Journal articles
- auteur
- Tarek Ben Slimane, Alexandre Leduc, Loïc Schiesko, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Analysis and control of Hall effect thruster using optical emission spectroscopy and artificial neural network
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2024, 136 (15), ⟨10.1063/5.0214760⟩
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- auteur
- Victor P Pasko, Sebastien Celestin, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Photoelectric Feedback Mechanism for Acceleration of Runaway Electrons in Gas Discharges at High Overvoltages
- article
- Physical Review Letters, 2024, 133 (23), pp.235301. ⟨10.1103/physrevlett.133.235301⟩
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- auteur
- Federico Petronio, Alejandro Alvarez Laguna, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Study of the breathing mode development in Hall thrusters using hybrid simulations
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2024, 135 (7), ⟨10.1063/5.0188859⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Alejandro Alvarez Laguna, B Esteves, J-L Raimbault, A Bourdon, P Chabert
- titre
- Discussion on the transport processes in electrons with non-Maxwellian energy distribution function in partially-ionized plasmas
- article
- Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2023, 65 (5), pp.054002. ⟨10.1088/1361-6587/acc422⟩
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- auteur
- Victor Pasko, Sebastien Celestin, Anne Bourdon, Reza Janalizadeh, Jaroslav Jansky
- titre
- Conditions for Inception of Relativistic Runaway Discharges in Air
- article
- Geophysical Research Letters, 2023, 50 (7), pp.e2022GL102710. ⟨10.1029/2022GL102710⟩
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- auteur
- Federico Petronio, Thomas Charoy, Alejandro Alvarez Laguna, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Two-dimensional effects on electrostatic instabilities in Hall thrusters. II. Comparison of particle-in-cell simulation results with linear theory dispersion relations
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2023, 30 (1), pp.012104. ⟨10.1063/5.0119255⟩
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- auteur
- Federico Petronio, Thomas Charoy, Alejandro Alvarez Laguna, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Two-dimensional effects on electrostatic instabilities in Hall thrusters. I. Insights from particle-in-cell simulations and two-point power spectral density reconstruction techniques
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2023, 30 (1), pp.012103. ⟨10.1063/5.0119253⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- I Adamovich, S Agarwal, E Ahedo, L L Alves, S Baalrud, N Babaeva, A Bogaerts, A Bourdon, P J Bruggeman, C Canal, E H Choi, S Coulombe, Z Donkó, D B Graves, S Hamaguchi, D Hegemann, M Hori, H-H Kim, G M W Kroesen, M J Kushner, A Laricchiuta, X Li, T E Magin, S Mededovic Thagard, V Miller, A B Murphy, G S Oehrlein, N Puac, R M Sankaran, S Samukawa, M Shiratani, M Šimek, N Tarasenko, K Terashima, E Thomas Jr, J Trieschmann, S Tsikata, M M Turner, I J van der Walt, M C M van de Sanden, T von Woedtke
- titre
- The 2022 Plasma Roadmap: low temperature plasma science and technology
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55 (37), pp.373001. ⟨10.1088/1361-6463/ac5e1c⟩
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- auteur
- Alejandro Alvarez Laguna, B. Esteves, A. Bourdon, P. Chabert
- titre
- A regularized high-order moment model to capture non-Maxwellian electron energy distribution function effects in partially ionized plasmas
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2022, 29 (8), pp.083507. ⟨10.1063/5.0095019⟩
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- auteur
- N. Barleon, L. Cheng, B. Cuenot, O. Vermorel, A. Bourdon
- titre
- Investigation of the impact of NRP discharge frequency on the ignition of a lean methane-air mixture using fully coupled plasma-combustion numerical simulations
- article
- Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2022, ⟨10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.046⟩
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- auteur
- Tarek Ben Slimane, Cyrille Honoré, Thomas Charoy, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Analysis of small scale fluctuations in Hall effect thrusters using virtual Thomson scattering on PIC simulations
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2022, 29, ⟨10.1063/5.0073215⟩
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- auteur
- L. Cheng, N. Barleon, B. Cuenot, O. Vermorel, A. Bourdon
- titre
- Plasma assisted combustion of methane-air mixtures: Validation and reduction
- article
- Combustion and Flame, 2022, 240, pp.111990. ⟨10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.111990⟩
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- auteur
- Tat Loon Chng, David Z. Pai, Olivier Guaitella, Svetlana Starikovskaia, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Effect of the electric field profile on the accuracy of E-FISH measurements in ionization waves
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2022, 31 (1), pp.015010. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ac4592⟩
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- auteur
- B Esteves, F Marmuse, C Drag, A Bourdon, A Alvarez Laguna, P Chabert
- titre
- Charged-particles measurements in low-pressure iodine plasmas used for electric propulsion
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2022, 31 (8), pp.085007. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ac8288⟩
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- auteur
- Pedro Viegas, Elmar Slikboer, Zdenek Bonaventura, Olivier Guaitella, Ana Sobota, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Physics of plasma jets and interaction with surfaces: review on modelling and experiments
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2022, 31 (5), pp.053001. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ac61a9⟩
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- auteur
- Pedro Viegas, Elmar Slikboer, Zdenek Bonaventura, Enric Garcia-Caurel, Olivier Guaitella, Ana Sobota, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Quantification of surface charging memory effect in ionization wave dynamics
- article
- Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.1181. ⟨10.1038/s41598-022-04914-8⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Anne Bourdon, François Péchereau, Fabien Tholin, Zdenek Bonaventura
- titre
- Morphology of positive ionization waves in atmospheric pressure air: influence of electrode set-up geometry
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2021, 30 (10), pp.105022. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ac2be5⟩
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- auteur
- Anne Bourdon, François Péchereau, Fabien Tholin, Zdenek Bonaventura
- titre
- Study of the electric field in a diffuse nanosecond positive ionization wave generated in a pin-to-plane geometry in atmospheric pressure air
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54, ⟨10.1088/1361-6463/abbc3a⟩
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- auteur
- Thomas Charoy, Trevor Lafleur, Alejandro Alvarez-Laguna, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- The interaction between ion transit-time and electron drift instabilities and their effect on anomalous electron transport in Hall thrusters
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2021, 30 (6), pp.065017. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ac02b3⟩
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- auteur
- T. Lafleur, Pascal Chabert, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- The origin of the breathing mode in Hall thrusters and its stabilization
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 130 (5), pp.053305. ⟨10.1063/5.0057095⟩
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- auteur
- Federico Petronio, Antoine Tavant, Thomas Charoy, Alejandro Alvarez-Laguna, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Conditions of appearance and dynamics of the modified two-stream instability in E × B discharges
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2021, 28 (4), pp.043504. ⟨10.1063/5.0046843⟩
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- auteur
- W Villafana, Federico Petronio, A Denig, M Jimenez, D Eremin, Laurent Garrigues, F Taccogna, Alejandro Alvarez-Laguna, Jean-Pierre Boeuf, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert, Thomas Charoy, B Cuenot, K Hara, F Pechereau, A Smolyakov, D Sydorenko, A Tavant, O Vermorel
- titre
- 2D radial-azimuthal particle-in-cell benchmark for E × B discharges
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2021, 30 (7), pp.075002. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ac0a4a⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Alejandro Alvarez-Laguna, Teddy Pichard, Thierry Magin, Pascal Chabert, Anne Bourdon, Marc Massot
- titre
- An asymptotic preserving well-balanced scheme for the isothermal fluid equations in low-temperature plasma applications
- article
- Journal of Computational Physics, 2020, 419, pp.109634. ⟨10.1016/j.jcp.2020.109634⟩
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- auteur
- Alejandro Alvarez-Laguna, Thierry E. Magin, Marc Massot, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Plasma-sheath transition in multi-fluid models with inertial terms under low pressure conditions: Comparison with the classical and kinetic theory
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2020, ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ab6242⟩
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- auteur
- S. Boccelli, Thomas Charoy, Alejandro Alvarez-Laguna, P. Chabert, Anne Bourdon, T. Magin
- titre
- Collisionless ion modeling in Hall thrusters: Analytical axial velocity distribution function and heat flux closures
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2020, 27 (7), pp.073506. ⟨10.1063/5.0006258⟩
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- auteur
- Thomas Charoy, Trevor Lafleur, Antoine Tavant, Pascal Chabert, A. Bourdon
- titre
- A comparison between kinetic theory and particle-in-cell simulations of anomalous electron transport in E × B plasma discharges
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2020, ⟨10.1063/5.0003978⟩
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- auteur
- Victor Désangles, S.A. Shcherbanev, Thomas Charoy, Noé Clément, Clarence Deltel, Pablo Richard, Simon Vincent, Pascal Chabert, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Fast Camera Analysis of Plasma Instabilities in Hall Effect Thrusters Using a POD Method under Different Operating Regimes
- article
- Atmosphere, 2020, 11 (5), pp.518. ⟨10.3390/atmos11050518⟩
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- auteur
- Marlous Hofmans, Pedro Viegas, Olivier Van Rooij, Bart Klarenaar, Olivier Guaitella, Anne Bourdon, Ana Sobota
- titre
- Characterization of a kHz atmospheric pressure plasma jet: comparison of discharge propagation parameters in experiments and simulations without target
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2020, 29 (3), pp.034003. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ab6d49⟩
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- auteur
- Igor Kaganovich, Andrei Smolyakov, Yevgeny Raitses, Eduardo Ahedo, Ioannis Mikellides, Benjamin Jorns, Francesco Taccogna, R Gueroult, Sedina Tsikata, Anne Bourdon, Jean-Pierre Boeuf, Michael Keidar, Andrew Tasman Powis, Mario Merino, Mark Cappelli, Kentaro Hara, Johan Carlsson, Nathaniel Fisch, Pascal Chabert, Irina Schweigert, Trevor Lafleur, Konstantin Matyash, Alexander Khrabrov, Rod Boswell, Amnon Fruchtman
- titre
- Physics of E × B discharges relevant to plasma propulsion and similar technologies
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2020, 27 (12), pp.120601. ⟨10.1063/5.0010135⟩
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- auteur
- Romain Lucken, Antoine Tavant, Anne Bourdon, Mike Lieberman, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Saturation of the magnetic confinement in weakly ionized plasma
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2020, 29, pp.065014. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ab38b2⟩
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- auteur
- Pedro Viegas, Marlous Hofmans, Olivier van Rooij, Adam Obrusník, Bart L M Klarenaar, Zdenek Bonaventura, Olivier Guaitella, Ana Sobota, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Interaction of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet with grounded and floating metallic targets: simulations and experiments
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2020, 29 (9), pp.095011. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/aba7ec⟩
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- auteur
- Pedro Viegas, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Numerical Study of Jet-Target Interaction: Influence of Dielectric Permittivity on the Electric Field Experienced by the Target
- article
- Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2020, 40, pp.661-683. ⟨10.1007/s11090-019-10033-6⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Thomas Charoy, Jean-Pierre Boeuf, A. Bourdon, J. Carlsson, Pascal Chabert, B. Cuenot, D Eremin, Laurent Garrigues, K Hara, I D Kaganovich, A. T. Powis, A Smolyakov, D Sydorenko, Antoine Tavant, O. Vermorel, W Villafana
- titre
- 2D axial-azimuthal particle-in-cell benchmark for low-temperature partially magnetized plasmas
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2019, 28 (10), pp.105010. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ab46c5⟩
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- auteur
- Romain Lucken, A. Bourdon, M. A. Lieberman, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Instability-enhanced transport in low temperature magnetized plasma
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2019, 26, pp.070702. ⟨10.1063/1.5094422⟩
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- auteur
- Roberto Martorelli, Trevor Lafleur, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Comparison between ad-hoc and instability-induced electron anomalous transport in a 1D fluid simulation of Hall-effect thruster
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2019, 26 (8), pp.083502. ⟨10.1063/1.5089008⟩
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- auteur
- Elmar Slikboer, Pedro Viegas, Z. Bonaventura, Enric Garcia-Caurel, Ana Sobota, Anne Bourdon, Olivier Guaitella
- titre
- Experimental and numerical investigation of the transient charging of a dielectric surface exposed to a plasma jet
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2019, 28 (9), pp.095016. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ab3c27⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- auteur
- Antoine Tavant, Romain Lucken, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Non-Isothermal Sheath Model for Low Pressure Plasmas
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2019, 28 (7), pp.075007. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/ab279b⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Vivien Croes, Antoine Tavant, Romain Lucken, Roberto Martorelli, Trevor Lafleur, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- The effect of alternative propellants on the electron drift instability in Hall-effect thrusters: Insight from 2D particle-in-cell simulations
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2018, 25 (6), ⟨10.1063/1.5033492⟩
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- auteur
- Trevor Lafleur, Roberto Martorelli, Pascal Chabert, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Anomalous electron transport in Hall-effect thrusters: Comparison between quasi-linear kinetic theory and particle-in-cell simulations
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2018, 25 (6), pp.061202. ⟨10.1063/1.5017626⟩
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- auteur
- Romain Lucken, Vivien Croes, Trevor Lafleur, Jean-Luc Raimbault, A. Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- Edge-to-center plasma density ratios in two-dimensional plasma discharges
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2018, 27 (3), ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/aaaf61⟩
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- auteur
- Laxminarayan L Raja, Anne Bourdon, Peter L G Ventzek
- titre
- Recent advances in the modeling and computer simulations of non-equilibrium plasma discharges
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51 (15), pp.150202. ⟨10.1088/1361-6463/aab1b9⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- auteur
- Antoine Tavant, Vivien Croes, Romain Lucken, Trevor Lafleur, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- The effects of secondary electron emission on plasma sheath characteristics and electron transport in an ExB discharge via kinetic simulations
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2018, 27 (12), pp.124001. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/aaeccd⟩
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- auteur
- Pedro Viegas, François Pechereau, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Numerical study on the time evolutions of the electric field in helium plasma jets with positive and negative polarities
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2018, 27, pp.025007. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/aaa7d4⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Vivien Croes, Trevor Lafleur, Zdeněk Bonaventura, Anne Bourdon, Pascal Chabert
- titre
- 2D particle-in-cell simulations of the electron drift instability and associated anomalous electron transport in Hall-effect thrusters
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2017, 26 (3), pp.034001 ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/aa550f⟩
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- auteur
- Sumire Kobayashi, Zdeněk Bonaventura, Fabien Tholin, Nikolay L. Popov, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Study of nanosecond discharges in H2-air mixtures at atmospheric pressure for plasma assisted combustion applications
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2017, 26 (7), pp.1-12. ⟨10.1088/1361-6595/aa729a⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Anne Bourdon, Thibault Darny, François Pechereau, Jean-Michel Pouvesle, Pedro Viegas, Sylvain Iséni, Eric Robert
- titre
- Numerical and experimental study of the dynamics of a $\mu$s helium plasma gun discharge with various amounts of N$_2$ admixture
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2016, 25 (3), pp.035002. ⟨10.1088/0963-0252/25/3/035002⟩
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- auteur
- Olivier Chanrion, Z. Bonaventura, Anne Bourdon, Torsten Neubert
- titre
- Influence of the angular scattering of electrons on the runaway threshold in air
- article
- Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2016, 58, pp.044001. ⟨10.1088/0741-3335/58/4/044001⟩
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- auteur
- François Pechereau, Z. Bonaventura, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Influence of surface emission processes on a fast-pulsed dielectric barrier discharge in air at atmospheric pressure
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2016, 25, pp.044004. ⟨10.1088/0963-0252/25/4/044004⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Max Duarte, Zdenek Bonaventura, Marc Massot, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- A numerical strategy to discretize and solve the Poisson equation on dynamically adapted multiresolution grids for time-dependent streamer discharge simulations
- article
- Journal of Computational Physics, 2015, 289, pp.129-148. ⟨10.1016/j.jcp.2015.02.038⟩
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- auteur
- Aurélien Guy, Anne Bourdon, Marie-Yvonne Perrin
- titre
- Consistent multi-internal-temperature models for vibrational and electronic nonequilibrium in hypersonic nitrogen plasma flows
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2015, 22 (4), pp.043507. ⟨10.1063/1.4917338⟩
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- auteur
- Tomas Hoder, Zdenek Bonaventura, Anne Bourdon, Milan Simek
- titre
- Sub-nanosecond delays of light emitted by streamer in atmospheric pressure air: Analysis of N2(C3Piu) and N2+(B2Sigmau+) emissions and fundamental streamer structure
- article
- Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 117, pp.073302. ⟨10.1063/1.4913215⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- A. Bourdon, Julien Annaloro, A. Bultel, Mario Capitelli, Gianpierro Colonna, Aurélien Guy, Thierry E. Magin, Alessandro Munafo, M.Y. Perrin, L.D. Pietanza
- titre
- Reduction of State-to-State to Macroscopic Models for Hypersonics
- article
- Open Plasma Physics Journal, 2014, 7 (1), pp.60 - 75. ⟨10.2174/1876534301407010060⟩
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- auteur
- Olivier Chanrion, Zdenek Bonaventura, D Çinar, A. Bourdon, Torsten Neubert
- titre
- Runaway electrons from a ‘beam-bulk’ model of streamer: application to TGFs
- article
- Environmental Research Letters, 2014, 9 (5), ⟨10.1088/1748-9326/9/5/055003⟩
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- auteur
- Jaroslav Jansky, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Simulation of two counter-propagating helium discharges at atmospheric pressure
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2014, 23 (2), ⟨10.1088/0963-0252/23/2/025001⟩
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- auteur
- D.A. Lacoste, Anne Bourdon, Koichi Kuribara, Keiichiro Urabe, Sven Stauss, Kazuo Terashima
- titre
- Pure airplasma bullets propagating inside microcapillaries and in ambient air
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2014, 23, pp.062006. ⟨10.1088/0963-0252/23/6/062006⟩
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- auteur
- Francois Pechereau, Pierre Le Delliou, Jaroslav Jansky, Pierre Tardiveau, Stéphane Pasquiers, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Large Conical Discharge Structure of an Air Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure in a Point-to-Plane Geometry
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2014, 42 (10), pp.2346 - 2347. ⟨10.1109/TPS.2014.2309981⟩
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- auteur
- Fabien Tholin, Deanna Lacoste, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Influence of fast-heating processes and O atom production by a nanosecond spark discharge on the ignition of a lean –air premixed flame
- article
- Combustion and Flame, 2014, 161 (5), pp.1235 - 1246. ⟨10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.11.007⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- auteur
- Fabien Tholin, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Influence of the external electrical circuit on the regimes of a nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharge in air at atmospheric pressure
- article
- Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2014, 57 (1), ⟨10.1088/0741-3335/57/1/014016⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Martin Füllekrug, Declan Diver, Jean-Louis Pinçon, A. D.R. Phelps, Anne Bourdon, Christiane Helling, Elisabeth Blanc, F. Honary, R Giles Harison, Jean-André Sauvaud, Jean-Baptiste Renard, Mark Lester, Michael Rycroft, Mike Kosch, R. B. Horne, Serge Soula, Stéphane Gaffet
- titre
- Energetic Charged Particles Above Thunderclouds
- article
- Surveys in Geophysics, 2013, 34 (1), pp.1-41. ⟨10.1007/s10712-012-9205-z⟩
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- auteur
- Aurélien Guy, Anne Bourdon, Marie-Yvonne Perrin
- titre
- Consistent multi-internal-temperatures models for nonequilibrium nozzle flows
- article
- Chemical Physics, 2013, 420 (11), pp.15-24. ⟨10.1016/j.chemphys.2013.04.018⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- auteur
- Fabien Tholin, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Simulation of the hydrodynamic expansion following a nanosecond pulsed spark discharge in air at atmospheric pressure
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2013, 46 (36), pp.365205. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/46/36/365205⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- auteur
- Fabien Tholin, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Simulation of the stable 'quasi-periodic' glow regime of a nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharge in air at atmospheric pressure
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2013, 22, pp.045104. ⟨10.1088/0963-0252/22/4/045014⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Zdenek Bonaventura, Max Duarte, Anne Bourdon, Marc Massot
- titre
- Derivation of a merging condition for two interacting streamers in air
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2012, 21 (052001), pp.1-5. ⟨10.1088/0963-0252/21/5/052001⟩
- Accès au texte intégral et bibtex
- auteur
- Max Duarte, Zdenek Bonaventura, Marc Massot, Anne Bourdon, Stéphane Descombes, Thierry Dumont
- titre
- A new numerical strategy with space-time adaptivity and error control for multi-scale streamer discharge simulations
- article
- Journal of Computational Physics, 2012, 231 (3), pp.1002-1019. ⟨10.1016/j.jcp.2011.07.002⟩
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- auteur
- Jaroslav Jánský, Q.T. Algwari, Deborah O'Connell, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Experimental - modeling study of an atmospheric pressure helium discharge propagating in a thin dielectric tube
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2012, 40 (11), pp.2912. ⟨10.1109/TPS.2012.2209129⟩
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- auteur
- Thierry E. Magin, Marco Panesi, Anne Bourdon, Richard L. Jaffe, David W. Schwenke
- titre
- Coarse-grain model for internal energy excitation and dissociation of molecular nitrogen
- article
- Chemical Physics, 2012, 398, pp.90-95. ⟨10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.10.009⟩
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- auteur
- Alessandro Munafo, Marco Panesi, Richard L. Jaffe, Gianpiero Colonna, Anne Bourdon, Thierry E. Magin
- titre
- QCT-based vibrational collisional models applied to nonequilibrium nozzle flows
- article
- The European Physical Journal D : Atomic, molecular, optical and plasma physics, 2012, 66 (7), pp.188. ⟨10.1140/epjd/e2012-30079-3⟩
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- auteur
- Francois Pechereau, Jaroslav Jansky, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Simulation of the reignition of a discharge behind a dielectric layer in air at atmospheric pressure
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2012, 21, pp.055011. ⟨10.1088/0963-0252/21/5/055011⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Zdenek Bonaventura, Anne Bourdon, Sébastien Célestin, Victor Pasko
- titre
- Electric field determination in streamer discharges in air at atmospheric pressure
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2011, 20, pp.035012. ⟨10.1088/0963-0252/20/3/035012⟩
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- auteur
- J. Jánský, A. Bourdon
- titre
- Surface charge deposition inside a capillary glass tube by an atmospheric pressure discharge in air
- article
- European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2011, 55 (1), pp.13810. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2011100504⟩
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- auteur
- Jaroslav Jansky, Pierre Le Delliou, Fabien Tholin, P. Tardiveau, Anne Bourdon, S. Pasquiers
- titre
- Experimental and numerical study of the propagation of a discharge in a capillary tube in air at atmospheric pressure
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2011, 44, pp.335201. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/44/33/335201⟩
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- auteur
- Jaroslav Jansky, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Simulation of helium discharge ignition and dynamics in thin tubes at atmospheric pressure
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99, pp.161504. ⟨10.1063/1.3655199⟩
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- auteur
- Jaroslav Jansky, Pierre Le Delliou, Fabien Tholin, Zdenek Bonaventura, P. Tardiveau, Anne Bourdon, S. Pasquiers
- titre
- Propagation of an Air Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure in a Capillary Glass Tube: Influence of the Tube Radius on the Discharge Structure
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2011, 39 (11), pp.2106-2107. ⟨10.1109/TPS.2011.2160561⟩
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- auteur
- Marco Panesi, Thierry Magin, Anne Bourdon, Arnaud Bultel, Olivier Chazot
- titre
- Electronic Excitation of Atoms and Molecules for the FIRE II Flight Experiment
- article
- Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2011, 25 (3), pp.361. ⟨10.2514/1.50033⟩
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- auteur
- Fabien Tholin, Diane L. Rusterholtz, Deanna Lacoste, David Z. Pai, Sébastien Célestin, Julien Jarrige, Gabi D. Stancu, Anne Bourdon, C. Laux
- titre
- Images of a Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Glow Discharge Between Two Point Electrodes in Air at 300 K and at Atmospheric Pressure
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2011, 39 (11), pp.2254-2255. ⟨10.1109/TPS.2011.2158855⟩
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- auteur
- Fabien Tholin, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Influence of temperature on the glow regime of a discharge in air at atmospheric pressure between two point electrodes
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2011, 44, pp.385203. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/44/38/385203⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Anne Bourdon, Zdenek Bonaventura, Sébastien Celestin
- titre
- Influence of the pre-ionization background and simulation of the optical emission of a streamer discharge in preheated air at atmospheric pressure between two point electrodes
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2010, 19 (3), pp.034012. ⟨10.1088/0963-0252/19/3/034012⟩
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- auteur
- Jaroslav Jánsky, Fabien Tholin, Zdeněk Bonaventura, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Simulation of the discharge propagation in a capillary tube in air at atmospheric pressure
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2010, 43 (39), pp.395201. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/43/39/395201⟩
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- auteur
- Jérémy Riousset, Victor Pasko, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Air‐density‐dependent model for analysis of air heating associated with streamers, leaders, and transient luminous events
- article
- Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics, 2010, 115, pp.A12321. ⟨10.1029/2010JA015918⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Sébastien Célestin, Zdenek Bonaventura, Barbar Zeghondy, Anne Bourdon, Pierre Ségur
- titre
- The use of the ghost fluid method for Poisson's equation to simulate streamer propagation in point-to-plane and point-to-point geometries
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2009, 42, pp.065203. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/42/6/065203⟩
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- auteur
- Sébastien Célestin, Zdenek Bonaventura, Olivier Guaitella, Antoine Rousseau, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Influence of surface charges on the structure of a dielectric barrier discharge in air at atmospheric pressure: experiment and modeling
- article
- European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2009, 47, pp.22810. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2009078⟩
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- auteur
- Emmanuel Marode, D. Djermoune, Philippe Dessante, C. Deniset, Pierre Ségur, F. Bastien, Anne Bourdon, C. Laux
- titre
- Physics and applications of atmospheric non-thermal air plasma with reference to environment
- article
- Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2009, 51, pp.124002. ⟨10.1088/0741-3335/51/12/124002⟩
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- auteur
- Marco Panesi, Thierry Magin, Anne Bourdon, Arnaud Bultel, Olivier Chazot
- titre
- Fire II Flight Experiment Analysis by Means of a Collisional-Radiative Model
- article
- Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2009, 23 (2), pp.236-248. ⟨10.2514/1.39034⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Anne Bourdon, Arnaud Bultel
- titre
- Numerical simulation of stagnation line nonequilibrium air flows for re-entry applications
- article
- Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2008, 22 (2), pp.168-177. ⟨10.2514/1.33144⟩
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- auteur
- Julien Capeillère, Pierre Ségur, Anne Bourdon, Sébastien Célestin, Sergey V. Pancheshnyi
- titre
- The finite volume method solution of the radiative transfer equation for photon transport in non-thermal gas discharges: application to the calculation of photoionization in streamer discharges
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2008, 41, pp.234018. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/41/23/234018⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- auteur
- Sébastien Célestin, G. Canes-Boussard, Olivier Guaitella, Anne Bourdon, Antoine Rousseau
- titre
- Influence of the charges deposition on the spatio-temporal self-organization of streamers in a DBD
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2008, 41 (20), pp.205214. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/41/20/205214⟩
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- auteur
- Ningyu Liu, Sébastien Célestin, Anne Bourdon, Victor Pasko, Pierre Ségur, Emmanuel Marode
- titre
- Photoionization and Optical Emission Effects of Positive Streamers in Air at Ground Pressure
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2008, 36 (4), pp.942-943. ⟨10.1109/TPS.2008.927088⟩
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- auteur
- Sergey V. Pancheshnyi, Pierre Ségur, Julien Capeillère, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Numerical simulation of filamentary discharges with parallel adaptive mesh refinement
- article
- Journal of Computational Physics, 2008, 227 (13), pp.6574-6590. ⟨10.1016/j.jcp.2008.03.020⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Delphine Bessières, Jean H. Paillol, Anne Bourdon, Pierre Ségur, Emmanuel Marode
- titre
- A new one-dimensional moving mesh method applied to the simulation of streamer discharges
- article
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2007, 40, pp.6559-6570. ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/40/21/016⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- auteur
- Anne Bourdon, Victor Pasko, Ningyu Y. Liu, Sébastien Célestin, Pierre Ségur, Emmanuel Marode
- titre
- Efficient models for photoionization produced by non-thermal gas
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2007, 16, pp.656-678. ⟨10.1088/0963-0252/16/3/026⟩
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- auteur
- Ningyu Y. Liu, Sébastien Célestin, Victor Pasko, Anne Bourdon, Pierre Ségur, Emmanuel Marode
- titre
- Application of photoionization models based on radiative transfer and the Helmholtz equations to studies of streamers in weak electric fields
- article
- Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91, pp.211501. ⟨10.1063/1.2816906⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Arnaud Bultel, Bruno G. Chéron, Anne Bourdon, O. Motapon, Ioan F. Schneider
- titre
- Collisional-radiative model in air for earth re-entry problems
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 2006, 13, pp.043502. ⟨10.1063/1.2194827⟩
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- auteur
- Lise Caillault, L. Walpot, Thierry E. Magin, Anne Bourdon, C. Laux
- titre
- Radiative heating predictions for Huygens entry
- article
- Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2006, 111, pp.No. E09S90
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- auteur
- Thierry E. Magin, Lise Caillault, Anne Bourdon, C. Laux
- titre
- Nonequilibrium radiative heat flux modeling for the Huygens entry probe
- article
- Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2006, 111, pp.Art. No. E07S12
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- auteur
- Sergey V. Pancheshnyi, Deanna Lacoste, Anne Bourdon, C. Laux
- titre
- Ignition of propane-air mixtures by a repetitively pulsed nanosecond discharge
- article
- IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2006, 34, pp.2478-2487. ⟨10.1109/TPS.2006.876421⟩
- Accès au bibtex
- auteur
- Pierre Ségur, Anne Bourdon, E. Marode, Delphine Bessières, Jean H. Paillol
- titre
- The use of an improved Eddington approximation to facilitate the calculation of photoionization in streamer discharges
- article
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2006, 15 (4), pp.648-660. ⟨10.1088/0963-0252/15/4/009⟩
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- auteur
- Olivier Witasse, Jean-Pierre Lebreton, Michael K. Bird, Robindro Dutta-Roy, William M. Folkner, Robert A. Preston, Sami W. Asmar, Leonid I. Gurvits, Sergei V. Pogrebenko, Ian M. Avruch, Robert M. Campbell, Hayley E. Bignall, Michael A. Garrett, Huib Jan van Langevelde, Stephen M. Parsley, Cormac Reynolds, Arpad Szomoru, John E. Reynolds, Chris J. Phililips, Robert J. Sault, Anastasios K. Tzioumis, Frank Ghigo, Glen Langston, Walter Brisken, Jonathan D. Rommey, Ari Mujunen, Jouko Ritakari, Steven J. Tingay, Richard G. Dodson, C. G. M. Van'T Klooster, Thierry Blancquaert, A. Coustenis, Eric Gendron, Bruno Sicardy, Mathieu Hirtzig, David Luz, Alberto Negrao, T. Kostiuk, T.A. Livengood, M. Hartung, I. de Pater, M. Adamkovics, R. D. Lorenz, H. Roe, E. Schaller, M. Brown, A.H. Bouchez, C.A. Trujillo, B.J. Buratti, Lise Caillault, Thierry E. Magin, Anne Bourdon, C. Laux
- titre
- Overview of the coordinated ground-based observations of Titan during the Huygens mission
- article
- Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2006, 111, pp.12. ⟨10.1029/2005JE002640⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Anne Bourdon, Guillaume Rymer, Roland Wanker
- titre
- Optimization of a 5-step Kinetic Scheme for HCCI Applications
- article
- SAE Technical Paper, 2005, 3, pp.357-366. ⟨10.4271/2004-01-0559⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Arnaud Bultel, Christophe Letellier, Anne Bourdon
- titre
- Dynamical analysis of a helium glow discharge. I - A model
- article
- Physics Letters A, 2004, 323 (3-4), pp.267-277. ⟨10.1016/j.physleta.2004.01.067⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Arnaud Bultel, Bruno van Ootegem, Anne Bourdon, Pierre Vervisch
- titre
- Influence of Ar2(+) in an argon collisional-radiative model
- article
- Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2002, 65 (4), pp.16. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.65.046406⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Anne Bourdon, P. Vervisch
- titre
- Analytical models for electron-vibration coupling in nitrogen plasma flows
- article
- Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2000, 14 (4), pp.489-495. ⟨10.2514/2.6571⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- A. Bourdon, A. Leroux, Pascale Domingo, P. Vervisch
- titre
- Experiment-Modeling Comparison in a Nonequilibrium Supersonic Air Nozzle Flow
- article
- Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 1999, 13 (1), pp.68-75. ⟨10.2514/2.6402⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- A. Bourdon, Y. Térésiak, P. Vervisch
- titre
- Ionization and recombination rates of atomic oxygen in high-temperature air plasma flows
- article
- Physical Review E , 1998, 57 (4), pp.4684-4692. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.57.4684⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- A. Bourdon, P. Vervisch
- titre
- Study of a low-pressure nitrogen plasma boundary layer over a metallic plate
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 1997, 4 (11), pp.4144-4157. ⟨10.1063/1.872535⟩
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- auteur
- A. Bourdon, P. Vervisch
- titre
- Electron-vibration energy exchange models in nitrogen plasma flows
- article
- Physical Review E , 1997, 55 (4), pp.4634-4641. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.55.4634⟩
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Journal articles
- auteur
- A. Bourdon, Pierre Vervisch
- titre
- Three-body recombination rate of atomic nitrogen in low pressure plasma flows
- article
- Physical Review E , 1996
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Journal articles
- auteur
- Pascale Domingo, A. Bourdon, P. Vervisch
- titre
- Study of a low pressure nitrogen plasma jet
- article
- Physics of Plasmas, 1995, 2 (7), pp.2853-2862
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