Journal articles
- titre
- Empowerment strategies and their effects in digital contexts: corroboration, replication, and extension
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Linda Hamdi-Kidar, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- International Journal of Advertising, 2024, pp.1-32. ⟨10.1080/02650487.2024.2362015⟩
- resume
- Since Fuchs and Schreier’s (2010) foundational work on customer empowerment as a critical strategy for new product development and communication, scholars have proposed numerous features to help managers deploy effective empowerment campaigns in digitally-empowering contexts (Vollero, Schultz, and Siano Citation2019) Some researchers find that empowering customers to cooperate in selecting the product concepts to be marketed by the firm leads to a stronger demand for the underlying products because consumers develop a stronger feeling of psychological ownership of the products selected. This study replicates, refines, and extends this original research in three ways. We challenge previous findings by using more realistic scenarios (real brand) and more representative samples (adult population vs. students). We also investigate the effects of a new potential moderating variable (reward value), and we compare different empowerment strategies (empowerment-to-create and empowerment-to-select vs. zero empowerment) on two product categories, thus extending the customer empowerment research stream.
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- titre
- An advanced netnographic framework for analyzing brand community overlap conflicts in the phygital brand community (PBC) environment
- auteur
- Yann Levy, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 2024, 27 (3), pp.366-387. ⟨10.1108/QMR-06-2023-0079⟩
- resume
- Purpose This study aims to introduce and define the concept of phygital brand community (PBC). It discusses the potential conflicts that can arise from engaging in multiple PBCs and propose an enriched netnographic methodological approach to explore the role of PBC engagement overlap and its influence on the phygital experience. Design/methodology/approach Following a critical analysis of the inherent limitations of netnographic methodological approaches in the context of PBCs, this study develops an enriched netnographic research protocol that accounts for the challenges of engagement overlap among PBCs. Findings This study proposes two methods of analysis, namely, “participatory netnography” and “witness netnography,” which are derived from a mixed-methodology approach that integrates elements of netnography. Research limitations/implications The findings of this study underscore the requisite methodological refinements imperative for enhancing netnographic analysis, particularly in its application for a better comprehension of individual behaviors within the realm of PBCs. In pursuit of this objective, the identified adjustments encompass ethical considerations, evaluation methods and their application in a digital milieu, where intricate mechanics and technologies frequently elude conventional methodologies. Originality/value In this study, the authors present a novel conceptualization of PBCs, highlighting their role and development, as well as the challenges they pose. To adequately capture the impact of PBC engagement overlap, the authors propose the need for an enriched mixed-methodological approach.
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Conference papers
- titre
- Privacy perceptions in social network discussion groups : Exploring the impact of configuration settings
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Yann Levy
- article
- CIM & ICCEM, 2024, Marrakech, Morocco
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Journal articles
- titre
- When your supporters become your opponents: Exploring the unintended effects of parodies on social media engagement
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Nadr El Hana, Zineb Abidi, Silvia Martin
- article
- Psychology and Marketing, 2023, 41 (2), pp.254-275. ⟨10.1002/mar.21928⟩
- resume
- Abstract Using parodies to mock politicians' personal flaws is a prevalent practice and represents an important threat to their brand image and reputation. However, the ability of parodies based on personal attacks to create positive social media engagement from the parodist's point of view is still unexplored. This study contributes to the attribution–emotion–action theory by exposing the unintended effects of parodies on social media engagement. We began with a content analysis of 331 parodies of political figures posted on YouTube from 2012 to 2019. Then, by using both a machine‐learning‐based analysis of 31,300 comments on those parodies and an experiment, we compared the effectiveness of two types of parodies based on personal attacks, depending on the type of stigma depicted: controllable versus uncontrollable. Our findings are paradoxical. Compared to parodies based on controllable personal stigmas, parodies of uncontrollable stigmas foster less supportive social media engagement toward the parodist and his/her parody (i.e., likes, shares), especially among individuals who were originally detractors and opponents of the parodied politician. Those effects are mediated by the role of moral‐condemning emotions expressing the inappropriateness of the topic selected by the parodist. Henceforth, it is advisable for parodists to refrain from incorporating representations of an uncontrollable stigma into their spoof creations, as such actions may imperil the levels of engagement exhibited by their audience, encompassing both their reception of the parodies and their perception of the parodists themselves.
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- titre
- Les effets pervers de l’appropriation des assistants vocaux via enceintes connectées en période de crise sanitaire de la Covid-19 : des risques de dépendance accrus pour la génération Z
- auteur
- Yann Levy, Ouidade Sabri, Claire Spaletta, et al
- article
- La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2023, 5 (324), pp.27-36
- resume
- La crise Sanitaire de la Covid-19 et les phases de confinement qui en découlent, concourent à l’isolement des individus et s’accompagnent d’une croissance de l’utilisation des assistants vocaux via les enceintes connectées. Toutefois, l’appropriation des enceintes connectées, dans un contexte de crise sanitaire, n’est pas sans risques. Au moyen d’un sondage auprès de 100 individus, nous montrons que leurs usages créent une dépendance vis-à-vis de l’assistant vocal, conduisant à un engagement fort vis-à-vis de l’assistant vocal. Plus encore, notre recherche démontre que les jeunes de moins de 20 ans appartenant à la génération Z, contrairement aux utilisateurs adultes des générations X et Y, seraient davantage enclins à développer une relation de dépendance avec les enceintes connectées, ce qui soulèvent d’importantes questions éthiques et sociales. Mots-clés : dépendance, assistant vocal, enceinte connectée.
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- titre
- Cookiepocalypse: What are the most effective strategies for advertisers to reshape the future of display advertising?
- auteur
- Nadr El Hana, Maria Mercanti-Guérin, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2023, 188, pp.122297. ⟨10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122297⟩
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- titre
- La communication des organisations en contexte de numérisationgénéralisée au prisme des disciplines et des épistémologies
- auteur
- Laurent Morillon, Benoit Cordelier, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Communication et Management : Revue internationale des sciences commerciales, 2023, 20 (1), pp.5-13
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Other publications
- titre
- AIR FRANCE : Les outils de self-service au coeur de la stratégie digitale
- auteur
- Ivana Lackovic, Nadr El Hana, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- cas CCMP, 2023, https://www.ccmp.fr/collection-ccmp/cas-air-france-les-outils-de-self-service-au-coeur-de-la-strategie-digitale
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Journal articles
- titre
- L’impact du statut participant ou non-participant des consommateurs sur l’évaluation des stratégies d’empowerment
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2022, SAGE, 37 (4), pp.158-187. ⟨10.1177/07673701221124898⟩
- resume
- Si la littérature a documenté les effets positifs des stratégies d’empowerment (empowerment pour créer et pour sélectionner) pour les entreprises, l’étude de leur efficacité relative, telle que perçue par les participants et les non-participants, a été cependant négligée. S’appuyant sur deux études qualitatives (N=23), nous montrons que les participants engagés dans des campagnes d’empowerment valorisent davantage l’empowerment pour sélectionner (vs. l’empowerment pour créer) s’ils ont une faible confiance en soi et une expertise limitée relative à la tâche demandée. Aussi, nous soulignons que l’empowerment pour créer est à l’origine d’une expérience globale plus riche pour les participants que l’empowerment pour sélectionner. Quant aux non participants, ils valorisent davantage les campagnes d’empowerment pour créer en raison d’une authenticité plus forte des marques qui s’y adonnent et d’une évaluation plus positive des motivations des consommateurs qui y ont activement participé. Cette recherche fournit des recommandations managériales pour un déploiement des stratégies d’empowerment réussi.
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- titre
- Conversational commerce: Do biased choices offered by voice assistants’ technology constrain its appropriation?
- auteur
- Valérie Rabassa, Ouidade Sabri, Claire Spaletta
- article
- Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022, 174, pp.121292. ⟨10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121292⟩
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- titre
- Compréhension des pratiques des consommateurs face à la cherté de la vie
- auteur
- Gaëlle Pothin, Hajer Bachouche, Christèle Camelis, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2022, pp.1-24. ⟨10.1177/07673701211052313⟩
- resume
- L’objectif de cet article est double : (1) développer une meilleure compréhension de la « vie chère » par une définition claire du concept et (2) rendre compte des différentes stratégies adaptatives développées par les individus en réaction. Au moyen d’une triangulation de trois collectes de données auprès de consommateurs réunionnais (12 entretiens exploratoires, une netnographie et 14 entretiens avec photo-élicitation), cette étude montre que la vie perçue comme chère se traduit par un sentiment de perte de pouvoir ou dis-empowerment chez les individus. Pour reprendre le contrôle sur leur consommation, des stratégies adaptatives permettant de vivre avec et/ou de lutter contre la vie chère sont développées par les consommateurs. Cette reprise de pouvoir ou re-empowerment s’exerce alors tant au niveau individuel que collectif (communautaire, collaboratif ou sociétal).
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- titre
- Roundtable on Taboos and Advertising
- auteur
- Bridget Angear, Mark Bartholomew, Tree Elven, Ouidade Sabri, Derek Walker, Edward Timke
- article
- Advertising & Society Quarterly, 2022
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- titre
- Does the type of parody content affect the attitude toward the politician? A 2 moderated-mediation analysis
- auteur
- Nadr El Hana, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Décisions Marketing, 2022, Avril-Juin (106)
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- titre
- L’autodérision dans la publicité : rôles positifs de l’humilité de la marque et de l’humour perçu
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Décisions Marketing, 2022, Janv-Mars (105), pp.11-32
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Conference papers
- titre
- auteur
- Nadr El Hana, Maria Mercanti-Guérin, Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui
- article
- Green, Digitizing and redefining Aims in an Uncertain and Finite World, Aciek 2022, Jun 2022, Seville, Spain
- resume
- Third party cookie is a tacking code set by a third-party platform or a technology provider on the website the user is visiting. This small amount of text identifies users online, reveals their interests and provide powerful informations useful in enhancing online display advertising. With the passing of new legislations protecting the user’s privacy, the phasing out of third-party cookies has started. By 2023, all major browsers will block all third-party cookies and identifier for advertisers (IDFA) tracking. Therefore, advertisers and marketers are becoming more restricted in their ability to create user profiles, personalize ads and analyze performances. Advertisers need to start pivoting now to prepare for what’s next. In that context, the purpose of this study is to investigate different alternatives and forecast technological progress to help advertisers implement the most appropriate strategy (ies) to effectively overcome this disappearance of third-party cookies. By conducting semi-structured interviews with 15 experts, and according to the main benefits of third-party cookies (i.e., targeting; attribution scale), we have established a framework which categorize the alternatives strategies into six categories. The study has strong implications for advertisers and policy makers.
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- titre
- Business model du podcast radio
- auteur
- Nadr El Hana, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- ENIG, 2022, Paris, France
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Journal articles
- titre
- Diagnostic self-tests: a value proposition for healthcare system’s users?
- auteur
- Flavio Scaloni, Marie-Eve Laporte, Miloje Savic, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Journal de gestion et d'économie de la santé, 2021, 3-4 (3-4), pp.137-157
- resume
- At a time when patient empowerment is being talked about as a major trend, diagnostic self-tests might seem like a good option for both the population and healthcare institutions seeking to influence health policies. Such tests enable individuals to assess their own medical condition in an autonomous way, and they could also help control healthcare budgets by providing earlier diagnoses. In France, the market for self-tests has recently expanded with a battery of new tests available for a variety of health conditions. However, these tests are still at an early stage of adoption and have stirred controversy in the medical community with regard to the usability of the information delivered to patients. The present study’s objective is to explore whether the general population between 30 and 50 years of age is ready to adopt these self-tests. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted to investigate the thinking of 22 participants living in or around Paris with regard to medical self-testing in general and the latest types of self-tests in particular. The study’s findings highlight the participants’ low awareness of self-tests and their double-edged attitude toward them. The results suggest there is a discrepancy between patients’ stated willingness to emancipate themselves from medical professionals and their level of dependency when it comes to receiving a diagnosis. This finding emphasizes a strong need for guidance by the medical community, as the users do not trust their own skills to analyze self-tests’ results and they are satisfied with traditional laboratory testing.
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- titre
- Is self-mockery in advertising copywriting an efficient strategy to build brand closeness and purchase intention?
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2021, 38 (7), pp.813-827. ⟨10.1108/JCM-09-2020-4100⟩
- resume
- Purpose Brands have increasingly used self-mockery in advertisements. Although previous insights from the social science literature assert that self-mockery is an effective strategy to boost brand closeness, the paper aims to show a more contigent view of self-mockery efficiency in an advertising context. Design/methodology/approach Two experiments were conducted. Findings This study shows that self-mockery helps build brand purchase intention through brand closeness only when self-mockery is based on a weak negative claim rather than a strong negative claim and that this influence occurs only for consumers with prior positive brand attitudes. Practical implications Marketing managers should consider self-mockery as a valuable brand-building strategy, especially if the main goal of the brand is to develop brand closeness among consumers with prior positive brand attitudes. Originality/value First, the current research is the first to provide empirical support for the mediating role of brand closeness to explain how self-mockery influences brand purchase intention. Second, this study qualify previous results and the popular idea that self-mockery may systematically help build brand closeness. This study demonstrates that this effect is conditional on the strength of the negative attribute claim disclosed and consumers’ prior brand attitudes.
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- titre
- Se digitaliser sans renier ses valeurs : Quelles stratégies marketing digital les marques de luxe déploient-elles pour relever ce défi ?
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Nadr El Hana, Wissal Ben Arfi
- article
- Revue management & avenir, 2021, N° 123 (3), pp.119-139. ⟨10.3917/mav.123.0119⟩
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- titre
- Expressing one's opinions freely on politicians using parodies: Effect of the sources of political parodies (user- vs. media-generated parodies)
- auteur
- Nadr El Hana, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Psychology and Marketing, 2021, ⟨10.1002/mar.21484⟩
- resume
- Political parody, which is entitled to free speech protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, aims at criticizing politicians' policies and ideas with humor. As such, political parodies represent a serious threat to a politician's brand image and reputation. Despite their prevalence in political life and debates, the relative persuasive effects of political parodies based on their communication source (user-generated parody [UGP] vs. media-generated parody [MGP]) have been underexplored. To fill this gap, we developed two studies. The first study involved content analysis of more than 330 parody videos posted on YouTube between 2012 and April 2019 in France. Our findings, in Study 1, showed that MGP led to fewer likes and a more negative attitude toward the parody than UGP. The second study, based on controlled experiment, provided evidence through mediation; compared to UGP, MGP led to more negative attitudes toward the parody and less perceived influence of the parody because of a higher perception of the source's intention to manipulate. This mediating effect was significant only when individuals were highly skeptical of traditional media. These findings add to current theories of political parody, free speech and user-generated content and offer actionable insights to practitioners.
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- titre
- Self-mockery in advertising : when not taking yourself seriously makes consumers take you seriously
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Nadr El Hana
- article
- Journal of Marketing Trends, 2021, 7 (1), p. 21-30
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Conference papers
- titre
- Conversational commerce: do biased choices offered by voice assistants constrain its appropriation?
- auteur
- Valérie Rabassa, Ouidade Sabri, Claire Spaletta
- article
- 14th Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Conference (ACIEK), Jun 2021, Paris, France
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Other publications
- titre
- CCI Paris-Île-De-France : créer ses buyers personas à partir de focus groups pour un parcours utilisateur efficace
- auteur
- Nadr El Hana, Ouidade Sabri, Zaida Yasmine
- article
- 2021
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- titre
- CCI Paris-Île-De-France : créer ses buyers personas à partir de focus groups pour un parcours utilisateur efficace
- auteur
- Nadr El Hana, Ouidade Sabri, Yasmina Zaida
- article
- cas CCMP, 2021, https://www.ccmp.fr/collection-ccmp/cas-cci-paris-ile-de-france-creer-ses-buyers-personas-a-partir-de-focus-groups-pour-un-parcours-utilisateur-efficace
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- titre
- CCI Paris-Île-De-France : créer ses buyers personas à partir de focus groups pour un parcours utilisateur efficace
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Nadr El Hana, Zaida Yasmine
- article
- 2021
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- titre
- Marketing digital
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Nadr El Hana, Elie Sic Sic
- article
- Vuibert, 2021
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Journal articles
- titre
- When does coopetition affect price unfairness perception? The roles of market structure and innovation
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Amina Djedidi, Mouhoub Hani
- article
- Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2020, ⟨10.1108/JBIM-05-2019-0192⟩
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- titre
- When is transparent packaging beneficial?
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Han Doan, Faten Malek, Hajer Bachouche
- article
- International Journal of Retailing & Distribution Management, 2020, 48 (8), p.781-801. ⟨10.1108/IJRDM-03-2019-0097⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- An exploration of effects of launching empowerment strategies by brands for participating customers
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- 23rd AMS World Marketing Congress, Jun 2020, Brisbane, Australia
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- titre
- You Donate, We Vote: An Investigation of the Efficacy Of Empowerment to Select Strategies Implemented in Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri, E. Pehlivan
- article
- 36è congrès AFM, 2020, Biarritz, France
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- titre
- Marketing
- auteur
- Helfer Jean-Pierre, Jacques Orsoni, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Vuibert. 15ème édition, 2020
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Journal articles
- titre
- Empowerment in marketing: synthesis, critical review, and agenda for future research
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- AMS Review, 2019, 9, p.304-323
- resume
- We comprehensively review consumer empowerment, which has received increasing attention from academics and has given rise to inconsistent theoretical frameworks. Building on a multidisciplinary approach and a review of power models, we begin with a conceptualization of empowerment, identifying the concept’s contours and origins. Then, we show how multidisciplinary advancements influence the marketing discipline through an assessment of the empowerment literature. We reveal important knowledge gaps on the topic related to different theoretical orientations and various levels of analysis and contexts. We then propose an organizing framework to help understand the underlying mechanisms induced in psychological empowerment by changes in the market structure and technological shifts, consumer-to-firm, state-to-consumer, and firm-to-consumer deliberate actions. Our critical review of the marketing literature reveals the limits of prior research, and we suggest directions for future theoretical and empirical research on the consumer empowerment theme.
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Conference papers
- titre
- Are All Customer Empowerment Strategies Equally Beneficial? A Relative Efficacy and Issue of the Campaign Accounts
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- AMS Annual Conference, Jun 2019, Vancouver, Canada
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- titre
- The value of feedback and rewards within crowdsourcing platforms: Insights from professionals and communities’ members
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri, C. Siala
- article
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Thought Leader Conference Innovating in the Digital Economy, Jun 2019, Milano, Italy
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- titre
- Recourir aux stratégies d’empowerment des consommateurs pour innover ? Oui… mais pour quel type de marque ?
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- 35è congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), May 2019, Le Havre, France
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- titre
- Relaying to customer empowerment strategies to develop new products? Yes… But for what brand type?
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- EMAC Conference, 2019, Hamburg, Germany
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Journal articles
- titre
- A commentary on the treatment of taboo in consumption and marketing
- auteur
- Gretchen Larsen, Maurice Patterson, Ouidade Sabri, Luciana Walther
- article
- Journal of Marketing Management, 2018, 34 (13-14), pp.1067-1077
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- titre
- The detrimental effect of cause-related marketing parodies
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Journal of Business Ethics, 2018, 151 (2), pp.517-537
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Conference papers
- titre
- A better understanding of customer empowerment campaigns effects' on brand equity metrics
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference, Jun 2018, Nouvelle Orléans, United States
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- titre
- What are the perceptual and behavioral changes arising from consumer empowerment strategies launched by brands?
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- 34th Congress of the French Marketing Association (AFM), May 2018, Strasbourg, France
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- titre
- Analyse de données avec SPSS
- auteur
- Simon Porcher, Marie-Eve Laporte, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Vuibert. 2018
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Journal articles
- titre
- Does viral communication context increase the harmfulness of controversial taboo advertising?
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Journal of Business Ethics, 2017, 141 (2), pp.235-247. ⟨10.1007/s10551-015-2751-9⟩
- resume
- Controversial taboo appeals as an executional cue in viral advertising have commonly been used by advertisers. In this context, the study investigates the role of medium context on the effectiveness of controversial taboo ads. By implementing a tightly controlled experiment which deals with controversial taboo ads embedded in a press article and in a viral context, the study finds that the viral medium context does not lead to a more positive attitude toward the embedded brand or to more positive purchase intentions. In addition, a viral medium context triggers ‘unintended consequences’ that lead consumers to undermine the level of tabooness of the viral advertising and subjective norms. To increase the external validity of the research, the results were replicated for two kinds of controversial taboo appeals; one related to sexuality, and the other to death. The results provide useful implications for theory and practice. Extending viral advertising research, a different angle on controversial viral advertising has been taken, shifting from an advertiser and brand focus, to a societal and social one. The work leads to a better understanding of the ethics of controversial viral advertising, and demonstrates its role in the trivialization of taboo behaviors and imagery. The results confirm the need for more regulation of online buzz communication and encourage regulatory bodies to extend policies of viral advertising regulation.
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Conference papers
- titre
- Empowerment in marketing: Synthesis, critical review, and agenda for future research
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui
- article
- 2017 AMS World Marketing Congress, Jun 2017, Christchurch, New Zealand
- resume
- The literature on empowerment in marketing has grown exponentially in the 2000s. This article provides a comprehensive review of the concept of consumer empowerment, which in prior research has given rise to a variety of work with sometimes contradictory theoretical frameworks. Consequently, research fragmentation on the one hand, and the lack of integrative framework uniting all facets of empowerment, on the other hand, justify this research. We carried out a review of more than 600 publications and books in various disciplines. As literature on consumer empowerment is traditionally published on Ebsco, this database was favored, then we've opened our study to other search engines (Elsevier, Web of Web of Science and Google Scholar).We conducted a research for articles with titles, keywords, or abstracts containing the terms "empowerment" and "consumer". From this research and identified references, we've selected 142 articles that we've studied in depth. Firstly, building on scholarly insights from multiple literature streams, this paper identifies three facets of empowerment (bestowing power, gaining power, and as a subjective state) and structures extant marketing research according to it. As a matter of fact, marketing literature related to consumer empowerment can be classified according to the three facets of empowerment: the literature on public policy and collaborative management practices illustrates the process of delegation of power by local authorities or companies to consumers, while the process of gaining power from the consumers' perspective focuses on resistance to market structures. Finally, empowerment as a subjective state, called « psychological empowerment », refers to the consumer « sense of empowerment » related to an extension of its resources and an easier access to information by Web 2.0. Secondly, an examination of foundational theories of power enables us to identify three models of power: the consumer sovereignty model, the cultural power model and the discursive power model. These three competing models deliver a different and complementary approach of the concept of empowerment and refer implicitly to the three facets of empowerment (bestowing power, gaining power, and power as a subjective state) discussed in this paper. Thirdly, linking the critical synthesis of empirical findings from marketing literature and theoretical approaches of power, we propose an integrated framework where future advancements on empowerment can be developed. This analysis reveals some limits associated with earlier research. We end by suggesting further directions of research to advance the theorization and empirical testing of empowerment.
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- titre
- Are all customer empowerment strategies equally beneficial? The role of brand familiarity and type of empowerment strategies
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui
- article
- 33è congrès de l'Association Française de Marketing, Association Française du Marketing May 2017, Tours, France
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- titre
- Are all customer empowerment strategies equally beneficial? The role of brand familiarity and type of empowerment strategies?
- auteur
- Hajer Bachouche, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- 33th Congress of the French Marketing Association (AFM), May 2017, Tours, France
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Journal articles
- titre
- Home sweet messy home: managing symbolic pollution
- auteur
- Delphine Dion, Ouidade Sabri, Valérie Guillard
- article
- Journal of Consumer Research, 2014, 41 (3), pp.565-589
- resume
- Hanging up our coat, tidying our desk, classifying our books, what meanings do these mundane practices convey? Extending Mary Douglas’s work, this article investigates tidiness from the angle of symbolic pollution. Based on photo-elicitation, it shows that, similarly to symbolic pollution described at a macro-social level, tidiness depends on two conditions, namely, a set of classifications and the dangerous transgression of these classifications. However, at a micro-social level, individuals negotiate boundaries between classifications in order to cope with symbolic pollution. Consumers define their domestic classifications through a juxtaposition of micro-practices, which does not necessarily create a hierarchically ordered system but which enables these consumers to avoid anomalies and transgressions. Furthermore, respondents are willing to break tidiness rules on specific occasions because the danger-beliefs associated with transgression are context-dependent. This analysis of tidiness gives new insights into materiality, emphasizing the cultural meaning of ordering one’s possessions.
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- titre
- When do advertising parodies hurt?
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Géraldine Michel
- article
- Journal of Advertising Research, 2014, June, pp.233-247
- resume
- How harmful is a parody for the target brand? To address this question, the current study focused on negative advertising parodies created by amateurs and spread through social media. It examined the types of consumers for whom—and contexts in which—negative advertising parodies would adversely affect attention, attitudes, purchase intentions, and intentions to pass along an advertisement. The authors found that advertising parody is detrimental for the parodied brand if the parody is strongly credible and contains humor. Highly committed consumers are not isolated from this detrimental effect. These findings have implications for both research and practice.
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Book sections
- titre
- Le marketing : une fonction à l’épreuve des nouveaux défis
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Stéphane Saussier, Aude Le Lannier. Master Management des entreprises : L’essentiel de la gestion par les meilleurs professeurs, Eyrolles, pp.67-86, 2013
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Journal articles
- titre
- Quelle cible pour les publicités taboues provocantes?
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Décisions Marketing, 2012, Avril-Juin (66), pp.9-19
- resume
- L'efficacité d'une stratégie publicitaire reposant sur la violation de tabous dépend notamment des caractéristiques individuelles de la cible. Cette étude se donne un double objectif : (1) déterminer une typologie des récepteurs en fonction de la nature et de l'intensité des émotions ressenties à l'égard de publicités tabou provocantes et (2) identifier les caractéristiques individuelles des récepteurs qui y sont favorables. Au moyen de deux études qualitative et quantitative, quatre classes ont été identifiées ainsi que leur profil : les ambivalents, les univalents positifs, les univalents négatifs et les indifférents. Des recommandations managériales sont formulées afin d'accroître l'efficacité d'une telle pratique publicitaire.
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- titre
- Consumer perception of taboo in ads
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Obermiller Carl
- article
- Journal of Business Research, 2012, 65 (6), pp.869-873
- resume
- Practitioners frequently use taboo themes in ads but the subject of taboo has received little attention in advertising research. This article proposes a new conceptualization and measure of consumer perception of taboo in advertising. Using the new measure, an empirical study reveals that – for a general audience – the use of sexual taboo and death taboo themes in ads produces a more negative brand attitude and triggers social normative pressure that reduces intention to purchase the advertised product.
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- titre
- Taboo advertising: can humor help to attract attention and enhance recall?
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 2012, 20 (4), pp.407-422
- resume
- Taboo advertising" is often seen as an effective way to attract attention and enhance recall. Drawing on arousal theory and the "taboo-superiority effect," this study questions the nature of the relationship between the level of tabooness and the achievement of those aims. Purpose-designed print advertisements manipulated levels of taboo and humor. Analysis of data collected from 180 respondents in France finds a curvilinear relationship, in which an optimum level of taboo-arousal achieves maximum attention and recall. It also finds that humor decreases perceived tabooness of objectively high-taboo advertisements. Implications for marketing communications strategy are discussed, and future research directions are suggested.
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- titre
- Preliminary investigation of the communication effects of “taboo” themes in advertising
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri
- article
- European Journal of Marketing, 2012, 46 (1/2), pp.215-236
- resume
- Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to fill a gap in the literature of taboo imagery in advertising by drawing on cognate disciplines to build a conceptual framework and identify the characteristics of taboo-challenging advertisements and the audiences who react to them. Design/methodology/approach – Data collected by 22 in-depth individual qualitative interviews in Morocco and France were subjected to two-stage formal content analysis. Findings – This study reveals the importance of normative social influence, the properties of the taboo, contagion from the content of the ad to the brand and to customers, and ambivalent emotional reactions. The valence and the intensity of the responses to such advertising depend on personal, interpersonal and situational factors. Research limitations/implications – The conclusions are based on findings from a relatively small number of respondents reacting to one type of taboo only, but they offer a useful theoretical framework and an empirical basis for future research on the communication effects and effectiveness of taboo in advertising. Practical implications – The study offers advertisers a better understanding of the factors and processes likely to influence consumers’ reactions to the strategy of invoking taboo themes in advertising campaigns, with positive implications in terms of audience segmentation and media selection. Originality/value – Despite the prevalence of “taboo advertising”, little research-based analysis has so far been available to academics or practitioners.
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Journal articles
- titre
- Faut-il concevoir le prospectus en fonction de la fidélité du client à l'enseigne ?
- auteur
- Béatrice Parguel, Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui, Aîda Mimouni
- article
- Décisions Marketing, 2010, 59, pp.49-59
- resume
- Cette étude évalue l'influence de l'attractivité de trois caractéristiques du prospectus -- le prix, l'offre et le thème -- sur son efficacité pour le distributeur. Les résultats d'une enquête exploratoire menée auprès de 958 individus mettent en évidence des mécanismes d'influence différents en fonction de la fidélité du client. Pour les clients fidèles, l'attractivité perçue des prix au sein du prospectus a un effet positif important sur l'achat de produits promus. Pour les clients occasionnels, la visite de l'enseigne et l'achat de produits promus en prospectus sont influencés directement par l'attractivité perçue des prix et indirectement par l'attractivité perçue du thème du prospectus. Des recommandations sont formulées pour le distributeur afin d'optimiser la conception du prospectus en fonction du profil des clients.
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- titre
- Le tabou, un concept peu exploré en marketing
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Delphine Manceau, Bernard Pras
- article
- Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2010, 25 (1), pp.59-86
- resume
- Malgré l’importance des tabous dans les sociétés contemporaines et leur influence sur la consommation, le concept de tabou reste peu exploré en marketing. Partant des approches anthropologique, sociologique et psychanalytique, cet article met en avant cinq caractéristiques définitoires du tabou qui viennent éclairer et enrichir les travaux antérieurs en marketing relevant de la question du tabou. Il propose des perspectives de recherche relatives à l’influence des caractéristiques des tabous sur le comportement du consommateur et sa perception par les individus tout en insistant sur la prudence mais aussi la créativité méthodologiques nécessaires dans l’étude de cet objet de recherche.
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- titre
- auteur
- Aîda Mimouni, Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui, Béatrice Parguel
- article
- Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, 2010, 17 (6), pp.478-486
- resume
- This study investigates the effect of competitive advertising within store flyers on both manufacturers and retailers. Prior research implies that competitive advertising may be detrimental for manufacturers and beneficial for retailers. Findings from an intersubject experiment that uses various familiar and unfamiliar competing brands confirm that store flyers' competitive advertising improves consumers' perceptions of the variety of the retailer's assortment, which has a positive impact on intentions to visit the store and buy. However, increasing the number of competing brands does not harm manufacturers; rather, it enhances recognition of brands, especially for well-known brands. This article concludes with a discussion of the theoretical and managerial implications of these findings for the design of store flyers.
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Conference papers
- titre
- L'influence relative des caractéristiques perçues du prospectus sur son efficacité pour le distributeur
- auteur
- Béatrice Parguel, Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui, Aîda Mimouni
- article
- Colloque Etienne Thil, 2009, France
- resume
- Cette recherche évalue l'influence de l'attractivité de trois caractéristiques du prospectus - les prix, l'offre et le thème - sur son efficacité pour le distributeur en termes de visite du magasin, d'achat de produits présentés en prospectus et d'image de l'enseigne. Une enquête menée au-près de 958 individus montre que l'attractivité des prix domine l'explication de l'efficacité du prospectus, alors que celle de l'offre a peu d'impact. L'attractivité du thème, pour sa part, in-fluence directement l'image de l'enseigne et indirectement la visite et l'achat en incitant à la consultation du prospectus.
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- titre
- L'influence relative des éléments d'exécution d'un prospectus
- auteur
- Béatrice Parguel, Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui, Aîda Mimouni
- article
- Forum du Géomarketing, 2009, France
- resume
- Cette étude évalue l'influence de l'attractivité de trois caractéristiques du prospectus - le prix, l'offre et le thème - sur son efficacité pour le distributeur. Les résultats d'une enquête exploratoire menée auprès de 958 individus mettent en évidence des mécanismes d'influence différents en fonction de la fidélité du client. Pour les clients fidèles, l'attractivité perçue des prix au sein du prospectus a un effet positif important sur l'achat de produits promus. Pour les clients occasionnels, la visite de l'enseigne et l'achat de produits promus en prospectus sont influencés directement par l'attractivité perçue des prix et indirectement par l'attractivité perçue du thème du prospectus. Des recommandations sont formulées pour le distributeur afin d'optimiser la conception du prospectus en fonction du profil des clients.
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- titre
- Maxi-Fiches de Marketing
- auteur
- Eva Delacroix, Alain Debenedetti, Ouidade Sabri
- article
- Christian Pinson. Dunod, pp.169, 2009
- resume
- Un ouvrage qui présente les principaux concepts et outils du marketing
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Journal articles
- titre
- Portées et limites du lot virtuel : une étude exploratoire
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri, Béatrice Parguel, Pauline de Pechpeyrou
- article
- Décisions Marketing, 2008, 50, pp.49-57. ⟨10.7193/DM.050.49.57⟩
- resume
- Le coût élevé de mise en œuvre des techniques promotionnelles traditionnelles amène les distributeurs et les industriels à rechercher de nouveaux formats de pro- motion, parmi lesquels le lot dit « virtuel ». Après avoir présenté cette technique et ses enjeux, l’article analyse les principaux avantages qu’en retirent les acteurs de la distribution, ainsi que ses contraintes. Il s’interroge dans un second temps sur les réactions des consommateurs face au lot virtuel à l’aide d’une approche exploratoire. Les facteurs clés de succès de l’implantation du lot virtuel en magasin sont proposés à la suite de ce double éclairage managers et consommateurs.
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Portées et limites du lot virtuel : une étude exploratoire
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui, Béatrice Parguel, Pauline de Pechpeyrou
- article
- Décisions Marketing, 2008, 50, pp.49-57
- resume
- Le coût élevé de mise en œuvre des techniques promotionnelles traditionnelles amène les distributeurs et les industriels à rechercher de nouveaux formats de promotion, parmi lesquels le lot dit " virtuel ". Après avoir présenté cette technique et ses enjeux, l'article analyse les principaux avantages qu'en retirent les acteurs de la distribution, ainsi que ses contraintes. Il s'interroge dans un second temps sur les réactions des consommateurs face au lot virtuel à l'aide d'une approche qualitative exploratoire. Les facteurs clés de succès de l'implantation du lot virtuel en magasin sont proposés à la suite de ce double éclairage managers et consommateurs.
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Conference papers
- titre
- L'interférence concurrentielle dans la communication par prospectus : une étude exploratoire
- auteur
- Aîda Mimouni, Béatrice Parguel, Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui
- article
- Colloque Etienne Thil, 2008, France
- resume
- La présence de plusieurs marques concurrentes au sein d'une même page d'un prospectus est une pratique courante. Cette étude s'interroge sur l'effet négatif de cette pratique sur le rappel de la marque et de l'offre promotionnelle en envisageant l'existence d'un processus d'interférence concurrentielle, déjà mis en évidence par les travaux en communication publicitaire. Une expérimentation inter-sujets portant sur 400 adultes indique un effet négatif limité de l'exposition à des marques concurrentes sur le rappel de la marque et de la promotion. Elle montre par ailleurs que cet effet, lorsqu'il existe, touche aussi bien les marques familières que les marques non familières. Des implications managériales sont proposées pour réduire l'effet de l'interférence concurrentielle.
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Journal articles
- titre
- Format Effects in Volume Discounts to Consumers
- auteur
- Béatrice Parguel, Pauline de Pechpeyrou, Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui, Pierre Desmet
- article
- Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2007, 16 (5), pp.348-357
- resume
- Purpose Using a classification of benefits and costs of promotional offers (Raghubir et al., 2004) along three routes - economic, informational and affective - this paper aims at evaluating, from the consumer's point of view, the relative perceptual disadvantages of separate-item bundles compared to pre-wrapped bundles. Design/methodology/approach The marketing literature and a qualitative study based on 18 consumers permit us to identify the relative perceived costs and benefits associated with separate-item bundles and to derive hypotheses. An experiment on a sample of 120 adult consumers was then set up to test these hypotheses. Findings The findings suggest that consumers associate separate-item bundles with higher economic benefit but also with higher inspection costs. From a more global perspective, there is no loss of interest in separate-item bundles compared to pre-wrapped bundles. Research limitations/implications Focusing our research on separate-item bundles clarifies the way consumers evaluate promotions. Its qualitative phase gives support to the relevance of an "informational route" (Raghubir et al., 2004), beyond the traditional utilitarian and hedonic routes (Chandon et al., 2000). Its quantitative phase confirms the importance of cognitive biases in consumers' perceptions of promotions. Practical implications The numerous advantages of separate-item bundles for manufacturers and retailers and their attraction to consumers should lead to an increasingly intensive use in promotional campaigns. Besides, the quality of in-store communication is the most important factor of the success of separate-item bundles, which provides the opportunity to propose meaningful recommendations for practitioners. Originality/value of paper If the strengths and weaknesses of separate-item bundles have already been studied from a managerial point of view, to our knowledge, no research has focused on separate-item bundle efficiency from the consumer's point of view.
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Conference papers
- titre
- Taboos in advertising: conceptualisation, scale development and analysis of its communication effects
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui
- article
- American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Educators' Conference Proceedings, 2007, Washington, United States. pp.30
- resume
- Although intensively transgressed by advertisers, next to nothing has been written on the subject of taboos in marketing. Based on a multi-field approach (anthropological, sociological and psychoanalysis), a conceptualization of the taboo is proposed and a reliable and valid measurement of this construct in an advertising context is developed. Using this scale, the communication effects of taboo ads are investigated. The use of taboos in ads leads to a more negative attitude toward the ad which carries over into negative attitude toward the brand and negative purchase intention. The utility of the proposed scale is discussed both for future research and advertising strategy.
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Conference papers
- titre
- Perceptions et évaluations du lot virtuel par le consommateur
- auteur
- Béatrice Parguel, Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui, Pierre Desmet, Pauline de Pechpeyrou
- article
- Colloque Etienne Thil, 2006, France
- resume
- Le lot virtuel est une offre promotionnelle qui conditionne l'obtention d'une gratuité ou d'une réduction à l'achat simultané d'un nombre déterminé d'unités de produits présentées séparément. Technique promotionnelle présentant de nombreux avantages pour les distributeurs comme pour les industriels, le lot virtuel connaît actuellement un développement rapide dans la grande distribution. Néanmoins, aucune recherche ne s'est jusqu'ici penchée sur l'efficacité du lot virtuel du point de vue du consommateur. Une étude qualitative menée auprès de neuf consommateurs a permis de mettre en évidence la perception de freins associés à cette forme de promotion. Une expérimentation portant sur 120 consommateurs adultes a été mise en place afin de tester les hypothèses issues de la revue de littérature et de l'étude qualitative. Les résultats permettent de conclure qu'il n'y a pas de réduction significative de l'intérêt pour le lot virtuel par rapport au lot réel.
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- titre
- Consumer's perceptions and evaluations of virtual bundling
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui, Pierre Desmet, Pauline de Pechpeyrou, Béatrice Parguel
- article
- ANZMAC, 2006, Brisbane, Australia
- resume
- Virtual bundles are promotional offers in which obtaining free product or money discount is linked to the purchase of a certain number of products presented separately. As it offers numerous advantages to retailers and manufacturers, virtual bundling is more and more used in mass marketing. Nevertheless, till now, no research has focused on its efficiency. The purpose of this paper is to identify the relative efficiency of virtual bundles compared to real bundles from the consumer's point of view. From a qualitative study based on nine consumers, the perceived costs associated with virtual bundles have been identified. An experimentation on a sample of 120 adult consumers was then set up to test the hypotheses derived from the literature and the qualitative study. The findings suggest that consumers associate virtual bundles with higher economic benefit but also with cognitive costs.
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- titre
- Vers une meilleure compréhension des réactions du récepteur face aux annonces publicitaires « taboues» à caractère sexuel dans les sociétés musulmanes méditerranéennes
- auteur
- Ouidade Sabri-Zaaraoui
- article
- Ier colloque international sur le « Management dans l'espace méditerranéen », 2006, Beyrouth, Liban. pp.28
- resume
- Cet article a pour objectif de comprendre les réactions des récepteurs face à un stimulus publicitaire tabou à connotations sexuelles dans les sociétés musulmanes méditerranéennes. A cette fin, une étude exploratoire qualitative a été menée au Maroc. Les résultats de cette étude révèlent l'importance de l'influence sociale normative, des réactions affectives ambivalentes ou encore du respect des valeurs traditionnelles au cours du processus de persuasion publicitaire. Un modèle conceptuel est proposé et les résultats sont discutés.
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