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- Rita Valette-Florence, Camilo Rojas, Lahbib Oxana, Kessous Aurélie. Unconventional celebrities in the sphere of sustainable luxury: a study around the effect of influencer endorsement on luxury brand charisma.. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference 2023, Jan 2023, Dijon, France. ⟨hal-04809374⟩
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- Samia Moumade, Hemonnet-Goujot Aurélie, Rita Valette-Florence. Speaking up in brand activism : the impact of perceived brand legitimacy on consumer behavior. 24th World Marketing Congress (WMC), Jan 2023, Canterbury, Royaume-Uni. ⟨hal-04809490⟩
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- Camilo Rojas, Rita Valette-Florence. Toward a Theoretical Model of Brand Chatbot Adoption, a Bibliometric and Machine Learning Perspective: An abstract. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Jan 2022, Monterey, États-Unis. ⟨hal-04809683⟩
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- Camilo Rojas, Rita Valette-Florence. Customer experience (CX) research on intelligent conversational agents. A machine learning study. ACR Latin American Advances, Jan 2022, Quito, Équateur. ⟨hal-04809666⟩
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- Jean-Noël Kapferer, Rita Valette-Florence. Which consumers believe luxury must be expensive and why ? A cross-cultural comparison of motivations. Journal of Business Research, 2021, 132, pp.301-313. ⟨10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.04.003⟩. ⟨hal-04809696⟩
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- Jean-Noël Kapferer, Rita Valette-Florence. Assessing levers of guilt in luxury consumption: an international perspective. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2021, ⟨10.1108/JPBM-11-2020-3239⟩. ⟨hal-04809690⟩
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- Camille Valentine Anin, Rita Valette-Florence. At the Pursuit of Harmony Between Men, Land and Brands: A Chronotopic Exploration of Slow Cosmetic Brands' Narratives. Association of Consumer Research (ACR) 2021, Jan 2021, Etats-Unis, Seattle, États-Unis. ⟨hal-04809821⟩
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- Julien Couder, Rita Valette-Florence. T erroir, My Beautiful Terroir, Is My Wine the Best One”? An Exploratory Investigation of Terroir Impacts on French Wine Consumers.. American Marketing Association, Jan 2020, United States of America San Francisco, United States. ⟨hal-04815893⟩
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Article dans une revue
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- Pierre Valette-Florence, Rita Valette-Florence. Effets des émotions et de la personnalité de la marque sur l’engagement du consommateur via les effets médiateurs de la confiance et de l’attachement à la marque. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2019, Online, ⟨10.1177/0767370119846075⟩. ⟨hal-04809983⟩
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- Oula Bayarassou, Bécheur Imène, Rita Valette-Florence. I hate this brand! A classification of brand haters based on their motivations and reactions. AMS Annual Conference, Jan 2019, Canada, Vancouver, Canada. ⟨hal-04809994⟩
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- Faheem Ahmed, Rita Valette-Florence. The Impact of Psychological Distance for Hedonic Luxury Pursuits. 6th International Consumer Brand Relationships Conference, Jan 2019, Cancun, Mexique, Mexique. ⟨hal-04809982⟩
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- Faheem Ahmed, Rita Valette-Florence. I Don’t Want To Be Fake! How Psychological Distance and Self-Perceptions can lead to Authentic Luxury Consumption?. The LVMH-SMU Luxury Research Conference, Jan 2019, Singapour, Singapour, Singapour. ⟨hal-04809986⟩
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- Oula Bayarassou, Bécheur Imène, Rita Valette-Florence. Brand Hate: Impact of the Fallacious Brand Character and the Moderating Role of the Consumer’s Narcissistic Trait. 6th International Consumer Brand Relationships Conference, Jan 2019, Cancun, Mexique, Mexique. ⟨hal-04809998⟩
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- Faheem Ahmed, Rita Valette-Florence. Psychological Distancing with Hedonic Products and their Consumption. AMS Annual Conference, Jan 2019, Vancouver, Canada, Canada. ⟨hal-04809980⟩
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