nor Edine Abriak, Rachid Zentar, Weiya Xu
- article
- Environmental Technology, 2012, 33 (1), pp.95-101. ⟨10.1080/09593330.2011.551840⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Natural Dewatering of Marine Dredged Sediments
- auteur
- R. Zentar, M. Miraoui, N.-E. Abriak, M. Benzerzour
- article
- Drying Technology, 2011, 29 (14), pp.1705-1713. ⟨10.1080/07373937.2011.599905⟩
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- titre
- Strength and Swelling Properties of Solidified Dredged Materials
- auteur
- Dong Xing Wang, Rachid Zentar, Nor Edine Abriak
- article
- Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 261-263, pp.812-815. ⟨10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.261-263.812⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Effect of Fly Ash and Lime Treatment on Mechanical and Swell Properties of Dunkirk Dredged Sediments
- auteur
- Dong Xing Wang, Rachid Zentar, Nor Edine Abriak, Wei Ya Xu
- article
- Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 250-253, pp.755-760. ⟨10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.250-253.755⟩
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- titre
- Fine sediments as a granular source for civil engineering
- auteur
- Vincent Dubois, Rachid Zentar, Nor-Edine Abriak, Pascal Grégoire
- article
- European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2011, 15 (2), pp.137-166. ⟨10.3166/EJECE.15.137-166⟩
- Accès au bibtex
Journal articles
- titre
- Beneficial use of dredged sediments in public works
- auteur
- R. Zentar, N.‐e. Abriak, V. Dubois, M. Miraoui
- article
- Environmental Technology, 2009, 30 (8), pp.841-847. ⟨10.1080/09593330902990139⟩
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- titre
- Monotonic aspects of the mechanical behaviour of bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration and its potential use for road construction
- auteur
- Frederic Becquart, Fabrice Bernard, Nor Edine Abriak, Rachid Zentar
- article
- Waste Management, 2009, 29 (4), pp.1320-1329. ⟨10.1016/j.wasman.2008.08.019⟩
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- titre
- The use of marine sediments as a pavement base material
- auteur
- Vincent Dubois, Nor Edine Abriak, Rachid Zentar, Gérard Ballivy
- article
- Waste Management, 2009, 29 (2), pp.774-782. ⟨10.1016/j.wasman.2008.05.004⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Fall Cone Test to Characterize Shear Strength of Organic Sediments
- auteur
- R. Zentar, Nor Edine Abriak, Vincent Dubois
- article
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2009, 135 (1), pp.153-157. ⟨10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2009)135:1(153)⟩
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- titre
- Etude comparative du comportement physico-mécanique d'un sédiment pollué et non pollué
- auteur
- Abdeljalil Edine Zri, Nor-Edine Abriak, Zentar Rachid
- article
- Environnement, Ingénierie & Développement, 2009, N°53 - Janvier-Février-Mars 2009, pp.12-18. ⟨10.4267/dechets-sciences-techniques.1280⟩
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- titre
- Effects of salts and organic matter on Atterberg limits of dredged marine sediments
- auteur
- R. Zentar, Nor-Edine Abriak, Vincent Dubois
- article
- Applied Clay Science, 2009, 42 (3-4), pp.391-397. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2008.04.003⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Mechanical behaviour and environmental impacts of a test road built marine dredged sediments
- auteur
- R. Zentar, Vincent Dubois, Nor Edine Abriak
- article
- Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2008, 52 (6), pp 947-954. ⟨10.1016/j.resconrec.2008.02.002⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Mechanical behaviour and environmental impacts of a test road built with marine dredged sediments
- auteur
- Rachid Zentar, Vincent Dubois, Nor Edine Abriak
- article
- Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2008, 52 (6), pp.947-954. ⟨10.1016/j.resconrec.2008.02.002⟩
- Accès au bibtex
Conference papers
- titre
- Response envelopes of the elasto-plastic S-CLAY1 model
- auteur
- R. Zentar, Nor Edine Abriak, Minna Karstunen, Damien Rangeard
- article
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- titre
- Numerical study of pressuremeter strain and stress holding test
- auteur
- Damien Rangeard, R. Zentar, Nor Edine Abriak
- article
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Journal articles
- titre
- Determining soil permeability from pressuremeter tests
- auteur
- D. Rangeard, P. Y. Hicher, R. Zentar
- article
- International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2003, 27 (1), pp.1-24. ⟨10.1002/nag.258⟩
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- titre
- Determining soil permeability from pressuremeter tests
- auteur
- Damien Rangeard, Pierre-Yves Hicher, R. Zentar
- article
- International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2003, 27 (1), pp.1-24. ⟨10.1002/nag.258⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Identification of soil parameters by inverse analysis
- auteur
- R. Zentar, Pierre-Yves Hicher, Gérard Moulin
- article
- Computers and Geotechnics, 2001, 28 (2), pp.129-14. ⟨10.1016/S0266-352X(00)00020-3⟩
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- titre
- Analysis of the oedometer stress path
- auteur
- R. Zentar, Pierre-Yves Hicher, Moulin Gerard
- article
- 1998
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