Conference papers
- titre
- Test of GNSS Receiver Behavior in Presence of Multiple Correlation Peaks Induced by Evil Waveform
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi, Paul Thevenon, Christophe Macabiau, Jaron Samson
- article
- 34th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2021), Sep 2021, St. Louis, United States. pp.4183-4197, ⟨10.33012/2021.18088⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Signal Deformation Fault Monitors for Dual-Frequency GBAS
- auteur
- Junesol Song, Carl Milner, Ikhlas Selmi
- article
- Navigation, 2020, ⟨10.1002/navi.360⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Test of the filter design effect on Evil Waveform monitoring in SBAS for Galileo E1 and E5a signals
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi, Paul Thevenon, Christophe Macabiau, Olivier Julien, Mikaël Mabilleau, Jaron Samson
- article
- ION GNSS+ 2020, 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Sep 2020, Virtual event, United States. pp 2398 - 2415, ⟨10.33012/2020.17657⟩
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- titre
- Signal Quality Monitoring Algorithm Applied to Galileo Signals for Large Evil Waveform Threat Space
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi, Paul Thevenon, Christophe Macabiau, Mikaël Mabilleau
- article
- ITM 2020, International Technical Meeting, Jan 2020, San Diego, United States. ⟨10.33012/2020.17149⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Assessment of Dual-frequency Signal Quality Monitor to Support CAT II/III GBAS
- auteur
- Junesol Song, Carl Milner, Ikhlas Selmi, Sara Bouterfas, Olivier Julien
- article
- ION GNSS+ 2019, 32nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Sep 2019, Miami, United States. pp.508-519, ⟨10.33012/2019.16864⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Additional SQM metrics for generic TM detection
- auteur
- Jean-Baptiste Pagot, Olivier Julien, Ikhlas Selmi
- article
- ICL-GNSS 2017 International Conference on Localization and GNSS, Jun 2017, Nottingham, United Kingdom. pp.ISBN: 978-1-5386-2218-6, ⟨10.1109/ICL-GNSS.2017.8376249⟩
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- titre
- Extension of EWF Threat Model and Associated SQM
- auteur
- Olivier Julien, Ikhlas Selmi, Jean-Baptiste Pagot, Francisco Amarillo-Fernandez
- article
- ITM 2017, ION International Technical Meeting, ION, Jan 2017, Monterey, United States. pp.492-507, ⟨10.33012/2017.14873⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- A probabilistic underwater hyperbolic location system in low depth environment
- auteur
- F. Beaubois, Serge Reboul, Ikhlas Selmi, J. Choquel, Jean-Charles Noyer
- article
- OCEANS 2016 - Shanghai, Apr 2016, Shanghai, France. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/OCEANSAP.2016.7485465⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Acoustic echo path delay estimation by means of a BOC-BPSK correlation method
- auteur
- F. Beaubois, Ikhlas Selmi, Jean Bernard Choquel, Jean-Charles Noyer, Serge Reboul
- article
- 2015 IEEE Sensors, Nov 2015, Busan, France. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/ICSENS.2015.7370445⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Indoor positioning with GPS and GLONASS-like signals use of new codes and a repealite-based infrastructure in a typical museum building
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi, Nel Samama
- article
- Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, 2014, 69 (11), pp.641 - 655. ⟨10.1007/s12243-014-0422-y⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- GNSS-based calibration of the infrastructure of the repealite indoor positioning system
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi, Alexandre Vervisch-Picois, Yaneck Gottesman, Nel Samama
- article
- IPIN 2013 : International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Oct 2013, Montbéliard-Belfort, France. pp.1 - 7, ⟨10.1109/IPIN.2013.6817848⟩
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- titre
- Design of new codes for reducing interference between GNSS-Like signals transmitted indoors
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi, Alexandre Vervisch-Picois, Nel Samama
- article
- IPIN 2013 : International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Oct 2013, Montbéliard-Belfort, France. pp.1 - 9, ⟨10.1109/IPIN.2013.6817850⟩
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- titre
- A new approach for decimeter accurate GNSS indoor positioning using carrier phase measurements
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi, Nel Samama, Alexandre Vervisch-Picois
- article
- IPIN 2013 : International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Oct 2013, Montbéliard-Belfort, France. pp.1 - 6, ⟨10.1109/IPIN.2013.6817859⟩
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- titre
- Positioning results of the repealite based indoor positioning system in a small room
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi, Alexandre Vervisch-Picois
- article
- JETSAN 2013 : Journées d'étude sur la Télésanté, May 2013, Fontainebleau, France
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- titre
- Optimizing the infrastructure of the GNSS transmitter based indoor positioning system
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi
- article
- Réseaux et télécommunications [cs.NI]. Institut National des Télécommunications, 2013. Français. ⟨NNT : 2013TELE0024⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Experimental positioning results of the repealite based indoor positioning system : preliminary 2D results
- auteur
- Alexandre Vervisch-Picois, Ikhlas Selmi, Francois Delavault, Yaneck Gottesman, Nel Samama
- article
- IPIN '12 : International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Nov 2012, Sydney, Australia
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- titre
- Optical and radio calibration of the repealite based indoor positioning system
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi, Alexandre Vervisch-Picois, Yaneck Gottesman, Nel Samama
- article
- IPIN '12 : International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Nov 2012, Sydney, Australia. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/IPIN.2012.6418906⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Optimal Codes for GNSS-like Signals for Indoor Positioning
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi, Nel Samama
- article
- European Navigation Conference 2011, Nov 2011, London, United Kingdom. pp.ENC2011 - Day 1, Stream A/C
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- titre
- Time delayed transmitter based indoor positioning system A simple electronic and optical architecture for signal generation
- auteur
- Ikhlas Selmi, Yaneck Gottesman, Francois Delavault, Alexandre Vervisch-Picois, Nel Samama
- article
- European Navigation Conference 2011, Nov 2011, London, United Kingdom. pp.ENC2011 - Day 1, Stream A/C
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Conference papers
- titre
- Current Status of the Repealite Based Approch
- auteur
- Alexandre Vervisch-Picois, Ikhlas Selmi, Yaneck Gottesman, Nel Samama
- article
- NAVITEC 2010, Dec 2010, Noordwijk, Netherlands. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/NAVITEC.2010.5707994⟩
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