Publications HAL de la collection LGI-RID


Radical Innovation Design (Teaser)
Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel
Would you like to revisit some preconceived ideas on how to lead innovation processes? In a data-rich world, data analytics should reveal essential challenges to innovation and model the effectiveness of potential solutions. A robust innovation methodology should refer to leading market solutions, constructing its innovation brief upon a comprehensive user experience analysis. To determine how well solutions satisfy a range of user needs, more sophisticated methods are required to qualify user experience and quantify its expected benefits and notable shortcomings. Once we have pinpointed the pertinent problems, assistance in organizing ideation processes would be beneficial, fostering the development of promising concepts and business models, as well as swiftly appraising the practical efficacy of innovative solutions. There should ultimately be an openness to automating, to some degree, the articulation of pertinent issues and the curation of the most useful and profitable solutions. Whether you share these convictions or are simply intrigued about innovation, this eBook is for you, as it shows how to innovate in an organized, modern way using the Radical Innovation Design® (RID) methodology. RID, a revolutionary computerized approach to knowledge- and usage-driven innovation, excels at the in-depth exploration and exploitation of problems and solutions and has proven its effectiveness in a wide range of industries. Aimed at professionals new to innovation, students and innovation experts alike, it offers three customized journeys to explore original concepts using practical illustrations and real-life projects. The authors are both design and innovation engineering faculties at CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, and have extensive teaching experience. With a long list of industrial design and innovation books to their credit, they have supervised numerous doctoral theses in industrial environments. This e-book and related downloadable material are open-access to disseminate RID-based practices.
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Radical Innovation Design, une nouvelle méthodologie pour mettre en oeuvre la stratégie d'innovation need seeker
Bernard Yannou
CONFERE : 31ème Colloque des Sciences de la Conception et de l'Innovation, Jul 2024, Porto, Portugal
Il nous est apparu que les méthodologies de gestion de projets d'innovation comme le design thinking étaient peu adaptées à la stratégie d'innovation de type "need seeker". Cette stratégie, utilisée par des innovateurs comme Steve Jobs et James Dyson, se base sur une compréhension approfondie des utilisateurs et de leurs besoins, plutôt que de se contenter de répondre aux tendances du marché ou de pousser des technologies nouvelles. Pour les entreprises qui ne disposent pas de leaders visionnaires, nous proposons l'adoption de la méthodologie Radical Innovation Design® (RID), qui encourage une observation minutieuse et détaillée des situations d'usage pour identifier précisément les problèmes et attentes des utilisateurs. RID est une nouvelle approche de gestion de projet d'innovation qui maximise l'expérience utilisateur (UX) en modélisant les situations d'usage. Cette méthodologie peut être considérée comme une approche de design thinking augmenté à l'ère des approches basées sur des modèles, tirant le meilleur parti des approches basées sur les données, des techniques d'aide à la décision, du marketing stratégique, de la visualisation des données, de la gestion de projet avancée et des approches de modélisation systèmes. RID a été expérimentée et affinée pendant 15 ans à CentraleSupélec sur plus de 60 projets, montrant son efficacité dans divers secteurs. Le processus d'un projet RID commence par une phase d'observation et d'apprentissage, suivie par une exploration et décision basée sur le modèle cognitif de l'activité étudiée développé en première partie. Ce modèle cognitif aide à structurer les problèmes et à déduire des zones pertinentes d'innovation. Les phases ultérieures incluent l'idéation de solutions et la validation d'un prototype minimum viable.

L'approche RID est conçue pour faciliter une compréhension partagée au sein des équipes interdisciplinaires, optimisant ainsi le processus de conception innovante. RID offre avant tout un cadre robuste pour développer des innovations pertinentes pour les utilisateurs tout en sécurisant le positionnement concurrentiel pour l'entreprise. Nous venons d'achever l'écriture d'un livre électronique, intégralement téléchargeable, agrémenté de nombreuses ressources projets externes. Celui-ci est à la libre disposition des enseignants, étudiants, professionnels qui veulent comprendre et démarrer une étude RID.

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Pas besoin d’être Steve Jobs pour innover en mode « need seeker »
Bernard Yannou
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Diagnosing the socio-technical refrigeration system with Radical Innovation Design methodology to target innovations
Yasmine Salehy, Bernard Yannou, Yann Leroy, François Cluzel, Hong-Minh Hoang, Laurence Fournaison, Robin Lecomte, Anthony Delahaye
International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 2024, pp.1-21. ⟨10.1080/21650349.2024.2332904⟩
This research aims to address the increasing regulatory and environmental challenges associated with refrigeration systems by fostering innovations. Refrigeration systems, as socio-technical entities, present a challenge due to their complexity, diverse stakeholders, and evolving regulatory constraints. Identifying opportunities for innovation in such intricate systems is further complicated by various performance-contributing factors. The Radical Innovation Design (RID) methodology, designed for aligning design solutions with activities, proves effective in pinpointing and prioritizing innovation targets across the lifecycle of a complex system. In this study, data from interviews and practices in the retail refrigeration sector inform the RID methodology. Two sets of results are presented. Firstly, a knowledge book of the socio-technical system is categorized into four RID dimensions: usage situations, user profiles, current problems, and existing solutions. The second set includes outcomes from two RID decision-support tools: the RID Comparator evaluates the effectiveness of existing solutions, while the RID Compass identifies three improvement areas - poor adaptation of new technical clusters, disrupted stakeholder interaction processes, and a lack of common tools. These results underwent validation through expert iterations, leading to a recommended hybrid solution involving the development of an integrated model-based platform.
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Et si une méthodologie permettait d’innover en mode « need seeker » ?
Bernard Yannou
méthodologie RID propose de suivre une approche qui pourrait être vue comme du design thinking augmenté et donne un cadre aux équipes pour piloter les projets d'innovation à la façon des grands innovateurs emblématiques du XXe siècle.

Par Bernard Yannou, Professeur en sciences de la conception à CentraleSupélec Les méthodologies d'innovation connaissent elles aussi des évolutions. Radical Innovation Design imaginée et mise au point dans le Laboratoire Génie Industriel de CentraleSupélec, composante de l'Université Pais-Saclay, veut mettre la stratégie « need seeker » à la portée d'un plus grand nombre de concepteurs et innovateurs. Pourquoi ? Parce que toutes les entreprises ne comptent pas dans leurs équipes des Steve Jobs ou James Dyson en puissance. Or cette approche quand elle est prédominante dans une entreprise -comparativement aux stratégies de type « market reader » et « technology driver » -génère de meilleures performances financières et de plus grands apports sociétaux.

Mettre la stratégie « need seeker » à la portée d'un plus grand nombre de professionnels

La méthodologie RID a été conçue pour fournir un cadre servant à coordonner tous les acteurs impliqués dans l'innovation en les immergant dans un mode « need seeker ». Ensemble, en suivant les principes de RID, ils vont observer et décortiquer des situations d'usage bien précises, identifier des zones de souffrance ou d'attente prioritaires, puis idéer précisément aux endroits où des avantages concurrentiels seront immédiatement perçus par les utilisateurs.

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Radical Innovation Design: A systematic and usage-driven innovation methodology to ensure usefulness for users and profitability for companies
Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel
EDP Sciences, In press, 978-2-7598-3066-4. ⟨10.1051/978-2-7598-3066-4⟩
Would you like to revisit some preconceived ideas on how to lead innovation processes? In a data-rich world, data analytics should reveal essential challenges to innovation and model the effectiveness of potential solutions. A robust innovation methodology should refer to leading market solutions, constructing its innovation brief upon a comprehensive user experience analysis. To determine how well solutions satisfy a range of user needs, more sophisticated methods are required to qualify user experience and quantify its expected benefits and notable shortcomings. Once we have pinpointed the pertinent problems, assistance in organizing ideation processes would be beneficial, fostering the development of promising concepts and business models, as well as swiftly appraising the practical efficacy of innovative solutions. There should ultimately be an openness to automating, to some degree, the articulation of pertinent issues and the curation of the most useful and profitable solutions. Whether you share these convictions or are simply intrigued about innovation, this eBook is for you, as it shows how to innovate in an organized, modern way using the Radical Innovation Design® (RID) methodology. RID, a revolutionary computerized approach to knowledge- and usage-driven innovation, excels at the in-depth exploration and exploitation of problems and solutions and has proven its effectiveness in a wide range of industries. Aimed at professionals new to innovation, students and innovation experts alike, it offers three customized journeys to explore original concepts using practical illustrations and real-life projects. The authors are both design and innovation engineering faculties at CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, and have extensive teaching experience. With a long list of industrial design and innovation books to their credit, they have supervised numerous doctoral theses in industrial environments. This e-book and related downloadable material are open-access to disseminate RID-based practices.
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The radical innovation design comparator to evaluate the effectiveness of design solutions according to usage contexts
Bernard Yannou, Robin Lecomte, François Cluzel
Design Science, 2024, 10 (e44), ⟨10.1017/dsj.2024.24⟩
The radical innovation design (RID) comparator is an unprecedented method for design comparison. It overcomes the limitations of traditional methods with a nuanced, structured approach that emphasizes detailed analysis over simple grading. At its core, the RID comparator employs a novel ontology based on the RID building blocks, enabling a precise alignment of activities and solutions. This alignment is deepened through the innovative “quantities of pain” metric, a tool that allows for a refined evaluation and comparison of solutions, facilitating the calculation of effectiveness indicators in a data-driven manner. The true impact of the method is demonstrated through an industrial use case on solutions for cleaning solar panels. The RID comparator demonstrates its practical efficacy in addressing complex, multifactorial design challenges, by constructing a cognitive model of the cleaning activity not only encapsulating the myriad aspects of the design problem but also generating a wealth of discussion and consensus-building among stakeholders. The resultant cognitive model serves as a pivotal tool in redefining the process of generating innovation briefs, deeply rooted in the actual needs and constraints of real-world scenarios. In essence, the RID comparator method significantly enhances the efficiency and quality of innovation processes, particularly in complex industrial contexts.
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Innovative Acquired Deforming Hypertonia's Treatment in the Geriatric Institution(S) Using Radical Innovation Design Methodology
Laure Gatin, Naila Abdelatif, Yannick Blancheteau, Evren Sahin, Marija Jankovic, Bernard Yannou
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International, 2024, 11 (5), pp.1244
According to a recent study, about 22% of residents in retirement homes suffer from troublesome Acquired Deforming Hypertonia (ADH). Very few of them benefit from the necessary care due to the difficulties inherent to travel and hospitalisation. To reduce the medical impact of surgical and hospitalisation duration, existing solutions like botulinum toxin injections and needle tenotomy are not requiring a full surgery room or a night hospitalization. Actual situations are deficient in detecting and treating patients with ADH problems. Hence, the idea of developing a mobile unit has been seen as a possibility to address the issue of accessibility for such a procedure near retirement homes and reduce hospitalisation time. To explore the lack of effective solutions in the care of patients suffering from ADH in France, and assess the potential advantages of this new concept, we used Radical Innovation Design (RID) methodology, well adapted to supporting usage-based innovation projects. The study has allowed us to identify a refined understanding of the existing pain points of different ADH stakeholders (ADH patients, medical staff, retirement home staff) and investigate how existing solutions address these pain points. We found value buckets which were starting points to imagine innovative solutions. The study allowed identifying six novel solution scenarios to reduce ADH patients' suffering and assess them against their ability to alleviate the RID whole "quantities of pain" of ADH issue. One of the significant results partly based on this study is the decree allowing the use of the botulinum toxin in home healthcare in France. One of the novel solution scenarios had been allowed for an experimental part in 8 mobiles unit in France, for 3 years, since the 22 nd December 2022.
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Tools to help teachers and designers complete individual tasks when co-designing industrial engineering games – Application to the design of an innovation management game
Yiming Ma, Flore Vallet, Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel
European Journal of Engineering Education, 2023, ⟨10.1080/03043797.2023.2212248⟩
Serious games (SGs) offer an engaging format for teaching industrial engineering (IE) methodologies. IE methodologies involve people following a process in a set of conditions to design, improve and install systems, which are easily scripted into gameplay. The scholarship has proposed co-design approaches for teachers and SG designers. However, teachers are not always ready to engage, and designers can readily create SG elements rapidly alone. We propose a co-design framework to distinguish their roles and four tools for them to better embed relevant expertise in the SG design process. A first tool is a domain decomposition model, which helps teachers create the knowledge repository for an IE methodology. Then, a specification vector is provided to define clear learning objectives. The third tool is a mapping table that inspires designers building gaming elements based on the learning objectives. The final tool is a verification table that helps check whether the learning experience offered by a SG is aligned with its learning objectives. A game on innovation management was designed that adopts the co-design framework. It was tested in three sessions with 23 players, resulting in a playful learning experience.
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Innover par les usages sur un périmètre d'activité : la méthodologie Radical Innovation Design illustrée par son jeu sérieux sur l'innovation de la mobilité sur le Grand Paris
Bernard Yannou, Flore Vallet, François Cluzel
EPIQUE 2023 - 12ème colloque de Psychologie Ergonomie, Jul 2023, Paris, France
Pour aller au-delà de certaines limitations du Design Thinking en conception innovante, nous avons développé la méthodologie Radical Innovation Design (RID). Il s'agit d'une méthodologie de conception innovante, complète et structurée des points de vue du processus, de la gestion des données, de sa plateforme numérique de gestion de projet et de la traçabilité des décisions. RID est délibérément axée sur la modélisation des usages et centrée sur les performances et la satisfaction des usagers dans une activité. Après avoir introduit les concepts novateurs de RID, nous présentons le jeu sérieux RID qui permet en quatre heures d'appréhender la majorité de ces concepts en mettant en scène les usagers de la mobilité dans une métropole, leurs usages quotidiens et les insatisfactions qu'ils vivent selon les moyens de transport utilisés ou à disposition. La scénarisation du jeu plonge les apprenants dans la complexité de la contextualisation des usages, un préalable nécessaire pour produire une innovation utile et profitable.
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Knowledge model and design space exploration of sustainable refrigeration systems : Application to the integrated design of supermarket refrigeration systems
Y. Salehy
Thermics [physics.class-ph]. Université paris saclay, 2022. English. ⟨NNT : 2022UPAST017⟩
The impact of climate change on the refrigeration sector has led to an increase in the need for cooling. The main objective of this thesis is to propose an integrated design approach and a design space exploration platform to help decision making in the upstream design phases and move towards more sustainable systems.First of all, a field diagnosis is carried out to represent and evaluate the development opportunities in the socio-technical system of refrigeration. The result is that the main shortcomings of the current socio-technical system of refrigeration are a lack of understanding of emerging technologies, poor exploration of the design space and a diversity of language and tools between stakeholders.Thus, it is proposed to move towards a more integrated approach to the design of a refrigeration system thanks to a knowledge model and a simulation and design space exploration platform, the latter allowing to quickly arrive at a dimensioned architecture satisfying all stakeholders.A verification of the platform's ability to correctly model the problem, to express the designers' preferences and to lead to the choice of a satisfactory dimensioned architecture is carried out through workshops involving actors in the design of refrigeration systems. A final validation of the models is carried out by evaluating eight criteria such as robustness and ease of use.
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Design of serious games for teaching industrial engineering methodologies : A design process based on V-model and an application in innovation engineering
Yiming Ma
Other. Université Paris-Saclay, 2021. English. ⟨NNT : 2021UPAST038⟩
Serious games (SGs) seem to be a much appropriate educational format for being initiated to industrial engineering (IE) methodologies as the latter consist for people to follow a common process under some conditions to achieve some collective performances. However, the existing SGs design studies have several limitations, especially for designers like IE teachers without game design expertise. This work aims at proposing a design process adapted to SGs on IE methodologies. We make five contributions. First, we propose a design language for representing the structure of an SG hierarchically. Second, we propose a generic design framework for an SG following a standard V-model and participatory approach to define, verify, and validate the SG structure progressively. Third, we propose a template to decompose an IE methodology into seven categories of descriptive elements to be able to specify them as learning objectives. Seven experts were asked to use it to describe twelve IE methodologies they are familiar with. Fourth, we put forward an adapted V-model for IE games, explaining how given methodology’s descriptive elements can inspire each design object of the SG. Our fifth and last contribution is the sufficient elaboration of an SG in innovation engineering, specifically to teach Radical Innovation Design (RID) methodology. Twelve design sessions were needed to follow the V-model design process. Its gameplay is about expressing and eradicating value buckets on urban mobility. The game comprises six episodes, a game board inspired by the RID process, seven card desks, sophisticated game mechanics, and a simple two-dimensional scoring for fighting at the same time for developing usefulness for mobility users and business opportunity for its own mobility company. We organized two validation experiments with four experienced subjects and three novices in innovation. The validations showed that the game offers a playful learning experience, validating the RID game itself and, in turn, partially validating the adapted V-model. This research provides designers with a structured process that relates SG design elements and IE methodology objects. The complete design of an SG in an innovation engineering methodology should be replicable in other IE domains.
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Diagnosis of Development Opportunities for Refrigeration Socio-Technical System Using the Radical Innovation Design Methodology
Yasmine Salehy, Bernard Yannou, Yann Leroy, François Cluzel, Laurence Fournaison, Hong-Minh Hoang, Robin Lecomte, Anthony Delahaye
ICED21, Aug 2021, Gothenburg, Sweden. pp.1263-1272, ⟨10.1017/pds.2021.126⟩
A refrigerant system (like that of a supermarket) is a complex system if we consider all the stakeholders throughout its lifecycle phases (use, maintenance, technological update, end of life). The lack of stakeholders' interaction during the design and other lifecycle stages of such a system generates issues and leads to sub-optimal system performances. We used the RID methodology to identify the main areas for improvement for these activities related to the refrigerant system. It is precisely designed to analyze, within the scope of activity, the major stakeholders' problems (user profiles) during lifecycle phases (use situations) to deduce areas for improvement (value buckets). Therefore, we built a process of interviews and data collection on existing practices to feed into a RID model. The first results are an archetypal description of the actors and problems encountered according to the lifecycle phases. The second part is a prioritized mapping of the areas to improve despite a certain number of known available solutions but proven insufficient.
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Radical Innovation Design: Innover par les usages grâce à l’identification de poches de valeur
Bernard Yannou, Guillaume Lamé, François Cluzel
de Hemmer, Olaf; Poissonnier, Hugues. Valeur(s) et Management, 2ème édition, Editions EMS, pp.269 - 287, 2018, 978-2-37687-072-2
Après avoir fait le constat que les grandes entreprises françaises pilotent encore très peu leur processus d’innovation, nous établissons le besoin d’une organisation et d’une méthodologie d’innovation radicale tirée par les usages. Nous avons développé et expérimenté depuis 2009 une méthodologie d’innovation radicale tirée par les usages, dénommée Radical Innovation Design® (RID), dans le but de répondre aux attentes de pilotage de l’innovation par les usages. RID présente un processus structuré de pose puis de résolution de problème centré sur l’obtention de poches de valeur obtenues par l’identification de problèmes importants apparaissant dans des situations d’usage fréquentes et pour lesquels les solutions existantes apportent peu ou pas d’améliorations. Ces poches de valeur font alors l’objet d’un choix stratégique par les entreprises pour établir un périmètre d’ambition. Ce dernier, qui remplace avantageusement le traditionnel brief marketing, est le point de départ de séances de créativité ciblées très efficaces. La méthodologie RID est décrite au travers de l’exemple d’une innovation en santé dans le cadre de l’imagerie dentaire.
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Capturing the relevant problems leading to pain and usage driven innovations: the DSM Value Bucket algorithm
Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel, Romain Farel
Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, 2018, 26 (2), pp.131-146. ⟨10.1177/1063293X16666311⟩
The Dependency Structure Modelling Value Bucket (DSM-VB) tool is integrated into Radical Innovation Design (RID) methodology in order to explore the front end of innovation in need seeker mode. The determination of innovation opportunities, here called value buckets, has been automated by matrix representations of dependencies between problems or pain points, usage situations and existing solutions. Three matrices are built along the problem setting stage of a RID process. The first matrix expresses which problems occur during usage scenarios, the second how far existing solutions cover problems, and the third to what degree existing solutions are useful in usage situations. Combining these three matrices results in a matrix of value buckets, which represents the combinations of important problems which occur during characteristic usage situations and for which few existing solutions are useful or efficient. This outcome allows focused creativity workshops to be run, resulting in usage innovations with a high likelihood of market success.
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Adapting the FBS model of designing for usage-driven innovation processes
Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel, Guillaume Lamé
IDETC/CIE 2018: International Design Engineering Technical Conferences / CIE: Computers and Information in Engineering, Aug 2018, Québec, Canada
There has been rising interest in confronting formal models of design with practical design methods, in order to understand better both and to explore how they can improve each other. In this article, we try to map the Radical Innovation Design (RID) methodology in Gero’s Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) framework. We encounter difficulties in doing so, and propose new constructs extending the FBS framework to account for some processes in RID. For instance, FBS is extended to describe the early stages of RID, where usages are analyzed to identify the appropriate situations and problems on which to innovate. We present a short practical case study to illustrate the relevance of these concepts. Our findings join those of others who have investigated the use of FBS to illustrate innovative projects, where requirements are unclear. We propose perspectives for future research, notably pursuing this work with the situated FBS framework.
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La méthodologie Radical Innovation Design® (en bref, positionnement pour les experts de l’innovation)
Bernard Yannou
[Rapport de recherche] CentraleSupélec. 2018
La méthodologie Radical Innovation Design (RID) est développée depuis 10 ans à CentraleSupélec. C'est une approche intégrée d'innovation radicale « tirée » par les usages insatisfaisants/problématiques qui se différencie significativement des méthodes classiques comme Design Thinking, théorie CK, TRIZ, Business Model Canvas, Lean Startup, Stratégie Océan Bleu. RID propose une terminologie, des concepts, un processus, des algorithmes et des outils originaux qui seront présentés au travers d'exemples industriels. Une étude RID part d'un champ d'activités (ou d'usages) qu'il s'agit d'explorer systématiquement pour bien poser le problème. La convergence vers un concept innovant se fait par exploration systématique du problème et des opportunités...
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Usage-driven problem design for radical innovation in healthcare
Guillaume Lamé, Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel
BMJ Innovations, 2018, 4 (1), pp.15-23. ⟨10.1136/bmjinnov-2016-000149⟩
Whilst the diffusion and evaluation of healthcare innovations receive a lot of attention, the early design stages are less studied and potential innovators lack methods to identify where new innovations are necessary and to propose concepts relevant to users. To change this, we propose a structured methodology, Radical Innovation Design ® (RID), which supports designers who want to work on the unstated needs of potential end-users in order to create superior value. In this article, the first part of RID is introduced with its two sub-processes: Problem Design and Knowledge Design. In this first period, RID guides innovators to systematically explore users' problems and evaluate which ones are most pressing in terms of innovation, taking into account existing solutions. The result is an ambition perimeter, composed of a set of value buckets, i.e. important usage situations where major problems are experienced and the current solutions provide little or no relief. The methodology then moves on to Solution Design and Business Design (which are not detailed in this paper) to address the value buckets identified. With its emphasis on problem exploration, RID differs from methods based on early prototyping. The RID methodology has been validated in various industrial sectors, and is well-adapted for healthcare innovation. To exemplify the methodology, we present a case study in dental imagery performed by ten students in 8 weeks. This example demonstrates how RID favors efficiency in Problem Design and allows designers to explore unaddressed and sometimes undeclared user needs.
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Planning technology maturation by exploration of useful problems in markets: The case of innovative startups
Alexandre Bekhradi
Mechanical engineering [physics.class-ph]. Université Paris-Saclay, 2018. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Technology-oriented innovative startups must conduct extensive experiments to gather sufficient proofs of value, so that they may reduce uncertainties before the launch of their products and services on the market. Despite their limited resources, the experiments conducted by startups are often random, loop-based and consequently time and resource consuming. Hence, startups need solutions to help them better planning their technology maturation and identifying market opportunities. It is in the context that the current research is carried out. First, a literature review is conducted in the fields of engineering design, technology management and innovation management. This review suggests that the existing methods and tools fail to provide accurate and quantitative roadmaps to conduct relevant experiments. Second, this research surveys the design and testing practices of 60 innovative startups in the context of the City of Paris. This investigation reveals that despite the use of popular innovation methods such as Business Model Canvas (BMC) and Lean Startup, startups have no practical tools for specifying and planning experiments, nor for efficiently using their resources. Therefore, this research makes the following three contributions. First, the BMC tool is combined with quantified value buckets (opportunities) and innovativeness indicators in order to make sure that the value offer is effective and significant. Second, a Design by Usage-based Experimentation (DUE) methodology is proposed to help screening the whole set of potential markets and to identify the main technology properties that need to be improved through experiments. Third, a quantitative methodology called RITHM (Roadmapping Investments in TecHnology and Market) is proposed to optimize the set of experiments, so that they result in the maturation of a technology to reach the most profitable markets. The relevance of the proposed methodologies is assessed through their application to technology-oriented innovative startups and also through expert validation. Finally, this research concludes that it is possible, with more effective and economical R&D strategies, to better define experiment roadmaps and better steer technological startup investment. This research may significantly support the decision-making process of various actors: entrepreneurs, who need to justify R&D expenses in fund-raising applications; public and private investors, who constantly tend to minimize investment risks in innovative technologies; or technology scouts.
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Analyzing RID Methodology through the Lens of Innovative Abduction
Guillaume Lamé, Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel
15th International Design Conference - DESIGN 2018, May 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia. ⟨10.21278/IDC.2018.0322⟩
The literature reports that abduction is inherent to design reasoning. The Radical Innovation Design methodology is analyzed using the lens of Kroll and Koskela's two-step innovative abduction. In the first phase (Problem Setting), the Knowledge Design process follows a two-step selective abduction and the Problem Design process comprises abduction followed by deduction. This illustrates the specific reasoning employed when identifying the right problem on which to innovate. In the second phase (Problem Solving), the reasoning follows two-step innovative abduction.
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Alborz Bekhradi, Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel, Thomas Vallette
21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17), Aug 2017, Vancouver, Canada
Companies make substantial R&D investments in early design stages to develop radically innovative products. However, despite abundant research work in the field of human-centered design, the front end of innovation is the least well-structured part of the innovation process. Radical Innovation Design (RID) methodology has put forward a structured process aiming at exploring, organizing and categorizing required knowledge to design a useful problem in the form of value buckets (i.e. overlooked problems of users) to be evaluated. In this paper, we aim at reinforcing the knowledge acquirement process in parallel with the problem design process to fine-tune the firm's R&D strategies, and to increase the likelihood of successfully reaching the mainstream markets. The contributions of this paper are twofold: i) to provide a set of knowledge acquisition rules in front end of innovation; and ii) to specify a set of problem design guidelines mainly by introducing a tool called Dependency Structure Modeling (DSM)-Value bucket algorithm, which enables a systematic identification of value creation opportunities. The example of a smart lighting project is analyzed in this paper as a case study.
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User-centered selection of innovative ideas and projects for incubation
Bernard Yannou, Romain Farel, François Cluzel, Alexandre Bekhradi, Benjamin Zimmer
[Research Report] CentraleSupélec. 2017
A great deal of work has been done to characterize entire sets of ideation indicators as well as isolated factors of innovativeness. Nevertheless, entire sets of innovativeness indicators are essential in business innovation competitions, as well as within companies in order to select promising innovative project seeds. In this paper, a complete set of innovativeness indicators is proposed. The UNPC innovativeness model, standing for usefulness, newness, profitability and (proof of) concept, has been tested and validated over a period of 4 years within the largest European innovation cluster in the silver economy. Four authentic examples of innovation selections are analysed. They illustrate how the UNPC model is able to provide clear and efficient guidance for better decision-making in the context of innovating for the elderly. In addition, the UNPC primary diagnosis of an innovative project serves also as a map for continuous improvement or incubation of promising ideas or projects.
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From privacy by design to design for privacy
Guilda Rostama, Alborz Bekhradi, Bernard Yannou
International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Aug 2017, Vancouver, Canada
Privacy by design places the user's privacy and the protection of his/her personal data as a basic principle in the early stages of the design and decision-making process. In 2018, Privacy by Design will become a mandatory provision for any entity across the world which collects and processes European residents' personal data. In other words, more than a methodology, Privacy by Design is soon to become a legal requirement, the infringement of which may be subject to fines up to 2% of a company's total worldwide annual turnover. However, we argue in this article that Privacy by design is not merely a legal requirement that solution designers and providers need to comply with, but that the lack of respect for users' privacy is increasingly becoming a pain for users, with the aid of the pain-driven Radical Innovation Design (RID) methodology. Thus, we will show that Privacy by design may increase the value creation of a solution and that integrating privacy as a default setting in the design of a solution is becoming an essential factor for success on the market. This paper is a proposal and first attempt to evolve from Privacy by Design to a Design for Privacy.
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Ecodesign tools in the construction sector: analyzing usage inadequacies with designers' needs
Guillaume Lamé, Yann Leroy, Bernard Yannou
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 148, pp.60-72. ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.01.173⟩
In this article, a usage-driven perspective is taken to analyze the lack of industrial uptake of ecodesign tools in the construction sector. Eleven interviews with professionals were carried out to gain insight into the building design process, the roles of the different actors and their interactions. Nineteen further interviews investigated ecodesign knowledge and practice, and the barriers to wider implementation of this approach. The data drawn from the interviews were analyzed with the Dependency Structure Modelling Value Bucket (DSM VB) algorithm. The algorithm maps usage situations, designer issues and existing ecodesign tools to highlight gaps in the available offer for ecodesign tools. It appears that ecodesign tools are missing in the early design stages, and that what is most needed in these phases are tools for multicriteria analysis (economic, social, and environmental) and benchmarking. Tools answering these needs, combined with desirable changes we identified in the design process, would help ecodesign adoption.
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A model of product-induced pain
Andy Dong, Bernard Yannou
NordDesign, Aug 2016, Trondheim, Norway
In industry circles, customer " pain points " has replaced customer needs as the source of ideas for products and services. The premise is that the more pressing the 'pain', the more likely the customer will seek to find a solution. In this article, we develop a model to describe customer pain induced by a product. The model includes semantics to describe the pain elements and relations between the semantics. We evaluate the model to ascertain the extent to which individuals can use it consistently to identify pain points in a dataset of consumer product injuries. The paper concludes with a discussion on the use of the model in a pain-minimization design process, in which the aim is to bring essential health, social, and economic value.
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Importance of problem setting before developing a business model canvas
Alborz Bekhradi, Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel
DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference, May 2016, Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia
In this paper, the importance of problem setting in front end of innovation to radically innovate is emphasized prior to the use of the BMC. After discussing the context of the Business Model Canvas usage, the failure reasons of a premature use (in early design stages) of the BMC tool is discussed through some real examples of innovative startups in Paris area. This paper ends with the proposition of three main rules to follow when one wants to use the Business Model Canvas.
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The UNPC innovativeness set of indicators for idea or project selection and maturation in healthcare
Bernard Yannou, Romain F Farel, François Cluzel, Alborz B Bekhradi, Benjamin Zimmer
International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 2016, 5 (3-4), pp.205-221. ⟨10.1080/21650349.2016.1161562⟩
A great deal of work has been done to characterize entire sets of ideation indicators as well as isolated factors of innovativeness. Nevertheless, entire sets of innovativeness indicators are essential in business innovation competitions, as well as within companies in order to select promising innovation seeds. In this paper, a complete set of innovativeness indicators in the context of innovating in healthcare is proposed. The UNPC innovativeness model, standing for usefulness, newness, profitability and (proof of) concept, has been tested and validated over a period of 4 years within the largest European innovation cluster in the silver economy. Four authentic examples of innovation selections are analysed. They illustrate how the UNPC model is able to provide clear and efficient guidance for better decision-making in the context of innovating for the elderly. In addition, a framework for monitoring an innovative idea or project, and for increasing its maturity, is proposed. The UNPC monitoring process starts with the SWOT analysis of competing ideas. It then becomes dynamic, looking for new evidence for increasing the certainty and impact of UNPC proofs of the competing ideas. The model has been successfully used for upgrading a popular smart application on activity tracking.
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The DSM Value Bucket Tool
Bernard Yannou, Romain Farel, François Cluzel
International Conference on Research into Design - ICoRD'15, Jan 2015, Bangalore, India. pp.49-61, ⟨10.1007/978-81-322-2229-3_5⟩
The Dependency Structure Modelling Value Bucket (DSM-VB) tool is integrated to Radical Innovation Design (RID) methodology for exploring the front end of innovation in need seeker mode. The determination of value buckets has been automated by matrix representations of dependencies between problems or pain points, usage situations and existing solutions. Three matrices are built along the problem setting stage of a RID process. The first matrix expresses which problems occur during usage scenarios, the second how much existing solutions cover problems and the third how much existing solutions are useful in usage situations. Combining these three matrices results in a matrix of value buckets as being the combinations of important problems occurring during characteristic usage situations and for which few existing solutions are useful or efficient. This outcome allows to perform focused creativity workshops and to result in " blue ocean " innovations with high likelihood to be successful on the market.
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Observer et représenter des usages
Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel
Déployer l'innovation : Méthodes, outils, pilotage et cas d'étude, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 2015, 978-2-85059-129-7
Vous avez commencé à structurer un projet d’innovation à partir d’une idée initiale. La connaissance des usagers, ou plus largement des bénéficiaires du produit ou service que vous souhaitez développer, est absolument essentielle. Pourtant peu de porteurs de projet aujourd’hui prennent réellement le temps d’observer. Cette fiche vous permettra de comprendre l’importance de l’observation, mais également de la représentation des usages en définissant un protocole en adéquation avec vos objectifs. Vous serez ensuite à même d’analyser les résultats et de choisir un mode de représentation adapté pour formaliser et capitaliser votre expérience, mais surtout pour mettre à jour les problèmes et les douleurs des usagers et ainsi convaincre les décideurs de la justesse de votre raisonnement. L’observation et la représentation des usages est le troisième livrable de la méthodologie d’innovation radicale tirée par les usages, Radical Innovation Design® (RID), décrite en détail au travers de différentes fiches pratiques. Après avoir structuré le projet et défini le besoin idéal, ce livrable permet de rentrer véritablement dans les usages, problèmes et douleurs des utilisateurs ou bénéficiaires, liés aux produits et pratiques existantes. Il permet d’initier une analyse poussée des usages et des problèmes afin de mettre à jour des poches de valeurs, combinaison significative d’un problème et d’un usage non ou mal couverte par les solutions existantes.
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Usefulness Simulation of Design Concepts
Alborz Bekhradi, Bernard Yannou, Romain Farel, Benjamin Zimmer, Jeya Chandra
Journal of Mechanical Design, 2015, special issue on "User Needs and Preferences in Design Engineering", pp.1-25. ⟨10.1115/1.4030180⟩
Usefulness, from the utilitarianism perspective, is the ability of a product or service to improve the well-being of humans and to minimize their suffering in different situations. In the case of the widespread issue of falls among the elderly, designing an adapted solution to is not an obvious task. The latter requires quantifying various usage scenarios. The usage scenarios, or segments, associated with elderly falls must be investigated to ensure that newly designed products and services are likely to bring essential health, social and economic values. Optimizing a design solution by considering the coverage of such usage segments extends the classical methods of design for market approaches. Starting from a disparate literature on elderly falls' issue, we have first built a usage scenarios space. Next, the usefulness and the coverage ability of three design solutions are evaluated over a tessellation of usage segments. In addition, the developed usage simulator is used to assess the potential of non or poorly-covered usage segments to deliver insightful information in order to truly be a need seeker in the front-end of innovation.
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Débuter un projet d’innovation – Le carnet de bord de l’investigation
Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel
Déployer l'innovation : Méthodes, outils, pilotage et cas d'étude, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 2015, 978-2-85059-129-7
Vous souhaitez initier un projet d’innovation. Vous avez une idée initiale. Pour autant, il est nécessaire de se structurer ainsi que de monter en compétences et connaissances (nous parlons ici d’investigation), c’est-à-dire de prendre le temps de poser le problème plutôt que de foncer tête baissée dans le développement d’une solution imparfaite. Cette fiche vous aidera à initier un projet d’innovation de manière organisée, en planifiant les tâches d’investigation qui permettront à l’équipe projet de monter en compétences et connaissances au travers de « books de connaissance ». Le carnet de bord de l’investigation vise à créer un cadre commun aux membres de l’équipe projet pour répartir lots de travail et responsabilités sur des thématiques clés identifiées de manière collégiale. Le carnet de bord de l’investigation est le premier livrable de la méthodologie d’innovation radicale tirée par les usages, Radical Innovation Design® (RID), décrite en détail au travers de différentes fiches pratiques. Il permet véritablement de lancer un projet d’innovation RID. Il est fortement lié au second livrable de la méthodologie (cf. Énoncer un besoin idéal - Réf. Internet : 0424 et RID : Observation des usages - Réf. Internet : 1448), la reproblématisation (les deux livrables s’autoalimentent), et permet directement d’initier le troisième livrable, l’observation des usages.
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Supporting need seeker innovation: the Radical Innovation Design methodology
Bernard Yannou
International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Jul 2015, Milano, Italy
Driven by a utilitarian perspective, the question of useful innovation and creating essential values is set. Such innovation should lead to cover or alleviate significant pains which are not satisfactorily covered by existing solutions. Radical Innovation Design (RID) is a structured methodology for exploring the front end of useful innovation in need seeker mode. In this paper, the fundaments of RID are presented for the first time and illustrated on the search for radical innovations for a handitennis wheelchair of a champion. The most original part of RID stands in the problem setting stage which starts with re-expressing the ideal need to set the issue playground-for usefully thinking in the box-in which two worlds are populated: the world of problems or pain points and the world of usage scenarios. The determination of value buckets has been automated by matrix representations of dependencies between problems, usage scenarios and existing solutions. A subset of opportunistic value buckets are further addressed in the problem solving stage for focused ideation, to ensure performing " blue ocean " innovations, i.e. in not yet explored usage and problem situations.
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The UIPC-Monitor tool for augmenting idea maturity with proofs of Utility, Innovation, Profitability and Concept
Bernard Yannou, Romain Farel, François Cluzel
The Third International Conference on Design Creativity - 3rd ICDC, Jan 2015, Bangalore, India. pp.184-191
A lot of work is done on ideation metrics but less is done for innovation metrics, i.e. monitoring an ideation process with the goal of augmenting idea maturity and increasing likelihood for the idea to be transformed into an innovation success on the market. To that aim, metrics of utility, profitability and proof of concept (feasibility) are considered along with innovation (novelty). This set of four metrics is used to dynamically investigate the probability of ideas to get high impacts on Utility, Innovation, Profitability and Concept (UIPC). The collection of new arguments is driven by the search of a sufficient certainty to get a satisfactory UIPC impact. Idea maturation process may be justified and traced, and idea selection facilitated and accelerated. This process is applied for developing an innovative smartphone application that can monitor health parameters.
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A categorization of innovation funnels of companies as a way to better make conscious agility and permeability of innovation processes
Gwenola Bertoluci, Bernard Yannou, Danielle Attias, Emilie Vallet
4th International Conference on Research into Design, ICORD, Jan 2013, Chennai, India. pp.721-734, ⟨10.1007/978-81-322-1050-4_57⟩
It is common in the Management Science and Design Engineering communities to represent the processes contributing to innovation in companies as a funnel or similar variants. It is assumed it is possible to represent an analogy to the stages of planning and idea generation (the so-called fuzzy front-end), conception generation, as well as idea and concept selection to end up with the very few emerging developed and launched products and services on the market. First, this analogy may feature different innovation process layers, each of them independently as well as the entire set of these innovation process layers. After a review of literature on this funnel representation, we show that this analogy may be meaningful to globally represent and discuss about some properties of the innovation capability of a company at different locations: the R&D process as well as a given NPD process. We further describe a survey carried out within 28 large European technological companies through 48 detailed face-to-face interviews. Our questionnaire has allowed us to observe some characteristic patterns in the innovation funnels. We finally propose a model of five innovation funnels varying by their shape, permeability of emerging ideas and agility in terms of innovation management. We also hypothesize that these 5 funnels evolve in a sequential and cyclic way and that our cyclic model may be used as a questioning tool for the continuous improvement of the innovation management.
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Observations from radical innovation projects considering the company context
Bernard Yannou, Marija Jankovic, Yann Leroy, Gül E. Okudan Kremer
Journal of Mechanical Design, 2013, 135 (2), pp.1-21. ⟨10.1115/1.4023150⟩
The development of product-service innovation projects within the context of a company is not yet supported by clear theories and methodologies. Our objective is to analyze innovation and idea generation for such projects from the fuzzy front end to the selected design concept, assessing their potential to be successfully developed and launched on the market. We present a protocol study, using which data derived from 19 innovation projects of five types and conducted by 86 students are analyzed. Sixty-one variables are observed, thus generating 700 data vectors. Bayesian network learning is used to explore conditional inferences among these variables. We examine conditional probabilities between the innovation process means and the significant results produced for the company, modulated by the influence of contextual variables. A number of surprising findings are drawn about the link between problem setting and problem solving processes, the importance of certain contextual variables, and the potential discrepancies between the apparent and produced results of innovative projects. Conducted analyses imply the need for novel innovation evaluation frameworks.
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Set-based design by simulation of usage scenario coverage
Bernard Yannou, Pierre-Alain Yvars, Christopher Hoyle, Wei Chen
Journal of Engineering Design, 2013, 33 p. ⟨10.1080/09544828.2013.780201⟩
While the marketing literature has advocated for decades that new products should be designed for intended and anticipated consumer usages, the engineering literature mostly proposes optimization of product performances independent of specific users' skills, anticipated usage scenarios, and competing products on the market. In contrast to tedious market studies which assume an existing market experience for products and optimization approaches based upon static product performances, we propose an adaptable approach to designing a product or product family: the set-based design by usage coverage simulation. It starts with generating a usage scenario space for a set of representative users. Next, considering a candidate set of products, one proceeds to the CSP computations of feasible usage scenarios, assuming that physics-based models of performances are available. The comparison between the expected and feasible usage scenarios at the scale of a single user leads to Usage Coverage Indicators and finally to a preferred product which best covers the usage scenario space. At the level of a targeted consumer group, the approach provides a market share simulation for competing products or members of a scale-based product family. The design of a family of jigsaws thoroughly illustrates our approach.
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Proofs of Utility, Innovation, Profitability and Concept for innovation selection
Bernard Yannou, Benjamin Zimmer, Romain Farel, Marija Jankovic, Julie Stal-Le Cardinal
ICED: 19th International Conference on Engineering Design, Aug 2013, Seoul, South Korea
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Radical Innovation Design: Une méthodologie d'innovation radicale multi-disciplinaire en contexte d'entreprise
Bernard Yannou
Olaf de Hemmer; Hugues Poissonnier. Valeur(s) et Management - Des méthodes pour plus de Valeur(s) dans le management, Editions Management et Société EMS, pp.189-208, 2013, 978-2-84769-487-1
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Structuring an Innovation Cluster : Implementing Innovative Projects in a Cluster in Gerontechnology.
Benjamin Zimmer
Autre. Ecole Centrale Paris, 2012. Français. ⟨NNT : 2012ECAP0023⟩
An approach for structuring the activities of an innovation cluster is proposed. Our main contributions are made at two levels: a governance and activities structuring support, and a system for selecting and supporting innovative projects, which are potentially the most value creating within this cluster. An application is presented on the SOLIAGE cluster development. This innovation cluster encourages the development of products and/or services in the gerontechnology market. Our first contribution is organizational, when the innovation cluster moves from the emergence phase to the development one. The main objective consists in developing common vision, values, goals, governance and action plan fully shared by the members of the innovation cluster. This is made possible by the development of a dynamic of cooperation and trust between members. Thus, we apply the PAT Miroir® Method to structure strategic actions in the cluster. Our second result is to organize and professionalize an innovation fund. This fund allows to finance and/or support innovative projects, which are the most value creating at the earlier stage of development of a new product or service. On the principles of the Radical Innovation Design® methodology, we propose a system, which selects of gerontechnology innovative projects with sufficient evidences of value, innovation and concept. Next, we propose a funding and coaching approach. The coaching, based on the expertise of members of the cluster, aims at strengthen in the proofs of value, innovation and concept.
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Choice Modeling for Usage Context-Based Design
Lin He, Wei Chen, Christopher Hoyle, Bernard Yannou
Journal of Mechanical Design, 2012, 134 (3), pp.1-26. ⟨10.1115/1.4005860⟩
Usage Context-Based Design (UCBD) is an area of growing interest within the design community. Usage context is the set of scenarios in which a product (or service) is to be used, including the environments in which the product is used, the types of tasks the product performs, and the conditions under which the product is purchased and operates. It is proposed in this work that in choice modeling for usage context-based design, usage context should be a part of the primary descriptors in the definition of a customer profile, in addition to the socio-demographic attributes for modeling customers' heterogeneity. As customers become more technology-savvy and market-educated, current choice modeling methods in engineering design could greatly benefit from exploiting the rich contextual information existing in product usage. In this work, we propose a choice modeling framework for Usage Context-based Design (UCBD) to quantify the impact of usage context on customer choices. We start with defining a taxonomy for UCBD. By explicitly modeling usage context's influence on both product performances and customer preferences, a step-by-step choice modeling procedure is proposed to support UCBD. Two case studies, a jigsaw example with stated preference data and a hybrid electric vehicle example with revealed preference data, demonstrate the needs and benefits of incorporating usage context in choice modeling.
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A Usage Coverage-Based Approach for Assessing Product Family Design
Jiliang Wang, Bernard Yannou, Fabrice Alizon, Pierre-Alain Yvars
Engineering with Computers, 2012, pp.DOI 10.1007/s00366-012-0262-1. ⟨10.1007/s00366-012-0262-1⟩
Computation techniques have provided designers with deeper understanding of the market niches that were neglected before. Usage contextual information has been studied in marketing research since last century, however little research in design engineering focuses on it. Therefore, in this paper, we analyzed the relations between usage context information and the design of products. A usage coverage model is established to integrate users and their expected usage scenarios into product family assessment. We map the user's individual capacity together with a given product into the usage context space. The overlapping between required usage and feasible usage can be measured. Based on this mechanism, several usage coverage indices are proposed to assess the compliance of a given product family to the expected set of usage scenarios to be covered. The original method is demonstrated on a scale-based product family of jigsaws in a redesign context. Constraint Programming Technique is applied to solve the physics-based causal-loops that determine usage performances in a set-based design approach. Designers can rely on the results to eliminate redundant units in the family or modify the configuration of each product. The contribution of the paper is to provide an inter-disciplinary point of view to assessing the composition and configuration of a product family design.
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Réexprimer un besoin idéal
Bernard Yannou
Déployer l'innovation : Méthodes, outils, pilotage et cas d'étude, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 2011, 978-2-85059-129-7
Reformuler une idée initiale en ce qu’on appelle un « besoin idéal » est une étape devant être menée avec le plus grand soin. En effet, son résultat garantit ou non d’avoir ciblé un problème à forte légitimité, qui représente un fort potentiel de création de valeur, condition nécessaire à une innovation radicale. Trois outils vous permettent de réexprimer un besoin idéal : • l’explicitation des causes, du ou des buts et de la pérennité du besoin ; • le besoin vu comme une fonction de transfert ; • le besoin vu comme un service de transformation. La reproblématisation est le deuxième livrable de la méthodologie d’innovation radicale tirée par les usages, Radical Innovation Design® (RID), décrite en détail au travers de différentes fiches pratiques. Elle permet, après le lancement du projet d’innovation grâce au « Carnet de bord de l’investigation », de définir le périmètre du territoire à explorer, avant de s’intéresser aux situations d’usages et aux problèmes/ douleurs existants.
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Usage Coverage Model For Choice Modeling: Principles
Bernard Yannou, Jiliang Wang, Ndrianarilala Rianantsoa, Chris Hoyle, Mark Drayer, Wei Chen, Fabrice Alizon, Jean-Pierre Mathieu
IDETC/DAC: ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences / Design Automation Conference, Aug 2009, San Diego, CA, United States. ⟨10.1115/DETC2009-87534⟩
Accurately capturing the future demand for a given product is a hard task in today's new product development initiatives. As customers become more market-savvy and markets continue fragment, current demand models could greatly benefit from exploiting the rich contextual information that exists in customers' product usage. As such, we propose a Usage Coverage Model (UCM) as a more thorough means to quantify and capture customer demand by utilizing factors of usage context in order to inform an integrated engineering design and choice modeling approach. We start by presenting the principles of the UCM model: terms, definitions, variable classes and relation classes so as to obtain a common usage language. The usage model exhibits the ability to differentiate between individuals' product performance experiences. With Discrete Choice Analysis, individuals' performance with a given product is compared against that of competitive products, capturing individual customers' choice behavior and thereby creating an effective model of product demand. As a demonstration of our methods, we apply our model in a case study regarding the general task of cutting a wood board with a jigsaw tool. We conclude by presenting the scope of future work for the case study and the contribution of the entire current and future work to the field as a whole.
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