Journal articles
- titre
- Understanding District Heating Networks Vulnerability: A Comprehensive Analytical Approach with Controllability Consideration
- auteur
- Ding Mao, Peng Wang, Long Ni, Yi-Ping Fang
- article
- Sustainable Cities and Society, 2024, 101, ⟨10.1016/j.scs.2023.105068⟩
- Resume_court
- District heating networks (DHNs) are critical infrastructures that ensure production and residents' .....
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Journal articles
- titre
- Dependent failure behavior modeling for risk and reliability: A systematic and critical literature review
- auteur
- Zhiguo Zeng, Anne Barros, David Coit
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2023, 239, pp.109515. ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2023.109515⟩
- Resume_court
- This paper presents a systematic and critical literature review on dependent failure behavior modeli .....
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- titre
- Vulnerability analysis of demand-response with renewable energy integration in smart grids to cyber attacks and online detection methods
- auteur
- Daogui Tang, Yi-Ping Fang, Enrico Zio
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2023, 235, pp.109212. ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2023.109212⟩
- Resume_court
- The two-way information exchange between customers and the utility in smart grids enables demand-res .....
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- titre
- Estimating 5G network service resilience against short timescale traffic variation
- auteur
- Rui Li, Bertrand Decocq, Anne Barros, Yi-Ping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2023, pp.1-1. ⟨10.1109/TNSM.2023.3269673⟩
- Resume_court
- 5G networks are designed to create a new ecosystem for vertical industries such as health care, ener .....
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- titre
- Resilience Enhancement for Multistate Interdependent Infrastructure Networks: From a Preparedness Perspective
- auteur
- Kai Wang, Zhaoping Xu, Yu Liu, Yiping Fang
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2023, 72 (1), pp.190-203. ⟨10.1109/TR.2021.3132774⟩
- Resume_court
- Reducing vulnerability and enhancing resilience of infrastructure networks subject to uncertain disr .....
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- titre
- Selective maintenance and inspection optimization for partially observable systems: An interactively sequential decision framework
- auteur
- Yu Liu, Jian Gao, Tao Jiang, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- IISE Transactions, 2023, 55 (5), pp.463-479. ⟨10.1080/24725854.2022.2062627⟩
- Resume_court
- Selective maintenance is an important condition-based maintenance strategy for multi-component syste .....
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- titre
- Remaining useful life prediction with imprecise observations: An interval particle filtering approach
- auteur
- Tangfan Xiahou, Yu Liu, Muchen Wu, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- IISE Transactions, 2023, 55 (11), pp.1075-1090. ⟨10.1080/24725854.2022.2125602⟩
- Resume_court
- Particle Filtering (PF) has been widely used for predicting Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of industria .....
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- titre
- An integrated resilience assessment methodology for emergency response systems based on multi-stage STAMP and dynamic Bayesian networks
- auteur
- Xu An, Zhiming Yin, Qi Tong, Yiping Fang, Ming Yang, Ming Yang, Huixing Meng
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2023, 238, ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2023.109445⟩
- Resume_court
- The interactions of external disruptions and technical-human-organizational factors in emergency ope .....
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- titre
- Topological and functional vulnerability analysis and mitigation for single-source heating networks based on tree models
- auteur
- Ding Mao, Peng Wang, Yi-Ping Fang, Long Ni
- article
- Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 99, ⟨10.1016/j.scs.2023.104949⟩
- Resume_court
- The performance of district heating networks (DHNs) to provide heat to users under different operati .....
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- titre
- A resilience-based framework for the optimal coupling of interdependent critical infrastructures
- auteur
- Andrea Bellè, Adam F. Abdin, Yi-Ping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng, Anne Barros
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2023, 237, ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2023.109364⟩
- Resume_court
- As critical infrastructures (CIs) are essential for the safety and socio-economic stability of a soc .....
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- titre
- A data-driven distributionally robust approach for the optimal coupling of interdependent critical infrastructures under random failures
- auteur
- Andrea Bellè, Adam F. Abdin, Yi-Ping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng, Anne Barros
- article
- European Journal of Operational Research, 2023, 309 (2), pp.872-889. ⟨10.1016/j.ejor.2023.01.060⟩
- Resume_court
- Critical infrastructures (CIs), such as energy systems, transportation networks and telecommunicatio .....
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- titre
- Fusing Conflicting Multisource Imprecise Information for Reliability Assessment of Multistate Systems: A Two-Stage Optimization Approach
- auteur
- Tangfan Xiahou, Zhiguo Zeng, Yu Liu, Hong-Zhong Huang
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2023, 72 (1), pp.90-105. ⟨10.1109/TR.2022.3187075⟩
- Resume_court
- Expert knowledge is an important information source for system reliability assessment, especially wh .....
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- titre
- Improving the resilience of power grids against typhoons with data-driven spatial distributionally robust optimization
- auteur
- Zhaoyuan Yin, Chao Fang, Haoxiang Yang, Yiping Fang, Min Xie
- article
- Risk Analysis, 2023, 43 (5), pp.979-993. ⟨10.1111/risa.13995⟩
- Resume_court
- In recent years, the increased frequency of natural hazards has led to more disruptions in power gri .....
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Conference papers
- titre
- High-mobility 5G communication service: availability and reliability analysis
- auteur
- Rui Li, Bertrand Decocq, Anne Barros, Yiping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- 2023 7th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS), Nov 2023, Bologna (ITALY), Italy
- Resume_court
- 5G, the latest generation of cellular technology, is designed to support the various use cases of mu .....
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- titre
- Reliability Challenges of 5G and Beyond Networks Applications in High-Speed Trains
- auteur
- Rui Li, Bertrand Decocq, Yiping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng, Anne Barros
- article
- 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2023, Sep 2023, Southampton (U.K.), United Kingdom. pp.1935-1942, ⟨10.3850/978-981-18-8071-1_P545-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- ;zhiguo.zeng;anne.barros}@centralesupelec.fr 5G and Beyond networks are expected to be reliable solu .....
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- titre
- A hybrid approach to solve the maintenance problem of an offshore wind farm formulated as a large-scale POMDP
- auteur
- Matthieu Roux, Yiping Fang, Anne Barros
- article
- 24ème congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Feb 2023, Rennes, France
- Resume_court
- We study, in particular, the optimization of maintenance operations in the offshore wind turbine ind .....
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- titre
- PRODEC-Based Task Analysis for the Design of Semi-Automated Trains
- auteur
- Yang Sun, Guy André Boy, Marc Sango, Anne Barros
- article
- 14th International Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management, CSD and M 2023, 2023, Beijing, France. pp.220-230, ⟨10.1007/978-981-99-6511-3_20⟩
- Resume_court
- The deployment of high-speed automated trains is a worldwide objective for railway stakeholders. The .....
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- titre
- Condition-Based Maintenance Optimization Under Large Action Space with Deep Reinforcement Learning Method
- auteur
- Peng Bi, Yi-Ping Fang, Matthieu Roux, Anne Barros
- article
- 6th International Conference on Optimization and Learning, OLA 2023, 2023, Malaga, France. pp.161-172, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-34020-8_12⟩
- Resume_court
- Effective maintenance is essential in keeping industrial systems running and avoiding failure. Condi .....
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- titre
- Restoration Modeling and Optimization of Hybrid Overhead-Underground Power Distribution Systems
- auteur
- Youba Nait Belaid, Yiping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng, Patrick Coudray, Anne Barros
- article
- IEEE, pp.1-5, 2023, ⟨10.1109/ISGT51731.2023.10066340⟩
- Resume_court
- Disaster awareness increased in recent years among power system stakeholders to face many natural, t .....
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- titre
- Opportunistic Maintenance of Multi-Component Systems Under Structure and Economic Dependencies: A Healthcare System Case Study
- auteur
- Abdelhamid Boujarif, David Coit, Oualid Jouini, Zhiguo Zeng, Robert Heidsieck
- article
- SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, pp.158-166, 2023, ⟨10.5220/0011669800003396⟩
- Resume_court
- This paper presents an opportunistic maintenance model for a multi-component system. We develop a mo .....
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Journal articles
- titre
- Resilience Optimization of Wide-Area Control in Smart Distribution Grids
- auteur
- Youba NAIT BELAID, Yiping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng, Anthony Legendre, Patrick Coudray, Anne Barros
- article
- IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2022
- Resume_court
- Large-scale power distribution networks rely on the wide-area control (WAC) function to conduct dail .....
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- titre
- Resilience-oriented optimal post-disruption reconfiguration for coupled traffic-power systems
- auteur
- Hongping Wang, Yi-Ping Fang, Enrico Zio
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2022, 222, pp.108408. ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2022.108408⟩
- Resume_court
- The increasing penetration of grid-enabled electric vehicles (EVs) renders road networks (RNs) and p .....
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- titre
- An optimization model for planning testing and control strategies to limit the spread of a pandemic -The case of COVID-19
- auteur
- Adam Abdin, Yi-Ping Fang, Aakil Caunhye, Douglas Alem, Anne Barros, Enrico Zio
- article
- European Journal of Operational Research, 2022, 216, pp.102765. ⟨10.1016/j.scico.2021.102765⟩
- Resume_court
- The global health crisis caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has highlighted the importance of effi .....
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- titre
- An Improved Triplet Network for Electromechanical Actuator Fault Diagnosis Based on Similarity Strategy
- auteur
- Jianyu Wang, Heng Zhang, Qiang Miao, Zhiguo Zeng, Anne Barros
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71, ⟨10.1109/TIM.2022.3207837⟩
- Resume_court
- Deep learning-based methods have been widely used and achieved state-of-the-art performance in fault .....
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- titre
- Modeling and vulnerability analysis of interdependent railway and power networks: Application to British test systems
- auteur
- Andrea Bellè, Zhiguo Zeng, Carole Duval, Marc Sango, Anne Barros
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2022, 217, pp.108091. ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2021.108091⟩
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- titre
- On the resilience assessment of complementary transportation networks under natural hazards
- auteur
- Chao Fang, Yanze Chu, Haoran Fu, Yiping Fang
- article
- Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, In press, 109, pp.103331. ⟨10.1016/j.trd.2022.103331⟩
- Resume_court
- Transportation systems are fragile when facing various natural hazards. To analyze the performance o .....
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- titre
- A Risk Aspect of Periodic Testing on Pressure Relief Valves
- auteur
- Shenae Lee, Anne Barros, Mary Ann Lundteigen, Nicola Paltrinieri
- article
- Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2022, 90, pp.145-150. ⟨10.3303/CET2290025⟩
- Resume_court
- A pressure relief valve (PSV) is a key safety barrier to prevent the catastrophic rupture of pressur .....
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- titre
- Maintenance Planning under Imperfect Monitoring: an Efficient POMDP Model Using Interpolated Value Function
- auteur
- Matthieu Roux, Yiping Fang, A Barros
- article
- IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2022, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.09.012⟩
- Resume_court
- We develop in this paper a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) model for a maintena .....
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- titre
- An hybrid domain adaptation diagnostic network guided by curriculum pseudo labels for electro-mechanical actuator
- auteur
- Jianyu Wang, Zhiguo Zeng, Heng Zhang, Anne Barros, Qiang Miao
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2022, 228, ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2022.108770⟩
- Resume_court
- Electro-mechanical actuator (EMA) usually operates in complex working conditions. When developing da .....
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Conference papers
- titre
- Enhanced Power and Communication Modeling in Cyber-Physical Distribution Grids for Resilience-based Optimization
- auteur
- Youba Nait Belaid, Anne Barros, Yi-Ping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng, Patrick Coudray, Anthony Legendre
- article
- 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2022, Aug 2022, Dublin (Ireland), Ireland. pp.289-295
- Resume_court
- Evolving smart grid (SG) services for demand side applications, markets, and various stakeholders ar .....
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- titre
- A Petri Net-based model to study the impact of traffic changes on 5G network resilience
- auteur
- Rui Li, Bertrand Decocq, Yiping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng, Anne Barros
- article
- 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2022, Aug 2022, Dublin, Ireland. pp.3016-3023, ⟨10.3850/978-981-18-5183-4_S28-02-493-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- The advent of 5G has enabled a wide variety of devices to access the network. With the digitization .....
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- titre
- Interdependency-Aware Resource Allocation for High Availability of 5G-enabled Critical Infrastructures Services
- auteur
- Khaled Sayad, Anne Barros, Yiping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng, Benoît Lemoine
- article
- 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2022, Aug 2022, Dublin, Ireland. ⟨10.3850/978-981-18-5183-4_S28-03-640-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- The introduction of the fifth generation of mobile technologies (5G) in critical infrastructures (CI .....
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- titre
- Impact of imperfect monitoring on the optimal condition-based maintenance policy of a single-item system
- auteur
- Matthieu Roux, Yiping Fang, Anne Barros
- article
- 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2022, Aug 2022, Dublin, Ireland. pp.658-664, ⟨10.3850/978-981-18-5183-4_R14-08-468-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- In maintenance planning, condition-based maintenance (CBM) policies leverage the observation of the .....
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- titre
- Modélisation d'un réseau 5G par des réseaux de Pétri pour estimer sa résilience
- auteur
- Rui Li, Bertrand Decocq, Anne Barros, Yiping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- AlgoTel 2022 - 24èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, May 2022, Saint-Rémy-Lès-Chevreuse, France
- Resume_court
- Avec l'évolution des technologies des télécommunications, les réseaux 5G sont censés, par rappo .....
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- titre
- Petri Net-Based Model for 5G and Beyond Networks Resilience Evaluation
- auteur
- Rui Li, Bertr Decocq, Anne Barros, Yiping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- 2022 25th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops (ICIN), Mar 2022, Paris, France. pp.131-135, ⟨10.1109/ICIN53892.2022.9758134⟩
- Resume_court
- The promise of telecommunication networks to deliver more demanding and complex applications require .....
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- titre
- Maintenance planning under imperfect monitoring: two POMDP approaches to quantify the value of information
- auteur
- Matthieu Roux, Anne Barros, Yiping Fang
- article
- 23ème congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, INSA Lyon, Feb 2022, Villeurbanne - Lyon, France
- Resume_court
- Maintenance planning under imperfect monitoring: two POMDP approaches to quantify the value of infor .....
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- titre
- Resilience Optimization of Wide-Area Control in Smart Distribution Grids
- auteur
- Youba Nait Belaid, Yi-Ping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng, Anthony Legendre, Patrick Coudray, Anne Barros
- article
- 18th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, CAO 2022, 2022, Gif sur Yvette, France. pp.136-141, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.09.013⟩
- Resume_court
- Large-scale power distribution networks rely on the wide-area control (WAC) function to conduct dail .....
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- titre
- A distributionally robust approach for the optimal protection of power networks with endogenous uncertainty
- auteur
- Andrea Bellè, Yi-Ping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng, Anne Barros
- article
- 18th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, CAO 2022, 2022, Gif sur Yvette, France. pp.122-127, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.09.011⟩
- Resume_court
- Power networks are among the most important infrastructures in any society, and protecting them from .....
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- titre
- Procédé de gestion d’une architecture distribuée de centres de données, dispositif et programme d’ordinateur correspondants
- auteur
- Khaled Sayad, Benoît Lemoine
- article
- France, N° de brevet: 202736FR01. 2022
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- titre
- Resilience and coupling of interdependent critical infrastructures : models, optimization, and operations
- auteur
- Andrea Bellè
- article
- Risques. Université Paris-Saclay, 2022. English. ⟨NNT : 2022UPAST105⟩
- Resume_court
- Critical infrastructures (CIs) are essential for maintaining the socio-economic stability and wealth .....
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Preprints, Working Papers, ...
- titre
- A resilience-based framework for the optimal coupling of interdependent critical infrastructures
- auteur
- Andrea Bellè, Adam Abdin, Zhiguo Zeng, Yi-Ping Fang, Anne Barros
- article
- 2022
- Resume_court
- As critical infrastructures (CIs) are essential for the safety and socio-economic stability of a soc .....
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Journal articles
- titre
- An optimization model for planning testing and control strategies to limit the spread of a pandemic – The case of COVID-19
- auteur
- Adam Abdin, Yi-Ping Fang, Aakil Caunhye, Douglas Alem, Anne Barros, Enrico Zio
- article
- European Journal of Operational Research, 2021, ⟨10.1016/j.ejor.2021.10.062⟩
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- titre
- A Hierarchical Resilience Enhancement Framework for Interdependent Critical Infrastructures
- auteur
- Xing Liu, Yiping Fang, Enrico Zio
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2021, 215, pp.107868. ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2021.107868⟩
- Resume_court
- Resilience is becoming a key concept for risk assessment and safety management of interdependent cri .....
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- titre
- A Deep Learning Approach for Flight Delay Prediction through Time-Evolving Graphs
- auteur
- Kaiquan Cai, Yue Li, Yiping Fang, Yanbo Zhu
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, In press, pp.1-11. ⟨10.1109/TITS.2021.3103502⟩
- Resume_court
- Flight delay prediction has recently gained growing popularity due to the significant role it plays .....
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- titre
- Resilience Assessment and Importance Measure for Interdependent Critical Infrastructures
- auteur
- Xing Liu, Yiping Fang, Elisa Ferrario, Enrico Zio
- article
- ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 2021, ⟨10.1115/1.4051196⟩
- Resume_court
- Based upon a novel control-based dynamic modelling framework, this paper proposes two new indicators .....
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- titre
- A Markov reward process-based framework for resilience analysis of multistate energy systems under the threat of extreme events
- auteur
- Zhiguo Zeng, Yi-Ping Fang, Qingqing Zhai, Shijia Du
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2021, 209, pp.107443. ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2021.107443⟩
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- titre
- Resilience Quantification of Smart Distribution Networks—A Bird’s Eye View Perspective
- auteur
- Youba Nait Belaid, Patrick Coudray, José Sanchez-Torres, Yiping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng, Anne Barros
- article
- Energies, 2021, 14 (10), pp.2888. ⟨10.3390/en14102888⟩
- Resume_court
- The introduction of pervasive telecommunication devices, in the scope of smart grids (SGs), has acce .....
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- titre
- Resilience analysis of multi-state systems with time-dependent behaviors
- auteur
- Zhiguo Zeng, Shijia Du, Yi Ding
- article
- Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 90, pp.889-911. ⟨10.1016/j.apm.2020.08.066⟩
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- titre
- Screening of optimal structure among large-scale multi-state weighted k-out-of-n systems considering reliability evaluation
- auteur
- Yishuang Hu, Yu Lin, Yi Ding, Xingying Chen, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2021, 206, pp.107268. ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2020.107268⟩
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- titre
- Reliability Analysis of Multiperformance Multistate System Considering Performance Conversion Process
- auteur
- Yi Ding, Yishuang Hu, Yu Lin, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Reliability, In press, pp.1-14. ⟨10.1109/TR.2021.3061175⟩
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- titre
- Measuring Conflicts of Multisource Imprecise Information in Multistate System Reliability Assessment
- auteur
- Tangfan Xiahou, Zhiguo Zeng, Yu Liu, Hong-Zhong Huang
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2021, pp.1-18. ⟨10.1109/TR.2021.3087531⟩
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- titre
- Remaining Useful Life Prediction by Fusing Expert Knowledge and Condition Monitoring Information
- auteur
- Tangfan Xiahou, Zhiguo Zeng, Yu Liu
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17 (4), pp.2653-2663. ⟨10.1109/TII.2020.2998102⟩
- Resume_court
- In this article, we develop a mixture of Gaussians-evidential hidden Markov model (MoG-EHMM) to fuse .....
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- titre
- Study of testing and maintenance strategies for redundant final elements in SIS with imperfect detection of degraded state
- auteur
- Aibo Zhang, Himanshu Srivastav, Anne Barros, Yiliu Liu
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2021, 209, ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2020.107393⟩
- Resume_court
- Safety-instrumented systems (SISs) have been widely installed to lower risks of equipment/ process b .....
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- titre
- Resilience assessment of electrified road networks subject to charging station failures
- auteur
- Hongping Wang, Adam Abdin, Yi-Ping Fang, Enrico Zio
- article
- Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, In press, ⟨10.1111/mice.12736⟩
- Resume_court
- The number of EVs and charging facilities is expected to increase significantly in the near future, .....
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- titre
- An integrated risk index accounting for epistemic uncertainty in probability risk assessment
- auteur
- Zhiguo Zeng, Tasneem Bani-Mustafa, Roger Flage, Enrico Zio
- article
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2021, 235 (4), pp.711-728. ⟨10.1177/1748006X20968954⟩
- Resume_court
- In this paper, we present an integrated framework for quantifying epistemic uncertainty in probabili .....
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- titre
- Introduction of degradation modeling in qualification of the novel subsea technology
- auteur
- Himanshu Srivastav, Mary Ann Lundteigen, Anne Barros
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2021, 216, ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2021.107956⟩
- Resume_court
- All-electric systems are the novel subsea technology that is an upgrade of widely deployed electro-h .....
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- titre
- Redundancy optimization for multi-state series-parallel systems using ordinal optimization-based-genetic algorithm
- auteur
- Yishuang Hu, Yi Ding, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2021, pp.1748006X2110286. ⟨10.1177/1748006X211028699⟩
- Resume_court
- Multi-state series-parallel systems (MSSPSs) are widely-used for representing engineering systems. I .....
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Conference papers
- titre
- A Moment-based Distributionally Robust Optimization Model for Air Traffic Flow Management
- auteur
- Bin Hao, Kaiquan Cai, Yiping Fang, Abdelghani Fadil, Daozhong Feng
- article
- 2021 IEEE/AIAA 40th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Oct 2021, San Antonio, United States. pp.1-7, ⟨10.1109/DASC52595.2021.9594502⟩
- Resume_court
- Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) is considered as an effective way to alleviate flight delays in a .....
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- titre
- Complexity in 5G Network Applications and use cases
- auteur
- Rui Li, Bertrand Decocq, Anne Barros, Yiping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2021, Sep 2021, Angers, France. pp.3054-3061, ⟨10.3850/978-981-18-2016-8_211-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- The fifth generation (5G) of mobile telecommunication network is designed with an ambition to be a n .....
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- titre
- Towards a realistic topological and functional modeling for vulnerability analysis of interdependent railway and power networks
- auteur
- Andrea Bellè, Zhiguo Zeng, Anne Barros, Marc Sango
- article
- 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2021, Sep 2021, Angers, France. pp.2063-2070, ⟨10.3850/978-981-18-2016-8_356-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- Railway systems and power grids are recognized as two of the most important critical infrastructures .....
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- titre
- Dynamic Orchestration of Communication Resources Deployment for Resilient Coordination in Critical Infrastructures Network
- auteur
- Khaled Sayad, Benoît Lemoine, Anne Barros, Yi-Ping Fang, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- Proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, Sep 2021, Angers, France. pp.2055-2062, ⟨10.3850/978-981-18-2016-8_219-cd⟩
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- titre
- Big Data Analytics for Reputational Reliability Assessment Using Customer Review Data
- auteur
- Jean Meunier-Pion, Zhiguo Zeng, Jie Liu
- article
- 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2021, Sep 2021, Angers, France. pp.2336-2343, ⟨10.3850/978-981-18-2016-8_434-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- Traditionally, reliability assessment is done based on lifetime testing data. Such assessment method .....
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- titre
- A simulation and optimization modeling framework for the resilience analysis of interdependent traffic-power systems
- auteur
- Hongping Wang
- article
- Computer Science [cs]. Centrale Supélec, 2021. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩
- Resume_court
- Increasing penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) and deployment of fast charging stations (FCSs) ma .....
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- titre
- A simulation-based modeling framework for the analysis and protection of smart grids against false pricing attacks
- auteur
- Daogui Tang
- article
- Computer Science [cs]. Centrale Supélec, 2021. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩
- Resume_court
- The integration of information and communication technology (ICT) systems with power systems enables .....
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Preprints, Working Papers, ...
- titre
- Resilience-based optimal post-disruption reconfiguration for traffic-power systems
- auteur
- Hongping Wang, Yi-Ping Fang, Enrico Zio
- article
- 2021
- Resume_court
- The increasing penetration of grid-enabled electric vehicles (EVs) renders road networks (RNs) and p .....
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- titre
- Coordinating dynamic traffic-power systems under decentralized, centralized, and information-sharing decision environments
- auteur
- Hongping Wang, Adam Abdin, Yi-Ping Fang, Jakob Puchinger, Enrico Zio
- article
- 2021
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Journal articles
- titre
- Integrated Deterministic and Probabilistic Safety Analysis of Integrated Energy Systems with bi-directional conversion
- auteur
- Lixun Chi, Huai Su, Jinjun Zhang, Xueyi Li, Li Zhang, Lin Fan, Jing Zhou, Hua Bai, Enrico Zio
- article
- Energy, 2020, 212, ⟨10.1016/j.energy.2020.118685⟩
- Resume_court
- The rapid development of the technology of energy conversion is changing the global energy landscape .....
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- titre
- Joint optimization of safety barriers for enhancing business continuity of nuclear power plants against steam generator tube ruptures accidents
- auteur
- Jinduo Xing, Zhiguo Zeng, Enrico Zio
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2020, 202, pp.107067. ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2020.107067⟩
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- titre
- Modelling framework for performance analysis of SIS subject to degradation due to proof tests
- auteur
- Himanshu Srivastav, Anne Barros, Mary Ann Lundteigen
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2020, 195, ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2019.106702⟩
- Resume_court
- Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) assure safety of equipment/process by performing the safety functi .....
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- titre
- Optimization of maintenances following proof tests for the final element of a safety-instrumented system
- auteur
- Aibo Zhang, Aibo Zhang, Anne Barros, Yiliu Liu
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2020, 196, ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2019.106779⟩
- Resume_court
- Safety-instrumented systems (SISs) have been widely installed to prevent accidental events and mitig .....
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- titre
- Risk Assessment of an Electrical Power System Considering the Influence of Traffic Congestion on a Hypothetical Scenario of Electrified Transportation System in New York State
- auteur
- Hongping Wang, Yi-Ping Fang, Enrico Zio
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, In press, pp.1-14. ⟨10.1109/TITS.2019.2955359⟩
- Resume_court
- With the increasing penetration of electric vehicles (EVs), more and more interactions appear betwee .....
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- titre
- A new framework for multi-hazards risk aggregation
- auteur
- Tasneem Bani-Mustafa, Zhiguo Zeng, Enrico Zio, Dominique Vasseur
- article
- Safety Science, 2020, 121, pp.283-302. ⟨10.1016/j.ssci.2019.08.043⟩
- Resume_court
- In this paper, we develop a new method for Multi-Hazards Risk Aggregation (MHRA). A hierarchical fra .....
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- titre
- Integration of prognostics and control of an oil/CO2 subsea separation system
- auteur
- Lucas Ferreira Bernardino, André Felipe Ferreira de Souza, Argimiro Resende Secchi, Maurício Bezerra M.,, Anne Barros
- article
- Processes, 2020, 8 (2), ⟨10.3390/pr8020148⟩
- Resume_court
- The exploitation of reserves with a high CO2 content is challenging because of the need for its sepa .....
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- titre
- An extended method for evaluating assumptions deviations in quantitative risk assessment and its application to external flooding risk assessment of a nuclear power plant
- auteur
- Tasneem Bani-Mustafa, Zhiguo Zeng, Enrico Zio, Roger Flage, Dominique Vasseur
- article
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2020, 200, ⟨10.1016/j.ress.2020.106947⟩
- Resume_court
- In quantitative risk assessment, assumptions are typically made, based on best judgement, conservati .....
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- titre
- A practical approach for evaluating the strength of knowledge supporting risk assessment models
- auteur
- Tasneem Bani-Mustafa, Zhiguo Zeng, Enrico Zio, Dominique Vasseur
- article
- Safety Science, 2020, 124, pp.104596. ⟨10.1016/j.ssci.2019.104596⟩
- Resume_court
- In this paper, we develop a new quantitative method to assess the Strength of Knowledge (SoK) of a r .....
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- titre
- Vulnerability Analysis of Critical Infrastructure under Disruptions: an Application to China Railway High-Speed Acknowledgement
- auteur
- Chao Fang, Piao Dong, Yiping Fang, Enrico Zio
- article
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, In press, ⟨10.1177/1748006X19889149⟩
- Resume_court
- Considerable attention has been paid to the vulnerability of critical infrastructures, because of th .....
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Conference papers
- titre
- Adopting a robust attitude: risk-constrained decisions and knowledge acquisition
- auteur
- William Fauriat
- article
- ESREL 2020, Nov 2020, Venice, Italy. ⟨10.3850/978-981-14-8593-0⟩
- Resume_court
- Good decisions, in design or operation stages, positively impact system performances and can prevent .....
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- titre
- Assessing the resilience of an electrified transportation network considering failures of charging stations
- auteur
- Hongping Wang, Yi-Ping Fang, Adam Abdin, Enrico Zio
- article
- 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2020 and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, PSAM 2020, 2020, Venice, Virtual, France. pp.3742-3749
- Resume_court
- Many nations are trying to accelerate the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) on their road networ .....
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- titre
- Performance analysis of redundant safety-instrumented systems considering the imprecision of information in proof tests
- auteur
- Aibo Zhang, Himanshu Srivastav, Anne Barros, Dariusz Mazurkiewicz, Yiliu Liu
- article
- 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2020 and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, PSAM15 2020, 2020, Venice, France. pp.3561-3568, ⟨10.3850/978-981-14-8593-0_4483-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- Safety-instrumented systems (SISs) are widely used to prevent hazardous events. The mechanical units .....
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- titre
- Performance analysis of redundant safety-instrumented systems considering the imprecision of information in proof tests
- auteur
- Aibo Zhang, Himanshu Srivastav, Anne Barros, Dariusz Mazurkiewicz, Yiliu Liu
- article
- 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2020 and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, PSAM 2020, 2020, Venice, Virtual, France. pp.3561-3568
- Resume_court
- Safety-instrumented systems (SISs) are widely used to prevent hazardous events. The mechanical units .....
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- titre
- Preventive maintenance of a compressor station: A modeling framework for the assessment of performance
- auteur
- Renny Arismendi, Anne Barros, Antoine Grall
- article
- 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2020 and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, PSAM 2020, 2020, Venice, Virtual, France. pp.2931-2937
- Resume_court
- Compressor stations are an essential part of natural gas networks, enabling the transportation of na .....
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- titre
- Resilience analysis of multistate energy system with time-dependent behaviors
- auteur
- Shijia Du, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2020 and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, PSAM15 2020, 2020, Venice, France. ⟨10.3850/978-981-14-8593-0_4995-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- Resilience of modern energy systems has attracted more and more attentions in recent years, as moder .....
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- titre
- System Reliability Theory.
- auteur
- Marvin Rausand, A. Hoylang, Anne Barros
- article
- Wiley, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-119-37352-0
- Resume_court
- This book provides a basic, but rather comprehensive introduction to system relia- bility theory and .....
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- titre
- Model-based and data-driven prediction methods for prognostics
- auteur
- Hoang-Phuong Nguyen
- article
- Risques. Université Paris-Saclay, 2020. English. ⟨NNT : 2020UPASC021⟩
- Resume_court
- Degradation is an unavoidable phenomenon that affects engineering components and systems, and which .....
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Journal articles
- titre
- An adaptive robust framework for the optimization of the resilience of interdependent infrastructures under natural hazards
- auteur
- Yiping Fang, Enrico Zio
- article
- European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 276 (3), pp.1119-1136. ⟨10.1016/j.ejor.2019.01.052⟩
- Resume_court
- This paper proposes a novel adaptive robust optimization (ARO)-based mathematical framework for resi .....
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- titre
- A multi-perspective framework of analysis of critical infrastructures with respect to supply service, controllability and topology
- auteur
- Fangyuan Han, Enrico Zio
- article
- International journal of critical infrastructure protection, 2019, 24, pp.1-13. ⟨10.1016/j.ijcip.2018.10.009⟩
- Resume_court
- In this work, we propose a multi-perspective framework of analysis of critical infrastructures (CIs) .....
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Conference papers
- titre
- Resilience Analysis of Multistate Systems Based on Markov Reward Processes
- auteur
- Shijia Du, Zhiguo Zeng, Yi-Ping Fang, Qingqing Zhai
- article
- 4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, ICSRS 2019, Nov 2019, unknown, France. pp.436-440, ⟨10.1109/ICSRS48664.2019.8987621⟩
- Resume_court
- In this paper, we develop a resilience modelling and analysis framework for multistate systems. The .....
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- titre
- Resilience Management of Infrastructure Systems from a Multistage Decision Making Perspective
- auteur
- Yiping Fang, Enrico Zio
- article
- 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL2019), Sep 2019, Hannover, Germany. ⟨10.3850/978-981-11-2724-3⟩
- Resume_court
- The paper investigates how resilience can be understood as an operational paradigm for system manage .....
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- titre
- Value of information from condition inspection for a gamma degradation process
- auteur
- William Fauriat, Enrico Zio
- article
- PHM Paris, May 2019, Paris, France. ⟨10.1109/PHM-Paris.2019.00040⟩
- Resume_court
- For components subject to continuous degradation appropriate maintenance decisions are needed for op .....
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- titre
- A zero-sum Markov defender-attacker game for modeling false pricing in smart grids and its solution by multi-agent reinforcement learning
- auteur
- Daogui Tang, Yi-Ping Fang, Enrico Zio
- article
- 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2019, 2019, Hannover, Germany. pp.3285-3291, ⟨10.3850/978-981-11-2724-30743-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- Consumers in smart grids are expected to engage demand-response programs by two-way communication. T .....
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- titre
- Combined maintenance scheduling and production optimization
- auteur
- Adriaen Verheyleweghen, Himanshu Srivastav, Anne Barros, Johannes Jäschke
- article
- 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2019, 2019, Hannover, Germany. pp.499-506, ⟨10.3850/978-981-11-2724-3_0253-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- Optimal operation of complex production and processing plants is important, but challenging to achie .....
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- titre
- A degrading element of safety-instrumented systems with combined maintenance strategy
- auteur
- Aibo Zhang, Yiliu Liu, Anne Barros, Elias Kassa
- article
- 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2019, 2019, Hannover, Germany. pp.1078-1085, ⟨10.3850/978-981-11-2724-3_0490-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- Safety-instrumented systems (SISs) are widely used to prevent hazardous events. The mechanical actua .....
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- titre
- Time-dependent unavailability assessment of final element of safety instrumented systems- an application of multiphase markov process
- auteur
- Islam Abu Md Ariful, Srivastav Himanshu, Vatn Jørn, Barros Anne, Lundteigen Mary Ann
- article
- 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2019, 2019, Hannover, France. pp.2583-2590, ⟨10.3850/978-981-11-2724-3_0515-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- Safety Instrumented Systems (SISs) are commonly used as a preventive barrier to avoid unwanted accid .....
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- titre
- Assessing reliability reputation of products based on online customer reviews
- auteur
- Zhiguo Zeng, Enrico Zio
- article
- 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2019, 2019, Hannover, Germany. pp.157-162, ⟨10.3850/978-981-11-2724-30979-cd⟩
- Resume_court
- The traditional concept of functional reliability refers to the ability of an item to perform a requ .....
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Book sections
- titre
- Game-Theoretic Decision Making for the Resilience of Interdependent Infrastructures Exposed to Disruptions
- auteur
- Yiping Fang, Enrico Zio
- article
- Gritzalis Dimitris; Theocharidou Marianthi; Stergiopoulos George. Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience - Theories, Methods, Tools and Technologies, pp.97-114, 2019, 978-3-030-00024-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-00024-0_6⟩
- Resume_court
- This chapter addresses the challenges associated with assessing and improving the resilience of inte .....
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- titre
- Business continuity of energy systems : a quantitative framework for dynamic assessment and optimization
- auteur
- Jinduo Xing
- article
- Chemical and Process Engineering. Université Paris Saclay (COmUE), 2019. English. ⟨NNT : 2019SACLC087⟩
- Resume_court
- Business continuity management is a comprehensive framework to prevent the disruptive events from im .....
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Conference papers
- titre
- A framework for multi-hazards risk aggregation considering risk model maturity levels
- auteur
- Tasneem Bani-Mustafa, Zhiguo Zeng, Enrico Zio, Dominique Vasseur
- article
- 2nd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, ICSRS 2017, Dec 2017, Milan, Italy. ⟨10.1109/ICSRS.2017.8272859⟩
- Resume_court
- Multi-Hazards Risk Aggregation (MHRA) aggregates risk over different risk contributors and provides .....
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- titre
- Modeling common-cause failures using stochastic hybrid systems
- auteur
- Mengfei Fan, Rui Kang, Ying Chen, Zhiguo Zeng, Enrico Zio
- article
- 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2017, Jun 2017, Portorož, Slovenia. pp.2319-2326, ⟨10.1201/9781315210469-291⟩
- Resume_court
- In this paper, we develop a novel Common-Cause Failure (CCF) model for reliability analysis based on .....
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- titre
- Time-dependent reliability assessment of a distributed generation system based on multi-valued decision diagrams and Markov processes
- auteur
- Shijia Du, Rui Kang, Zhiguo Zeng, Enrico Zio
- article
- 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2017, Jun 2017, Portorož, Slovenia. pp.3271-3276, ⟨10.1201/9781315210469-413⟩
- Resume_court
- In this paper, we present a new time-dependent reliability method for Distributed Generation (DG) po .....
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Journal articles
- titre
- Measuring reliability under epistemic uncertainty: Review on non-probabilistic reliability metrics
- auteur
- Rui Kang, Qingyuan Zhang, Xiaoyang Li, Enrico Zio, Zhiguo Zeng
- article
- Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2016, 29 (3), pp.571-579. ⟨10.1016/j.cja.2016.04.004⟩
- Resume_court
- In this paper, a systematic review of non-probabilistic reliability metrics is conducted to assist t .....
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Conference papers
- titre
- Condition-based component replacement of the pneumatic valve with the unscented particle filter
- auteur
- Tao Tao, Wei Zhao, Enrico Zio, Yan-Fu Li, Jinping Sun
- article
- 2014 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM-2014 Hunan), Aug 2014, Zhangiiaijie City, France. ⟨10.1109/PHM.2014.6988181⟩
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