Journal articles
- titre
- Patent Clearinghouse and Technology Diffusion: What is the Contribution of Arbitration Agreements?
- auteur
- Emanuele Bacchiega, Olivier Bonroy, Adrien Hervouet
- article
- The B.E. journal of economic analysis & policy, 2024, 24 (4), pp.1175-1207. ⟨10.1515/bejeap-2023-0220⟩
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- titre
- Farm‐saved seed, royalty rates, and innovation in plant breeding
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Stéphane Lemarié
- article
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics, In press, ⟨10.1111/ajae.12489⟩
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- titre
- Plant Breeders' Rights, Patents, and Incentives to Innovate
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Corinne Langinier
- article
- Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2018, 43 (1), pp.118-150. ⟨10.22004/ag.econ.267613⟩
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- titre
- The private value of plant variety protection and the impact of exemption rules
- auteur
- Marc Baudry, Adrien Hervouet
- article
- Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2017, 26 (3), pp.202-226. ⟨10.1080/10438599.2016.1165714⟩
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- titre
- Innovation in the seed market: the role of IPRs and commercialization rules
- auteur
- Marc Baudry, Adrien Hervouet
- article
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, 2016, 14 (1), pp.51-68. ⟨10.1515/jafio-2015-0002⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- The Economics of Royalty Rates in Plant Breeding
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Stéphane Lemarié
- article
- European Association of Agricultural Economists Congress, EAAE, Aug 2023, Rennes, France
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- titre
- The Economics of Royalty Rates in Plant Breeding
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Stéphane Lemarié
- article
- 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET), Oct 2022, Rethymno, Greece
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- titre
- Patent privateering with endogenous litigation: evidence from Europe
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Emmanuel Lorenzon, Cesare Righi, Valerio Sterzi
- article
- XXXVI Jornadas de Economía Industrial, Sep 2022, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
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- titre
- Patent Clearinghouse in the Agricultural Biotechnology Industry: a Solution to the Blocking Patents?
- auteur
- Emanuele Bacchiega, Olivier Bonroy, Adrien Hervouet
- article
- XVI Congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists, Jul 2021, Prague, Czech Republic
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- titre
- The Economics of Royalty Rate in Plant Breeding
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Stéphane Lemarié
- article
- 14èmes journées de recherche en sciences sociales INRAE, SFER, CIRAD, Apr 2021, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Patent Clearinghouse in the agricultural biotechnology industry: a solution to blocking patents?
- auteur
- Emanuele Bacchiega, Olivier Bonroy, Adrien Hervouet
- article
- 35th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Aug 2020, Online Event, Netherlands
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- titre
- Exclusion with Patent Clearinghouse: The Role of Arbitration
- auteur
- Emanuele Bacchiega, Olivier Bonroy, Adrien Hervouet
- article
- The First International Workshop in Law & Economics, Jun 2019, Grenoble, France
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- titre
- Knowledge sharing and competition in a bio-tech consortium
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Michel Trommetter
- article
- 11e Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales (JRSS) - INRA SFER CIRAD, INRA SFER CIRAD, Dec 2017, Lyon, France
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- titre
- Knowledge sharing and competition in a bio-tech consortium
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Michel Trommetter
- article
- 32e Jornadas de Economía Industrial, Universidad de Navarra, Sep 2017, Pampelune, Spain
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- titre
- Research Cooperation: Knowledge Sharing and Competition.
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Michel Trommetter
- article
- GAEL International conference: "What’s new in the economics of innovation? Theory, empirics and public policy", Dec 2016, Grenoble, France
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- titre
- The Private Value of Plant Variety Protection and the Impact of Exemption Rules
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Marc Baudry
- article
- the 32nd Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE), Sep 2015, Vienne, Austria
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- titre
- Plant Breeders' Rights, Patents and Incentives to Innovate
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Corinne Langinier
- article
- 6ème Doctoriades Euro-méditerranéennes, Oct 2014, Toulon, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Plant Breeders' Rights, Patents and Incentives to Innovate
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Corinne Langinier
- article
- The 41st Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Aug 2014, Milan, Italy
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Promoting innovation in the seed market and biodiversity: the role of IPRs and commercialization rules
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Marc Baudry
- article
- The 30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE), Sep 2013, Varsovie, Poland
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Plant Breeders' Rights, Patents and Incentives to Innovate
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Corinne Langinier
- article
- Third GAEL Conference: Product Differentiation and Innovation on Related Markets, Jun 2013, Grenoble, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Plant Breeders' Rights, Patents and Incentives to Innovate
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Corinne Langinier
- article
- The Fifth International Doctoral Meeting of Montpellier, May 2013, Montpellier, France
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- titre
- Promoting innovation in the seed market and biodiversity: the role of IPRs and commercialization rules
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Marc Baudry
- article
- 19th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), Jun 2012, Prague, Czech Republic
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Promoting innovation in the seed market and biodiversity: the role of IPRs and commercialization rules
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Marc Baudry
- article
- 46th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association (CEA), Jun 2012, Calgary, Canada
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Promoting innovation in the seed market and biodiversity: the role of IPRs and commercialization rules
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Marc Baudry
- article
- 5e Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales (JRSS) - INRA SFER CIRAD, Dec 2011, Dijon, France
- Accès au bibtex
- titre
- Promoting innovation in the seed market and biodiversity: the role of IPRs and commercialization rules
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Marc Baudry
- article
- La protection juridique du végétal et ses enjeux économiques, Nov 2011, Angers, France
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- titre
- Économie et réglementation de la qualité sur le marché des semences de grandes cultures
- auteur
- Aline Fugeray-Scarbel, Adrien Hervouet, Stephane Lemarié
- article
- Master. Sélection pour la diversification intra-parcelle, France. 2020
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Other publications
- titre
- Évolutions réglementaires et adaptations en grandes cultures
- auteur
- Virginie Bertoux, Aline Fugeray-Scarbel, Adrien Hervouet, Benaissa Larbi, Stéphane Lemarié
- article
- 2024, pp.25-27
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- titre
- The implications of the regulation on the seed market: Intellectual Property Rights and commercialization rules
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet
- article
- Economies et finances. IEMN-IAE (Université de Nantes), 2015. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
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- titre
- The Implications of the regulation on the seed market : The Intellectual Property Rights and commercialization rules
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet
- article
- Humanities and Social Sciences. Université de Nantes, 2015. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩
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Preprints, Working Papers, ...
- titre
- Public-private R&D partnerships: A solution to increase knowledge sharing in R&D cooperation
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Michel Trommetter
- article
- 2020
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- titre
- Innovation on the seed market : the role of IPRs and commercialisation rules
- auteur
- Adrien Hervouet, Marc Baudry
- article
- 2014
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