- titre
- Photoemission Insight on Narrow Band Gap PbS Quantum Dots Relevant for Infrared Imaging
- auteur
- Huichen Zhang, Nicolas Ledos, Mariarosa Cavallo, Erwan Bossavit, Adrien Khalili, Leonardo Curti, Xiang Zhen Xu, Erwan Dandeu, James Utterback, Sandrine Ithurria, Christophe Delerue, Debora Pierucci, Pavel Dudin, José Avila, Mathieu Silly, Emmanuel Lhuillier
- article
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2024, ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c07499⟩
- titre
- Surface acoustic wave confinement inside uncorrelated distributions of subwavelength scatterers
- auteur
- Thibault Deletang, Adnane Noual, Bernard Bonello, Roman Buisine, Yan Pennec, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134 (24), pp.134, 243102-1. ⟨10.1063/5.0173970⟩
- titre
- Nanocrystal-based active photonics device through spatial design of light-matter coupling
- auteur
- Tung Huu Dang, Adrien Khalili, Claire Abadie, Charlie Gréboval, Mariarosa Cavallo, Huichen Zhang, Erwan Bossavit, James K Utterback, Erwan Dandeu, Yoann Prado, Gregory Vincent, Sandrine Ithurria, Yanko Todorov, Carlo Sirtori, Angela Vasanelli, Emmanuel Lhuillier
- article
- ACS photonics, 2023, 9 (7), pp. 2528-2535. ⟨10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00738⟩
- titre
- Mapping the Energy Landscape from a Nanocrystal-Based Field Effect Transistor under Operation using Nanobeam Photoemission Spectroscopy
- auteur
- Mariarosa Cavallo, Erwan Bossavit, Huichen Zhang, Corentin Dabard, Tung Huu Dang, Adrien Khalili, Claire Abadie, Rodolphe Alchaar, Dario Mastrippolito, Yoann Prado, Loïc Becerra, Michael Rosticher, Mathieu Silly, James Utterback, Sandrine Ithurria, José Avila, Debora Pierucci, Emmanuel Lhuillier
- article
- Nano Letters, 2023, 23 (4), pp.1363-1370. ⟨10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c04637⟩
- titre
- Phononic Crystal Made of Silicon Ridges on a Membrane for Liquid Sensing
- auteur
- Abdellatif Gueddida, Victor Y. Zhang, Laurent Carpentier, Jérémy Bonhomme, Bernard Bonello, Yan Pennec, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- Sensors, 2023, 23 (4), pp.2080. ⟨10.3390/s23042080⟩
- titre
- Towards acoustic microscopy at the nanoscale by coupling atomic force microscopy with picosecond ultrasonics
- auteur
- Ronan Delalande, D. Garcia-Sanchez, L. Belliard
- article
- Physical Review B, 2023, 107 (8), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.107.085409⟩
- titre
- [Invited] Propagation of Elastic Waves in Randomly Distributed Pillars on Metamaterial Phononic Plate
- auteur
- Y. Pennec, L. Carpentier, R. Cai, Y. Jin, A. Noual, B. Djafari-Rouhani, T. Deletang, B. Bonello
- article
- PHONONICS 2023: 6th International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials/Metasurfaces, Phonon Transport, and Topological Phononics, Jun 2023, Manchester (UK), United Kingdom
- titre
- Focusing and Imaging of Flexural Lamb Waves by Pillared Metasurfaces
- auteur
- L. Carpentier, Y. Jin, W. Wang, J. Iglesias, A. Khelif, Y. Pennec, B. Bonello, B. Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- PHONONICS 2023: 6th International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials/Metasurfaces, Phonon Transport, and Topological Phononics, Jun 2023, Manchester (UK), United Kingdom
- titre
- Robust Fano resonance between mechanical first- and second-order topological states
- auteur
- Linyun Yang, Ying Wu, Kaiping Yu, Rui Zhao, Wei Wang, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 236, pp.107768. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2022.107768⟩
- titre
- Impact of Spin Wave Dispersion on Surface Acoustic Wave Velocity
- auteur
- Pauline Rovillain, Jean-Yves Duquesne, Louis Christienne, Mahmoud Eddrief, Maria Gloria Pini, Angelo Rettori, Silvia Tacchi, Massimiliano Marangolo
- article
- Physical Review Applied, 2022, 18 (6), pp.064043. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevApplied.18.064043⟩
- titre
- Test-bench for the experimental characterization of porous material used in thermoacoustic refrigerators
- auteur
- Gaëlle Poignand, Come Olivier, Guillaume Penelet
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2022, 152 (5), pp.2804-2815. ⟨10.1121/10.0015051⟩
- titre
- Thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties of hard nitrogen-alloyed Cr thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering
- auteur
- Camille Pallier, Philippe Djemia, Daniele Fournier, Laurent Belliard, Jun Lu, Fredrik Eriksson, Per Eklund, Grzegorz Greczynski, Arnaud Le Febvrier
- article
- Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022, 441, pp.128575. ⟨10.1016/j.surfcoat.2022.128575⟩
- titre
- Asymmetric transmission and coherent perfect absorption in a periodic array of thermoacoustic cells
- auteur
- Come Olivier, Anis Maddi, Gaëlle Poignand, Guillaume Penelet
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 131 (24), pp.064012. ⟨10.1063/5.0089989⟩
- titre
- Reduced crystal symmetry as the origin of the ferroelectric polarization within the incommensurate magnetic phase of TbMn 2 O 5
- auteur
- N. Narayanan, P. Graham, Pauline Rovillain, J. O’brien, J. Bertinshaw, S. Yick, J. Hester, A. Maljuk, D. Souptel, B. Büchner, D. Argyriou, C. Ulrich
- article
- Physical Review B, 2022, 105 (21), pp.214413. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.105.214413⟩
- titre
- Spin-phonon and magnetoelectric coupling in oxygen-isotope substituted TbMnO 3 investigated by Raman scattering
- auteur
- P. Graham, Pauline Rovillain, M. Bartkowiak, E. Pomjakushina, K. Conder, M. Kenzelmann, C. Ulrich
- article
- Physical Review B, 2022, 105 (17), pp.174438. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.105.174438⟩
- titre
- Substrate influence on the vibrational response of gold nanoresonators: Towards tunable acoustic nanosources
- auteur
- Ronan Delalande, J. Bonhomme, E. Dandeu, L. Becerra, L. Belliard
- article
- Physical Review B, 2022, 105 (3), pp.035422. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.105.035422⟩
- titre
- Elastic wave propagation along a 1D chain of pillars
- auteur
- Rock Akiki, Laurent Carpentier, Adnane Noual, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Yan Pennec
- article
- 12th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META22, Jul 2022, Torremolinos, Spain
- titre
- Synthesis of nanoengineered ZrCuAl thin film metallic glasses by pulsed laser deposition with enhanced mechanical properties
- auteur
- Francesco Bignoli, D. Faurie, P. Djemia, Florent Tetard, Fatiha Challali, Giancarlo Terraneo, Grégory Abadias, Laurent Belliard, Andrea Li Bassi, Matteo Ghidelli
- article
- E-MRS SPRING MEETING 2022, Mar 2022, Online Conference, France
- titre
- Quelques aspects de l’acoustique aux fréquences sub-terahertz : transduction opto-acoustique et atténuation sonore
- auteur
- Agnès Huynh
- article
- Acoustique [physics.class-ph]. Sorbonne Université, 2022
- titre
- Sucrose promotes D53 accumulation and tillering in rice
- auteur
- Suyash Patil, Francois Barbier, Jinfeng Zhao, Syed Zafar, Muhammad Uzair, Yinglu Sun, Jingjing Fang, Maria‐dolores Perez‐garcia, Jessica Bertheloot, Soulaiman Sakr, Franziska Fichtner, Tinashe Chabikwa, Shoujiang Yuan, Christine Beveridge, Xueyong Li
- article
- New Phytologist, 2021, pp.Early Access. ⟨10.1111/nph.17834⟩
- titre
- Elastic and magnetoelastic properties of TbMnO 3 single crystal by nanosecond time resolved acoustics and first-principles calculations
- auteur
- Pierre Hemme, C-H Li, P Djemia, Pauline Rovillain, S Houver, Y Gallais, A Sacuto, H Sakata, S Nowak, B Baptiste, E Charron, B Perrin, L Belliard, M Cazayous
- article
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2021, 33 (49), pp.495402. ⟨10.1088/1361-648X/ac25ad⟩
- titre
- Tubular phononic crystal sensor
- auteur
- A Gueddida, Yan Pennec, V Zhang, F Lucklum, M Vellekoop, N Mukhin, R Lucklum, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 130 (10), pp.105103. ⟨10.1063/5.0051660⟩
- titre
- Influence of elastic anisotropy on measured sound velocities and elastic moduli of polycrystalline cubic solids
- auteur
- Feng Xu, Philippe Djemia, Laurent Belliard, Haijun Huang, Bernard Perrin, Andreas Zerr
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 130 (3), pp.035903. ⟨10.1063/5.0053372⟩
- titre
- Abnormal topological refraction into free medium at sub-wavelength scale in valley phononic crystal plates
- auteur
- Linyun Yang, Kaiping Yu, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Wei Wang, Ying Wu
- article
- Physical Review B, 2021, 103 (18), pp.184303. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.103.184303⟩
- titre
- Broadband sub-diffraction and ultra-high energy density focusing of elastic waves in planar gradient-index lenses
- auteur
- Jinfeng Zhao, Xiaodong Cui, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Weitao Yuan, Yongdong P Pan, Jie Ren, Xiaoqing Zhang, Zheng Zhong
- article
- Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2021, 150, pp.104357. ⟨10.1016/j.jmps.2021.104357⟩
- titre
- Multi-branch valley-chiral edge states of antisymmetric plate wave in phononic crystal plates with double-sided symmetric pillars
- auteur
- Xiaodong Cui, Jinfeng Zhao, Olga Boyko, Bernard Bonello, Zheng Zhong
- article
- International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 197, pp.106347. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2021.106347⟩
- titre
- Generation of spherical vortex beams to trap large particles for enhanced axial force
- auteur
- D. Zhao, Jean-Louis Thomas, R. Marchiano
- article
- Ultrasonics, 2021, 111, pp.106296. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2020.106296⟩
- titre
- Complex Optical Index of HgTe Nanocrystal Infrared Thin Films and Its Use for Short Wave Infrared Photodiode Design
- auteur
- Prachi Rastogi, Audrey Chu, Tung Huu Dang, Yoann Prado, Charlie Gréboval, Junling Qu, Corentin Dabard, Adrien Khalili, Erwan Dandeu, Baptiste Fix, Xiang Zhen Xu, Sandrine Ithurria, Grégory Vincent, Bruno Gallas, Emmanuel Lhuillier
- article
- Advanced Optical Materials, 2021, pp.2002066. ⟨10.1002/adom.202002066⟩
- titre
- Elastic properties assessment in the multiferroic BiFeO 3 by pump and probe method
- auteur
- Pierre Hemme, Philippe Djemia, Pauline Rovillain, Yann Gallais, Alain Sacuto, Anne Forget, Dorothée Colson, Eric Charron, Bernard Perrin, Laurent Belliard, Maximilien Cazayous
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 118 (6), pp.062902. ⟨10.1063/5.0039505⟩
- titre
- Physics of surface vibrational resonances: Pillared phononic crystals, metamaterials, and metasurfaces
- auteur
- Yabin Jin, Yan Pennec, Bernard Bonello, Hossein Honarvar, L. Dobrzynski, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Mahmoud I Hussein
- article
- Reports on Progress in Physics, 2021, ⟨10.1088/1361-6633/abdab8⟩
- titre
- Correlative imaging of motoneuronal cell elasticity by pump and probe spectroscopy
- auteur
- Ahmed Hamraoui, Océane Sénépart, Maxime Schneider, Sophie Malaquin, Emmanuel Péronne, Loïc Becerra, Fannie Semprez, Claire Legay, Laurent Belliard
- article
- Biophysical Journal, 2021, ⟨10.1016/j.bpj.2020.12.021⟩
- titre
- The 2021 Magnonics Roadmap
- auteur
- A Barman, Gianluca Gubbiotti, Sam Ladak, Adekunle Olusola Adeyeye, Maciej Krawczyk, Joachim Gräfe, Christoph Adelmann, Sorin Cotofana, Azad Naeemi, Vitaliy Vasyuchka, Burkard Hillebrands, S Nikitov, Haiming Yu, Dirk Grundler, Alexandr Sadovnikov, Andrew Grachev, S. Sheshukova, Jean-Yves Duquesne, Massimiliano Marangolo, Csaba Gyorgy, Wolfgang Porod, V Demidov, Sergei Urazhdin, Sergej Demokritov, Edoardo Albisetti, Daniela Petti, Riccardo Bertacco, Helmut Schulteiss, Volodymyr Kruglyak, Vlad Poimanov, Ashok Kumar Sahoo, Jaivardhan Sinha, Hyunsoo Yang, Markus Muenzenberg, Takahiro Moriyama, Shigemi Mizukami, Pedro Landeros, Rodolfo Andrés Gallardo, Giovanni Carlotti, Joo-Von Kim, Robert Stamps, Robert Camley, Bivas Rana, Y Otani, Weichao Yu, Tao Yu, Gerrit Bauer, Christian Back, Goetz Uhrig, Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy, Sebastiaan van Dijken, Barbora Budinska, Huajun Qin, Andrii Chumak, Aleksandr Khitun, Dmitri Nikonov, Ian Young, Benjamin Zingsem, Michael Winklhofer
- article
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2021, 33 (41), pp.413001. ⟨10.1088/1361-648X/abec1a⟩
- titre
- Evanescent coupling between aluminum pillars
- auteur
- Rock Akiki, Yan Pennec, Adnane Noual, Eric Lheurette, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials 2021), Sep 2021, NewYork, United States. pp.8-10, ⟨10.1109/Metamaterials52332.2021.9577151⟩
- titre
- Vibrational investigation of nanostructures : towards the development of new acoustic imaging techniques at the nanoscale
- auteur
- Ronan Delalande
- article
- Acoustique [physics.class-ph]. Sorbonne Université, 2021. Français. ⟨NNT : 2021SORUS261⟩
- titre
- Non-symmetric spin-pumping in a multiferroic heterostructure
- auteur
- Pauline Rovillain, Ronei Cardoso de Oliveira, Massimiliano Marangolo, Jean-Yves Duquesne
- article
- Physical Review B, 2020, 102 (18), pp.184409. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.102.184409⟩
- titre
- Spatially selective manipulation of cells with single-beam acoustical tweezers
- auteur
- Michael Baudoin, Jean-Louis Thomas, Roudy Al Sahely, Jean Claude Gerbedoen, Zhixiong Gong, Aude Sivery, Olivier Bou Matar, Nikolay Smagin, Peter Favreau, Alexis Vlandas
- article
- Nature Communications, 2020, 11, pp.4244. ⟨10.1038/s41467-020-18000-y⟩
- titre
- Mesoporous Thin Films for Acoustic Devices in the Gigahertz Range
- auteur
- Nicolas Lopez-Abdala, M. Esmann, Maria Cecilia Fuertes, Paula C. Angelomé, Omar Ortiz, A. E. Bruchhausen, H. Pastoriza, Bernard Perrin, Galo J. A. A. Soler Illia, N. D. Lanzillotti Kimura
- article
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124 (31), pp.17165-17171. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c05464⟩
- titre
- Elastic stubbed metamaterial plate with torsional resonances
- auteur
- Wei Wang, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Yan Pennec, Jinfeng Zhao
- article
- Ultrasonics, 2020, 106, pp.106142. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2020.106142⟩
- titre
- Design of defected TaN supercells dataset for structural and elastic properties from ab initio simulations and comparison to experimental data
- auteur
- Chen-Hui Li, Grégory Abadias, Laurent Belliard, Qing Miao Hu, Nicolas Greneche, Philippe Djemia
- article
- Data in Brief, 2020, 30, pp.105411. ⟨10.1016/j.dib.2020.105411⟩
- titre
- Thermal conductivity of Bi 2 Se 3 from bulk to thin films: Theory and experiment
- auteur
- Lorenzo Paulatto, Danièle Fournier, Massimiliano Marangolo, Mahmoud Eddrief, Paola Atkinson, Matteo Calandra
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2020, 101 (20), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.101.205419⟩
- titre
- A Transient Grating Method to Measure the Dispersion of Elastic Waves in Nanostructures
- auteur
- E. Charron, L. N. Lu, B. Bonello, O. Boyko, E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, M. Tchernycheva, N. Gogneau
- article
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1461, pp.012022. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/1461/1/012022⟩
- titre
- Large influence of vacancies on the elastic constants of cubic epitaxial tantalum nitride layers grown by reactive magnetron sputtering
- auteur
- Grégory Abadias, Chen-Hui Li, Laurent Belliard, Qing Miao Hu, Nicolas Grenèche, Philippe Djemia
- article
- Acta Materialia, 2020, 184, pp.254-266. ⟨10.1016/j.actamat.2019.11.041⟩
- titre
- Active control of the transmission of Lamb waves through an elastic metamaterial
- auteur
- W. Wang, B. Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, X. Fang, Yan Pennec, J. Zhao, Y. Jin
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 128 (6), pp.065107. ⟨10.1063/5.0017526⟩
- titre
- Robust Fano resonance in a topological mechanical beam
- auteur
- Wei Wang, Yabin Jin, Wan Wang, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Romain Fleury
- article
- Physical Review B, 2020, 101 (2), pp.024101. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.101.024101⟩
- titre
- Time-and space-resolved nonlinear magnetoacoustic dynamics
- auteur
- M. Kraimia, P. Kuszewski, J.-y Duquesne, A. Lemaitre, F. Margaillan, C. Gourdon, L. Thevenard
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2020, 101, pp.144425. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.101.144425⟩
- titre
- Investigation on the vibrational response of nano-objects studied by picosecond acoustic
- auteur
- Ronan Delalande, Laurent Belliard
- article
- Forum Acusticum, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.1895-1896, ⟨10.48465/fa.2020.0559⟩
- titre
- High-frequency acoustic modes in silica via ultrafast optical techniques
- auteur
- Agnès Huynh, Emmanuel Péronne, Bernard Perrin, Benoit Rufflé, René Vacher, Marie Foret
- article
- Forum Acusticum, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.1893-1893, ⟨10.48465/fa.2020.0723⟩
- titre
- Numerical analysis of a tubular phononic crystal sensor
- auteur
- A. Gueddida, Yan Pennec, S. Hemon, F. Lucklum, M. Vellekoop, N. Mukhin, R. Lucklum, B. Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- IEEE Sensors Conference, Oct 2020, Rotterdam, Netherlands. pp.1-3, ⟨10.1109/SENSORS47125.2020.9278673⟩
- titre
- Acoustic attenuation in crystalline and amorphous solids in the sub-THz frequency range via ultrafast optical techniques
- auteur
- Agnès Huynh
- article
- IEEE IUS 2020 (international ultrasonics symposium), Sep 2020, Las Vegas (on line), United States
- titre
- In depth characterization of Ge-Si core-shell nanowires using X-ray coherent diffraction and time resolved pump-probe spectroscopy
- auteur
- Sara Fernandez, Cyril Jean, Eric Charron, Pascal Gentile, Marie-Ingrid Richard, Olivier Thomas, Bernard Perrin, Laurent Belliard
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 126 (20), pp.204304. ⟨10.1063/1.5122263⟩
- titre
- Picosecond ultrasounds as elasticity probes in neuron-like cells models
- auteur
- Alexis Viel, Emmanuel Péronne, Océane Sénépart, Loïc Becerra, Claire Legay, Fannie Semprez, Léa Trichet, Thibaud Coradin, Ahmed Hamraoui, Laurent Belliard
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 115 (21), pp.213701. ⟨10.1063/1.5129783⟩
- titre
- Elastic properties of α- and β-tantalum thin films
- auteur
- G. Abadias, J.J. Colin, D. Tingaud, Ph. Djemia, Laurent Belliard, C. Tromas
- article
- Thin Solid Films, 2019, 688, pp.137403. ⟨10.1016/j.tsf.2019.06.053⟩
- titre
- Computation of the radiation force exerted by the acoustic tweezers using pressure field measurements
- auteur
- Dan Zhao, Jean-Louis Thomas, R. Marchiano
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2019, 146 (3), pp.1650-1660. ⟨10.1121/1.5126095⟩
- titre
- The 2019 surface acoustic waves roadmap
- auteur
- Per Delsing, Andrew N Cleland, Martin J A Schuetz, Johannes Knörzer, Géza Giedke, Ignacio Cirac, Kartik Srinivasan, Marcelo Wu, Krishna Coimbatore Balram, Christopher Bäuerle, Tristan Meunier, Christopher J B Ford, Paulo V Santos, Edgar Cerda-Méndez, Hailin Wang, Hubert J Krenner, Emeline D S Nysten, Matthias Weiss, Geoff R Nash, Laura Thevenard, Catherine Gourdon, Pauline Rovillain, Max Marangolo, Jean-Yves Duquesne, Gerhard Fischerauer, Werner Ruile, Alexander Reiner, Ben Paschke, Dmytro Denysenko, Dirk Volkmer, Achim Wixforth, Henrik Bruus, Martin Wiklund, Julien Reboud, Jonathan M Cooper, Yongqing Fu, Manuel S Brugger, Florian Rehfeldt, Christoph Westerhausen
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52 (35), pp.353001. ⟨10.1088/1361-6463/ab1b04⟩
- titre
- Vibrational Response of Au-Ag alloy and Porous Au Single nanowires Probed by Ultrafast Pump-Probe Spectroscopy
- auteur
- R Delalande, L Burr, E. Charron, M Jouini, M E Toimil-Molares, L Belliard
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2019, ⟨10.1063/1.5108772⟩
- titre
- Acoustic Tweezers for Particle and Fluid Micromanipulation
- auteur
- Michael Baudoin, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 2019, 52 (1), ⟨10.1146/annurev-fluid-010719-060154⟩
- titre
- Surface-Acoustic-Wave Induced Ferromagnetic Resonance in Fe Thin Films and Magnetic Field Sensing
- auteur
- J.-Y. Duquesne, P. Rovillain, C. Hepburn, M. Eddrief, P. Atkinson, A. Anane, R. Ranchal, Massimiliano Marangolo
- article
- Physical Review Applied, 2019, 12 (2), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevApplied.12.024042⟩
- titre
- Sound Velocities and Elastic Moduli of Phases I and V of Silicon at High Pressures
- auteur
- Bin Zhao, Feng Xu, Laurent Belliard, Haijun Huang, Bernard Perrin, Philippe Djemia, Andreas Zerr
- article
- physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters (pss RRL), 2019, 13 (8), pp.1900173. ⟨10.1002/pssr.201900173⟩
- titre
- Folding a focalized acoustical vortex on a flat holographic transducer: Miniaturized selective acoustical tweezers
- auteur
- Michael Baudoin, Jean-Claude Gerbedoen, Antoine Riaud, Olivier Bou Matar, Nikolay Smagin, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Science Advances , 2019, 5 (4), pp.eaav1967. ⟨10.1126/sciadv.aav1967⟩
- titre
- Rainbow guiding of the lowest-order antisymmetric Lamb mode in phononic crystal plate
- auteur
- Jinfeng Zhao, Weitao Yuan, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Yongdong P Pan, Zheng Zhong
- article
- Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2019, 62 (3), pp.458-463. ⟨10.1007/s11431-018-9398-y⟩
- titre
- Coherent generation and detection of acoustic phonons in topological nanocavities
- auteur
- G. Arregui, O. Ortíz, M. Esmann, C. Sotomayor-Torres, C. Gomez-Carbonell, O. Mauguin, B. Perrin, A. Lemaitre, P. García, N. Lanzillotti-Kimura
- article
- APL Photonics, 2019, 4 (3), pp.030805. ⟨10.1063/1.5082728⟩
- titre
- Love waves dispersion by phononic pillars for nano-particle mass sensing
- auteur
- J. Bonhomme, M. Oudich, B. Djafari-Rouhani, F. Sarry, Y. Pennec, B. Bonello, D. Beyssen, P. Charette
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 114 (1), pp.013501. ⟨10.1063/1.5068681⟩
- titre
- Field-Free Magnetization Switching by an Acoustic Wave
- auteur
- I.S. S Camara, J.-Y. Duquesne, A. Lemaître, C. Gourdon, L. Thevenard
- article
- Physical Review Applied, 2019, 11 (1), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevApplied.11.014045⟩
- titre
- Topological valley, pseudospin, and pseudospin-valley protected edge states in symmetric pillared phononic crystals
- auteur
- Wei Wang, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Yan Pennec
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2019, 100 (14), pp.140101. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.100.140101⟩
- titre
- The deal.II Library, Version 9.1
- auteur
- Daniel Arndt, Wolfgang Bangerth, Thomas Clevenger, Denis Davydov, Marc Fehling, Daniel Garcia-Sanchez, Graham Harper, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Martin Kronbichler, Ross Maguire Kynch, Matthias Maier, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Bruno Turcksin, David Wells
- article
- Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 2019, 27 (4), pp.203-213. ⟨10.1515/jnma-2019-0064⟩
- titre
- Formation mechanism and thermoelectric properties of CaMnO3 thin films synthesized by annealing of Ca0.5Mn0.5O films
- auteur
- Erik Ekström, Arnaud Le Febvrier, Danièle Fournier, Jun Lu, Vladimir-Lucian Ene, Ngo Van Nong, Fredrik Eriksson, Per Eklund, Biplab Paul
- article
- Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54 (11), pp.8482-8491. ⟨10.1007/s10853-019-03496-7⟩
- titre
- Polarization-dependent and Valley-protected Lamb Waves in Asymmetric Pillared Phononic Crystals
- auteur
- Wei Wang, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Yan Pennec
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019, 52 (50), pp.505302. ⟨10.1088/1361-6463/ab43f9⟩
- titre
- High spectral resolution of GaAs/AlAs phononic cavities by subharmonic resonant pump-probe excitation
- auteur
- Camille Lagoin, Bernard Perrin, Paola Atkinson, Daniel Garcia-Sanchez
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2019, 99 (6), pp.060101(R). ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.99.060101⟩
- titre
- Experimental evidence of quadrupolar whispering-gallery modes in phononic crystal based waveguides
- auteur
- Jinfeng Zhao, Weitao Yuan, Olga Boyko, Bernard Bonello, Xiaoqing Zhang, Yongdong P Pan, Zheng Zhong
- article
- AIP Advances, 2019, 9 (8), pp.085032. ⟨10.1063/1.5109690⟩
- titre
- Sub-GHz Resonant Magnetoelastic Coupling in Epitaxial Fe Thin Films
- auteur
- J.-y S Duquesne, Pauline Rovillain, C. Hepburn, M. Eddrief, P Atkinson, A. Anane, R Ranchal, M. Marangolo
- article
- 2019
- titre
- Nanomechanical Strain Concentration on a Two-Dimensional Nanobridge within a Large Suspended Bilayer Graphene for Molecular Mass Detection
- auteur
- Julien Chaste, Amine Missaoui, Amina Saadani, Daniel Garcia-Sanchez, Debora Pierucci, Zeineb Ben Aziza, Abdelkarim Ouerghi
- article
- ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018, 1 (12), pp.6752-6759. ⟨10.1021/acsanm.8b01555⟩
- titre
- Breakdown of Herring's processes in cubic semiconductors for sub-terahertz longitudinal acoustic phonons
- auteur
- Maxime Markov, Jelena Sjakste, Nathalie Madeleine Marguerite Vast, Romain Legrand, Bernard Perrin, Lorenzo Paulatto
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2018, ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.98.245201⟩
- titre
- Robustness of elastic properties in polymer nanocomposite films examined over the full volume fraction range
- auteur
- Elena Alonso-Redondo, Laurent Belliard, K. Rolle, Bartlomiej Graczykowski, Wolfgang Tremel, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, George Fytas
- article
- Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), pp.16986. ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-35335-1⟩
- titre
- Double-Negative Pillared Elastic Metamaterial
- auteur
- Wei Wang, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Yan Pennec, Jinfeng Zhao
- article
- Physical Review Applied, 2018, 10 (6), pp.064011. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevApplied.10.064011⟩
- titre
- Effect of ion-implantation-induced defects and Mg dopants on the thermoelectric properties of ScN
- auteur
- Nina Tureson, Marc Marteau, Thierry Cabioc’h, Ngo van Nong, Jens Jensen, Jun Lu, Grzegorz Greczynski, Danièle Fournier, Niraj Singh, Ajay Soni, Laurent Belliard, Per Eklund, Arnaud Le Febvrier
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2018, 98 (20), pp.205307. ⟨10.1103/physrevb.98.205307⟩
- titre
- Evaluation of Effective Elastic Properties of Nitride NWs/Polymer Composite Materials Using Laser-Generated Surface Acoustic Waves
- auteur
- Evgeny Glushkov, Natalia Glushkova, Bernard Bonello, Lu Lu, Eric Charron, Noëlle Gogneau, François Julien, Maria Tchernycheva, Olga Boyko
- article
- Applied Sciences, 2018, 8 (11), pp.2319. ⟨10.3390/app8112319⟩
- titre
- Reactive sputter deposition of CoCrCuFeNi in nitrogen/argon mixtures
- auteur
- Florent Tetard, R. Dedoncker, Ph. Djemia, G. Radnóczi, L. Belliard, G. Abadias, N. Martin, D. Depla
- article
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 769, pp.881-888. ⟨10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.08.044⟩
- titre
- Acoustic phonons in nanowires probed by ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy
- auteur
- Pierre-Adrien Mante, Laurent Belliard, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Nanophotonics, 2018, 7 (11), pp.1759 - 1780. ⟨10.1515/nanoph-2018-0069⟩
- titre
- Probing elastic properties of nanowire-based structures
- auteur
- L. Lu, E. Charron, E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova, B. Bonello, F. H Julien, N. Gogneau, M. Tchernycheva, O. Boyko
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 113 (16), pp.161903 (2018). ⟨10.1063/1.5045665⟩
- titre
- Mechanical properties of elementary layers involved in a multilayer optical stack by photon-acoustic phonon interaction approaches
- auteur
- Frédéric Faëse, Delphine Poinot Cherroret, Sébastien Chatel, Loic Becerra, Fatiha Challali, Philippe Djemia, Laurent Belliard
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 124 (12), ⟨10.1063/1.5030749⟩
- titre
- Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of CrN and CrN/Cr 2 N thin films
- auteur
- M Gharavi, S Kerdsongpanya, S. Schmidt, F Eriksson, N Nong, J. Lu, B Balke, D. Fournier, Laurent Belliard, A. Le Febvrier, C. Pallier, P Eklund
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51 (35), pp.355302. ⟨10.1088/1361-6463/aad2ef⟩
- titre
- Optical Probing of Wave Driven Magneto-acoustic Resonance
- auteur
- P. Kuszewski, J.-Y. Duquesne, L. Becerra, A. Lemaître, S. Vincent, S. Majrab, F. Margaillan, C. Gourdon, L. Thevenard
- article
- Physical Review Applied, 2018, 10 (3), ⟨10.1103/physrevapplied.10.034036⟩
- titre
- High Frequency Elastic Properties of Nitride Nanowires-Based Structures
- auteur
- O. Boyko, E. Charron, B. Bonello, L. Lu, M. Tchernycheva, N. Gogneau, E. Glushkov, N. Glushkova
- article
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, 1092, pp.012014. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/1092/1/012014⟩
- titre
- Resonant magneto-acoustic switching: influence of Rayleigh wave frequency and wavevector
- auteur
- P Kuszewski, I.S. Camara, N Biarrotte, L. Becerra, J. von Bardeleben, W. Savero Torres, A. Lemaître, C. Gourdon, J-y Duquesne, L. Thevenard
- article
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2018, 30 (24), pp.244003. ⟨10.1088/1361-648X/aac152⟩
- titre
- Straightforward measurement of anisotropic thermal properties of a Bi2Se3 single crystal
- auteur
- Danièle Fournier, Massimiliano Marangolo, Mahmoud Eddrieff, N.N N Kolesnikov, Christian Frétigny, M Eddrief
- article
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2018, 30 (11), pp.115701. ⟨10.1088/1361-648X/aaad3c⟩
- titre
- Magnetocrystalline and magnetoelastic constants determined by magnetization dynamics under static strain
- auteur
- J-y Duquesne, P. Rovillain, C. Hepburn, Massimiliano Marangolo
- article
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2018, 30 (39), pp.394002. ⟨10.1088/1361-648X/aadc2f⟩
- titre
- Rayleigh Waves in Phononic Crystal Made of Multilayered Pillars: Confined Modes, Fano Resonances, and Acoustically Induced Transparency
- auteur
- M. Oudich, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, B. Bonello, Yan Pennec, S. Hemaidia, F. Sarry, D. Beyssen
- article
- Physical Review Applied, 2018, 9 (3), pp.034013. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevApplied.9.034013⟩
- titre
- Orbital Angular Momentum Transfer to Stably Trapped Elastic Particles in Acoustical Vortex Beams
- auteur
- Diego Baresch, Jean-Louis Thomas, Régis Marchiano
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2018, 121 (7), pp.074301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.074301⟩
- titre
- Compact Waveguide and Guided Beam Pattern Based on the Whispering-Gallery Mode of a Hollow Pillar in a Phononic Crystal Plate
- auteur
- Weitao Yuan, Jinfeng Zhao, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Xiaoqing Zhang, Yongdong Pan, Zheng Zhong
- article
- Physical Review Applied, 2018, 10 (3), pp.034010. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevApplied.10.034010⟩
- titre
- SAW-driven straintronics
- auteur
- L. Thevenard, C. Gourdon, P. Rovillain, M. Marangolo, J.-y Duquesne
- article
- 2018
- titre
- Phononic Crystal Made of Multilayered Ridges on a Substrate for Rayleigh Waves Manipulation
- auteur
- Mourad Oudich, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Bernard Bonello, Yan Pennec, Frédéric Sarry
- article
- Crystals, 2017, 7 (12), pp.372. ⟨10.3390/cryst7120372⟩
- titre
- Investigation of surface acoustic wave propagation in composite pillar based phononic crystals within both local resonance and Bragg scattering mechanism regimes
- auteur
- Dongbo Zhang, Jinfeng Zhao, Bernard Bonello, Fenglin Zhang, Weitao Yuan, Yongdong Pan, Zheng Zhong
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50 (43), pp.435602. ⟨10.1088/1361-6463/aa86df⟩
- titre
- The nanostructure and mechanical properties of nanocomposite Nbx-CoCrCuFeNi thin films
- auteur
- B.R. Braeckman, F. Misják, G. Radnóczi, M. Caplovicová, Ph. Djemia, F. Tétard, L. Belliard, D. Depla
- article
- Scripta Materialia, 2017, 139, pp.155-158. ⟨10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.06.046⟩
- titre
- Reduction of the thermal conductivity of the thermoelectric material ScN by Nb alloying
- auteur
- Nina Tureson, Ngo van Nong, Daniele Fournier, Niraj Singh, Somnath Acharya, Susann Schmidt, Laurent Belliard, Ajay Soni, Arnaud Le Febvrier, Per Eklund
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122 (2), pp.025116. ⟨10.1063/1.4993913⟩
- titre
- Structural-elastic relationships of Zr-TL (TL = Cu, Co, Ni) thin films metallic glasses
- auteur
- M. Apreutesei, P. Djemia, L. Belliard, G. Abadias, C. Esnouf, A. Billard, P. Steyer
- article
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 707, pp.126-131. ⟨10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.12.208⟩
- titre
- Wave propagation in one-dimensional nonlinear acoustic metamaterials
- auteur
- Xin Fang, Jihong Wen, Bernard Bonello, Jianfei Yin, Dianlong Yu
- article
- New Journal of Physics, 2017, 19, pp.053007. ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/aa6d49⟩
- titre
- Impurity-controlled film growth and elastic properties of CoCrCuFeNi thin films
- auteur
- B.R. Braeckman, P. Djemia, Florent Tetard, L. Belliard, D. Depla
- article
- Surface and Coatings Technology, 2017, 315, pp.475 - 483. ⟨10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.03.014⟩
- titre
- Strain and Magnetic Field Induced Spin-Structure Transitions in Multiferroic BiFeO 3
- auteur
- Arsène Agbelele, D Sando, C Toulouse, C Paillard, Rd Johnson, R Rüffer, Af Popkov, C Carrétéro, P Rovillain, Jean Marie Le Breton, B Dkhil, M Cazayous, Y Gallais, M.-A. Méasson, A Sacuto, P Manuel, A. K. Zvezdin, Alain Barthélémy, Jean Juraszek, M B Bibes
- article
- Advanced Materials, 2017, 2017, pp.1602327 - 1602327. ⟨10.1002/adma.201602327⟩
- titre
- Subpicometer-scale atomic displacements and magnetic properties in the oxygen-isotope substituted multiferroic DyMn O 3
- auteur
- N. Narayanan, P. Graham, N. Reynolds, F. Li, Pauline Rovillain, J. Hester, J. Kimpton, M. Yethiraj, G. Mcintyre, W. Hutchison, C. Ulrich
- article
- Physical Review B, 2017, 95 (7), pp.075154. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.95.075154⟩
- titre
- Vector network analyzer measurement of the amplitude of an electrically excited surface acoustic wave and validation by X-ray diffraction
- auteur
- I.S. Camara, B Croset, L Largeau, P. Rovillain, L. Thevenard, J.-y Duquesne
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 121 (4), pp.44503. ⟨10.1063/1.4974947⟩
- titre
- A Device for acoustic pulse echo experiments in the subterahertz range
- auteur
- R. Legrand, A. Huynh, S. Vincent, B. Perrin, A. Lemaître
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2017, 95 (1), pp.014304. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.95.014304⟩
- titre
- Temperature dependence of hypersound attenuation in silica films via picosecond acoustics
- auteur
- A. Huynh, E. Peronne, C. Gingreau, X. Lafosse, A. Lemaitre, B. Perrin, Rene Vacher, Benoit Ruffle, Marie Foret
- article
- Physical Review B, 2017, 96 (17), pp.174206. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.96.174206⟩
- titre
- Selective Manipulation of Microscopic Particles with Precursor Swirling Rayleigh Waves
- auteur
- Antoine Riaud, Michael Baudoin, Olivier Bou Matar, Loic Becerra, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Physical Review Applied, 2017, 7, pp.024007. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevApplied.7.024007⟩
- titre
- Acoustical and optical radiation pressures and the development of single beam acoustical tweezers
- auteur
- Jean-Louis Thomas, Régis Marchiano, Diego Baresch
- article
- Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2017, 195, pp.55-65. ⟨10.1016/j.jqsrt.2017.01.012⟩
- titre
- Acoustic solitons: A robust tool to investigate the generation and detection of ultrafast acoustic waves
- auteur
- Emmanuel Péronne, Nicolas Chuecos, L. Thevenard, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2017, 95 (6), pp.064306. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.95.064306⟩
- titre
- Advanced Mesh-Based and Particle-Based Numerical Methods for Engineering and Applied Mathematics Problems
- auteur
- Cheng-Tang Wu, Lihua Wang, Bernard Bonello, Leevan Ling, Ninshu Ma, Marc Schweitzer
- article
- Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, 2017, pp.1-2. ⟨10.1155/2017/1273017⟩
- titre
- Pillar-type acoustic metasurface
- auteur
- Yabin Jin, Bernard Bonello, Rayisa P. Moiseyenko, Yan Pennec, Olga Boyko, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2017, 96 (10), pp.104311 ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.96.104311⟩
- titre
- Ultra-low and ultra-broad-band nonlinear acoustic metamaterials
- auteur
- Xin Fang, Jihong Wen, Bernard Bonello, Jianfei Yin, Dianlong Yu
- article
- Nature Communications, 2017, 8 (1), pp.1288. ⟨10.1038/s41467-017-00671-9⟩
- titre
- Epidemiology of invasive fungal infections during induction therapy in adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a GRAALL-2005 study.
- auteur
- Clara Mariette, Emmanuel Tavernier, Didier Hocquet, Anne Huynh, Françoise Isnard, Faezeh Legrand, Véronique Lhéritier, Emmanuel Raffoux, Hervé Dombret, Norbert Ifrah, Jean-Yves Cahn, Anne Thiébaut
- article
- Leukemia & lymphoma, 2017, 58 (3), pp.586-593. ⟨10.1080/10428194.2016.1204652⟩
- titre
- Influence of viscosity on acoustic streaming in sessile droplets: an experimental and a numerical study with a Streaming Source Spatial Filtering (SSSF) method
- auteur
- Antoine Riaud, Michael Baudoin, Olivier Bou Matar, Jean-Louis Thomas, Philippe Brunet
- article
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 821, pp.384-420. ⟨10.1017/jfm.2017.178⟩
- titre
- Laboratory X-ray characterization of a surface acoustic wave on GaAs: the critical role of instrumental convolution
- auteur
- Ludovic Largeau, Ibrahima Camara, Jean-Yves Duquesne, Catherine Gourdon, Pauline Rovillain, L. Thevenard, Bernard Croset
- article
- Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2016, 31, pp. 2073. ⟨10.1107/S1600576716015016⟩
- titre
- Spatiotemporal Imaging of the Acoustic Field Emitted by a Single Copper Nanowire
- auteur
- Cyril Jean, Laurent Belliard, Thomas W. Cornelius, Olivier Thomas, Yan Pennec, Marco Cassinelli, Maria Eugenia Toimil-Molares, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Nano Letters, 2016, 16 (10), pp.6592-6598. ⟨10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b03260⟩
- titre
- Acoustic confinement in superlattice cavities
- auteur
- Daniel Garcia-Sanchez, Samuel Déleglise, Jean-Louis Thomas, Paola Atkinson, Camille Lagoin, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2016, 94, pp.033813. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevA.94.033813⟩
- titre
- Direct measurement of coherent subterahertz acoustic phonons mean free path in GaAs
- auteur
- R. Legrand, Agnès Huynh, Bernard Jusserand, Bernard Perrin, A. Lemaître
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2016, 93 (18), pp.184304. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.93.184304⟩
- titre
- Focusing of the lowest-order antisymmetric Lamb mode behind a gradient-index acoustic metalens with local resonators
- auteur
- Jinfeng Zhao, Bernard Bonello, Olga Boyko
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2016, 93, pp.174306. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.93.174306⟩
- titre
- Steady-state thermal gradient induced by pulsed laser excitation in a ferromagnetic layer Steady-state thermal gradient induced by pulsed laser excitation in a ferromagnetic layer
- auteur
- S Shihab, L. Thevenard, Aristide Lemaître, J.-y Duquesne, C. Gourdon
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, 119 (15), pp.153904. ⟨10.1063/1.4947226⟩
- titre
- Air-coupled method to investigate the lowest-order antisymmetric Lamb mode in stubbed and air-drilled phononic platess
- auteur
- Dongbo Zhang, Jinfeng Zhao, Bernard Bonello, Libing Li, Jianxin Wei, Yongdong Pan, Zheng Zhong
- article
- AIP Advances, 2016, 6 (8), pp.085021. ⟨10.1063/1.4962222⟩
- titre
- SAW synthesis with IDTs array and the inverse filter: toward a versatile SAW toolbox for microfluidics and biological applications
- auteur
- Antoine Riaud, Michael Baudoin, Jean-Louis Thomas, Olivier Bou Matar
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2016, 63 (10), pp.1601 - 1607. ⟨10.1109/TUFFC.2016.2558583⟩
- titre
- Tunable waveguide and cavity in a phononic crystal plate by controlling whispering-gallery modes in hollow pillars
- auteur
- Yabin Jin, Nicolas Fernez, Yan Pennec, Bernard P Bonello, Rayisa P Moiseyenko, Stéphanie Hémon, Yongdong P Pan, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2016, 93, pp.054109. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.93.054109⟩
- titre
- Structural-elastic relationships of Zr-TL (TL = Cu, Co, Ni) thin films metallic glasses
- auteur
- M. Apreutesei, P. Djemia, Laurent Belliard, G. Abadias, C. Esnouf, Alain Billard, Philippe Steyer
- article
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 707, pp.126-131. ⟨10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.12.208⟩
- titre
- Precessional magnetization switching by a surface acoustic wave
- auteur
- L. Thevenard, I S Camara, S Majrab, Mathieu Bernard, P Rovillain, A Lemaître, Catherine Gourdon, J.-y S Duquesne
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2016, 93, pp.134430. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.93.134430⟩
- titre
- Strong reduction of the coercivity by a surface acoustic wave in an out-of-plane magnetized epilayer
- auteur
- L. Thevenard, I S Camara, J.-y Prieur, P Rovillain, A Lemaître, C. Gourdon, J.-y S Duquesne
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2016, 93, pp.140405. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.93.140405⟩
- titre
- Focusing of Rayleigh waves with gradient-index phononic crystals
- auteur
- Jinfeng Zhao, Bernard Bonello, Loic Becerra, Olga Boyko, Rémi Marchal
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108, pp.221905 - 53504. ⟨10.1063/1.4953168⟩
- titre
- Observation of a Single-Beam Gradient Force Acoustical Trap for Elastic Particles: Acoustical Tweezers
- auteur
- Diego Baresch, Jean-Louis Thomas, Régis Marchiano
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2016, 116, pp.024301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.024301⟩
- titre
- Selective manipulation of microscopic particles with swirling Rayleigh waves
- auteur
- Antoine Riaud, Michael Baudoin, Olivier Bou Matar, Loic Becerra, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- 2016
- titre
- Taming the degeneration of Bessel beams at anisotropic-isotropic interface: toward three-dimensional control of confined vortical waves
- auteur
- Antoine Riaud, Jean-Louis Thomas, Michael Baudoin, Olivier Bou Matar
- article
- Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2015, 92, pp.063201. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.92.063201⟩
- titre
- Backward Propagating Acoustic Waves in Single Gold Nanobeams
- auteur
- Cyril Jean, Laurent Belliard, Loic Becerra, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107 (19), pp.193103. ⟨10.1063/1.4935351⟩
- titre
- Sound propagation in dilute suspensions of spheres: analytical comparison between coupled phase model and multiple scattering theory
- auteur
- Tony Valier-Brasier, Jean-Marc Conoir, Francois Coulouvrat, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2015, 138, pp.2598. ⟨10.1121/1.4932171⟩
- titre
- Anisotropic Swirling Surface Acoustic Waves from Inverse Filtering for On-Chip Generation of Acoustic Vortices
- auteur
- Antoine Riaud, Jean-Louis Thomas, Eric Charron, Adrien Bussonnière, Olivier Bou Matar, Michael Baudoin
- article
- Physical Review Applied, 2015, 4 (3), pp.034004. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevApplied.4.034004⟩
- titre
- Properties of theranostic nanoparticles determined in suspension by ultrasonic spectroscopy
- auteur
- Ksenia Astafyeva, Jean-Louis Thomas, François Coulouvrat, Matthieu Guédra, Odile Diou, Ludivine Mousnier, Nicolas Tsapis, Wladimir Urbach, Nicolas Taulier
- article
- Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, pp.25483-25493 ⟨10.1039/C5CP04424C⟩
- titre
- Finite-Element Modeling of Thermoelastic Attenuation in Piezoelectric Surface Acoustic Wave Devices
- auteur
- Zhi Qin, Hakeim Talleb, Jean-Yves Duquesne, Massimiliano Marangolo, Zhuoxiang Ren
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2015, 51 (3), pp.7401904 ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2014.2361401⟩
- titre
- Finite-Element Modeling of Thermoelastic Attenuation in Piezoelectric Surface Acoustic Wave Devices
- auteur
- Hakeim Talleb, Jean-Yves Duquesne, Massimiliano Marangolo
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2015, 51 (3), pp.1-4. ⟨10.1109/TMAG.2014.2361401⟩
- titre
- Semiconductor superlattices: A tool for terahertz acoustics
- auteur
- Agnès Huynh, Bernard Perrin, A Lemaître
- article
- Ultrasonics, 2015, 56, pp.66-79. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2014.07.009⟩
- titre
- Picosecond acoustics method for measuring the thermodynamical properties of solids and liquids at high pressure and high temperature
- auteur
- F. Decremps, Michel Gauthier, S. Ayrinhac, L. Bove, Laurent Belliard, B. Perrin, M. Morand, Gilles Le Marchand, F. Bergame, J. Philippe
- article
- Ultrasonics, 2015, 56, pp.129-140. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2014.04.011⟩
- titre
- In situ bending of an Au nanowire monitored by micro Laue diffraction
- auteur
- Cédric Leclere, Thomas W. Cornelius, Zhe Ren, Anton Davydok, Jean-Sébastien Micha, Odile Robach, Gunther Richter, Laurent Belliard, Olivier Thomas
- article
- Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2015, 48 (1), pp.291-296. ⟨10.1107/S1600576715001107⟩
- titre
- Determination of the thermal diffusivity of bulk and layered samples by time domain thermoreflectance: Interest of lateral heat diffusion investigation in nanoscale time range
- auteur
- Laurent Belliard, Christian Frétigny, Eric Charron, Serge Vincent, Bernard Perrin, D. Fournier
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 117 (6), pp.065306. ⟨10.1063/1.4908068⟩
- titre
- Perturbation of the Heat Lateral Diffusion by Interface Resistance in Layered Structures
- auteur
- Christian Frétigny, Jean-Yves Duquesne, D. Fournier
- article
- International Journal of Thermophysics, 2015, 36 (5-6), pp.1281-1288. ⟨10.1007/s10765-014-1648-7⟩
- titre
- Nonlinear ultrafast acoustics at the nano scale
- auteur
- Peter J.S. van Capel, Emmanuel Péronne, Jaap I Dijkhuis
- article
- Ultrasonics, 2015, 56, pp.36-51. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2014.09.021⟩
- titre
- Direct Observation of Propagating Gigahertz Coherent Guided Acoustic Phonons in Free Standing Single Copper Nanowires
- auteur
- Cyril Jean, Laurent Belliard, Thomas W. Cornelius, Olivier Thomas, Maria-Eugenia Toimil-Molares, Marco Cassinelli, Loic Becerra, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2014, 5 (23), pp.4100-4104. ⟨10.1021/jz502170j⟩
- titre
- Negative effective mass density of acoustic metamaterial plate decorated with low frequency resonant pillars
- auteur
- Mourad Oudich, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Yan Pennec, M. Badreddine Assouar, Bernard Bonello
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116 (18), ⟨10.1063/1.4901462⟩
- titre
- Surface-acoustic-wave-driven ferromagnetic resonance in (Ga,Mn)(As,P) epilayers
- auteur
- L. Thevenard, Catherine Gourdon, Jean-Yves Prieur, H.J von Bardeleben, Serge Vincent, L Becerra, L Largeau, J.-y Duquesne
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2014, 90, pp.094401. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.90.094401⟩
- titre
- Cyclones and attractive streaming generated by acoustical vortices
- auteur
- Antoine Riaud, Michael Baudoin, Jean-Louis Thomas, Olivier Bou Matar
- article
- Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2014, 90, 013008, 8 p. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.90.013008⟩
- titre
- Broadband attenuation of Lamb waves through a periodic array of thin rectangular junctions
- auteur
- Rayisa P. Moiseyenko, Yan Pennec, Rémi Marchal, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2014, 90 (13), pp.134307. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.90.134307⟩
- titre
- Surface acoustic wave triggering of giant magnetocaloric effect in MnAs/GaAs devices
- auteur
- Massimiliano Marangolo, W. Karboul-Trojet, J-Y. Prieur, Victor H. Etgens, M. Eddrief, L. Becerra, J-Y. Duquesne
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105 (16), pp.162403. ⟨10.1063/1.4898387⟩
- titre
- Theoretical study of SH-wave propagation in periodically-layered piezomagnetic structure
- auteur
- Lei Liu, Jinfeng Zhao, Yongdong Pan, Bernard Bonello, Zheng Zhong
- article
- International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 85, pp.45-54. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2014.04.028⟩
- titre
- Acoustic metamaterials with piezoelectric resonant structures
- auteur
- Yabin Jin, Bernard Bonello, Yongdong Pan
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2014, 47 (24), ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/47/24/245301⟩
- titre
- Influence of shell compressibility on the ultrasonic properties of polydispersed suspensions of nanometric encapsulated droplets
- auteur
- Matthieu Guédra, Tony Valier-Brasier, Jean-Marc Conoir, François Coulouvrat, Ksenia Astafyeva, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2014, 135 (3), pp.1044-1055. ⟨10.1121/1.4864784⟩
- titre
- Beam path and focusing of flexural Lamb waves within phononic crystal-based acoustic lenses
- auteur
- J. Zhao, Bernard Bonello, R. Marchal, O. Boyko
- article
- New Journal of Physics, 2014, 16, pp.063031 ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/16/6/063031⟩
- titre
- Alloying effects on the structure and elastic properties of hard coatings based on ternary transition metal (M = Ti, Zr or Ta) nitrides
- auteur
- G. Abadias, Ph. Djemia, Laurent Belliard
- article
- Surface and Coatings Technology, 2014, 257, pp.129-137. ⟨10.1016/j.surfcoat.2014.08.022⟩
- titre
- Beam paths of flexural Lamb waves at high frequency in the first band within phononic crystal-based acoustic lenses
- auteur
- J Zhao, B Bonello, O Boyko
- article
- AIP Advances, 2014, 4 (12), pp.124204. ⟨10.1063/1.4905436⟩
- titre
- Transmission and attenuation of Lamb waves through a periodic array of rectangular slits in a plate
- auteur
- Rayisa P. Moiseyenko, Yan Pennec, Rémi Marchal, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, E-MRS Spring 2014, Symposium D - Phonons and fluctuations in low dimensional structures, 2014, Lille, France
- titre
- Acoustical twisting
- auteur
- Antoine Riaud, Michael Baudoin, Jean-Louis Thomas, Olivier Bou Matar
- article
- Joint 25th Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, and 14èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée, CMD25-JMC14, 2014, Paris, France. 2 p
- titre
- Broadband sound attenuation on a periodic array of rectangular profile holes in plate
- auteur
- Rayisa P. Moiseyenko, Yan Pennec, Rémi Marchal, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- SPIE Smart Structures/NDE 2014, Conference 9057 - Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems VIII, 2014, San Diego, CA, France. 90571Q, 6 p., ⟨10.1117/12.2044845⟩
- titre
- Low frequency acoustic shielding of lamb waves through a periodic array of thin rectangular junctions
- auteur
- Rayisa P. Moiseyenko, Yan Pennec, Rémi Marchal, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- joint 25th Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, and 14èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée, CMD25-JMC14, 2014, Paris, France. 2 p
- titre
- Elastic field scattered by a resonator in an acoustic metamaterial
- auteur
- Bernard Bonello, Rémi Marchal, Rayisa P. Moiseyenko, Yan Pennec, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, J. Zhao, Olga Boyko-Kazymyrenko
- article
- European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, E-MRS Spring 2014, Symposium D - Phonons and fluctuations in low dimensional structures, 2014, Lille, France
- titre
- Evolution of Bragg and low frequency gaps in a phononic plate formed by pillars deposited on a drilled plate
- auteur
- Stéphanie Hemon, Yan Pennec, Abdellatif Akjouj, Rayisa Moiseyenko, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Bernard Bonello
- article
- joint 25th Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, and 14èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée, CMD25-JMC14, 2014, Paris, France. 2 p
- titre
- Large and Ultrafast Optical Response of a One-Dimensional Plasmonic-Photonic Cavity
- auteur
- Xiaoli Wang, Bruno Palpant
- article
- Plasmonics, 2013, 8 (4), pp.1647-1653. ⟨10.1007/s11468-013-9583-1⟩
- titre
- Lattice dynamics of multiferroic BiFeO 3 studied by inelastic x-ray scattering
- auteur
- Elena Borissenko, Marco Goffinet, Alexei Bosak, Pauline Rovillain, Maximilien Cazayous, Dorothée Colson, Philippe Ghosez, Michael Krisch
- article
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2013, 25 (10), pp.102201 ⟨10.1088/0953-8984/25/10/102201⟩
- titre
- Vibrational response of free standing single copper nanowire through transient reflectivity microscopy
- auteur
- Laurent Belliard, Thomas W. Cornelius, Bernard Perrin, Nazim Kacemi, Loic Becerra, Olivier Thomas, Maria Eugenia Toimil-Molares, Marco Cassinelli
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114 (19), pp.193509. ⟨10.1063/1.4831957⟩
- titre
- Strong Optical-Mechanical Coupling in a Vertical GaAs/AlAs Microcavity for Subterahertz Phonons and Near-Infrared Light
- auteur
- A. Fainstein, N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, Bernard Jusserand, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2013, 110 (3), pp.037403. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.037403⟩
- titre
- Structure, electrical conductivity, critical superconducting temperature and mechanical properties of TiNxOy thin films
- auteur
- J. Goupy, P. Djemia, S. Pouget, Laurent Belliard, G. Abadias, J. C. Villegier, J. L. Sauvageot, C. Pigot
- article
- Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 237, pp.196-204. ⟨10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.09.019⟩
- titre
- Phase transition signature on elastic constants in Al1-xCrxNy ternary alloys thin films
- auteur
- T. Pham, D. Faurie, P. Djemia, Laurent Belliard, Éric Le Bourhis, P. Goudeau, F. Paumier
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 103 (4), pp.041601 ⟨10.1063/1.4816355⟩
- titre
- Photoelastic Terahertz Phonon Detection by a Semiconductor Superlattice Embedded in an Optical Microcavity
- auteur
- R. Legrand, Agnès Huynh, Bernard Perrin, N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Lemaitre
- article
- International Journal of Thermophysics, 2013, 34 (8-9, SI), pp.1727-1734. ⟨10.1007/s10765-013-1505-0⟩
- titre
- Structural and elastic properties of ternary metal nitrides TixTa1-xN alloys: First-principles calculations versus experiments
- auteur
- P. Djemia, M. Benhamida, Kh. Bouamama, Laurent Belliard, D. Faurie, G. Abadias
- article
- Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 215, pp.199-208. ⟨10.1016/j.surfcoat.2012.09.059⟩
- titre
- Two-color femtosecond strobe lighting of coherent acoustic phonons emitted by quantum dots
- auteur
- Emmanuel Peronne, Eric Charron, Serge Vincent, Sébastien Sauvage, Aristide Lemaitre, Bernard Perrin, Bernard Jusserand
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102 (4), pp.043107. ⟨10.1063/1.4789872⟩
- titre
- Three-dimensional acoustic radiation force on an arbitrarily located elastic sphere
- auteur
- Diego Baresch, Jean-Louis Thomas, Régis Marchiano
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2013, 133 (1), pp.25-36. ⟨10.1121/1.4770256⟩
- titre
- Lateral heat diffusion investigation of a layered structure: Application to the complete thermal characterization of a lithium phosphorous oxynitride film
- auteur
- F. Xu, Christian Frétigny, D. Fournier, Laurent Belliard, S. Vincent, Bernard Perrin, S. Martin, C. Secouard, J. -Y. Duquesne
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 113 (24), pp.244304. ⟨10.1063/1.4811520⟩
- titre
- Irreversible magnetization switching using surface acoustic waves
- auteur
- L. Thevenard, J.-y Duquesne, E Peronne, Hans Jürgen von Bardeleben, H Jaffres, S Ruttala, J-M George, A Lemaitre, C. Gourdon
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2013, 87, pp.144402. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.87.144402⟩
- titre
- Complete elastic characterization of lithium phosphorous oxynitride films using picosecond ultrasonics
- auteur
- F. Xu, Laurent Belliard, D. Fournier, Eric Charron, Jean-Yves Duquesne, S. Martin, C. Secouard, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Thin Solid Films, 2013, 548, pp.366-370. ⟨10.1016/j.tsf.2013.08.080⟩
- titre
- Spherical vortex beams of high radial degree for enhanced single-beam tweezers
- auteur
- Diego Baresch, Jean-Louis Thomas, Régis Marchiano
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 113 (18), pp.84901 ⟨10.1063/1.4803078⟩
- titre
- Lattice instability and elastic response of metastable Mo1-xSix thin films
- auteur
- A. Fillon, C. Jaouen, A. Michel, G. Abadias, C. Tromas, Laurent Belliard, Benoît Perrin, Ph. Djemia
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2013, 88 (17), pp. 174104. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.88.174104⟩
- titre
- Dynamics of confined cavity modes in a phononic crystal slab investigated by in situ time-resolved experiments
- auteur
- R. Marchal, Olga Boyko-Kazymyrenko, Bernard Bonello, Jinfeng Zhao, Laurent Belliard, Mourad Oudich, Yan Pennec, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2012, 86 (22), pp.2243022. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.86.224302⟩
- titre
- Near- and Far-Field Effects on the Plasmon Coupling in Gold Nanoparticle Arrays
- auteur
- Xiaoli Wang, Philippe Gogol, Edmond Cambril, Bruno Palpant
- article
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116 (46), pp.24741-2474. ⟨10.1021/jp306292r⟩
- titre
- Experimental investigation of elastic modes localized within a defect in a phononic slab
- auteur
- Olga Boyko, Bernard Bonello, Remi Marchal, Mathieu Renier
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2012, 131 (4), pp.3372
- titre
- A model for ultrasound absorption and dispersion in dilute suspensions of nanometric contrast agents
- auteur
- François Coulouvrat, Jean-Louis Thomas, Ksenia Astafyeva, Nicolas Taulier, Jean-Marc Conoir, Wladimir Urbach
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2012, 132 (6), pp.3748-3759. ⟨10.1121/1.4765639⟩
- titre
- Intra-band gap in Lamb modes propagating in a periodic solid structure
- auteur
- J. Pierre, M. Renier, Bernard Bonello, Anne-Christine Hladky
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2012, 45, pp.185305-1-5. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/45/18/185305⟩
- titre
- Light modulation in phoxonic nanocavities
- auteur
- Nikos Papanikolaou, I.E. Psarobas, N. Stefanou, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Bernard Bonello, Vincent Laude
- article
- Microelectronic Engineering, 2012, 90, pp.155-158. ⟨10.1016/j.mee.2011.04.069⟩
- titre
- L’acoustique picoseconde : un sonar dédié aux nanosciences
- auteur
- Laurent Belliard, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Photoniques, 2012, 61, pp.50-55. ⟨10.1051/photon/20126150⟩
- titre
- Thermal insulating layer on a conducting substrate. Analysis of thermoreflectance experiments
- auteur
- Christian Frétigny, Jean-Yves Duquesne, D. Fournier, F. Xu
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111 (8), pp.084313. ⟨10.1063/1.3702823⟩
- titre
- Ultrasonic triggering of giant magnetocaloric effect in MnAs thin films
- auteur
- Jean-Yves Duquesne, J. -Y. Prieur, J. Agudo Canalejo, Victor H. Etgens, M. Eddrief, A. L. Ferreira, Massimiliano Marangolo
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2012, 86 (3), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.86.035207⟩
- titre
- Spectral responses of phonon optical generation and detection in superlattices
- auteur
- M. F. Pascual-Winter, A. Fainstein, Bernard Jusserand, Bernard Perrin, A. Lemaître
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2012, 85 (23), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.85.235443⟩
- titre
- Structure, phase stability and elastic properties in the Ti1-xZrxN thin-film system: Experimental and computational studies
- auteur
- G. Abadias, V. I. Ivashchenko, Laurent Belliard, Ph Djemia
- article
- Acta Materialia, 2012, 60 (15), pp.5601-5614. ⟨10.1016/j.actamat.2012.07.014⟩
- titre
- Efficient focalization of antisymmetric Lamb waves in gradient-index phononic crystal plates
- auteur
- Jinfeng Zhao, Rémi Marchal, Bernard Bonello, Olga Boyko
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101 (26), ⟨10.1063/1.4773369⟩
- titre
- Photocarrier-induced reduction of the lifetime of acoustic phonons in semiconductor superlattices
- auteur
- Maria Florencia Pascual-Winter, Alejandro Fainstein, Bernard Jusserand, Bernard Perrin, Aristide Lemaitre
- article
- Chinese Journal of Physics, 2011, 49 (1, SI), pp.250-258
- titre
- Coherent Generation of Acoustic Phonons in Optical Microcavities
- auteur
- N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, Bernard Jusserand, Bernard Perrin, A. Lemaître
- article
- Chinese Journal of Physics, 2011, 49 (1, SI), pp.127-132
- titre
- Enhanced optical generation and detection of acoustic nanowaves in microcavities
- auteur
- N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, Bernard Perrin, Bernard Jusserand, L. Largeau, O. Mauguin, A. Lemaître
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2011, 83 (20), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.83.201103⟩
- titre
- Molecular dynamics calculations of the cross-plane thermal conductivity of GaAs/AlAs superlattices with rough interfaces.
- auteur
- Konstantinos Termentzidis, Patrice Chantrenne, Jean-Yves Duquesne, Abdelhak Saci
- article
- Chinese Journal of Physics, 2011, 49 (1, SI), pp.443-447
- titre
- Narrow-band acoustic attenuation measurements in vitreous silica at frequencies between 20 and 400 GHz
- auteur
- C. Klieber, Emmanuel Peronne, K. Katayama, J. Choi, M. Yamaguchi, Thomas Pezeril, Keith A. Nelson
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98 (21), ⟨10.1063/1.3595275⟩
- titre
- Theory of coherent generation and detection of THz acoustic phonons using optical microcavities
- auteur
- N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, Bernard Perrin, Bernard Jusserand
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2011, 84 (6), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.84.064307⟩
- titre
- Scattering of ultrasonic shock waves in suspensions of silica nanoparticles
- auteur
- Michael Baudoin, Jean-Louis Thomas, François Coulouvrat, Corinne Chanéac
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2011, 129, pp.1209-1220. ⟨10.1121/1.3533723⟩
- titre
- Lattice softening effects at the Mott critical point of Cr-doped V2O3
- auteur
- S. Populoh, P. Wzietek, R. Gohier, P. Metcalf
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2011, 84 (7), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.84.075158⟩
- titre
- Three-dimensional acoustic wavefront imaging in anisotropic systems by picosecond acoustics
- auteur
- Shuo Zhang, Emmanuel Peronne, Laurent Belliard, Serge Vincent, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109 (3), ⟨10.1063/1.3532034⟩
- titre
- Sound, infrasound and sonic boom absorption by atmospheric clouds
- auteur
- Michael Baudoin, François Coulouvrat, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2011, 130, pp.1142-1153. ⟨10.1121/1.3619789⟩
- titre
- Terahertz coherent acoustic experiments with semiconductor superlattices
- auteur
- Agnès Huynh, Bernard Perrin, Bernard Jusserand, A. Lemaître
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99 (19), ⟨10.1063/1.3658458⟩
- titre
- The low frequency dynamics of supercooled LiBr, 6H2O
- auteur
- L. Bove, C. Dreyfus, A. Polian, Bernard Bonello, I. Malfanti, A. Taschin, R. Torre, R. M. Pick
- article
- The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2011, 134, pp.034514. ⟨10.1063/1.3526939]⟩
- titre
- Ultrafast acoustic resonance spectroscopy of gold nanostructures: Towards a generation of tunable transverse waves
- auteur
- A. Amziane, Laurent Belliard, F. Decremps, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2011, 83, pp.014102. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.83.014102⟩
- titre
- Coherent control of sub-terahertz confined acoustic nanowaves: Theory and experiments
- auteur
- N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, A. Lemaître, Bernard Jusserand, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2011, 84 (11), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.84.115453⟩
- titre
- Epitaxial GaAs for X-ray imaging
- auteur
- G. C. Sun, R. Rao, S. Makham, J. C. Bourgoin, X. Y. Zhang, R. Gohier, F. Masiello, J. Haertwig, J. Baruchel, C. Ponchut, Andrea Balocchi, Xavier Marie, O. Gilard, Isabelle Roch-Jeune, J. C. Pesant
- article
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2011, 633 (1), pp.S65-S68. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.123⟩
- titre
- Propagation of acoustic surface waves on a phononic surface investigated by transient reflecting grating spectroscopy
- auteur
- I. Malfanti, A. Taschin, P. Bartolini, Bernard Bonello, R. Torre
- article
- Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2011, 59 (11), pp.2370-2381. ⟨10.1016/j.jmps.2011.07.010⟩
- titre
- Thermal conductivity of GaAs/AlAs superlattices and the puzzle of interfaces
- auteur
- Konstantinos Termentzidis, Patrice Chantrenne, Jean Yves Duquesne, Abdelhak Saci
- article
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2010, 22, pp.475001. ⟨10.1088/0953-8984/22/47/475001⟩
- titre
- Anodic bonded graphene
- auteur
- Adrian Balan, Rakesh Kumar, Mohamed Boukhicha, Olivier Beyssac, Jean-Claude Bouillard, Dario Taverna, William Sacks, Massimiliano Marangolo, Emmanuelle Lacaze, Walter Escoffier, Jean-Marie Poumirol, Abhay Shukla
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2010, 43 (37), pp.374013. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/43/37/374013⟩
- titre
- One-Pot Radiolytic Synthesis of Gold Nanorods and Their Optical Properties
- auteur
- Wafa Abidi, P. R. Selvakannan, Yanick Guillet, Isabelle Lampre, Patricia Beaunier, Brigitte Pansu, Bruno Palpant, Hynd Remita
- article
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114 (35), pp.4794-14803. ⟨10.1021/jp104819c⟩
- titre
- Effect of picosecond strain pulses on thin layers of the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)(As,P)
- auteur
- L. Thevenard, E. Peronne, C. Gourdon, C. Testelin, M. Cubukcu, E. Charron, S. Vincent, A. Lemaître, B. Perrin
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2010, 82 (10), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.82.104422⟩
- titre
- Experimental investigation of 3D shock waves on nonlinear acoustical vortices
- auteur
- Thomas Brunet, Jean-Louis Thomas, Régis Marchiano, François Coulouvrat
- article
- Physics Procedia, 2010, Physics Procedia, 3 (1), pp.905-911. ⟨10.1016/j.phpro.2010.01.116⟩
- titre
- Enhanced acousto-optic interactions in a one-dimensional phoxonic cavity
- auteur
- I. Psarobas, N. Papanikolaou, N. Stefanou, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Bernard Bonello, Vincent Laude
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2010, 82, pp.174303. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.82.174303⟩
- titre
- Equation of state, stability, anisotropy and nonlinear elasticity of diamond-cubic (ZB) silicon by phonon imaging at high pressure
- auteur
- F. Decremps, Laurent Belliard, M. Gauthier, Benoît Perrin
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2010, 82 (10), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.82.104119⟩
- titre
- Negative refraction of surface acoustic waves in the subgigahertz range
- auteur
- Bernard Bonello, Laurent Belliard, Juliette Pierre, Jerome O. Vasseur, Bernard Perrin, Olga Boyko-Kazymyrenko
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2010, 82, pp.104109-1-5. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.82.104109⟩
- titre
- Nanophononic thin-film filters and mirrors studied by picosecond ultrasonics
- auteur
- N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, Bernard Perrin, A. Fainstein, Bernard Jusserand, A. Lemaître
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 96 (5), ⟨10.1063/1.3295701⟩
- titre
- Bloch Oscillations of THz Acoustic Phonons in Coupled Nanocavity Structures
- auteur
- N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, Bernard Perrin, Bernard Jusserand, O. Mauguin, L. Largeau, A. Lemaître
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2010, 104 (19), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.197402⟩
- titre
- Enhancement and Inhibition of Coherent Phonon Emission of a Ni Film in a BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Cavity
- auteur
- N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, Bernard Perrin, Bernard Jusserand, A. Soukiassian, X. X. Xi, D. G. Schlom
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2010, 104 (18), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.187402⟩
- titre
- Negative refraction of zero order flexural Lamb waves through a two-dimensional phononic crystal
- auteur
- Juliette Pierre, Olga Boyko-Kazymyrenko, Laurent Belliard, Jerome O. Vasseur, Bernard Bonello
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 97 (12), pp.121919. ⟨10.1063/1.3491290⟩
- titre
- Generalization of helicoidal beams for short pulses
- auteur
- Jean-Louis Thomas, T. Brunet, F. Coulouvrat
- article
- Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2010, 81 (1), pp.016601. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.81.016601⟩
- titre
- Refraction of surface acoustic waves through 2D phononic crystals
- auteur
- J. Pierre, Bernard Bonello, O. Boyko, Laurent Belliard
- article
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2010, 214, pp.1-4. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/214/1/012048⟩
- titre
- Optical excitation and detection of terahertz acoustic waves with semiconductor superlattices
- auteur
- Agnès Huynh, B. Perrin, N. D. Lanzillotti, Bernard Jusserand, Aristide Lemaitre
- article
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2010, 214, pp.1-5. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/214/1/012047⟩
- titre
- Transverse Shift of Helical Beams and Subdiffraction Imaging
- auteur
- T. Brunet, Jean-Louis Thomas, R. Marchiano
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2010, 105 (3), pp.034301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.034301⟩
- titre
- Analytical solutions of the heat diffusion equation for 3 omega method geometry
- auteur
- Jean Yves Duquesne, D. Fournier, Christian Frétigny
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 108 (8), pp.086104. ⟨10.1063/1.3486441⟩
- titre
- Elastic properties and phonon generation in Mo/Si superlattices
- auteur
- Laurent Belliard, Agnès Huynh, Bernard Perrin, A. Michel, G. Abadias, C. Jaouen
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2009, 80 (15), pp.155424. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.80.155424⟩
- titre
- Liquid mercury sound velocity measurements under high pressure and high temperature by picosecond acoustics in a diamand anvils cell
- auteur
- F. Decremps, Laurent Belliard, B. Couzinet, Serge Vincent, P. Munsch, Gilles Le Marchand, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Review of Scientific Instruments, 2009, 80, pp.073902. ⟨10.1063/1.3160104⟩
- titre
- Laser-induced coherent acoustical phonons mechanisms in the metal-insulator transition compound NdNiO3: Thermal and nonthermal processes
- auteur
- S. Zhang, P. Ruello, P. Laffez, Bernard Perrin, Vitali Goussev
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2009, 79, pp.094303. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.79.094303⟩
- titre
- Optimized optical generation and detection of superlattice acoustic phonons
- auteur
- M.F. Pascual Winter, A. Fainstein, Bernard Jusserand, Bernard Perrin, A. Lemaitre
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 94 (10), pp.103103. ⟨10.1063/1.3097244⟩
- titre
- Experimental observation of azimuthal shock waves on nonlinear acoustical vortices
- auteur
- Thomas Brunet, Jean-Louis Thomas, Régis Marchiano, François Coulouvrat
- article
- New Journal of Physics, 2009, 11 (1), pp.013002. ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/11/1/013002⟩
- titre
- Lifetime of THz Acoustic Nanocavity Modes
- auteur
- G. Rozas, M.F. Pascual Winter, Bernard Jusserand, A. Fainstein, Bernard Perrin, E. Semenova, A. Lemaitre
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2009, 102, pp.015502. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.015502⟩
- titre
- Spectral dependence of the ultrafast optical response of nonspherical gold nanoparticles
- auteur
- Y. Guillet, Eric Charron, B. Palpant
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2009, 79, pp.195432. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.79.195432⟩
- titre
- Influence of laser pulse characteristics on the hot electron contribution to the third-order nonlinear optical response of gold nanoparticles
- auteur
- Y. Guillet, M. Rashidi-Huyeh, B. Palpant
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2009, 79, pp.045410. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.79.045410⟩
- titre
- La nanophononique : un outil pour l'acoustique térahertz
- auteur
- Bernard Jusserand, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Images de la Physique, 2009, Images de la Physique 2008, pp.73-79
- titre
- Nonlinear optical properties of gold nanoparticles dispersed in different optically transparent matrices
- auteur
- A. I. Ryasnyanskiy, B. Palpant, S. Debrus, U. Pal, A. L. Stepanov
- article
- Physics of the Solid State, 2009, 51, pp.55-60. ⟨10.1134/S1063783409010065⟩
- titre
- The low frequency phonons dynamics in supercooled LiCl, 6H2O
- auteur
- M. E. Gallina, L. Bove, C. Dreyfus, A. Polian, Bernard Bonello, R. Cucini, A. Taschin, R. Torre, R. M. Pick
- article
- The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2009, 131, pp.124504. ⟨10.1063/1.3197851⟩
- titre
- Thermal conductivity of semiconductor superlattices: Experimental study of interface scattering
- auteur
- Jean Yves Duquesne
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2009, 79 (15), pp.153304. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.79.153304⟩
- titre
- Heat Conduction in Composites
- auteur
- Jean-Yves Duquesne
- article
- Volz, S. Thermal Nanosystems and Nanomaterials, 118, Springer-Verlag, pp.107-126, 2009, Topics in Applied Physics, 978-3-642-04257-7. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-04258-4_5⟩
- titre
- Acoustique picoseconde en cellule à enclumes de diamant
- auteur
- F. Decremps, Laurent Belliard, Bernard Perrin, Mélanie Gauthier, R. Gohier, P. Munsch, B. Couzinet, Serge Vincent, G. Lemarchand, J.-C. Chervin
- article
- Les verrous technologiques dans l'expérimentation haute pression, Réseau de technologie des hautes pressions, pp.1, 2009
- titre
- Optical excitation and detection of picosecond acoustic pulses in liquid mercury
- auteur
- O. B. Wright, Bernard Perrin, O. Matsuda, Vitali Goussev
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2008, 78 (2), pp.024303. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.78.024303⟩
- titre
- Radiative heat transfer between metallic nanoparticles
- auteur
- Pierre-Olivier Chapuis, Marine Laroche, Sebastian Volz, Jean-Jacques Greffet
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92 (20), pp.201906. ⟨10.1063/1.2931062⟩
- titre
- Plate-mode waves in phononic crystal thin slab: Mode conversion
- auteur
- J.J. Chen, Bernard Bonello, Z. L. Hou
- article
- Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2008, 78 (3), pp.036609. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.78.036609⟩
- titre
- Sub-Terahertz Monochromatic Transduction with Semiconductor Acoustic Nanodevices
- auteur
- Agnès Huynh, Bernard Perrin, N. D. Lanzillotti Kimura, Bernard Jusserand, A. Fainstein, Aristide Lemaitre
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2008, 78, pp.233302. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.78.233302⟩
- titre
- Doing arithmetic with nonlinear acoustic vortices
- auteur
- R. Marchiano, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2008, 101 (6), pp.064301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.064301⟩
- titre
- Numerical investigation of the properties of nonlinear acoustical vortices through weakly heterogeneous media
- auteur
- R. Marchiano, F. Coulouvrat, L. Ganjehi, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2008, 77 (1), pp.016605. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.77.016605⟩
- titre
- On the influence of spatial correlations on sound propagation in concentrated solutions of rigid particles
- auteur
- M. Baudoin, Jean-Louis Thomas, F. Coulouvrat
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008, 123 (6), pp.4127-4139. ⟨10.1121/1.2912445⟩
- titre
- Lamb waves in phononic crystal slabs with square or rectangular symmetries
- auteur
- T. Brunet, Jerome O. Vasseur, Bernard Bonello, Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, Anne-Christine Hladky
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 104 (4), pp.043506. ⟨10.1063/1.2970067⟩
- titre
- Evidence of wave front folding of sonic booms by a laboratory-scale deterministic experiment of shock waves in a heterogeneous medium
- auteur
- L. Ganjehi, R. Marchiano, F. Coulouvrat, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008, 124 (1), pp.57-71. ⟨10.1121/1.2832621⟩
- titre
- Non-Fourier heat transport in metal-dielectric core-shell nanoparticles under ultrafast laser pulse excitation
- auteur
- Majid Rashidi-Huyeh, Sebastian Volz, B. Palpant
- article
- 2008
- titre
- Gold nanoparticle assemblies: Interplay between thermal effects and optical response
- auteur
- Bruno Palpant, Yannick Guillet, Majid Rashidi-Huyeh, Dominique Prot
- article
- 2008
- titre
- Coherent generation of acoustic phonons in an optical microcavity
- auteur
- N. D. Lanzillotti Kimura, A. Fainstein, Agnès Huynh, Bernard Perrin, Bernard Jusserand, A. Miard, A. Lemaitre
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2007, 99, pp.217405. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.217405⟩
- titre
- Third-order nonlinear-optical parameters of gold nanoparticles in different matrices
- auteur
- A. I. Ryasnyanskiy, Bruno Palpant, Solange Debrus, U. Pal, A. Stepanov
- article
- Journal of Luminescence, 2007, 127 (1), pp.181-185. ⟨10.1016/j.jlumin.2007.02.021⟩
- titre
- Ultrafast electronic dynamics in the metal-insulator transition compound NdNiO3
- auteur
- P. Ruello, S. Zhang, P. Laffez, B. Perrin, Vitali Goussev
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2007, 76 (16), pp.165107. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.76.165107⟩
- titre
- Selective optical generation of coherent acoustic nanocavity modes
- auteur
- M.F. Pascual Winter, G. Rozas, A. Fainstein, Bernard Jusserand, Bernard Perrin, Agnès Huynh, P.O. Vacccaro, S. Saravanan
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2007, 98, pp.265501. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.265501⟩
- titre
- Highly dispersive thermo-optical properties of gold nanoparticles
- auteur
- B. Palpant, M. Rashidi-Huyeh, Bruno Gallas, Sébastien Chenot, Serge Fisson
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 90 (22), pp.223105. ⟨10.1063/1.2743936⟩
- titre
- Optical nonlinearities of Au nanoparticles embedded in zinc oxide matrix
- auteur
- A. Ryasnyansky, B. Palpant, S. Debrus, U. Pal, A. L. Stepanov
- article
- Optics Communications, 2007, 273, pp.538-543. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2007.01.013⟩
- titre
- Phonon engineering with acoustic nanocavities: Theoretical considerations on phonon molecules, band structures, and acoustic Bloch oscillations
- auteur
- N. D. Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Fainstein, C. A. Balseiro, Bernard Jusserand
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2007, 75 (2), pp.024301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.75.024301⟩
- titre
- Lamb waves in plates covered by a two-dimensional phononic film
- auteur
- Bernard Bonello, C. Charles, F. Ganot
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 90 (2), pp.021909. ⟨10.1063/1.2431569⟩
- titre
- Low-temperature-grown GaAs : modeling of transient reflectivity experiments
- auteur
- V. Ortiz, J. Nagle, Jean-Francois Lampin, Emmanuel Peronne, Antigoni Alexandrou
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2007, 102, pp.043515-1-9. ⟨10.1063/1.2763971⟩
- titre
- Experimental evidence of deviation from mirror reflection for acoustical shock waves
- auteur
- R. Marchiano, F. Coulouvrat, S. Baskar, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2007, 76 (5), pp.056602. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.76.056602⟩
- titre
- An extended coupled phase theory for the sound propagation in polydisperse concentrated suspensions of rigid particles
- auteur
- M. Baudoin, Jean-Louis Thomas, F. Coulouvrat, D. Lhuillier
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2007, 121 (6), pp.3386-3397. ⟨10.1121/1.2723648⟩
- titre
- Investigation of Short-Time Heat Transfer Effects by an Optical Pump-Probe Method.
- auteur
- Bernard Perrin
- article
- S. Volz. Microscale and nanoscale heat transfer, Springer, pp.333-357, 2007, series topics in applied physics, Vol. 107
- titre
- Velocity of a SAW propagating in a 2D phononic crystal
- auteur
- Bernard Bonello, C. Charles, François Ganot
- article
- Ultrasonics, 2006, 44 (1), pp.E1259-E1263. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2006.05.079⟩
- titre
- Generation and detection of incoherent phonons in picosecond ultrasonics
- auteur
- Bernard Perrin, Emmanuel Peronne, Laurent Belliard
- article
- Ultrasonics, 2006, 44 (1), pp.E1277-E1281. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2006.05.081⟩
- titre
- Generation and detection of acoustic solitons in crystalline slabs by laser ultrasonics
- auteur
- Emmanuel Peronne, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Ultrasonics, 2006, 44 (1), pp.E1203-E1207. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2006.05.072⟩
- titre
- Propagation of guided elastic waves in 2D phononic crystals
- auteur
- C. Charles, Bernard Bonello, François Ganot
- article
- Ultrasonics, 2006, 44 (1), pp.E1209-E1213. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2006.05.096⟩
- titre
- Subterahertz Phonon Dynamics in Acoustic Nanocavities
- auteur
- Agnès Huynh, N. D. Lanzillotti Kimura, Bernard Jusserand, Bernard Perrin, A. Fainstein, M.F. Pascual Winter, Emmanuel Peronne, A. Lemaitre
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2006, 97, pp.115502. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.115502⟩
- titre
- Characterization of mechanical and thermal properties using ultrafast optical metrology
- auteur
- G. Andrew Antonelli, Bernard Perrin, Brian C. Daly, David G. Cahill
- article
- MRS Bulletin, 2006, 31 (8), pp.607-613. ⟨10.1557/mrs2006.157⟩
- titre
- Individual and collective vibrational modes of nanostructures studied by picosecond ultrasonics
- auteur
- T. Bienville, J.F. Robillard, Laurent Belliard, Isabelle Roch-Jeune, Arnaud Devos, Bernard Perrin
- article
- Ultrasonics, 2006, 44, pp.1289-1294
- titre
- Theoretical investigation of the off-axis z-scan technique for nonlinear optical refraction measurement
- auteur
- A. Ryasnyansky, B. Palpant
- article
- Appl. Opt., 2006, 45 (12), pp.2773-2776. ⟨10.1364/AO.45.002773⟩
- titre
- Nonlinear optical properties of copper nanoparticles synthesized in indium tin oxide matrix by ion implantation
- auteur
- A. I. Ryasnyansky, B. Palpant, S. Debrus, R. I. Khaibullin, A. L. Stepanov
- article
- Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2006, 23 (7), pp.1348-1353. ⟨10.1364/JOSAB.23.001348⟩
- titre
- Aging of the field-induced asymmetry in a disordered ferroelectric
- auteur
- Bernard Bonello, P. Doussineau, V. Dupuis, A. Levelut
- article
- The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 2006, 52 (2), pp.219-225. ⟨10.1140/epjb/e2006-00279-5⟩
- titre
- Counterintuitive thermo-optical response of metal-dielectric nanocomposite materials as a result of local electromagnetic field enhancement
- auteur
- M. Rashidi-Huyeh, B. Palpant
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2006, 74 (7), pp.075405. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.74.075405⟩
- titre
- Nonlinear focusing of acoustic shock waves at a caustic cusp (vol 117, pg 566, 2005)
- auteur
- R Marchiano, F Coulouvrat, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2005, 118 (4), pp.2733. ⟨10.1121/1.2011154⟩
- titre
- L-lysine-L-tartaric acid: New molecular complex with nonlinear optical properties. Structure, vibrational spectra and phase transitions
- auteur
- Solange Debrus, Mk Marchewka, J Baran, M Drozd, R Czopnik, A Pietraszko, H Ratajczak
- article
- Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2005, 178 (9), pp.2880-2896. ⟨10.1016/j.jssc.2005.06.029⟩
- titre
- Interferometric detection in picosecond ultrasonics for nondestructive testing of submicrometric opaque multilayered samples: TiN/AlCu/TiN/Ti/Si
- auteur
- C Rossignol, Bernard Perrin
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2005, 52 (8), pp.1354-1359. ⟨10.1109/TUFFC.2005.1509794⟩
- titre
- Optoacoustical spectrum of the metal-insulator transition compound NdNiO3: Sub-picosecond pump-probe study
- auteur
- P Ruello, Bernard Perrin, Thomas Pezeril, Vitali Goussev, S Gougeon, Nikolay Chigarev, P Laffez, P Picart, D Mounier, Jean-Marc Breteau
- article
- Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2005, 363 (1-4), pp.43-54. ⟨10.1016/j.physb.2005.03.003⟩
- titre
- Nonlinear optical absorption of ZnO doped with copper nanoparticles in the picosecond and nanosecond pulse laser field
- auteur
- A. Ryasnyansky, B. Palpant, S. Debrus, R. Ganeev, A. L. Stepanov, N. Can, ?. Buchal, S. Uysal
- article
- Applied optics, 2005, 44 (14), pp.2839-2845. ⟨10.1364/AO.44.002839⟩
- titre
- Strain, interdiffusion, and microstructural evolution under ion irradiation in Ni(111)/Mo(110) multilayers: Interdependence with elastic properties
- auteur
- Frédérique Martin, C Jaouen, J Pacaud, G Abadias, P Djemia, François Ganot
- article
- Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2005, 71 (4), pp.045422. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.71.045422⟩
- titre
- Third-order nonlinearities of Bi12GeO20 crystal measured by nanosecond radiation
- auteur
- R.A. Ganeev, A. I. Ryasnyansky, B. Palpant, S. Debrus
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2005, 97, pp.104303. ⟨10.1063/1.1891280⟩
- titre
- Parametric scattering in semiconductor microcavities probed by four-wave-mixing
- auteur
- Agnès Huynh, Carole Diederichs, Keshav M. Dani, Régis André, Daniel Le Si Dang, Jérôme Tignon
- article
- Chemical Physics, 2005, 318, pp.147
- titre
- Synthesis and analysis of linear and nonlinear acoustical vortices
- auteur
- R. Marchiano, Jean-Louis Thomas
- article
- Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2005, 71 (6), pp.066616. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.71.066616⟩
- titre
- Transient high frequency boosting of single bubble sonoluminescence
- auteur
- Jean-Louis Thomas, Nicole Bras
- article
- Innovations in Nonlinear Acoustics, Jul 2005, State College, PA, Unknown Region. pp.504-507
- titre
- Acoustic investigations of the interface between a metal and an organic compound
- auteur
- B. Bonello, G. Louis, P. Battioni
- article
- Review of Scientific Instruments, 2003, 889, pp.74