Publications HAL de troisvallets


Journal articles

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Group O Infection in France: Clinical Features and Immunovirological Response to Antiretrovirals
Guillemette Unal, Elodie Alessandri-Gradt, Marie Leoz, Juliette Pavie, Clément Lefèvre, Henri Panjo, Charlotte Charpentier, Diane Descamps, Francis Barin, François Simon, Laurence Meyer, Jean-Christophe Plantier, J Chennebault, P Fialaire, H Le Guillou-Guillemette, S Rehaiem, B Chanzy, G Clavere, J Gaillat, L Courdavault, P Genet, J Gerbe, C Benoit, S Honore Bouakline, A Waldner, D Bettinger, C Chirouze, N Bernard, S Reigadas, X Dupont, J Gaillard, E Gault, E Reimann, G Otterbein, L Thomas, P Vaghefi, M Benoit, N Buthiot, A Goux, V Chambrin, C Deback, R Fior, M Raho Moussa, O Antoniotti, D Coban, L Cormerais, C Henquell, C Jacomet, O Lesens, N Chanoine, A Villmant, J van Autreve, M Bloch, H Ichou, V Manceron, E Mortier, A Zeng, M Bouvier-Alias, S Dominguez, A Lascaux-Cametez, J Lelievre, Y Levy, G Melica-Gregoire, J Pawlotsky, P Pothier, A Waldner, L Inchiappa, A Verhaeghe, B Olivier, J Pathe, H Berthe, D Mathez, V Favret, D Troisvallets, E Vandemeulebroucke, J Ceccaldi, Z El Harif, L Bocket, P Barbut, F Chaix, C Lambert, T Lambolez, J Miatezila, O Son, P Brunet, C Chappe, C Dhiver, V Lecomte, L Meddeb, I Poizot-Martin, C Tamalet, J Valadier, G Beck-Wirth, M Benomar, J Delarbre, J Peter, S Bevilacqua, V Venard, V Daneluzzi, N Idri, B Montoya, V Ferre, E Garnier, H Hue, L Larmet, P Point, F Raffi, V Reliqiet, A Rodallec, S Secher, P Amoyel, E Botton, M Janowski, Y Le Cocguic, P Deleplanque, J Descamps, M Lapine, S Sunder, M Chansombat, C Charpentier, F Damond, B Diallo, X Duval, Z Julia, R Landman, S Legac, C Rioux, P Yeni, A Krivine, P Blanche, A Cros, P Gazalet, J Ghosn, A Krivine, A Sobel, B Bercot, M Diemer, M Parrinello, C Bey Boumezrag, L Bodard, S Gibert, F Huche, L Raffenne, M Strebler, C Blanc, E Bourzam, B Hansel, C Lupin, M Wirden, E Bourzam, L Collias, J Effa, C Jung, J Pavie, H Pere, A Si Mohamed, C Delaugerre, L Gerard, B Loze, S Maylin, R Nabias, D Ponscarme, J Deleuze, F Rozenberg, B Bachour, F Bani-Sadr, J Chas, M Hamidi, L Kherallah, S Le Nagat, C Le Pendeven, F Moreau, J Nicolas, V Schneider, M Tabone, G Vaudre, G Giraudeau, G Le Moal, D Plainchamp, G Blondin, I Dorval, J Duthe, P Perfezou, J Berger, V Brodard, I Kmiec, C Rouger, C Strady, J Chappelin, A Maillard, M Ratajczak, Y Debab, F de Oliveira, A Depatureaux, I Gueit, V Lemee, D Theron, I Pasdeloup, P Camps, C Bigaillon, C Ficko, C Imbert, C Rapp, C Grand, C Michau, D Bornarel, P Devillier, E Farfour, C Majerholc, D Vignon, D Zucman, M El Addouli, M Danjoux, J Journe, Y Leveneur, B Marchou, F Nicot, F Prevoteau Du Clary, S Bonne
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2018, 66 (11), pp.1785-1793. ⟨10.1093/cid/cix1087⟩
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Targeted HIV Screening in Eight Emergency Departments: The DICI-VIH Cluster-Randomized Two-Period Crossover Trial
Judith Leblanc, Gilles Hejblum, Dominique Costagliola, Isabelle Durand-Zaleski, France Lert, Pierre De Truchis, Geert Verbeke, Alexandra Rousseau, Hélène Piquet, François Simon, Dominique Pateron, Tabassome Simon, Anne-Claude Cremieux, Gaëlle Duchêne, Carole Jegou, Frederic Adnet, Olivier Bouchaud, Chakib Alloui, Christine Jauneau, Didier Troisvallets, Eric Vandemeulebroucke, Nadia Fossoux, Maurice Raphaël, Christophe Vincent-Cassy, Yann Quertainmont, Cécile Goujard, Coralie Pallier, Aglavène Vega, Bertrand Renaud, Dominique Salmon, Anne Krivine, Théophile Bastide, Bertrand Galichon, Patrick Plaisance, Marjolaine Morgand, Sarah Maylin, Béatrice Berçot, Pauline Campa, Nadia Valin, Narjis Boukli, Laurence Morand-Joubert, Rachel Verbrugghe, Sandrine Dautheville, Patrick Ray, Marie-Gisèle Lebrette, Corinne Amiel, Cécile Lancien, Benoit Doumenc, Marie-Aude Khuong, Isabelle Gros, Pierre Mutuon, Kayigan d'Almeida, Hélène Fromentin, Maria Martin, Charlotte Cossé, Espérie Burnet
Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2018, 72 (1), pp.41-53.e9. ⟨10.1016/j.annemergmed.2017.09.011⟩
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Book sections

Technology, Work and Social Conflictuality
Marc Troisvallets
Kléber Ghimire. Future Courses of Human Societies, Routledge, Francis & Taylor, 2018, 9781138488915
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Book sections

Politique économique et droit au développement
Marc Troisvallets
Philippe Gréciano. Justice et droits de l’Homme : Les enjeux de la médiation internationale, Mare et Martin, 2014
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Journal articles

Canguilhem et les économistes; aux sources des visions régulationnistes.
Renato Di Ruzza, Marc Troisvallets
Ergologia, 2008, 29 p
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Consommation et mode de vie des salariés en Seine Saint-Denis: Rapport final
Marc Troisvallets
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