Communication dans un congrès
- titre
- Cartographie des savoirs endogènes en Afrique de l’Ouest et en Occitanie
- auteur
- Rachel Levy, Towanou Abalo, Audrey Boullot, Mary Calleja, Joséa Guedje, Nicola Gallai, Guillaume Gillet, Crépin Hisguima Dassidi, Idrissa Aladji Aya, Noémie Lacroix, Jean-Pierre del Corso
- article
- 16èmes journées de Recherche en Sciences Sociales, Dec 2022, Clermont-Ferrand, France
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- titre
- Multifunctional agricultural landscapes. Lessons from a Long Term Socio-Ecological Research site in South Western France
- auteur
- Annie Ouin, Émilie Andrieu, Gerard Balent, Luc Barbaro, Julien Blanco, Eric Ceschia, Floriane Clement, Dejoux Jean-François, Vanessa Dos-Santos, James Desaegher, Mathieu Fauvel, Nicola Gallai, A.J. Mark Hewison, Charilaos Kephaliacos, Francis Macary, Anne Probst, Jean Luc Probst, Julie Ryschawy, Sabine Sauvage, J.M. Sánchez-Pérez, David Sheeren, Anne Sourdril, Tiphaine Tallec, Hélène Verheyden, A. Vialatte, Clélia Sirami
- article
- IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congres: Making the future, learning from the past, Jul 2022, Warsaw, Poland
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- titre
- Restitution du projet SEBIOREF
- auteur
- Annie Ouin, Barbara Cichosz, Nicola Gallai, Émilie Andrieu
- article
- Evènement de clôture de PSDR4 Occitanie : "Comment accompagner la transition agroécologique à l'échelle des exploitations, des filières et des territoires vers des systèmes alimentaires plus durables ?", INRAE; Région Occitanie, Dec 2020, Conférence en ligne, France
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- titre
- Estimation of the willingness to pay for the marketed and non-marketed benefits of pollinators and pollination services in the South West of France
- auteur
- Zafarani Uwingabire, Nicola Gallai, Charilaos Kephaliacos
- article
- 13th conference of the European Society of Ecological Economics, Jun 2019, Turku, Finland
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- titre
- Incidence of Pollinators Decline on the International Trade: Social Welfare and Food Security Analysis
- auteur
- Zafarani Uwingabire, Nicola Gallai, Charilaos Kephaliacos
- article
- TROPENTAG “ global food security and food safety: The role of universities, Sep 2018, Ghent, Belgium
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- titre
- Insect pollinators: linking research and policy
- auteur
- A.J. Vanbergen, Nick Ambrose, David Aston, Jacobus C. Biesmeijer, Andrew Bourke, Tom D. Breeze, Peter Brotherton, Mike Brown, Dave Chandler, Mark Clook, Christopher L. Connolly, Peter Costigan, Mike Coulson, James Cresswell, Robin Dean, Lynn V. Dicks, Antonio Felicioli, Otakar Fojt, Nicola Gallai, Elke Genersch, Charles Godfray, Maryanne Grieg-Gran, Andrew Halstead, Debbie Harding, Brian Harris, Chris Hartfield, Matt S. Heard, Barbara Herren, Julie Howarth, Thomas Ings, David Kleijn, Alexandra M. Klein, Williams E. Kunin, Gavin Lewis, Alison Macewen, Christian Maus, Liz Mcintosh, Neil S. Millar, Peter Neumann, Jeff Ollerton, Roland Olschewski, Juliet L. Osborne, Robert J. Paxton, Jeff Pettis, Belinda Phillipson, Simon G. Potts, Richard Pywell, Pierre Rasmont, Stuart P.M. Roberts, Jean-Michel Salles, Oliver Schweiger, Peter Sima, Helen Thompson, Dalibor Titera, Bernard Vaissière, Jeroen P. van Der Sluijs, Sarah Webster, Jonathan Wentworth, Geraldine A. Wright
- article
- Workshop Report, 2012, London, United Kingdom
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- titre
- Services ecosystémique dans un état équilibre général
- auteur
- Nicola Gallai, Charles C. Figuieres, Jean-Michel Salles
- article
- 4. World congress of environmental and resource economists, Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE). USA.; European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE). INT., Jun 2010, Montréal, Canada. 37 p
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- titre
- Assessing the potential impact of declining insect pollination service to crops in Europe
- auteur
- Bernard Vaissière, Nicola Gallai, Gabriel Carre, Riccardo Bommarco, Kristin Krewenka, Nicolas Morison, Simon G. Potts, Stuart P.M. Roberts, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Jean-Michel Salles, Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi, Catrin Westphal, Michal Woyciechowski, . Queen'S University Belfast
- article
- 3. European Conference of Apidology, Sep 2008, Belfast, United Kingdom
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- titre
- Economic valuation of the vulnerability of world agriculture confronted to pollinator decline
- auteur
- Nicola Gallai, Jean-Michel Salles, Josef Settele, Bernard Vaissière
- article
- PGPPE Workshop: Environmental Economics, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). FRA., Jun 2008, Montpellier, France. 37 p
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